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14.-16.06.24 • Flashback-Symposium #01 • Plauen-Jößnitz (Germany)
28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
29.-30.06.24 • Kickstart 02 • Nottingham (England)
17.08.24 • ZZAP! Live 2024 • Kenilwort (England)


Action adventure: June update of "Castlevania AGA"
Dante Mendes has released an update for his conversion of Konami's NES action adventure Castlevania, originally called "Akumajou Dracula" ( reported). This now features a "proper" Simon Belmont, who was created especially for this version. There is now also a menu with a jukebox function, which allows you to listen to the different music. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 10:45] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 01.06.2024
The following files have been added until 01.06.2024 to Aminet:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 01.06.2024
The following files have been added until 01.06.2024 to OS4Depot:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 01.06.2024
The following files have been added until 01.06.2024 to AROS Archives:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 01.06.2024
The following files have been added until 01.06.2024 to MorphOS-Storage:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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02.Jun.2024 (forum)

Programming competition: AmiGameJam 2024 launched
Following the 2022/2023 competition on the topic of "Sword and Sorcery", the next AmiGameJam has now been launched. In this year's edition, the task for the game programmers is: "The Sequel That Never Was". If you want to take part, you have to submit a sequel to a game from the old Amiga days to the organizers by December 1st at the latest.

The participants will as usual be divided into the two categories "OCS/AGA" and "RTG/Vampire/AmigaOS 4/MorphOS/AROS", and voting will again be carried out by both the community and a group of celebrity judges. The judges and prizes will be announced later. (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Full version of Insanity Fight online
In the download area of Amiga Future the full version of the game Insanity Fight has been published, including data disk, construction set, manual and source code. (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

German Amiga Podcast: Issue 18
Issue 18 of the "German Amiga Podcasts" (GAP) reports from the Amiga Ruhrpott Convention event (ARC) 2024, which took place on May 25 in Duisburg, Germany. (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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Paulee Bow (ANF)

Music: CD "Bleakwave" by Vogue Renege announced
As part of the "Kickstart 02" event in Nottingham on June 29/30, also Vogue Renege alias Paulee Alex Bow will be performing. The new CD "Bleakwave" is to be released there, and international sales as a physical and digital product will start a few days later.
more ... (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Emulator: Activity monitors and DMA bus visualisation for vAmigaWeb
vAmigaWeb is an Amiga emulator for the web browser or a Progressive Web App (PWA) based on the Amiga emulator vAmiga for MacOS.

In this update, the developer 'mithendal' has added an activity or load display for the individual Amiga chips Blitter, Copper and Paula and the CPU. This means that you can now see which games use certain Amiga coprocessors or chips in particular. In addition, pens such as the Apple Pencil are now supported. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 06:47] [Comments: 0]
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Open source project: IDE driver lide.device 40.7 (update)
The open source project lide.device provides a new IDE driver for the Amiga, which offers some improvements ( reported). Now version 40.6 was released:
  • SCSI-2 Emulation - Fixes compatibility with ACDPlay, OptyCDPlay, OS 3.9 PlayCD etc
  • Support masterless slave devices
  • Fixup channel detection on Dicke Olga Accelerator
  • Various ATAPI bug fixes and performance improvements
Update: (13:50, 02.06.24, dr)
Version 40.7 has just been released and is strongly recommended for all users of the previous version 40.6. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 06:34] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Review of Amiga 2000 accelerator board "Dicke Olga"
"Dicke Olga" is a 68030 turbo card for the Amiga 2000 and a hobbyist project. The YouTube channel "Retronaut" has now taken a look at the card under the title link. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 06:22] [Comments: 0]
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Spadoni Carlo (ANF)

AROS distribution: AROS One 2.5 (x86)
The "AROS One" distribution, which is based on the AROS binary interface ABI v0 (screenshot), is now available in version 2.5 for x86 computers. It can be downloaded as a DVD ISO file (1.7 GB) or as a USB flash image (3.7 GB) under the title link, where you will also find video recordings (don't be confused by the old title, the download links on the page below the screenshot are correct). The VHD image can be used as a hard drive in virtual machines such as VMware, VirtualBox and QEmu. more ... (nba)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2024, 17:26] [Comments: 0]
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Jérôme Senay (Mail)

Print magazine: Boing #8 (French)
"Boing" is a French print magazine by Boing Attitude (e.g. Dir Me Up and Word Me Up XXL) for all Amiga systems on 52 A4 color pages.

The eighth issue includes a big article about MicroProse, the publisher of Civilisation, an interview with Frédéric Cordier, the author of AMOS Pro Unity, and numerous game reviews. (dr)

[News message: 31. May. 2024, 23:33] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Review of May 2024
In his blog, Andrzej 'retrofaza' Subocz has published a summary of AROS/x86 news for the month of May at the title link. (dr)

[News message: 30. May. 2024, 22:50] [Comments: 0]
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30.May.2024 (Forum)

Video: Interview with Eric Chahi (Another World)
At the title link Adrian Wallett of "Arcade Attack Retro Gaming Network" did an interview with Eric Chahi, the programmer and graphic artist of the game "Another World". (snx)

[News message: 30. May. 2024, 20:56] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Adventure: Geo's Quest - Gateway to Nowhere
As a sequel to "Geo's Quest: In Search of Queen Lorraine" in "Gateway to Nowhere", the hero, George Angus, is faced with the problem that Queen Lorraine, who was rescued from The Gates of Bill, has been lost by the Knights of Escom, to whom she was entrusted. George is assisted by Dave Haynie in the second rescue of the queen. The fifth chapter then follows (loosely) his path after the end of Commodore (Pios, MetaBox, Merlancia, Fortele). (snx)

[News message: 30. May. 2024, 09:37] [Comments: 0]
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Reverse Engineering: Aira Force 0.6.1 for Windows, Linux and macOS
"Aira Force" is a tool for reverse engineering Amiga 680x0 software. It allows binaries to be disassembled and investigated (preview video).

The primary goal of this project is to provide a graphical user interface on top of the excellent ira reassembler to accelerate the workflow.

Aira Force implements reassembly using the ira disassembler and the vasm assembler. Ira transforms the source executable or raw binary into assembly language source code, then vasm assembles the source code. The output binary should be identical (or equivalent) to the input binary.

This process allows the user to analyse and annotate the source code efficiently, before make any required changes to the generated disassembly and building a patched binary. It may be useful for fixing bugs, adding features, optimising the code, or academic software archeology. Features:
  • Disassemble Amiga executables (hunk Load Modules)
  • Disassemble raw Amiga binaries, e.g. bootblocks, non-DOS programs
  • Interactively convert disassembly to code, data or text
  • Rename and add labels
  • Add comments and banners
  • Define pointers and equates
  • Efficient code navigation
  • Tools to search for potential pointers, equates and code
  • Live Analysis using 68000 emulator to aid understanding
  • In-built Amiga documentation (custom chipset, OS)
  • Menu and keyboard driven UI
  • Runs on Windows, Linux and macOS (sorry, no Amiga version)
  • Hex viewer
  • Reassemble disassembled code and compare against source
  • Dockable windows and multi-viewports (native OS windows) with Dear ImGui
The tool is currently pre-ALPHA and not all features are implemented yet. (dr)

[News message: 29. May. 2024, 22:02] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel (ANF)

Audio: Prelude Software Bundle V4.1 now available
The updated software bundle (V4.1) for the Prelude sound card family (and derivatives) includes the prelude.library, the mixer and the MHI driver for the Amiblaster. more ... (nba)

[News message: 28. May. 2024, 10:37] [Comments: 0]
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Crowdfunding for new card game Amiga Trumps
Following the motto "Let's keep Amiga gaming alive... in card game form!", the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for the new card game "Amiga Trumps" has been successfully launched. The funding goal of ¤ 1,762 has already been reached, but the campaign will continue until 23 July 2024. more ... (nba)

[News message: 28. May. 2024, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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Demoparty: Results of "68k Inside"
The "68k Inside" demoparty took place in Finland last weekend. Among other things, competitions in the "Intro" and "Demo" categories took place there. The organisers have now published the results lists. Amiga productions also made it to the top places: more ... (dr)

[News message: 27. May. 2024, 14:47] [Comments: 1 - 02. Jun. 2024, 09:00]
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George Sokianos (ko-fi)

AmigaOS 4: Code analysis with Cpppcheck V2.14r1
Im September 2022, George 'walkero' Sokianos made an AmigaOS 4 port of Cppcheck, a static code analysis tool for the C and C++ programming languages, available for the first time. The tool is designed to be able to analyze your C/C++ code even if it has non-standard syntax common in embedded projects. The latest official version 2.14 has now been ported (release notes). (dr)

[News message: 27. May. 2024, 11:49] [Comments: 0]
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