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Creative Development (Website)

Status Bericht zur Entwicklung von UltraBUS
Massimo Mancini, Inhaber von Creative Development, meldet sich nach einer längeren Funkstille mit einem Status Report zur Entwicklung von UltraBUS zurück.

Der Zorro-II-basierte USB-Controller konnte in den letzten drei Monaten aufgrund eines Hardware-Schadens nur eingeschränkt weiterentwickelt werden. Die Entwicklung am Projekt wird nach erfolgter Reparatur der defekten Cyberstorm-MK3-Karte nun jedoch wieder 100% fortgesetzt, und es konnten binnen kurzer Zeit deutliche Fortschritte in Bezug auf Eingabegeräte, Schnittstellenadapter und Stackoptimierungen verzeichnet werden. Die Hardware selbst steht mittlerweile kurz vor der Serienfertigung und wurde erneut in gewissen technischen Details verbessert. Nähere Informationen hierzu und ein komplettes Update der gesamten Homepage von Creative Development sollen schon bald folgen. (nba)

[Meldung: 19. Jun. 2003, 23:02] [Kommentare: 37 - 20. Jun. 2003, 17:18]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

MorphOS: Mögliches neues Spieleprojekt - Trojanisches Pferd für den Mac?
Genesi trägt sich mit dem Gedanken, ein neues Spiel zu entwickeln. Dieses ist angedacht in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Produzenten Elie Chouraqui. Möglich wäre es dann, dieses Spiel 2004 als Trojanisches Pferd für die Macintosh-Version von MorphOS zu nutzen.

Interessenten an einer Mitarbeit wenden sich bitte an Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco.

Im Folgenden die beiden Original-Mitteilungen von Raquel Velasco und Bill Buck in der MorphZone:



If you have been in Paris the last few days you would have probably seen THIS! It is being produced and directed by Elie Chouraqui. His last film of international renown was Harrison's Flowers (2000).

Last night we had dinner with Elie (thanks to some very good friends of ours). We discussed his latest projects, including "Gladiateur", which is based on the Roman slave uprising lead by Spartacus.

When Raquel and I heard the story line we started to think we might had found our Morph-Apple "Trojan Horse" game.

We told Elie about MorphOS and the Pegasos, contrasting MorphOS and Genesi with Windows and Microsoft...could the Pegasos be the computer gladiator of the 21st Century?! Could the Pegasos inspire another Revolution?! We said OK, let's figure out whether or not we can do it...

Release date: 1 October 2004
MorphOS/Pegasos and Morph-Apple releases
We will invest for this Project! Here are some basic ideas:

1. Themes: Freedom, personal empowerment, responsibility, leadership, teamwork, good vs. evil, changing the world...

2. When a Gladiator (single player) overcomes the challenges of the arena (the CD itself), they qualify to step into the online world and join forces with others who have overcome the arena to fight on for the Revolution (online via the rebellion portal).

Online players hold roles and work together to overcome specific task oriented challenges. Imagine this... You play the CD or through the settings assume an old connect. Online you meet those that are there... you "chat" and plan to overcome the various tasks and requirements.

For example:

Task: Mount Vesuvius
Requirements: Ten Gladiators
Objective: Overcome a Roman Centuria (100 men lead by a Centurion)

The team has to cooperate to be successful and have a strategy for success. Think of Knights and Merchants...

The game and story scale from there. The historical setting is accurate. The greatest success occurs when the most online players cooperate. Game sequences can be re-lived to analyze and improve group game performance. The game takes a quality of its own based on the teamwork and unique skills and resources of the players...

Post feedback here please! Pegasos! Raquel and Bill


Just spoke with Thomas Steiding (, who would be the Project Manager for the effort if we can pull the right people and agreements together. As some know e.p.i.c. is soon to release Northland that could be tuned for the theme we are discussing. We would have to go from vikings to gladiators, but it is not too much of a stretch if the right engine is there and we can get Andre to do some new artwork...

If you are interested send us or Thomas an email.

This could be fun!

Raquel and Bill (nba)

[Meldung: 19. Jun. 2003, 22:47] [Kommentare: 108 - 23. Jun. 2003, 22:17]
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Bjorn Lynne (E-Mail)

Musik: Bjorn Lynne - Under The Bard's Tree
Bjorn Lynne vom CD-Label LynneMusic freut sich, die Veröffentlichung der neuen Audio-CD "Under The Bard's Tree" bekannt geben zu dürfen. Lesen Sie im Anschluss die Original-Meldung:

A new track: "Under The Bard's Tree"
Dear friends...

I have a new music track, just finishexd this week and now available to download in mp3 format: "Under The Bard's Tree":

The track is from my next CD, "Return to Witchwood", which is now 95% ready, and only a few minor adjustments remain. This CD will be my next "big" project and I really can't wait for it to be finished and released. It's been 1 year and 3 months since the release of my previous Bjorn Lynne CD, "Colony".

I made two different mixes of "Under The Bard's Tree", probably only one of them will be used on the CD album, "Return to Witchwood". I haven't fully decided which one. So I've made a kind of "voting" thing on my Message Board where I'd like you to come in and "vote" for the version of the song that you like best. I'm not saying I will definitely choose the most voted for version, but that may at least sway my decision.

So if you would like to listen to both versions of the track, from and then cast your vote for the version that you like best at, that would be helpful. Thanks! (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jun. 2003, 00:08] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mediator-Spider-Promotion-Aktion von Elbox Computer
Elbox Computer, polnischer Entwickler von Hardware für Amiga-Computer, hat eine Promotion-Aktion für alle Anwender angekündigt, die zwischen dem 17. und 30. Juni 2003 ein Mediator PCI-Busboard im Elbox Online Store erwerben. Mit jedem in dieser Zeit verkauften Mediator-Busboard erhält der Käufer eine kostenlose Spider II USB 2.0 Karte. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Store-Website unter dem Titellink und in der englischsprachigen Produktbeschreibung im Folgenden.

About Mediator:
The Mediator PCI busboard line is designed to enable expansion of Amiga computers with a wide range of PCI cards. The following PCI cards are already supported in Mediator busboards: Voodoo5, Voodoo4, Voodoo3, Voodoo Banshee, S3 VirgeDX and S3 Virge PCI graphic cards; Spider USB 2.0 host controller cards; Fast Ethernet 100Mbps and Ethernet 10Mbps PCI network cards; Sound Blaster 4.1 digital, Sound Blaster 128 and ForteMedia FM801-based sound cards; TV tuner cards. The Mediator busboard is a necessary expansion for Amiga computers to employ the power of the latest PowerPC G3/G4 processors, around which SharkPPC and SharkPPC+ cards are based. Mediator busboards are available for the following Amiga models:
  • Amiga 4000T (Mediator PCI 3/4000T)
  • Amiga 4000D (Mediator PCI 4000Di, Mediator PCI 4000D, Mediator PCI 3/4000T)
  • Amiga 3000T (Mediator PCI 3/4000T)
  • Amiga 3000D (Mediator PCI 3000D, Mediator PCI 3/4000T)
  • Amiga 1200 (Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI ZIV, Mediator PCI 3/4000T).
About Spider:
The Spider II USB 2.0 card is a 5-port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 PCI controller. Spider II is the most powerful USB host controller for Amiga computers. The enclosed SpiderCD includes Mediator and Amithlon EHCI (USB 2.0) and OHCI (USB 1.1) drivers for the Poseidon stack. (nba)

[Meldung: 17. Jun. 2003, 10:49] [Kommentare: 24 - 18. Jun. 2003, 19:44]
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