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Bundesweiter MorphOS-Club in Gründung
Unter, registriert auf Sandro Knaup, befindet sich die Gründungsinitiative für einen bundesweiten MorphOS-Club. Alle MorphOS- und Pegasos-interessierten Leser sind eingeladen, bei der Gründung dieses neuen Clubs mitzuwirken.

Einige Aktivitäten des Vereins sind bereits angedacht, jedoch ist bislang nichts beschlossen. Eine satzungsgebende Gründungsversammlung ist für die nächste Messe geplant. Der Club soll als Verein geführt werden und gemeinnützig wirken, wobei angestrebt wird, als solcher anerkannt zu werden. Noch kann also nichts versprochen und geboten werden, trotzdem hofft der Organisator auf rege Mithilfe aus der Userschaft. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Mär. 2003, 17:56] [Kommentare: 15 - 12. Mär. 2003, 23:34]
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AmigaWorld (ANF)

AmigaWorld: Zehn Fragen pro Woche an Fleecy Moss
Der englischsprachige Online-News-Dienst AmigaWorld hat mit Fleecy Moss vereinbart, wöchentlich zehn Fragen zu erörtern. Die erste Staffel finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (Update, 17.03.2012, cg: Meldung um das eigentliche Interview ergänzt, da das ursprüngliche Dokument nicht mehr verfügbar ist):

1) Rebel: "Why SO silent? AInc has been quiet for months at a time, giving the naysayers, and rumour mongers a chance to do more damage, and divide the community even more.".

Fleecy: As my mother used to, and still does say to me 'Don't say anything unless you have something to say.' Keith Blakemore Noble pointed out on ANN that this is what we said we would do when we bought the company in 2000 and then we went back on this pledge. The problem we have, although it is a good problem is that the Amiga has a community and the community wants to know what is going on, more so given the nightmare of the last eight years.

Our initial policy was thus to say nothing until we had news to share. With all the requests we then got for news, it became very difficult for us to keep to our policy. We thus resurrected the Executive Updates but in these we made the mistake of sharing status and progress information and as anyone in business knows, business is a distillation process - 100 leads may lead to 20 contacts which lead to 5 contracts which may, if you are lucky lead to 1 deal.

Even more unfortunate, the deals we were able to announce, the Sharp Zaurus, the Nokia MediaTerminal, the Sendo Z100 were pulled out from under us - the Zaurus for Sharp internal reasons, the MediaTerminal because of the collapse of ITV digital and another Germany company and the Sendo situation is well understood (although there is still hope there of a new deal based upon the unique advantages of the AmigaDE).

So, in terms of news items we haven't done too well.

To add to this (and many will shout and scream about this but it is true), Amiga Inc has been under attack from several groups who have other axes to grind, whether they want an x86 solution, AmigaOS open sourced, protection code and licencing removed from AmigaOS4.0 or want to encourage people to move to another platform whilst claiming it is an Amiga. Of course in a community there is disagreement but in a community that disagreement is either tolerated or the community splits apart. Everything we were saying in public was being taken apart and turned to support whatever was the position of the poster.

In the end, we decided to revert back to our original policy since it became apparent that all anyone really cared about was the release of AmigaOS4.0. This then brought us full circle to the original situation, that when saying nothing, noisemakers will rush to fill the silence. If you don't counteract the rumours then its because they are true and if you do pop up to counteract them then that must be because they are true. The only way to win is to get AmigaOS4.0 out the door and so that is what we are concentrating on at the moment.

Part of the reason for this Q&A; service is to rubbish the claim that we won't talk to the community. We just won't say anything if it isn't 110% guaranteed anymore and that is the way people seem to want it.

2) SlimJim: "It is well known that this first release of AOS4 is mainly aimed for the existing user-base and eventual old Amigans. What is Amiga Inc's (overall) marketing strategy with respect to AmigaOS4 + Aone (once they become available)?".

  • Move the community to new hardware and operating system.
  • Develop audio and 2d/3d productivity architectures with Amiga and non Amiga developers
  • Create applications to take advantage of these architectures to carve out solution markets
  • Support development of applications that round the appeal of the platform - browser, email client, word processor
  • Integrate with the AmigaDE to open access to multiple platform markets, both open and solution based
  • As we build the application base to where it can successfully provide for different roles, we will then push it out into those markets.
In short, there is no point in pushing the Amiga into a market where it is not yet ready to provide an adequate solution or it will die before it takes its first step. To do that we need the hardware, the operating system, the application base and the support services in place.

3) Herewegoagain: "Will they [Amiga Inc.] be negotiating with Microsoft to bring Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Media Player to OS4?".

Fleecy: It is something we have considered but again, as with all the other application developers out there on other platforms, until we can plonk a machine and operating system in front of them, there is little point. The perennial problem, of course is that these companies are busy with their main activities and seeing their product ported to another platform, particularly one as small as the Amiga is not something that they wish to consider. In the end, they will only 'get out of bed' if there is a large market or we provide them with financial incentive.

4) alx: "Assuming everything goes to plan, at what point in the future will Amiga start to advertise the A1/OS (not just to Amigans)?".

Fleecy: I refer you back to question 2 - we will market and advertise when the full solution is ready for those markets. This doesn't mean that there won't be penetration. We have many journalists ready to review and write about the machines. Amiga is a big story to them because the Amiga was such a large part of people's lives in the past. We will have services in place to take advantage of and capture that interest, to make use of it when the conditions are right.

5) reflect: "Maybe I've missed this when I read the featurelist, but I couldn't see ARexx there. Will ARexx still be included, and if so, will it have gotten an overhaul internally or will it 'just' be ported or will it be emulated?"

Fleecy: The ownership issues surround the original ARexx implementation are well known and we have been unable to gain access to the source. The existing 68k ARexx binary will thus be emulated. We are reviewing the entire scripting and application control for both AmigaDE and AmigaOS4 as mentioned later on.

6) unclecurio: "What are AInc doing to attract past developers to produce updated versions of their software? For example, Photogenics has ceased development for AmigaOS but would be a great product to bring back in an updated version.".

Fleecy: We are working in the background but I don't want to go into too much detail as it has become apparent that competitors are approaching the same people and trying to tie them into exclusive deals that would keep their products from AmigaOS4.0. Providing them with a list of who we are approaching, both within the Amiga community and on other platforms would really be doing their work for them. Suffice it to say that we are being as open as we can with all the developers that we have been able to locate still developing for the AmigaOS and with one or two exceptions, they are very receptive to what we have been able to tell them.

7) Eric_Z: "Is currently involved in porting over office apps to AACE or OS4?".

Fleecy: For Amiga Anywhere, we are encouraging development of the applications that our customers are telling us they want, and this is almost always games. However, we do have customers who have requested education and productivity software and we have one of the best calculators ever created on a software platform and a digital picture application that is impressing lots of people. In the end, we encourage and work on whatever is being asked for.

8) mood: "Will there be any Amiga-Anywhere/AmigaDE-player for AmigaOS 4.x?".

Fleecy: We have already stated that we are targeting an AACE player for AmigaOS4.2

9) DaveW: "Is SHEEP the scripting language that looked rather cool available or going to be available this year for Amiga based programmers to get their hands on?".

Fleecy: We are currently reviewing SHEEP in the context of the AmigaDE and AmigaOS4 and looking at how it can be used to bring the two together as both are moved forwards and towards each other.

10) Pig: "Where do you see the company in 5 years, and where do you see AmigaOS at that time?".

Fleecy: I hope that we are on many different types of device and providing a seamless digital enviroment for users irrespective of their hardware. We have a marketing slogan we use, the new WWW, which means Whatever, Wherever, Whenever.

(Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.
Originally available at
You may freely redistribute this article, providing that a URL is provided to the original source, and the copyright notices remain intact) (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Mär. 2003, 16:46] [Kommentare: 30 - 15. Mär. 2003, 04:20]
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Markus Nerding (ANF)

H&P: StormC-Programmierer gesucht
Für die Portierung des Loganalyzers Sawmill auf den Amiga suchen wir einen Programmierer, der sich gut mit StormC bzw. GCC auskennt. Es geht dabei nicht um die Anpassung des Sources, sondern vielmehr um die Anpassung von Bibliotheken, damit der Source auf dem Amiga compiliert werden kann. Die Bezahlung soll in Form einer Umsatzbeteiligung an den Verkäufen der Amigaversion erfolgen. Interessenten wenden sich bitte an Markus Nerding. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Mär. 2003, 13:03] [Kommentare: 37 - 11. Mär. 2003, 10:20]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Sayonara Software Seite wieder online
Spiele wie Hollywood Manager, Flamingo Tours und die Samba Partie-Serie dürften zu den erfolgreichsten Titeln aus dem Hause "Sayonara Software" gehören. Jo Seitz, der Gründer und Entwickler von "Sayonara Software", erteilte der Amiga Arena im letzten Jahr die Genehmigung, seine Spiele dort zum freien Download anzubieten. Diese Spiele sind jetzt nach dem Redesign wieder online! (ps)

[Meldung: 08. Mär. 2003, 19:56] [Kommentare: 0]
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Bernd Roesch (ANF)

Speedtests mit Monzoom
Das Raytracing-Programm Monzoom im Test:
Amiga Version 4.3.78 -Pro
PC Version 4.5.55 -Pro

Szene: Karibik (bei Monzoom Pro beiliegend)

800x 600; Ray 4; Antial. 4; Schatten -An

A1200 __040/25MHz ___________Rechenzeit __59 min 11 sec __(3551 sec)

A4000 __060/50MHz ___________Rechenzeit __20 min 01 sec __(1201 sec)

A1200 __PPC603e/150Mhz ______Rechenzeit __10 min 39 sec __( 639 sec)

A4000 --PPC604e/200MHz ______Rechenzeit __02 min 30 sec __( 150 sec)


WinUAE AMD/2000+ ____________Rechenzeit __01 min 48 sec __( 108 sec)

Amithlon AMD/2000+ (1.6GHz) _Rechenzeit __01 min 09 sec __(  69 sec)

Athlon 1700+ ________________Rechenzeit __00 min 09 sec --(  09 sec)

Athlon 2000+ ________________Rechenzeit __00 min 08 sec __(  08 sec)

Ergänzung mit Pegasos-Wert habe ich versucht, aber (mk) hat meine Mail nicht erhalten (postete er) und er hat nächste Woche keine Zeit, und stressen will ich ihn nicht. Aber um mal Speed-Fakten zu bringen, reicht das schon aus, um jetzt gepostet werden zu können. (ps)

[Meldung: 08. Mär. 2003, 11:25] [Kommentare: 21 - 09. Mär. 2003, 13:16]
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Martin K. (ANF)

GRex-Homepage aktualisiert
Nach einer kurzen Pause wurde am 02. März 2003 die inoffizielle GRex-Homepage aktualisiert. Integriert wurden Informationen zu OpenPCI und es wurde ein kleiner Fanshop eröffnet.

Nachtrag tel. Thomas Dellert:
Aufgrund der Bemerkungen, die in einigen Kommentaren gemacht wurden, könnte der Eindruck entstehen, dass DCE als Hersteller der GRex-PCI-Karte etwas mit dieser Website, dem Shop oder dem dort verwendeten GRex-Logo zu tun haben könnte. Herr Dellert legt ausdrücklich Wert darauf, dass das nicht der Fall ist, und distanziert sich davon. (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Mär. 2003, 16:17] [Kommentare: 14 - 07. Mär. 2003, 21:45]
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Amiga Society

Amiga Society: Weiterer Rückbau der Website
Horst Diebel schreibt:
Heute wurden folgende Bereiche der Homepage gelöscht:
  1. Projekte/Schlachtfeld
  2. SB (geschützter Bereich von Schlachtfeld)
  3. Friedhof
Nummer 2 und 3 dürften den wenigsten etwas sagen. Diese fallen damit nicht ins Gewicht, trotzdem verursachten diese Teile einen relativ großen Speicherbedarf.

Für einige wird das Ende des Schlachtfeldbereichs ein größerer Verlust sein. Ich kann aber alle Befürchtungen ausräumen. Mit dem Ende dieses Bereichs als Bestandteil der Soci ist noch nicht das Ende des Projekts gekommen, auch wenn dringender Bedarf an Programmierern vorhanden wäre. Diese zu finden ist aber mittlerweile - wie auch früher - gar nicht so einfach. (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Mär. 2003, 12:39] [Kommentare: 8 - 10. Mär. 2003, 10:28]
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heise Newsticker (ANF)

heise: Softwarenutzung bei Insolvenzen: Quellcode vertraglich absichern
In der aktuellen Ausgabe 4/2003 rät iX seinen Lesern, für den Fall von Insolvenzen von Software- und anderen IT-Anbietern, sich frühzeitig Gedanken über geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen zu machen. Besonders wichtig sei es, den Quellcode vertraglich abzusichern.
Lesen Sie den kompletten heise-Artikel unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Mär. 2003, 10:11] [Kommentare: 0]
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