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Archiv 'Neue Hard- und Softwareprodukte'

Golem IT-News (Website)

Golem: Mitsumi mit Dualformat-DVD-Brenner
Auch Mitsumi hat nun einen Brenner für beide DVD-Formate angekündigt. Der DVD+/-ReWriter DW-7802TE kann beide DVD-Formate mit bis zu 4facher Geschwindigkeit schreiben und mit bis zu 12facher Geschwindigkeit lesen.

Der DW-7802TE kommt nach Angaben des Herstellers im Juli 2003 auf den europäischen Markt, sein Preis soll bei 299,- Euro liegen.
Lesen Sie den kompletten Golem-Artikel unter dem Titellink. (nba)

[Meldung: 07. Jul. 2003, 13:41] [Kommentare: 14 - 11. Okt. 2004, 18:54]
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Stefan Blixth (E-Mail)

OnyxSoft: Neue und aktualisierte Software
Here comes 1 new release and 4 updates, enjoy!

  • Program: NewWBPattern (Version 1.0)
    Info: This is small tool to change the WB-background on-the-fly.

  • Program: GummiSurf (Version 1.2)
    Info: Now supports the built-in download managers in all Amiga browsers (IBrowse, Voyager & AWeb)
    Can export HTML and plain text-lists.
  • Program: MultiRen (Version 1.54)
    Info: * Added a function to the Adaptor tool so that is possible to control what character the Adaptor should put the lengthener character around when prolonging a filename.
    * Now the filename length also displays the length of the file comment (which cannot be more than 80 characters in AmigaDOS). The format is now <filename_length;comment_length> in the window. Also, the file comment gets /italic/ in the main lister if it exceeds 79 characters.
    * Added the operator %t for use in the text export and file comment generation tools. This stands for tab. Whenever a %t is encountered a tab stop is set there which gets determind by the longest string up to the %t. Many %t's can be used in an export string. This way very nice columnized text files and file comments can be produced!
    * The memo list handling (in the RenPlacer, File Comment and Text Export tools) now saves the memo lists immediately when stored or removed if the checkmark in prefs is set. This makes it easier to not forget to save then when quitting the proram :)
    * Updated the ID3-Tag plugin so that it always returns two digits for the track number. F.ex. 01,02,03...10,11,etc instead of 1,2,3...10,11 which makes it look nicer.
  • Program: QuickSketch (Version 1.01)
    Info: * The move draw area qualifiers Shift and Alt has now been reduced to only work with RightShift and RightAlt.
    * Because move has been restricted to Right Shift and Alt it is now possible to use the LAlt+LAmiga+Cursor to draw a straight line.
    * + More fixes...
  • Program: TheMPegEncGUI (Version 2.3)
    Info: * Now it's possible to import CDDB/ACDB-files automatically into the ID3-tags on files in the file list! (Yes I know it's not full automatic CDDB-support but it's one step in the right direction anyway:)) This means that you have to use CDDB or ACDB to download the descriptions for your CD's, then you can import these text-files in TheMPegEncGUI.
    * Now also includes OggDec and OggPlay (ogg123) support.
    * + More fixes...

[Meldung: 05. Jul. 2003, 09:12] [Kommentare: 2 - 06. Jul. 2003, 12:09]
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PPCNux: Pegasos G4 Upgrade kurzfristig abgekündigt
»Die für Juli 2003 geplante 1+GHz G4 CPU-Karte für die bisher mit 600 MHz G3 ausgelieferten Pegasos Boards wird nicht separat erhältlich sein. Das verkündete Genesi in ihrem Status Update auf«
Lesen Sie den kompletten Artikel unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 02. Jul. 2003, 23:09] [Kommentare: 127 - 04. Jul. 2003, 14:41]
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Sourceforge-Projekt JAmiga (ANF)

Java für Amiga OS 4 und 3.9
Unter dem Titellink können Sie den Status des Sourceforge-Projekts Java für Amiga OS 4 und 3.9 (JAmiga) verfolgen und sich über weitere Einzelheiten informieren. (ps)

[Meldung: 02. Jul. 2003, 23:04] [Kommentare: 26 - 05. Jul. 2003, 20:41]
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