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Archiv 'Updates von Soft- und Hardwareprodukten'


Installer: WHDLoad - Neue Pakete (bis 04.03.2002)
Mit WHDLoad können Sie Spiele, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, nun auf Ihrer Festplatte installieren. Folgende Pakete sind neu hinzugekommen bzw. aktualisiert worden:
  • 04.03.02 improved: Whizz (Flair Software) supports another version, trainer added
  • 04.03.02 improved: Vixen / She-Fox (Martech Games) supports another version
  • 04.03.02 improved: Great Courts 2 (Blue Byte) supports another version, some fixes
  • 04.03.02 improved: Battle Toads (Mindscape) supports another version
  • 04.03.02 new: Archon 2: Adept (Electronic Arts) done by JOTD

[Meldung: 05. Mär. 2002, 16:55] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thilo Köhler (ANF)

Audio: Samplemanager 0.11b Update
Das Audiobearbeitungstool Samplemanager liegt jetzt in der Version 0.11b vor.

Es wurde ein schwerwiegender Bug behoben, deshalb bitte ältere Versionen nicht mehr benutzen. Desweiteren besteht jetzt die Möglichkeit, die Undo-Funktion zu deaktivieren, was gerade auf langsameren Rechnern einen enormen Geschwindigkeitszuwachs bringt.

Homepage: Samplemanager011b.lha
Aminet: find?Samplemanager (ps)

[Meldung: 05. Mär. 2002, 16:26] [Kommentare: 0]
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Messenger: StrcICQ V2 - Beta4
Auf der StrICQ-Homepage ist heute die vierte Beta-Version des neuen ICQ-Client V2 erschienen.

Download: STRICQv2.lha
Bitte die Installationshinweise beachten.

Changes since last release:

  1. Type-4 messages are now parsed and displayed.
  2. The menu bar has now been added. The Prefs window no longer opens by default.
  3. The Debug window still opens by default (I need it) but it can be closed and re-opened with the menu.
  4. The status in all message packets is now sent to the GUI as well.
  5. Requesting offline messages doesn't seem to be working.
  6. The program no longer crashes Amithlon. I don't know why, but I'm happy.

[Meldung: 05. Mär. 2002, 09:48] [Kommentare: 5 - 05. Mär. 2002, 17:04]
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Messenger: StrcICQ V2 - Dritte BETA-Version
Auf der StrICQ-Homepage ist heute die dritte Beta-Version des neuen ICQ-Client V2 erschienen.

Download: STRICQv2.lha
Bitte die Installationshinweise beachten.

Changes since last release:

  1. Fixed a major error that involved a race condition in the IPC. A receiving task could actually check for data on the message port before that data actually arrived. The IPC now blocks until the message does arrive.
  2. Fixed an error in that some messages would actually not be NULL terminated.
  3. Now requests offline messages. If there are any, they won't be displayed! Hehehe...
  4. I still need enforcer/cyberguard hits!!

[Meldung: 04. Mär. 2002, 11:06] [Kommentare: 6 - 04. Mär. 2002, 15:55]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: VirusZ III v0.97
Georg Hoermann hat ein Update von VirusZ III gemacht, die aktualisierte Version 0.97 steht auf der Website von Virus Help Denmark zum Download bereit.

Im Anschluss einige Informationen zu diesem Update:

Name: VirusZ III v0.97
Archivname : VirusZ.lha
Archivgröße: 50.208
Datum: 2. März 2002
Programmierer: Georg Hoermann
Benötigt: OS 2.04+, xvs.library

News in VirusZ III v0.97:

  • Fixed bugs in window calculation code that caused the resizeable windows (Vector Check, File Check) to look ugly or to not open up at all. Thanks to Crown/Cryptoburners, DMX, Paracels/Placebo, Jan Andersen and Mad Roger for the bug reports...
  • Moved size-gadget in resizeable windows from the right border to the bottom border (looks much nicer and takes less space on small screens) and re-fixed width of these windows.
  • Re-added support for ALL disk-based devices to Bootblock Lab on special request from Mikolaj Calusinski. Are you happy now? :-)
  • Added disassembler mode to the Bootblock Lab. This should help experienced users/programmers to analyse unknown bootblocks. Note: This feature requires 'disassembler.library' v40.x by Thomas Richter, you'll find it in Aminet...
  • Made Bootblock Lab window resizeable as the disassembler output becomes quite big sometimes.
  • Changed the file format for saving window positions. Sorry, but if you already had arranged your windows individually, you will have to position them all again and save the prefs afterwards.
  • Started adding Sector Check (at least the device selector, the real check is not implemented yet, sorry for that :-(
  • Added recognition for mmu.library patches to Vector Check and fixed some smaller problems.
  • Finally wrote at least a short documentation for VirusZ III.
STILL TO DO LIST (no specific order):
  • Optimize File Check (output is much too slow, checking archives cannot be canceled at the moment).
  • Add a fully working Sector Check.
  • Add new features to Vector Check (eg. a brain for known ROMTags, a snapshot function for unknown patches [you can send me those snapshots and I add them to the brain]).
  • Add disassembler mode to Memory Monitor.
  • Add useful commands to ARexx port.
Download shortcut (ps)

[Meldung: 02. Mär. 2002, 23:39] [Kommentare: 0]
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