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Archive 07/2005


NewGUI: a look at enhanced functions
Among other links on the NewGUI homepage gives this link a first glance at the enhanced functions of the NewGui themes.

Programs can let the graphics needed for their gadgets being calculated. The linked image e.g. shows a button gadget that can be extended to almost every width with three graphical elements. Graphics for string, cycle and check boxes will follow. Basically, transparency effects can be used on the graphics. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 10:54] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

SN-ListDatei v1.2 - webmaster update
There's a new version of SN-ListDatei available on the homepage. SN-ListDatei lists all files of a directory including all sub-directories with date and file size.

New in version 1.2 is the support for webmasters who want their files being handled in specific ways by search engines, e.g. Google. For locking files the file "robots.txt" and for the direct indexing the file "sitemap.txt" can be generated, both accepted for example by Google. The archive contains an image showing Google having accepted the "sitemap.txt". Furthermore, there are three new functions to remove files from the list:
  • Removing HTML files (e. g. for robots.txt)
  • Only HTML and text files remain (e.g. for sitemap.txt)
  • Removing files by using pattern
In the future there'll probably be the possibility to generate a XML file for sitemaps, the standard format for such uses. Right now, only a simpe Text file is created that is accepted at least by Google.

There are two new subdomains for the pages of There were some additons to the Euro collectors site, too. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 10:50] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (website)

Aladdin 4D: sales offer to open source developers
After the attempt of a sale by auction of the rights of the 3D package Aladdin 4D does Nova Design now offer it to the general public: if the required 37.579,83 US dollars should come together (according to a company's statement these are only used to pay old bills) would the source code, all documentation, projects and manuals as well as trade mark and graphics become open source. Aladdin 4D is written in C. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 07:46] [Comments: 0]
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