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Archiv 'News from the business world'


Trademark disputes: yet another party wants to own "Amiga" (Update)
In the US and Germany, the registration for the "Amiga" trademark already expired. It's still a registered mark in the EU until May next year, but nobody really expects the current owner to ever do something with that registration again. As a result, Hyperion Entertainment (AmigaOS 4) and Cloanto (Amiga Forever) started fighting for various Amiga marks earlier this year.

Apparently, another competitor has entered the ring now: on August 30, somebody named Heinz-Alexander Drews applied to have the "Amiga" mark registered in his name at the German patent and trademark office. On the same day, using the same law firm, somebody -the applicant's personal details are not public yet - also filed an application for the same mark with the European Intellectual Property Office.

It's important to note that both the German and the European mark would collide with Amiga, Inc.'s existing EU trademark. In contrast to Cloanto - who only started the process to register the US "Amiga" mark in its name the day after Amiga Inc.'s original registration expired - Drews seems to count on the current owner of the mark not defending his IP - which gives him a head start, compared to other parties interested in inheriting the mark.

It's currently not clear if Heinz-Alexander Drews is connected to any companies or individuals in the Amiga market.

Update: (10.09.2017, 17:40, cg)

Another attempt at gaining control over some Amiga mark has been discovered: Back in march, Amikit-Developer Ján Zahurančík applied to have "Amiga" registered in his name in his home country Slovakia. The new application was published - i.e. approved - in early August. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 09. Sep. 2017, 00:04] [Comments: 4 - 15. Sep. 2017, 12:21]
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Hyperion has AmigaOS 3.1 updates removed from the web (Update)
Matthias 'DJBase' Münch was hosting the various updates for AmigaOS 3.1, 3.5 and 3.9 on his site after H&P switched off the official support websites for these products after their withdrawal from the Amiga market. Münch now announces (German) on his website that after twelve years, he has been contacted by Hyperion and was asked to remove some of the downloads, since they contained code to which Hyperion holds some rights. In response, Münch decided to take the entire site offline.

Note from staff: In the 2009 settlement agreement with Amiga, Inc., Hyperion was granted a rather broad license for AmigaOS 3.1 that also gives the Belgium company the option to enforce the IP rights in question. The fact that it took them eight years to actually disable Münch's rather well known download site suggests a connection to the ongoing Trademark wars against Cloanto.

Update: (13.08.2017, 18:00, cg)

In the meantime, Costel Mincea from Hyperion replied to (requires registration) Münch's statement explaining that Hyperion only asked for the removal of four AmigaOS 3.1 updates, taking the entire site including all BoingBags offline was Münch's personal decision. The archives Mincea lists are small Beta releases published by Amiga Technologies in the mid-nineties:
  • Datatypes-45-4.lha (datatypes.library 45.4)
  • FFS-43-20.lha (FastFileSystem 43.20)
  • SCSI-IDE-43-24.lha (scsi.device 43.24)
  • SetPatch-43-6b.lha (SetPatch 43.6b)
But these archives, in the exact same versions, have been available for (legal) download from Cloantos website for years. Removing them from Münch's website does not affect their availability at all. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 13. Aug. 2017, 16:11] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion sells merchandising items on
In a blog entry, Costel Mincea Hyperion) has announced "good news": On diverse merchandising items are available. The "powered by AmigaOS" and "30 years of emotion" logos corresponds to the ones used for almost two years for stickers, posters and similar ones. But now more products are sold, on

You can get 15% discount on all products if you order during the next 14 days using the gift code "welcome-100172727". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2017, 22:39] [Comments: 0]
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