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Archiv 'News from the business world'

A-EON (E-Mail)

A-EON Technology: Delay of board delivery
According to A-EON Technology the delivery of the Nemo boards to the beta testers will delay for about four weeks.

You can now read the press release:

London, 10th March 2011 - Following the AmigaOne X1000 Update article in the current edition of "Amiga Future" magazine we asked Adam Barnes, the Technical Director of Varisys, to provide an official Nemo progress report.

"From the horse's mouth"

We have had some problems with procurement of certain items for the revision 2 Nemo board which delayed our production plan by about 4 weeks. The situation was not helped either by the Chinese New Year celebrations. However, I'm pleased to report that these difficulties have now been overcome. We've had one remaining issue with supply of the onboard PC99 audio connector. The best delivery we could obtain for the existing connector type was a minimum order quantity of 10,000 pieces and a lead time of 12 weeks. We had an option for a direct replacement which has 6 jacks (enough for 5.1 analogue out) but unfortunately the Taiwanese supplier did not respond to our communications. Our alternative compromise plan was a triple jack which would support simple stereo audio out through the back panel, with header pins on the board to support 5.1 audio for users who want this feature. However, this was not our preferred option and eventually we managed to source an almost identical PC99 HD audio connector from an Italian company to satisfy our demand for all the Beta test boards.

We already have enough PA6T CPUs in hand and we have also secured supplies of the SB600 south bridge chip and various other long lead parts, with deliveries of all due on or before the 15th of this month, in sufficient quantities for the current schedule of revision 2 beta test boards. Typically, the production time from full kit to assembled boards is 10 days for small batches (the 5 off for approval). This timescale will be confirmed once the kit is issued out for build. The estimated lead time for the balance of beta test boards will be around 20-25 days based on standard PCB fabrication and assembly lead times.

Barnes also confirmed he was in the process of writing up a technical brief of the new dual-core XMOS subsystem. This will include a block diagram and pinouts so prospective end users can start working on the XMOS side of things.

A-EON Technology CVBA (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2011, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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IContain announces Amiga branded TVs, cell phones and computers (Update)
When a certain Todd Kleperis contacted the Aminet team two days ago to "discuss your library of Amiga titles" and ask for "guidance as to how to work with the existing fan base", the initial reaction over at Aminet was confusion. According to Kleperis, his company IContain is operating from China and about to revive the Amiga line of electronics. Why he choose to use Aminet as his first contact with the actual Amiga scene was not explained though.

At, Kleperis' company is indeed advertising cell phones, tablet PCs, various types of TV screens aswell as all-in-one PCs with integrated monitors - all of them sporting prominent Amiga logos. Obviously these devices are third-party products which have been rebranded as Amiga products by IContain.

You can't actually buy these products from IContain though: The company is mainly operating in the socalled Rent-to-own business. Using devices developed by IContain, furniture or consumer electronics devices leased to end users by Rent-to-own providers can be tracked or even remotely disabled should the customer stop paying its fees in time.

Asked about the reason for introducing a line of Amiga products, Kleperis told us that he was approached by a Rent-to-own provider that intended to buy not only the tracking technology from his company but also the actual consumer electronics - provided IContain could offer a "branded solution". As Amiga "used to be all about innovation in the past" (Kleperis) and other businesses like Lenovo or Sony were not interested in cooperation, Kleperis decided to offer Amiga branded devices.

We were told that the licensing deal was "cut just recently by the executor of an estate", that product just started shipping and that we should expect "worldwide press" soon. The IContain president would neither give any further information nor comment our hints that another company has already announced various Amiga products.

Interestingly, while Leo Nigro, Chief Technology Officer of Commodore USA, states in public that his company obtained a license from Bill McEwen and is free "to do with [the Amiga brand] as we please" - Kleperis mentions the executor of an estate as his business partner. The estate in question would likely be that of former Amiga Inc. investor Pentti Kouri, who deceased in 2009.

Update: (24.02.2011, 22:30, cg)

In contrast to our initial assumption, Bill McEwen is apparently involved with this licensing deal. IContain's official press release has been posted by now, which quotes McEwen: "Amiga has continued to work on bringing new products with new partners, and we are pleased to be working with IContain providing new hardware and software solutions that will benefit everyone." (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 24. Feb. 2011, 19:42] [Comments: 1 - 26. Feb. 2011, 20:23]
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Elbox (ANF)

Elbox: Xmas greetings
Under the title link Elbox has officually announced the new version of the pci.library for the Amiga1200.

Besides, Elbox has pointed out to the trend of prices at the supplier and has wished all Amiga users merry Christmas and a happy new year. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Dec. 2010, 07:22] [Comments: 0]
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