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Ray A. Akey (E-Mail)

Amiga Inc. and Matay announce Cooperation for AmigaOS/4
Amiga and Matay Announce AmigaOS/4 Cooperative

Snoqualmie, 16 June, 2001 - Amiga Inc and Matay company are pleased to announce they are co-operating on a series of initiatives that will see the AmigaOS4 family of operating systems running on Matay's existing and future products.

At the St Louis show in April, Amiga announced the continued development of AmigaOS, with AmigaOS4 moving AmigaOS3 to modern hardware and preparing the way for AmigaOS5. AmigaOS5 will be targeted at both the home server and the desktop/workstation markets.

"In developing AmigaOS4.0, we have been making extensive use of the Prometheus PCI bridge board, to get a head start on developing drivers for the various sub systems whilst we wait for the Eyetech AmigaOne to be completed," said Fleecy Moss, CTO of Amiga Inc. "The quality of both their product and support, and their commitment to the future of the Amiga has made working with them a pleasure, and we look forward to this co-operation intensifying over the next few years."

"We are very excited to work with Amiga Inc., the company that leads our community into the new technological revolution. In the incoming years, we will witness a breakthrough in digital home appliances, a trend to abandon a single computer workstation in favour of several smaller, yet more user-friendly devices. The revolution is coming, though we need to prepare for it, like the Amiga market needs transition from our classic computers to new technologies and standards. Amiga Inc. is the company that foresees these trends and enters the digital future today. We are proud that our Prometheus board, the first Zorro III PCI bridge for Amiga, helps them in making these plans come true," said Filip Dab- Mirowski, CEO of Matay company. "We will continue co-operation with Amiga Inc., not only providing them with hardware solutions for today Amiga market but also working together on products for the future digital market."

About Amiga:

Amiga Inc is a privately held Seattle based digital solutions company that revolutionised computing in 1984 with the introduction of the A1000, and has consistently been at the cutting edge of the digital revolution ever since. Currently it offers a complete solution for digital living, the AmigaDE (Digital Environment) which provide a device and OS (host) agnostic, universal, scalable content platform for OEMs and IHVs, consumers, producers and brokers of digital content, and the AmigaOS, a 68k and PPC based desktop, workstation and digital server platform for the most demanding of activities. The AmigaDE is currently being deployed on a variety of major cell phone, PDA, Set Top Box, Console, Digital Appliance and existing personal computer platforms. AmigaOS4 is expected to be launched in 3Q2001, running on the new AmigaOne computer. For further information, please email, or telephone (US) 425 396 5660.

About Matay:

Matay company is a privately held computer business oriented company. It was founded in 2000 as an Amiga-only software dealer and in a very short time earned trust of Polish Amiga users. With the introduction of Prometheus PCI bridge for Zorro III equipped Amigas, Matay has extended its offer with hardware solutions for the Amiga platform and professional electronic design of printed-circuitboards. Now, with the announcement of close co-operation with Amiga Inc., Matay enters a domain of digital appliances, which is predicted to be the future of home and business computing around the world. For more information, please email, or telephone (+48) 609 394 778 or (+48) 603 785 100. (ps)

[News message: 17. Jun. 2001, 02:43] [Comments: 0]
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Amipress ML

AMIGA celebrates First SDK anniversary with special offer (Executive Update)

Greetings to members of the Amiga Family:

Wow, what a year it has been!

In the coming weeks we are going to see the releases of not one but three new Amiga Products!:
  1. AmigaOne PPC /1200 - On Schedule and Rockin'
  2. AmigaOS 4.0, and shortly thereafter AmigaOS 4.2 on schedule and will offer the next generation of Amiga desktop - on PPC!
  3. AmigaDE 1.1 so the rest of the world may begin to learn the power of Amiga - For Cell Phones, PDA's, and other portable devices.
Because of overwhelming e-mails and suggestions, Amiga Incorporated is pleased to announce the AmigaOne, AmigaOS 4.0, 4.2, and AmigaDE pre-release party pack!

Here is how you can participate with this party pack.

Starting June 11th and ending June 16th 2001 Amiga family members can purchase a pre-release version of AmigaDE for $99.00 (US plus tax and handling), you will receive one year of updates, the SDK, a bundle of sample applications and games, and the ability to start using DE on Windows or Linux desk tops.

Next you can pick from either a $100.00 (US) discount coupon on an AmigaOne PPC/1200 for use at your local dealer, or you can receive BOTH AmigaOS 4.0 and AmigaOS 4.2 for FREE!

That's right, for one week only purchase the pre-release of AmigaDE, get the SDK, and all the trimmings and select either a $100.00 (US) discount on a new AmigaONE, OR AmigaOS 4.0 and AmigaOS 4.2 for FREE.

It's your choice, and it is available today at: AmigaMall

Bill McEwen (ps)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2001, 11:14] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Netscape: Browsers only second-best
»Netscape does not want to be regarded as a browser manufacturer any longer. "The browser is a crown jewel. But in six months, you won't think of Netscape as a browser company anymore," Netscape president Jim Bankoff told Agency Reuters. With the media blessing of the holding company AOL Time Warner, the former synonym for browser software will become an internet media center. In future surfers will find a broad range of contents by Time Warner there. Under discussion are among others Fortune, Time magazine and news by CNN.«
Full article (in German) at the titlelink. (ps)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2001, 12:10] [Comments: 0]
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