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Archiv 'Events'

AmiWest 2002

Event: AmiWest 2002 Information Release #4
Some of you may not be on the Amiga Inc. mailing list, so we have decided to send this Amiga Community message from Bill McEwen to our AmiWest 2002 mailinig list. Our apologies if this is a duplicate.

Notice, as well, that AmiWest 2002 will be the venue for some very important announcements about the new machines and software. Go to lines 311 and 330 in this email (approximately) to see this information. In addition, two other computer companies producing Amiga hardware will be at our show.
So if you haven't made plans yet to attend, it isn't too late. We've just persuaded the Holiday Inn to hold more rooms for us, but only until July 7th. And while you're reserving that room, be sure to send us your check for your show tickets. This helps us to plan for the onslaught better. It's going to be a great show and you should be there to cash in on the great things that are happening. Join us so you can say, "I was there when it was announced!"
And read the following carefully to see what Amiga Inc. is planning for AmiWest 2002. We'll see you at the show!!

Amiga Forever,

Brian Deneen, President
Sacramento Amiga Computer Club
for the AmiWest 2002 Committee

[News message: 02. Jul. 2002, 01:59] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Amiga Bastringue: Short report by Rose Humphrey (Update)
A first short report about the French Amiga event "Amiga Bastringue" taking place this weekend has been posted on Rose "anarchic_teapot" Humphrey writes:

"There was food, there was drink (mostly caffeinated), and there was a working AmigaOne running SuSE Linux PPC v7.3
There was Naya Design with their rather fetching perspex ATX towers.
There was Alan Redhouse, who was prevailed upon to make a speech and actually dared to do it in French.
There was a prototype AmigaOne XE motherboard.
We learned that AOS4 has been made to boot on an A1.
There were lots of photos taken, someone is supposed to have filmed the Speech and the ensuing Q&A session, and all of this, I am reliably informed, will be on a publicly-accessible website within 24 hours."

Supplement 25.06.2002:
Pictures from the event. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 22:36] [Comments: 0]
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Event: AC Club meeting - 26./28.07.2002
This year's club meeting of the 'Amiga-Club im BTX und Internet' will be held from 26th to 28th July 2002 at the Bildungshof in Nottuln-Darup. As always the members of the club will meet to talk and play. Guests that are not members of the club are welcomend on 27th July.

Everyone who is not enrolled already should do this as soon as possible! Just write a mail to Jürgen Gellisch. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 17. Jun. 2002, 10:03] [Comments: 0]
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AmiWest 2002

Event: AmiWest 2002 - 27th to 28th July 2002
On the last weekend of July the 'AmiWest 2002' will be held at the Holiday Inn in Sacramento. You can find any information you may need at the title link. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 17. Jun. 2002, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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