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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Pictures from the Breakpoint
On the website of the Amiga Future there are pictures taken from the scene-party Breakpoint. The snapshots were taken by "aga060". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Apr. 2008, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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Ein User (ANF)

Centralised buying for the Prelude 1200
Matthias 'DJBase' Münch is the contact person for a possible production of some new clock-port sound cards of the Prelude 1200 made by A.C.T. At least ten cards must be ordered. Inclusive shipping (in Germany) the card costs 50 Euro.

The order processing will end on 6th April. You can get further information under the title link. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2008, 19:17] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: New downloads online
Press release: We are about to extend our download section of the Amiga Future Homepage. In 2008 we will double the number of full versions.

We also want to make avaiable PD-software. About 10 GB of additional downloads we want to make available. Since a few days the first 250 disks of the PD-game-set "Spielekiste" are available on the Amiga Future Homepage as DMS-files. Further disks of the set will follow. (We are looking for somebody who has got the disks 701-xxx!!!)

The publishing of the PD-software as well as of the full version take us money. But we hope we can win some new readers for the Amiga Future Print Magazine.

Issue 71 was published a few weeks ago and is available as German and English magazine in our Onlineshop. In 2008 the Amiga Future celebrates its tenth anniversary. Therefore we have a special offer for you on the start page of our shop. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2008, 15:58] [Comments: 0]
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Martin 'DaFreak' Rebentisch (ANF)

Musik: Liquid Skies records #102
The scene group Liquid Skies released his 102nd Musikpack. Now is a extra long track named "Off-Line" included, which was composed with the Madtracker from Maxus. The cover was created from the graphic artist DaFreak.

Several information about the tracks:
  • Titel: Off-Line
  • Artist: Maxus
  • Genre: Trance
  • Length: 10:50
  • Format: mp3 @ 192 kbps
  • Size: 13.9 MB (ZIP)
The file is linked to the header. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 31. Mar. 2008, 19:36] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Resistance (ANF)

Amiga Resistance take over the Big Book of Amiga Hardware
Press notification The Big Book of Amiga Hardware (BBoAH) will be now powered by the Amiga-Resistance-Team, primary established by Ian Chapman, from Mario Misic, how will invested his time and power in the change of the BBoAH into a Wiki-Form in the future.

Also should by the original BBoAH are available on The Amiga-Resistance-Team has performed several minor updates and some new features, which makes the BBoAH more noch attractive and user friendly.

A first step to change the design into the Amiga-Resistance-Design is already done. Please send all mails now to the on the mainpage given Email-adress.

For the Amiga-Resistance-Team
novamann (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 31. Mar. 2008, 10:20] [Comments: 0]
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