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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'


Amiga Games Databank: Over 200 Updates at Hall of Light
The Hall of Light is a far-reaching games databank for the Amiga that is constantly updated by an international team. Almost every day come new data of games, screenshots, and scans. Since our last announcement two weeks ago there have been over 200 updates submitted. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 28. Jul. 2005, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (website)

Team AROS: Bounty #33 placed for back porting of the MorphOS shell commands
Neil Cafferkey initiated the bounty project #33 of Team AROS. The reward was placed for the back porting of the shell commands taken over by MorphOS.

The only pre-condition is the bugfixing of commands normally already existing in the C directory of AROS - there's no need of an enhancement of the functionality.

Malfunctions due to errors in other software layers do not affect the bount, either.

In exchange to this he withdrew bounty #26. This project had the goal to make the VESA graphics mode selectable without adaptated GRUB boot loader. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 12:23] [Comments: 0]
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#morphos (ANF)

MorphOS: detailed Blender screenshot
In the course of the MorphOS port of the 3D render software Blender Guillaume Roguez is working on ( reported) is a new screenshot available that shows much more details: blender1.png. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 10:17] [Comments: 0]
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Patric Klöter (ANF)

Happy Birthday, Amiga!
20 years ago the Amiga was shown to the world public. As representative for all the "crazy ones" who still can't get away from the world's best computer system we let our reader Patric Klöter speak who indeed did write a n anniversary :

"Happy Birthday, dear Amiga! Today, 20 years ago, you were shown for the first time to the world public and it was in the New York Lincoln Center. Andy Warhol, Debby Harry and many other famous people were there to see your birth as first of all multimedia machines. In Deinen ersten Lebensabschnitten hast Du große Erfolge gefeiert, gefolgt vom Verlust Deiner Mutter, Commodore, und Deines Vaters, Jay Miner im Jahre 1994. Als Waise fandest Du Zuflucht bei Petro Tyschtschenko, der Dir im Sommer 1995 ein neues Zuhause bieten konnte.

Weltweit millionenfach verkauft, kannst Du zwar heute keine wirtschaftlichen Erfolge mehr feiern, aber die vielen Freunde, welche Dir beiseite standen, sind geblieben. Auch heute noch kümmern sich viele Amiganer rund um den Globus um Deine Gesundheit und haben es auch geschafft, Dir in fremden Welten ein Zuhause zu geben. Dir, lieber Amiga, wünsche ich noch ein schönes, erfülltes, langes, digitales Leben in der Welt der Bits und Bytes. Du hast es Dir verdient!

And don't forget: Good friends are the most important thing in the world!

Your friend Patric" (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 00:14] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: 12 new songs offers remixes of Amiga games soundtracks as MP3 files for download. Since our last posting were twelve new songs added, a list of the new songs can be found under the title link. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 00:07] [Comments: 0]
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Scalos: Translation kit
Today a translation kit for the Workbench replacement scalos has been released. It includes the catalogue data of all scalos compounds and thus, facilitates the adaptation to further languages. Please send back all done catalogue files for additional languages.

Download: ScalosTranslation.lha (242 KB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2005, 22:45] [Comments: 0]
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