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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Amig@lien (ANF)

Descent: Freespace: MultiplayerPack 07 released
The MultiplayerPack 07 for the game Decent: Freespace has been released, containing 6 multi player missions. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2003, 22:43] [Comments: 0]
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DJBase (Website)

Help guide: Data transfer with AmIRC over Router
Some users may know the problem that data transfer with AmIRC is no longer possible when using a router. In a short workshop under the title link M. Münch and M. Lück describe a solution using a pre-programmed ARexx script. (nba) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2003, 21:26] [Comments: 1 - 14. Apr. 2003, 10:33]
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Andreas Weyrauch (A.W.Design) (ANF)

NOMAD TEAM developing two new products
As reported by AmigaFlame, the programming team 'NOMAD' is developing two new programs for AmigaOS, intent and Windows. The first project will probably be an action game for AmigaOS and intent with the working title 'NomadGMS'. The only thing known of the second program is that it will be released for AmigaOS and Windows. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2003, 12:16] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Weyrauch (A.W.Design) (ANF)

AmigaDE PocketPC Paks at CompUSA
At CompUSA there are from now on both AmigaDE PocketPC packages available and can be found using the search function of the website with the term "Amiga". Among other things do they contain the games by ZeoNeo. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Apr. 2003, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Pietzonke (ANF)

Hardware: C64 Ethernet adapter
With the Ethernet adapter you can connect a C64 to a network. The hardware bases on an embedded Ethernet card that is universally usable. It should be possible to design a circuit to connect the card with the serial or parallel port of the Amiga. Then you could for example integrate the A500 into a network. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Apr. 2003, 14:59] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

individual Computers: C-One production started
After more than two years development time, the C-One production has started. It'll start selling on May 5th in Germany and the Netherlands. Our other European partners should have the boards by May 9th, when the board will also be launched in North America.

Many projects have dealt with re-configurable computers so far, but none of them is as consistent and flexible as the C-One. Other projects only kept parts of the hardware re-configurable, but the C-One can change the behaviour of it's chipset even during runtime. Therefore, the C-One is the world's first re-configurable computer. Read more on the official homepage of the C-One. (nba)

[News message: 10. Apr. 2003, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Terra Soft

Terra Soft discontinues development of ATX PowerPC-systems
Terra Soft Solutions has determined that it is not, at this point in time, prudent to carry the Teron mainboards nor offer Teron-based Boxer systems. This is as great a disappointment for the company as it is for many of you. Terra Soft Solutions were truly excited to bring this particular ATX PowerPC Linux product to market.

If you have read the rumor mills, there are a variety of supposed reasons why the company has been delayed in shipping, including unqualified statements and speculation at best. It is their corporate policy to not address specific issues regarding any strategic relationship within a public forum, where fact and fiction are not easily discernable, and their fiduciary responsibility to their customers, shareholders, and industry associates may be compromised.

Terra Soft Solutions regrets having launched a product initiative and built expectations prior to receiving first shipment. They have clearly learned a powerful lesson and do extend their apology to their customers, their existing and potential customers.

As the Teron mainboard and associated systems will be made available through other resellers, Terra Soft Solutions will encourage them to sign-on as official Yellow Dog Linux resellers in order that they may continue to support movement of what they hope to be a very popular product. (nba)

[News message: 10. Apr. 2003, 00:35] [Comments: 0]
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