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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'


Hyperion: Ben Hermans temporarily relieved from director position
After Timothy de Groote had been delisted as a Hyperion director, Ben Hermans was entered into the company register as Hyperion's sole manager. But in contrast to his predecessors, he wasn't listed as a "besturder" (director): his position is that of a "vaste vertegenwoordiger" (permanent representative) of the actual director - a company named "Ben Hermans BV".

That company "Ben Hermans BV" now is the subject of a compulsory dissolution: According to Belgium's legal newsletter, a court appointed a lawyer named Jean Louis de Chaffoy de Courcelles as an judicial liquidator ("gerechtelijk vereffenaar") on May 7. As far as we know, this means that this liquidator now also acts as the company's representative in its role as Hyperion's director.

Ben Hermans still owns the vast majority of Hyperion's shares though - we assume he will return to his post as a director at some point. We currently have no information on how this change of management would be achieved though.

In the lawsuit against Cloanto and the Amiga parties a decision regarding the trial schedule was published yesterday. The judge grants the motion of the Amiga parties, explaining that it was the only one properly submitted: Apparently, Hyperion's motion was transmitted via E-Mail as a Word document by Ben Hermans himself, which is not accepted court procedure. According to the judge, the reason given by Ben Hermans was that he was unable to reach the company's US lawyer.

We approached Mr. Hermans and asked for a statement regarding the Ben Hermans BV issue. Mr. Hermans told us he can't really comment on this, as it's being handled by his lawyer currently. He gave us the following statement:

"There is no issue of 'insolvency', there was failure to file the yearly account for 2019 in time due to the accountancy firm not having the time to complete this in time apparently due to the COVID restrictions including but not limited to 'work from home' restrictions and very limited staff allowed in offices. It would be inappropriate for me to comment further without approval for my lawyer." (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 29. May. 2021, 21:21] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Website)

Preview video: Arcade game "Turbo Tomato"
In "Turbo Tomato" the opponent throws bombs at mutated vegetables. The title is to be released commercially, run on A500 or CD32, and feature one- or two-player modes. The release is planned for June or July. (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 26. May. 2021, 22:30] [Comments: 0]
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X1Boot Manager: Linux boot manager for AmigaOne X1000
Damien 'Hypex' Stewart wrote: "I'm excited to finally release the 'X1Boot Manager' into the X1000 Linux world! The X1Boot Manager is the culmination of a two year research and development project and then some I call the X1Boot Project. The aim of the X1Boot Project was to prove if:
  • 1. Linux could be booted directly off an X1000 HDD (or SSD.)
  • 2. Linux could be loaded from a standard AmigaBoot menu.
  • 3. Linux could be managed from a Linux boot editor.
Well I'm pleased to say I was successful in all three aims!

The X1Boot Manager allows you to install and manage kernels and a boot menu from one easy interface. It's matched by the X1Boot Loader that will boot Linux kernels. And all this is transparently integrated into your AmigaBoot menu."

You can get detailed installation information and user instructions under the title link. Download via Google Drive (41kByte). (dr) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. May. 2021, 12:56] [Comments: 0]
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