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AmigaWorld (Website)

Weekly Q&A's with Fleecy Moss - episode 11
The English online magazine AmigaWorld has published episode 11 of the regular questions and answers session with Fleecy Moss, CTO at AMIGA, Inc. (Update 2012-03-17, cg: as the original document is no longer available, the following content was moved into our database):

1) Temal: Are there any plans on trying to get companies back to the platform, such as Newtek? Is there any chance that Avid (video-editing) could be a reality on Amiga? (AmigaOS 4.x and forward) =)

Fleecy: As I have said previously, big companies want to see commercial viability OR a wheelbarrow full of cash before they are going to go to the effort of porting to a new platform. A few non Amiga companies have contacted us to find out about progress and plans and we have an internal list of companies we will contact. However, you often only get one chance with these companies so we want to make sure we have something compelling to show them when we do get through the door.

With regards to video applications, we intend to make a big play in the video market but this requires the implementation of the AG2 foundation for this to be a success. We already have one company that has contacted us with an interest in video editing and we will hopefully have more following them. In the end, we have to make the platform attractive for video editing development in order to attract those developers.

2) Ramon: Since there seems to be hardly or no audio people left at Amiga's main staff, can you convince us that audio development is being done and that the Amiga's audio system/engine will (perhaps after 4.0?) be at a high standard and be used for professional audio computing? High quality, flexible, plug-in capable, etc.

Fleecy: The Amiga AG2 audio solution is being designed by people who have a long history in professional audio application development. Its design has been evolving over the past year and will form the foundation for a big assault on the audio market over the next 12-24 months. We have been keeping an eye on the new MacOS 10.2 audio system and we are more than happy that we have a solution which will give it a run for its money. It is unlikely to be in AmigaOS4.0 but elements of it will start to appear from AmigaOS4.1 onwards.

3) DaveP: Can you tell us if the Auction sale at your old offices of Amiga equipment is on behalf of Amiga Inc? Also, related, does this imply that Amiga Inc is in severe financial difficulties?

Fleecy: No it is not on behalf of Amiga Inc. We have had a situation with our landlord for quite some time now. We have been trying to resolve it but the landlord, within his rights under the lease agreement has opted for this course of action. We haven't been in the office for quite some time and all of our work machines were moved out months ago. To counter the rumours being spread, even if there was valuable data and/or IP there, we have the right to remove/delete it before any auction can take place. All that can be sold are office furniture, fixtures and hardware. This amounts to some three year old wall dividers, desks, chairs, lamps, one or two old printers, some filing cabinets etc. People who think there will be reams of records, prototypes, CDs full of source code and other such goodies will be sorely disappointed. There is still some personal and private stuff in there as well and that has to be returned to the owners; for example I have a car full worth of CDs, clothes and kids toys.

I am not in contact with the landlord so I do not know why he decided to take this course of action. It has no effect on our operations however.

As for our financial situation, we are a private company and such information is not for public distribution. Amiga Anywhere products are in the shops, AmigaOnes are in the hands of Amigans and AmigaOS4 is getting closer and closer to release, with a Roadshow in Europe starting next month. As with anyone else, you'll have to draw your own conclusions. Given the current interest in some quarters to all matters legal, if we were bankrupt (as has been claimed by several people with a vested interest in our demise over the past 12 months) then that data would be available in the public domain as a bankruptcy filing. It isn't and we aren't. Things have been difficult, no one will deny that but we are starting to put that behind us now.

4) hnl_dk: How much control does Amiga Inc. have over the Amiga Anywhere Content Engine? Do you have total control - may you change the code, or may you 'only' add extra features?

Fleecy: AACE is our product so we have total control over it. Yes, as with any AmigaDE derivative, it uses the Tao-Group's Intent product as a foundation but if there are features missing then we add them. We are not tied to using all of Intent. We just use the bits we want and if we require a different solution for something that already exists within Intent then we would replace what it provides with our own solution.

5) IonMane: Is Amiga Inc. willing to return to the negotiation table with Genesi in an attempt to help them provide their own AmigaOne solution that is equitable for all parties, and to try to heal the divide that has caused so much strife within the Amiga community?

Fleecy: There is nothing to negotiate. Amiga Inc currently has two product lines, the AmigaOS and the AmigaDE. If a third party wishes to use or licence these then they should contact us and they will be given the same deal as anyone else. That third party will then have to meet the same criteria as every other third party in terms of sales, marketing and support in order to guarantee a quality Amiga certified product reaches the consumer.

AmigaOne is a brand name that is exclusively licenced to Eyetech Ltd so Genesi or any other third party cannot use it without either agreement from Eyetech or via building a system using the AmigaOne boards. If Genesi wishes to build systems using AmigaOne boards then they should email I'm sure Eyetech would be delighted to add them to the AmigaOne IHV family.

From my limited understanding of the issue, and from an article on OSNews a few weeks ago, it appears that Genesi is trying to create its own platform and Mr Buck has stated that he has no interest in Amiga product, trademarks, or IP. If that is the case then your question makes no sense. The strife within the Amiga community has come about because of rumours being spread that there will be no new AmigaOS and the suggestions that people should move to another product. With AmigaOS4.0 nearing completion, AmigaOne computers on sale, and an AmigaOS4.0 roadshow, we are advancing the platform, which is what the community wants and demands. We are obviously distressed if people believed those rumours, purchased alternative product and now feel cheated but they should be contacting those who spread those rumours, asking them to explain themselves and investigating possible reparative actions. We announced AmigaOS4.0 a long time ago and whilst it has taken a lot longer than we expected or indeed wanted, we have never given any indication other than AmigaOS4.0 would be released.

6) IonMane: Follow up questions: BBRV has expressed that the licensing fee's are too high among other things.What compromises in this, or any other area would you be willing to make? What concessions would you expect in return for these compromises?

Fleecy: If Mr Buck wishes to make a business case for co-operation then he should do what any other professional business person would do; create a proposal and contact us to discuss it. If it makes financial and business sense then there is no reason why it should not proceed.

7) Treke: When the SDK 2.0 will be released. What hinders the release ?

Fleecy: We have been waiting for Intent 1.4 before releasing a new SDK. Obviously we can't release an SDK until the AmigaDE (and by implication the Intent foundation) is stable, which requires access to and testing of it. Once we get it, we have to move all of our code to it, test it, roll it out to the SDAs to get feedback and then we can build the SDK for public release.

8) Bob.C : Is there any updated news about applications that will be ready for A1/OS4? For example a word processor, paint or video application?

Fleecy: As I have said before, if the Amiga is to become the first use computer, it has to address 90% of the needs of the digital family. This includes a word processor amongst other things and we will taking internal action in regards to this. As for other applications, such as Paint and Video applications, we are in contact with both those who have such products already for the Amiga and those who have them on other platforms and who are considering a port. However I would draw your attention again to point 1 in this regard.

As for announcements, that is of course upto the third parties themselves and most are waiting until they have had a good play with AmigaOS4 on PPC since they want to get a good idea of what it will take to move over to the new platform. All I can really say is that we are of course working hard to get revised and new applications for the platform.

9) Gregs: My question: is whether there will be initial OS4 support for one or a number of Digital TV/Satellite etc., DVB (the US version is different) cards?

Fleecy: Not from Amiga itself, no. There is a lot to do and only so many resources with which to do it.

10) alx: Who will design the default theme(s) that OS4 comes with?

Fleecy: A well known and respected AmigaOS and AmigaDE developer. I am not giving his/her name out because they will then have to spend so many hours reading the emails of people who want to ask for this, that and the other that they will never get any work done.

(Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.
Originally available at
You may freely redistribute this article, providing that a URL is provided to the original source,
and the copyright notices remain intact)

[News message: 23. May. 2003, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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falkemedia (ANF)

Special offer: 6 AMIGAplus, 3 A+ CDs and fxPAINT 1 full version
For a short period and in a limited amount falkemedia and IOSPIRIT are offering a special subscription of the German paper magazine AMIGAplus for just 39,- Euro which includes:
  • 6 issues of AMIGAplus
  • 3 A+ cover-CD-ROMs
  • and the full, upgradable version 1 of the professional graphics editor fxPAINT 1
Taking this offer you may for example receive the complete Draco video workshop being published in six issues beginning in A+ 03/2003. That is 36 pages of high-professional video knowledge. And beside that you may create astonishing graphical artwork for your video production with fxPAINT.

Orders may be sent in on the website of AMIGAplus. (nba)

[News message: 23. May. 2003, 21:41] [Comments: 0]
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Joar Berntsen (ANF)

2Decide: A 2D strategy game using themes
In case you are missing all the great recent uploads to Aminet; Joar Berntsen would like to inform you of the freeware game "2Decide" that has the ability to dress itself up with various theme packages.

All units, all structures, and most gfx can be changed. In addition, new campaigns can easily be created, with the inline map editor, on any of the current 5 themes that are available.

It is a game somewhat similar to Empire-'Wargame of the century' but uses 256 colors and AGA effects, and all ingame units are affected by cheerfull morale features.

Have a look at the readme file from the Aminet for slightly more info.

Don't be afraid to fool around with the theme features of this game. It won't crash or anything from doing that.

I am not some distant being on another planet, so please mail me if there is anything! (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. May. 2003, 15:09] [Comments: 0]
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22.May.2003 (ANF)

Kultpower: Exclusive Space-Rat-Special
Kultpower presents an exclusive preview of the soon available book about Space Rat made by Mathias Neumann.

A voting, in which users can tell about the extent of the book, is currently runnin on the official Space-Rat-Website

"Space Rat" is a comic series which was made popular by the publication in the 80ies and 90ies computer games magazine "Aktueller Software Markt". The announced book will give you the chance to wallow in nostalgy. (ps) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 22. May. 2003, 23:11] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Magazine: Amiga Future is searching for authors
The Amiga-magazine 'Amiga Future' searches for users who are street-smart with a program and might write a workshop for one of the upcoming issues.

If you're interested please write an email to (ps) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 22. May. 2003, 18:26] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Rebentisch (DaFreak) (ANF)

Music: Liquid Skies records #036
There is a new song in the "Productions" area of the Liqiud Skies Records homepage available. The song by Angeldust is called "Glowing Red Desert". (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 19. May. 2003, 18:42] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Pegasos: Independent Review by
Eugenia Loli Queru of made an independent Pegasos-Review. As a not Amiga user her judgement precipitates naturally very critically over the MorphOS which is still in an early development stage. However when talking about the possibility to use the hardware with various Linux distributions and MacOS her judgement is more positively. Among other things she guesses to Genesi, to mark out the Pegasos as the Linux platform, because nevertheless x86 boards belong in last consequence to Microsoft.

In its associated comment Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck of Genesi suggest that one can regard the "M" standing in MorphOS calmly also as for "mobility", this is the next step. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 19. May. 2003, 12:31] [Comments: 0]
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