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Print/PDF magazine: Komoda & Amiga plus #21 (English/Polish)
"Komoda & Amiga Plus" is dedicated to retro gamers and deals mainly with Commodore's 8-bit computers and Amigas. Among the topics of the current issue 21 (summer/autumn) are an article about Amiga in NASA service, the second part about the situation of Amiga in 2022 and several game reviews.

The magazine is available as printed issue inclusive Commodore 64/128 coverdisk for 9,54 Euro plus shipping (about 5 Euro) or as digital issue for 2,12 Euro. (dr)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2022, 07:45] [Comments: 0]
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Video: What is DMA?
In his latest video Robert Smith explains Direct Memory Access (DMA) and among other things also the interleaved mode of the Amiga. (dr)

[News message: 16. Sep. 2022, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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Tutorial: Setting up a FTP server under MorphOS, connecting to devices reports about news from the Amiga world, informs about developments, projects, news. However, our readers - the normal Amiga user as well as developers and programmers - have a wealth of experience and practical knowledge themselves, which can provide added value for everyone. Therefore we would like to make such knowledge more available to the general public. The MorphOS and AmigaOS 3 user 'emeck' has kindly taken the trouble to document how he sets up an FTP server under MorphOS in order to connect to the cell phone for data exchange, as in this case. But of course this is also possible from other devices like laptop or Raspberry Pi. Many thanks, 'emeck'.

"Now that floppies and even CDs/DVDs maybe not available to everyone, we can use several ways to tranfer data to/from our Amigas using networking. FTP is one of those ways, either by connecting to an FTP server or running it on our Amiga.

In this case, We will configure an FTP server under MorphOS, which is really simple to do thanks to OrangeFTP. Installation and usage is explained clearly in the program's guide but we'll add some screenshots here.

First we need to setup at least one user for connecting to the server. This is done in MOS setting. So we need to open Settings-->System-->Users. As you can see in the screenshot, I have already set up my default MOS user, which is the one I use to connect through FTP. Here you can set one for you.

The Home Dir is the Volume/Drawer you will have access when connecting with your FTP client. And the Login and Password is obviously the credentials you use for connecting.

You can add other users in the Users Tab. At first, it will be empty but clicking the Add New User button will let you fill in some fields for the new user as seen in the next screenshot:

In this case we have a user "ricardo" who is limited to browse the Download drawer in the Work: volume. Each user should have its unique User ID but all users defined here should have the same Group ID. So if we add here a new user like "tony", the Group ID must be 1000 too while the User ID could be 2. You can also configure an anonymous user that doesn't need a password to log in.

Next, after configuring the users, we need to configure the group in the Groups tab. This is also empty at firs too, but using the Add New Group button show again some fields for us to fill.

Here you have to add group called "ftp" and use the same Group ID you used to define our users (1000 in our example).Finally, add the names of the users, seperated spaces in case you want more than one.

Now we only need to run OrangeFTPd double clicking its icon or running it from the shell (in which case the gui won't open; you should pass the "-gui" option for that). So finally, we have our FTP server running!

As you see, we are not connected right now. We'll do it shortly. OrangeFTPd also has some settings we can change clicking the Config button, like the port it is using or the welcome message when connecting. Here are the default settings.

Now, for connecting with my Android phone I use AndFTP. Basicaly we need the login name, password, the IP of our Amiga and port number (21 by default for FTP).

Here you have the screenshots for the config I use for AndFTP on my phone (the same settings also work for connecting with Filezilla with my RPi or Debian laptop).

After configuring the client, now we can connect. OrangeFPd shows the current successfull connections. As you can see in the next screenshot, my MOS server has now 1 active connection.

So, this is a simple way to transfer data between my MorphOS system and my Linux/Windows/phone devices over my local network. FTP is not secure so if you want to access from outside your local network, you better user other protocol and security measures." (dr)

[News message: 09. Sep. 2022, 06:22] [Comments: 0]
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