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New class: Wheel.mcc
Wheel.mcc by Henning Thielemann. Download: MCC_Wheel.lha.

TUMULT has a new Gallery, presenting new Image sets for MUI. Starting is author Mario 'Padrino' Cattaneo with new gadgets in Xenbar / MWB look. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Sid4Amiga version 3.32 released
Sidplayer for Amiga version 3.32
Download: Sid4AmigaV3_32.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler

Part II of the Greenboy interview
Greenboy is member of the Phoenix Consortium, and speaks especially about QNX in part II of this four-part interview. Part III and IV will be released next week and the week after. Part I can be found here. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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S-File 3 for Nightlong
The first alpha version of Nightlong is finished. The full game is working, but there are optimizations to be done. For example, Nightlong is so big that it is hard to put everything on the three CDs planned! As soon as all problems are solved, beta tests will start.
Oh, yes, and beta testers to-be have to pre-order Nightlong! (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fax from Phase5

Phase 5 filed for protection from its creditors
On January 26th, 2000, Phase 5 filed for protection from its creditors. Talks are held with third parties interested in taking over (and continue) the AMIGA technology part. This way, running developments and products, especially the new G4 CPU cards, could be continued.

In case of liquidation, all customers that placed preorders and prepayments with phase 5 digital products will be contacted and informed of their rights. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ingo Musquinier in ANF

AmiTradeCenter Public Beta
The latest version of the FTP client "AmiTradeCenter", recently released on Aminet, is now also available from the ATC homepage. A mailinglist has been created at To subscribe, please send an e-mail to: Download: ATC_beta_08022000.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

WarpJPEG.datatype version 44.9 PPC (WarpUp only)
This version removes the problem in the "error cleanup code" which crashed PPCs while decoding corrupt JPEG images.
Download: WarpJPEGdt.lha - 39 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Pagan Games

Pagan Games News
Pagan Games is working on a Members Area. This closed area is still under development, but will include many interesting things. There will be several forums, e.g. a discussion forum, a developer forum, and an opportunity to talk to Pagan developers directly. Demo download offers, monthly newsletter and vote areas are also planned.

Pagan Games is happy to introduce two new employees. Axiom will work on the graphics of Dafel: Bloodline, and Psycho (szene coder of Loonies) will join the Magick development team to create the 3D engine. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aaron Digulla via Email

AROS: Menues are now working
The code for the menues has been inserted. Different than on the original Amiga, tasks are handled as a task that contains all input-events as long as the right mouse button is pressed. For this reason the menues will not block other tasks, and are easily improved upon. If blocking menues are still a problem then they ccan be controlled by by each program individually by checking for RMB down/up.

In other words the AROS-Menues work better than the original Amiga OS menues. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Juan Manuel in ANF

AMIGALAND now has a completely redone version of HTMLEXT (Web Maintenence for GoldED) for free download, complete with intstaller. Prerequisite: Gui4Cli 3.8 (installed).
Download: htmlext210.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

Digital Alanac II 1.8.6 Bugfix
A Bugfix for the well-known Astronomy Program Digital Almanac II is available both in Aminet and on the authors homepage. Also included is the Frech calalog files after having been forgotten in the last version. A few guru-causing functions have been corrected and improved. See the Aminet readme file for more info. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Chris De Maeyer in ANF

EZQuake V.1.04 available
The Quake launcher EZQuake in now in version 1.04 available with the following new features: Select Quake executable, MemAs Gadget to support both Clickboom versions. New versions can be found on the Support page (title link).
Download: ezquake.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin "Mason" Merz in ANF

OpusMI - GlowIcons for DOpus 5 Magellan
This Opus icon collection contains 240 OS3.5 icons and 480 images in IFF format for the toolbar and startmenu in DOpus 5 Magellan version 5.82 (with OS 3.5 support). The icons are in 40x32 pixel format to ensure ease of use even at higher resolutions. The archive will be uploaded shortly to Aminet in "biz/dopus". (Translation: mb)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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PPT version 6.18 released
Janne Jalkanen has released version 6.18 of his image processing software. Download: PPT_dist.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Joachim Nink by e-mail

New Multiuser File System (MuFS) v2 website
Wez Furlong has created a new and up-to-date portal for Multiuser File System (MuFS) v2 online. Details at the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX

akMPEG4 version 4.30 (68k + PPC) available
Download: akMPEG4.lha - 148 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Mozilla Page
James Russel from AmigaNation News has placed a new site online named AmigaMozilla Home. With James at the helm, this site will surely last longer than the several other websites about AmigaMozilla that have already vanished again :). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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You will surely have noticed that the link to our old hotlist (in the link bar on top) and the Quick Links from the right-hand menu have vanished. It would have been redundant, additional work to maintain them in addition to the comprehensive Amiga Link Directory.

If your website is not yet listed in the ALD, we would be happy if you'd take the two minutes it takes to register. Changes to the submitted data can be commited with the password given on first submission. So you can add a banner (100x100) later, if you haven't one handy right now. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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GoldED now also retailed by GTI
From now on, apart from Amigaland, GoldED is also distributed by GTI Grenville Trading International GMBH,
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 9, D-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen, Tel: +49 7741 83040, Fax: +49 69 25577025.
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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FutureZone: Hints at Software-Piracy are booming
"The 'Business Software Alliance' BSA, a global association against Software-Piracy, has received 8,126 hints at illegal software in western europe for the year 1999, which is 39 percent more than in 1998. 2,577 hints were exclusively for offers on the net. Therefor the BSA has had 1.808 sites closed until now."

At BSA Deutschland you can find many interesting details and statistics Concerning the subject. Maybe Amiga should also join this association! (ps) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Executive Update (Update)
The Executive Update of February 3rd has been reworked at several points. Basically, the wording has been redone, and the following paragraph has been added:

"We will soon be starting official meetings in Europe, the UK, and the US for developers and dealers. This will include introductory training seminars for the new OS, and introductions to the retail pricing and schedules. We will also begin the process of introducing the new web site, and putting the Amiga Advisory Council to work."

Here's a copy of the most recent version:

"February 4, 2000

Greetings to one and all:

A great deal has occurred over the last couple of weeks, and it is only going to get more interesting as we move forward. It has been some time since I spoke with you, and I wanted to share some of the fun.

In the last two weeks we have announced our new foundation partner, started technical training with our new development team, and had many meetings with future technology partners

The responses have been overwhelmingly positive and, to quote an old song "they ain't seen nothing yet".

On January 8, 2000 at CES in Las Vegas we announced our partnership with the Tao-Group as our foundation OS partner. This is not just a technical but a strategic relationship and brings with it great rewards. I have asked Fleecy to write a short document highlighting the Amiga/Tao relationship from a more technical perspective, to save you from having to put up with my telling everyone how incredibly great and fantastic it is. We want you to make your own minds up.

In the next two weeks we will make another strategic partnership announcement with regards to the new path for Amiga. As with all our announcements, look at it against the whole picture and not in isolation.

After a week long trip to Germany and the UK I have come back with a much better understanding of what we can and cannot do. As mentioned before we are not going to make promises or product announcements. We will announce to you, the community, only after the deal is signed or the product is sitting before us. This won't put a stop to rumours, but it will make them all the more obvious. Change brings uncertainty, and in an information vacuum, mischief makers like to take the spotlight. If it isn't officially sanctioned by Amiga, don't believe it.

Our job as a company is to create exciting market opportunities for Amiga developers to take advantage of, and to give Amiga users a platform they can enjoy. This requires more than just an upgrade to the existing OS. This requires, indeed demands a complete strategy reaching into all areas of the present and the future. The time has come for all of us to move forwards, owner, developer, and user.

Many of you have sent us business proposals, and product marketing ideas, and for this we thank you, and ask for your patience as we look over them. Some are providing us with valuable insight into the desires of the Amiga community as a whole, others are providing us with a good chuckle. This is the Amiga advantage that other platforms just do not share.

Over the next few months there may be some companies that come out with their own plans, or state that we do not have the community at heart as we move forwards. The reality is, they do not know what we have planned. In order to stay focused and to keep up our incredible pace, we are not sharing our plans outside of our signed partnerships.

We have to prioritise and act singlemindedly if we are to reach our first plateau in our given timescales. Once there we will be able to pause for breath. Some are not happy about this, but they do not know the full plan. Our mission is not just about restoring the Amiga, but about pushing it forwards as THE technology for tomorrow.

This means that if you hear something annoying, or frustrating, or downright nasty, and the source is not Amiga Inc, then disregard it.

Plain and simple.

If you did not hear it from us, or read it here on this web site it is not true.

We are not asking for your trust or your undying belief. We only ask that you take us on OUR words and deeds, not on the misinterpretations of others.

We will soon be starting official meetings in Europe, the UK, and the US for developers and dealers. This will include introductory training seminars for the new OS, and introductions to the retail pricing and schedules. We will also begin the process of introducing the new web site, and putting the Amiga Advisory Council to work.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your hospitality during our meetings and for your continued support as we move forwards. We have had the chance to meet with many end users, developers, dealers, and new partners, and look forwards to meeting even more of you as time goes on.

There is a great deal of activity, with a lot of first footsteps on some truly amazing paths. New partners excited, old faces returning, familiar faces reminding us of our heritage. Indeed we are already having to move into bigger facilities, such is our rate of growth.

I know it can be frustrating but after years wandering lost in a dark place, the sun is finally starting to crack a smile on the horizon. Together, we will march into tomorrow.

Keeping the faith,

Bill McEwen and the rest of the Amiga Team." (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Eternity: 20.000st visitor on the Eternity Homepage
At 3:34 PM on February 5th, 2000, the 20.000st visitor logged onto the Eternity Homepage. Congratulations go to Mirko Patzenbein from Frankenberg/Sachsen. Mirko is working on a A1200PPC / Bvision connected to a Ilyama 19'' Monitor. The desired game, Heretic II or Shogo, will be shipped as soon as it will be available. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Peter Verswyvelen makes several games available for free download
Peter Verswyvelen makes several of his old Amiga video games available for free download, for example Ziriax and Zarathustra. Deliverance should follow. The games are also playable using UAE Amiga Emulator. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Chip: ATI announces All-in-Wonder 128 PRO
"ATI presents the graphics and multimedia expansion card All-in-Wonder 128 Pro. It unites all of the known features of the well known All-in-Wonder 128 with the highly efficient graphics chip RAGE 128 Pro and delivers new, convincing multimedia functions to the user. The use of the RAGE 128 Pro chip enhances the 2D-, 3D- and video-performance by 40 percent compared to the former model and delivers the best over-all performance for the actually available games and applications. Furthermore the newest member of the All-in-Wonder family features the fastest DVD-accelerator, the most uptodate video compression technology as well as Digital VCR and realtime-video-capture." (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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CamX/Camouflage Project News
From now on the CamX/Camouflage Projekt (MIDI/Audio-Sequencer) has its own domain at (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Corel takes over Borland
"Corel, newest member in the group of Linux-distributors and Inprise/Borland, manufacturer of developper environments for Linux, are planning fusion. Finacial basis of the deal: Corel exchanges Inprise shares for own shares worth 2,5 million US-Dollars. The new company will be known as Corel; the leadership will be assured by Corel CEO Michael Cowpland." Complete article (German) under the title link." (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AWNPipeŽ version 2.34 released
Download: AWNP_2-34.lha - 196 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaAMP 2.8 Beta-2 available
Download: AmigaAMP28b2.lha - 438 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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USB for Amiga - Statusreport
The prototyp that has been announced for end of february will probably be ready 4 weeks later. Even if the development has moved on very fast, some more, thorough test are necessary, to eliminate any remaining problems. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Scholling in ANF

New List-Tree class NListtree.mcc
A new List-Tree class named NListtree.mcc Version 1.0 (18.0) is available from now on as a public beta version at Apocalypse Hard- und Software. Problems, tips,questions and improvements can be send to
Download: MCC_NListtree.lha - 132 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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