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Level-Ripper: LvlRip1.06 (Windows)
LvlRip is a modular level-ripper for Windows, with which you can track down graphics or whole levels in Amiga games and save them to disk, detailed instructions are part of the archive. Changes since the last version:
  • lirst time a GUI added
  • usage of memory banks...
  • optimized scrolling (in my opinion to fast... )
  • reload of tiles and leveldata...if dismissed the right ones...
  • different tileformats..
  • realtime byte MOD (first byte will be modified realtime while pressing a key)

Download: lvlrip1.06.ip (390 KB) (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2005, 17:55] [Comments: 0]
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04.Dec.2005 (Web page)

Spectrum Emulator: Patch for Asp under AHI 6.0
Under the title link, the author of the Spectrum emulator Asp illustrates how users, by whom problems occur under the newest version of the sound system AHI, can patch Asp themselves by means of a hex editor, in order to dispose of the problems. A new version of the emulator is already in the works. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2005, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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04.Dec.2005 (Web page)

DTP: Pagestream
To registered users of the DTP solution Pagestream, the new version for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS is available on the vendor's web page. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2005, 16:26] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi (e-mail)

Genesi: Home Media & Communication System and EFIKA 5K2 available (Update)
Genesi is pleased to announce the availability of the award-winning Genesi Home Media and Communication System. There are a number of optional features available on request in the online PegasosPPC Store.

Genesi's Director of Open Source Software, Pieter Van den Abeele commented on the release: "We are selling the customer a box optimized to run MythTV, not a software experience like Mac OS X or Windows Media Center Edition. We are assembling existing open source components into a whole. We think this is something the open source software community will appreciate. We would like to see people with the Genesi Home Media and Communication System build their own versions of the software. We hope to create a cycling effect of innovation and improvement in the software around the hardware. By building a community we build a market that is attractive to VAR, for example we are looking forward to Terra Soft Solutions selling their version of this product soon." For those not interested in developing their own software the Home Media and Communication System comes ready to go with software built over an AltiVec optimized version of Gentoo Linux.

Also of note, the recently announced EFIKA 5K2 board is available with a minimum order of 50 units. The boards include the Pegasos HAL/OF implementation and run the software currently available on the Open Desktop Workstation.

Movies: Home Media & Communications System

Movies: EFIKA 5K2

Update: (20:45, 05.12.05, snx)
According to Genesi, the tuner is an analogue one while DVB-S/T/C and HDTV are in the works. Furthermore, "the hard drives are enclosed in a sound-proof casing. The heat of the hard drive is transferred to the outside of the casing using heatpipes. The HD case transfers its heat to the heatsinks on the side of the case. The HD case is specially mounted (suspended) as well to prevent any vibrations from becoming audible. The same goes for the PSU."

Genesi will also be publishing a "How To" manual. Then one can buy a PegasosPPC and just build a Home Media and Communication System himselve. (snx)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2005, 07:15] [Comments: 0]
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03.Dec.2005 (website)

Cross compiling for MorphOS under Linux/x86
After the support pages for AmigaOS 3 and 4 as well as AROS did Jocke 'Zerohero' Birging set up with help from bigfoot and CISC now a page for cross compiling under Linux/x86 for MorphOS.

For now, only C but not C++ is supported. Includes and libraries of the MorphOS SDK are part of it though it is recommended to register at the MorphOS Developer Connection to download there the complete SDK and possibly to contact the developers forums there. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2005, 20:44] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: diagram and drawing program MindSpace 0.3
MindSpace is a drwaing program that is capable of creating among other things UML diagrams (Unified Modeling Language) (screenshot). For the future is the output of source code templates for C/C++ structures, functions and classes planned.

Download: MindSpaceV03.lha (370 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2005, 16:42] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

MorphOS: Diavolo Backup 2000 Pro ported
Ilkka Lehtoranta compiled a native MorphOS version of Martin Korndörfer's data backup program Diavolo Backup 2000 Pro. The once commercial software is available for free but donations can be made following the title link. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2005, 05:52] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: fun shooter Thurst (beta)
In a thread on introduces "Jupp3" a first early beta version of his fun shooter Thurst (screenshot). The game's meant to become a clone of the freeware classic "Bratwurst".

Download: thurst.lha (242 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2005, 01:51] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: new packages
With WHDLoad you can install games and scene demos, that were programmed only for running from floppy disks, on your hard drive. Next to this are many incompatibility issues with newer Amiga models removed.

The following installers were updated, added, improved or since our last update:
(cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2005, 00:27] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb (email)

Newsletter: Amiga Update #051130
Brad Webb's newsletter "Amiga Update" contains a summary of the more important Amiga related news of the last four weeks. The November issue has now been released:

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 051130 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

            A M I G A   G A M E S   T H A T   W E R E N ' T

          T H R E E   C O U N T I E S   G R O U P   I N   U K

     C O M P A N I E S   S T O P   S E L L I N G   H A R D W A R E

               D I G I T A L   U N I V E R S E   N E W S

 A L I N E A   C O M P U T E R   L A U N C H E D   I N   G E R M A N Y

                 A M I K I T   F O R   P C   U S E R S

               U P D A T E S   F R O M   J A H C S O F T

         C R O S S F I R E   I I   P A T C H   A N D   D E M O 

            W A R P V I E W   A T   O S 4 D E P O T . N E T

      N E W   W E T   -   F O R   W E A T H E R   C H E C K E R S

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Unusual things this month. A new website dedicated to games that 
weren't, the launch of a new Amiga software company (when's the last 
time that happened?) and companies in Germany stopping the selling of 
product due to new laws. Strange things, all those.
 I'd like to say a few words about the last item, the laws that are 
stopping the shipping of some hardware. This is related to the tough, 
new European rules regarding toxic waste. Many people don't know it, 
but the huge increase in electronic devices, especially computers, has 
led to a very serious pollution problem. That is because many 
electronic components contain toxic materials, especially lead, which 
is a very serious health risk if allowed to get into the environment. 
The disposal of these systems is poisoning people when not done 
correctly. This has become a huge problem in many countries around the 
world. Lead poisoning is especially hard on the young, who may suffer 
for their entire lives. Tough new European legislation to track and 
manage electronic devices from manufacturing to disposal is intended 
to tackle this issue. Because the economy is global, this initiative 
is forcing better products world wide.
 In our opinion, this is an excellent thing to do and should probably 
have been done long ago. Computing is fun but poisoning the 
environment and the creatures - including us - who live in it should 
not be part of the cost. "Kudos" to EU for having the courage to do 
something about this before the problem becomes even worse.
 We also strongly hope this is a temporary absence from the hardware 
scene. We trust everyone will understand or at least tolerate the 
situation (not that we could do much about it anyway) and we certainly 
look for the return of these products to the market as soon as the 
companies can comply with the new laws.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
 Brad Webb,

          A M I G A   G A M E S   T H A T   W E R E N ' T

30 October, 2005

aGTW is launched (with a simple site). There is only one game so far 
but it's a complete and previously unreleased Amiga game that was due 
to be a commercial title!

Case 1 - Son Shu Shi

Legend tells of a breed of Amiga games that never crawled out of the
primordial development swamp of their early existence. Games that 
never stood blinking in the sunlight of the gaming world. Games that 
were never devoured by predators of the Amiga jungle. They are the... 
Amiga Games That Weren't.

Some 5,000 Amiga games were released commercially. However, there are 
a significant number that were never released. The aim of this site is 
to find out what happened to them and (if possible) allow them to be
released. Expect many to be lost forever. It'll be an interesting
journey nonetheless.

Amiga Games That Weren't is a companion site to Frank Gasking's 
Games That Weren't 64 and Timo Weirich's PC Games That Weren't 
sites. The data on unreleased games is primarily based on information 
from the Hall Of Light.
Games That Weren't 64
PC Games That Weren't
The Software Preservation Society

The Hall Of Light

        T H R E E   C O U N T I E S   G R O U P   I N   U K

29 November, 2005

Three Counties Amiga Group

Our first Meeting is This Coming Sunday, 4th of December 2005:

Meeting Time: 11:30am till 3:00pm

Location:Wolloston Road, Westwood, Peterborough
Round the corner from where Big Bash Shows are held

Everyone welcome!

Please visit our website for further information:

Fee: £3.00 Per meeting

Conveniences: WC, Tea Coffee etc, Nearby: Grocers, Cash Till, Chinese, 
Chip Shop, etc one minutes walk from Venue. 

   C O M P A N I E S   S T O P   S E L L I N G   H A R D W A R E 

24 November, 2005 

 Germany's E3B and individual Computers, which became famous for 
innovative and powerful hardware expansions for classic Amiga 
computers, are forced to stop selling hardware until further notice 
due to changes in German law. No hardware is being shipped within the 
EU, not to resellers, nor to direct customers.

According to the national implementation of EU-directive 2002/96/EG
03720030213en00240038.pdf into German law *(Bundesgesetzblatt 2005 
Teil I Nr. 17)*
e594/050316elektrog_ger.pdf, every vendor in Germany must be 
registered with the Stiftung EAR For 
vendors from outside Germany, the importer must be registered, in case 
the vendor is not registered in Germany. This law applies to all 
electronic products that are mentioned in rule EAR 03-011, no
matter what country they come from - within or outside the European 

The new law aims at vendors and importers, who need to take
resposibility for the electronic devices if they are discarded at the
end of the product's life. Putting electronic devices into circulation
without being registered (indicated by a trashcan symbol) is against
German law as of today. Violators can be penalized with a monetary 
fine of up to 50.000 EUR.

Due to the complicated implementation by German authorities, it's not
easy to estimate the consequences and the new obligations created by
this law. In addition to that, the extremely high administration 
effort goes with high fees that must be paid to the Stiftung EAR - 
especially smaller companies' existance is endangered by the fees that 
are more than one hundred times higher than the recycling cost itself.
individual computers and E3B, who have been developing and producing in
Germany for many years, are now evaluating possibilities to comply 
with the strict rules in a close cooperation, so customers all over 
Europe can continue to buy top quality products from Germany. Both 
companies want to act responsible and sustainable in this regard.

Many issues are not yet resolved, therefore both companies cannot
continue to deliver hardware to customers and resellers within the
European union. Customers outside the EU are not affected by this 

We're hoping to proceed with the necessary steps in a timely manner.
Unfortunately, the "Stiftung EAR" cannot cope with the bureaucracy
created by their own rules, so our registration number is not yet
assigned. We are of course interested in continuing to offer 
innovative products, and will do everything to keep the shortage as 
short as possible. We're asking for your indulgence for any 

             D I G I T A L   U N I V E R S E   N E W S

 The following post about Digital Universe was found this month on the 
excellent site. Brad
28 November, 2005

*Some more positive news for AmgaOS4.

I did ask from the Digital Universe maintainers about the "promised"
version for PPC amigas, and I got a quick reply. I will not copy the
whole questions/answers list here, but the most important part. Also I
do remind you, that the plans are not a finnished product yet.*


news for the Amiga is actually brighter. We have made arrangements 
with a third party to continue to update the Amiga to bring it on a 
par (or better than) the current Mac release of the software. In 
addition to bringing it up to date with the current release of the 
Amiga OS, new capabilities (like the Hubble Guide Star catalogue) are 
expected to be available in the future.

I did ask the permission to share this information, if I let you also
know that: Quote:

I have no idea of an ETA at this time, but the Amiga release is 
actually the only version currently in active development at the 

And finally: Quote:

we have no estimate as to when it might be available.

Esa Haapaniemi
University of Oulu

 A L I N E A   C O M P U T E R   L A U N C H E D   I N   G E R M A N Y 

*Wehrheim, Germany, the 14th of november 2005.
Alinea Computer is proud of presenting itself as a new company for
Amiga-Software. We are an enterprise which concentrates it's work 
mainly on the development and the distribution of AmigaOS4-
applications and -games. Besides, we offer support services like 
CD-production, webdesign and dataprint.

The following Amiga-Software is now available: *

ANotice 2 - a memo programme

ANotice 2 is a memo programme for your workbench. It will help you to
manage your notes, dates, to-do-lists or other important information.
You can easily and fast change the notice and export it into different

ANotice 2 can manage up to 13 notes and each note can be designed
individually with 13 different background and text- colors, 7 
textures, different fonts and 4 text attributes.

Besides the large reaction-prefs which can controll all functions,
ANotice 2 includes a network-function with client-server-programme, so
that distributing a to-do-list in an enterprise can easily be done.
ANotice 2 was programmed as a commodity and runs totaly system 
friendly. It operates on each Amiga with at least AmigaOS 4.0. You do 
not need any other libraries or additional programmes.

ANotice 2 is delivered by E-Mail and costs 5,95 Euro only.

AmiPhoto - a quick and comfortable photo-manager

AmiPhoto is a photo album for your digital photos and pictures. It's
easy handling and attractive GUI will convince you. You can manage up 
to half a million pictures in 500 albums at the most. You can show the
photos on the surface or by multiview. Because of a direct support of
the Amiga OS4.0 datatype-system, it is possible to use all
picture-formats which exist as datatype. AmiPhoto can further select 
and show the EXIF-dates of your digital photos.

For adapting perfectly on your workbench-skin, AmiPhotos uses it's own
Bitmap-skin-system. The 17 skins you find on your CD will help you to
style your AmiPhoto surface. You can certainly create your own skins. 
We would be proud to present your skin on our website.

AmiPhoto is programmed totaly system friendly. It supports the
application library and does not need any additional libraries.

AmiPhoto is delivered an CD and costs just 19,95 Euro.


The main ambition of Alinea Computer is to support the Amiga market.
That's the reason why we will continue releasing programmes free of
charge, so that the existing lack of Amiga-Software can be repaired. 
We hope you can use our software and we would be happy to hear some
feedback concerning our products.

On our website: you'll find more

You can buy all our products in our Alinea-Shop. As a dealer, please
address yourself via E-Mail.

We would be glad to welcome you as a new customer!

               A M I K I T   F O R   P C   U S E R S

26 November, 2005 

*To be brief, AmiKit is all you need if you
want to experience a high-end Classic Amiga system on your PC.
AmiKit turns the default AmigaOS installation into a completely 
renewed and fresh environment.

More than 20.000 files are included and pre-configured for immediate 

AmiKit is available at ***

Exclusive features:

- Directory Opus Magellan II used a Workbench replacement!!!

- Special versions of AmiStart, GlobalTrash, ReqChange, ShowAmiga96 
and FullPalette!

Major features:

- User-friendly interface that helps you to manage all your files in 
an easy way!

- Internet browsing, mailing, chatting and downloading using various
programs like AWeb, IBrowse, YAM, SimpleMail, AmIRC, AmiTradeCenter,

- Reading PDF, M$Word, RTF and other document formats with the help of
APDF, EvenMore, Antiword...

- Manage your time and account with the help of Daywatch and HomeBank.

- Music software, net streaming, MP3 creating and sample editing
software like AmigaAMP, AmiNetRadio, EaglePlayer, SymphoniePlayer, 
LAME, TheMPegEncGUI, SampleEditor...

- Displaying (even in thumbnails) and editing pictures with the help 
of PicShow, Thumb, MysticView, FroggerNG, PerfectPaint... Or enjoy the
fractal world through ZoneXplorer!

- Easy handling of archives. They are opened like every other drawer. 
Or some external programs could be used instead (VooDoo-X, MUIUnArc,

- Massive FTP support through OpusFTP module. It has a full GUI for 
the Address Book and operational parameters.

- Software for burning and copying the CDs (MakeCD), for mounting
virtual CDs (VirtualCD).

- You can make your AmiKit password protected. Just don't forget your

- Pre-configured recognition and processing of many file formats
(through the DOpus filetypes)...

- Various system tools like SysInspector, SnoopDos, Q-Device, 

- Antivirus software effectively checks the system files, memory and
archives for viruses.

- Emulation software like ASp for retro ZX gaming...

- Great taskbar software: AmiStart (for those who do not like the
taskbars on Amiga, simply remove AmiStart from WBStartup. Easy!)

- Most advanced Amiga "recycle bin" software: GlobalTrash.

- Visual enchancers and system enchancers like VisualPrefs, Birdie,
TitleShadow, BoingBall, MagicMenu, MCP...

- Warp3D compatibility thanks to QuarkTex software...

- Yes, some games are included as well

...and much more!

AmiKit is available at

             U P D A T E S   F R O M   J A H C S O F T

28 November, 2005 6:06:30

*My various pieces of OS4 software have been updated in the last week 
or so..

RockBEAT 1.3.1 - Create drumming tracks and export as WAV files!

WookieChat 1.9.1 - Chat on IRC networks! (Internet Relay Chat). 
/Now available for OS3.x again!/

SimplePlay 3.2 - Play OGG, MP3, WAV, MOD, S3M, IT, XM, and MIDI 

Recent changes:

- Made less crashy on exit. My timers and AHI iorequests are cleaned 
up properly now.

- Position LED's light up while playing, and scrolls automatically

- You can now switch between drumkits, and it will remember the last
drumkit you used.

Recent changes:

- When you're holding down the left mouse button highlighting text,
channel messages etc are paused until you let go.

- "Unknown nick" and "Cannot send to channel" messages are displayed 
in their proper tabs again

- Channel lists are no longer sorted alphabetically. It was causing a
huge drain on the CPU when thousands of channels were present. It
sometimes led to a crash.

- No more garbled channel part messages

- "Clear all" button added to the URL Grabber window

- Added code to prevent DCC Transfers window from popping to the front
when you get an incoming file if its already open in the background

- 68k WookieChat development has resumed, and it no longer hangs when
recieving incoming DCC sends. A divide by zero bug in the file 
transfer stats function has been removed! (thank you wegster for 
telling me what was wrong)

- Now works with WebChat and DarkMyst networks (homes of 
and #amigazeux). Wookie was doing its connection detection in a 
slightly bad way previously.

- Clicking in the main chat display now activates the chat string 

- Outgoing swear word filter. use /filter to toggle on and off


Recent changes:
- Shuffle and Repeat playing modes added.

- Bugfix: after a playing a song located using Jump Find, it plays the
next song in the list now.

- Song name and Elapsed time is now displayed

- Fixed a playlist bug. It was adding the termination character to 
text strings about one character too far. So playlists were able to be
corrupted after loading and saving sometimes.

- Jump find has been improved slightly. Converts _ into spaces 
internally when searching for songs. So for example the song

"Christina_Vidal_-_Take_Me_Away.mp3" can be found if you type in the
words "take me away"

- The default icon priority is now higher to help prevent playback
stuttering e.g. when accessing menus and scrolling in aweb.

Grab them from




       C R O S S F I R E   I I   P A T C H   A N D   D E M O 

28 November, 2005 

An AmigaOS 4 demo version and an AmigaOS 4 patch for Crossfire II have 
been released today.

You can find the patch and the demo on the support pages for Crossfire 
II on the APC&TCP homepage.

We want to thank Steffen Haesser and Alinea Computer for the 
conversion of Crossfire II to AmigaOS 4.

          W A R P V I E W   A T   O S 4 D E P O T . N E T 

14 November, 2005

*A new version of WarpView is available on OS4Depot.Net

Changes in this version:

- Fixed cancelling the filerequester which made WarpView exit even 
when using 'Open' from menu.

- Add .gif to requester file pattern and added tooltype + command line
option for setting the file pattern

- 90 degree rotation is now reset when stepping between files

- Fixed a bug with the Infoline timer that was not retriggered when
stepping between files

- Added drag'n'drop support (can now drag files onto WarpView icon in

- Added infoline config tooltypes and commandline options (on/off and

- Added mouse blanking (with on/off and timeout options)

- Added alphabetical file list sorting


  N E W   W E T   -   F O R   W E A T H E R   C H E C K E R S 

*Description: * Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIcon, Docky
*Download: *    wet.lha    
*Version: * 4.11
*Date: *    26 Nov 05
*Author: *  Chris Young
*Submitter: *   Chris Young
*Email: *   chris/unsatisfactorysoftware co uk
*Homepage: *
*Requirements: *    OS4 pre-release Update 3
*Category: *    utility/workbench
*Replaces: *    utility/workbench/wet.lha
*License: * Freeware
*Distribute: *  yes
*FileID: *  1349
*Comments: *    23  
*Snapshots: *   3  
*Downloads: *   112 (For current version, not accumulated)

This program retrieves local meterological data from the Internet, and 
saves it in (regulary updating) env-vars to allow you to display it in 
the WB titlebar, as an icon on Workbench, AmiDock or in the GUI.  It 
can show a forecast for up to 24 hours ahead (where available), and is 
fully localisable.

New translations for:
English (built-in)

Old or partial translations for:

Previous few version changes:

4.11 (26.11.2005)

* Added AUTORUNAREXX tooltype, ARexx commands to get the data\'s date 
and time and an example ARexx script which logs the observed 
* A certain connection error was causing a recoverable alert.  Fixed.
* Rewrote most of the forecast-related routines, as still having 
problems with bogus data appearing.  Is now greatly simplified and 
hopefully more reliable.
* The date of the last update could show the incorrect month in 
certain circumstances.  Fixed. 
* When cloud height not available, it was being reported as -11100ft.  
Now shows a slightly more correct 0ft.

4.1 (20.11.2005)

* Added a docky icon. (thanks to Stefan Robl for sending me the SDK)
* Will now work behind a proxy server. (even on a direct link, 
specifying a web cache proxy is recommended)
* Now retrieves data with an If-Modified-Since header, which 
significantly speeds up updates, especially if new data is not 
* Can now set the poll interval in 10 minute increments.
* Warnings now automatically suppressed if another app requests 
\"game mode\".
* A saved project icon sometimes resulted in an incorrect ENVPATH 
tooltype.  Fixed.
* Forecasts generated <1hr from midnight sometimes resulted in 
uneventful duplicated times. Fixed.
* Rain and Snow Showers were showing the Showers icon rather than Rain 
or Snow.

* Iconified icon (AppIcon disabled) was not disappearing if the window 
was reopened using a method other than double-clicking on the icon.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 12th publication year. 
Copyright 2005 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  
(cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2005, 00:23] [Comments: 0]
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02.Dec.2005 (ANF)

Ragonsoft published RagonSnake as Freeware
Ragonsoft published RagonSnake as Freeware and is now available under the title link. It is a E-Snake-like game for a short break.

RagonSnake is started from the Workbench and is controlled with the joystick. You have to control a snake which becomes longer and longer and to stay alive as long as possible. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2005, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi: MySQL report concerning the Pegasos as server
According to a press release from Genesi under the title link the database MySQL AB has published a report which is about the Pegasos as server.

It is described the increase of performance of Greyhound-Data with the Altivec optimation on a 1,4 GHz-Pegasos under Debian. The database has a size of 4 GB. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2005, 19:28] [Comments: 0]
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RhoSigma, Roland Heyder (ANF)

Updates of MakeHTMLMap and further RhoSigma Programs
Roland Heyder has revised his programs. Besides MakeHTMLMap and the extra.library even the external preferences editor for MaxonBasic and the line command RandomWBPatt have received an update. Details of the certain innovations can be found under the title link. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2005, 19:58] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi: Second ODW accessible at TechOnLine
As Genesi states in a press release under the title link, a second open desktop workstation (ODW) for trial purposes is accessible now via the internet at TechOnLine. The first odw, where Gentoo linux is installed, was the mainly used platform in the virtual lab within the previous half of the year. The new Pegasus runs SUSE-Linux. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2005, 14:06] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (homepage)

AROS: File System SFS ported
Michal Schulz has adapted the file system SFS to AROS and fulfilled the bounty project  #36 of the team AROS with it. Additionally the open source amiga clone provides the SFS tools, e. g. one for defragmenting (Screenshot).

You can find additional details in the Forum of (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2005, 07:40] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Dröge (ANF)

First demo version of the home banking software proBanking
Today a first demo version of the being under development home banking software "proBanking" has been released. This version 0.40 is a kind of "design study": It should demonstrate the user how this software will behave in offline mode.

Currently the following actions may be done:
  • Assistent aided setup of offline accounts
  • Import from transaction data and/or category data from these file formats:
    • QIF (Quicken Interchange Format)
    • CSV (Exportformat of the German "Sparkasse")
    • AmigaKonto (account format of the equally named software)
  • Add transactions manually
  • Category management
  • Receiver list management
  • Simple graphic monitor for the account history
  • Simple analysis of the transaction data
There is neither a documentation of the avaialble functions available yet, nor are all windows and GUI elements are functionsal.

The software is developed using AmigaOS 3.9.. It should run with the more recent operating systems like MorphOS or AmigaOS 4, but especially with MorphOS there is no warranty of stability.

The author welcomes ideas, proposals, bug reports and feature requests especial since he cannot estimate the demand for a complete online enabled banking software would be.

The implementation of the HBCI interface will be done in a 2nd part of the development, as soon as the software foundation is stable and sufficient. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2005, 11:10] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi (e-mail)

Genesi: Sub-laptop 4U2 announced
Genesi has announced a sub-laptop called 4U2. The device will be based on the EFIKA 5K2 reference design and the Freescale MPC5200B processor.

The 4U2 will be produced in Asia and is planned to be available in Q2/2006. The 4U2 board can be deployed in a variety of configurations and uses and includes both a mobile and WLAN capability.

The 4U2 is also mentioned in the current blog of Genesi's General Managers Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck. (snx)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2005, 08:07] [Comments: 0]
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Cubic IDE: Service Pack 1 released
Dietmar Eilert has released a service pack for his integrated development environment Cubic IDE (formerly known as GoldED). it fixes several minor bugs. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2005, 07:55] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Webseite)

MorphOS: SDL-Shooter Bolcataxian / Ambient-Skin eZ

Bolcataxian 1.0

After the GP32-Version is Bolcataxian also available for MorphOS (Screenshot). The vertical scroll Shoot'em Up-game in a "Oldschool"-Style needs PowerSDL.

Download: Bolcataxian10_MOS.lha (670 KB)


The Ambient-Skin eZ is dark and inculdes two MUI-config-files - one with and one withoutGradienten.

Download (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 09:13] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

CManager as LGPL released
Alfonso Ranieri released the sourcecode of his Contact Manager Version 34.4 on as LGPL. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 08:43] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

SN-AnlagenArchiv 0.75 / SN-HTMLKompress 1.05
Steffen Nitz released the Version 1.05 of his SN-HTMLKompress already, which comes with a increased packrate of HTML-files of 10%.

Today he released also the update to version 0.75 of his SN-AnlagenArchive, which works with the actual quotation and a lot of new additionals. SN-AnlagenArchiv is a managmentsoftware for Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium, as mintage and bullions.

Changes for SN-AnlagenArchiv 0.75:
  • Each of Mintages/bullions are recorded for every entry
  • The windowtitle of the Stockwindow shows the exchange rate which is needed for profit
  • Choice-gadget for ordered or buyed mintages/bullions and a field for the sellers name
  • it is possible to show two pictures for every entry
  • Two new graphical statisitics for metalvalue and the Zwei neue grafische Statistiken für Metallwert und Auctionvalue-stock
  • The mainstatistic shows collectingareas with numbers of mintakes, metalvalue, auctionvalue, weight
  • Now is a textfile for every record available
  • globalnote for every record
  • exchange quotation completed til 25.Nov.2005
  • Demorecord a updated
  • Manual updated
  • Errors fixed
(snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 08:35] [Comments: 0]
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rüpel (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Crossfire 2-Port is finished (Update)
Alinea Computer notify linked to the header that the OS4-Port of his Shoot'em up "Crossfire 2" is finished and they send the final version to his Publisher APC&TCP.

All owners of the three years old classic amiga version get as a priceless update the PPC-Port.Andreas Magerl of APC&TCP notify, that the release of the Update and the Demoversion for AmigaOS 4 are estimated til the end of the week.

Update: (28.11.2005, 15:00, cg)

Patch and PPC-Native Demoversion are available at the support area of APC&TCP. The Publisher thanks to Alinea Computer and Steffen Häuser, they maked the OS4-Port possible. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 01:20] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-meeting in Wolfenbüttel are suspended
The organizer of the Amiga-meeting in Wolfenbüttel suspend the next meeting and notify organizational items and the actual weather situation as reason (amiga-news report).The next Amiga-Meeting will be starts at the middle of march

The exact date will be notify at the begin of february 2006. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 01:12] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads til 27.11.2005
Aminet-Uploads til 27.11.2005:
agenda.lha                  biz/dbase   801K  VAR  Nice and easy address & phone book (OS4,
agendafr.lha                biz/dbase     0K  GEN  French Catalog file for AGENDA - (readme
wookiechat.lha              comm/irc    369K  VAR  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat) - (read
amidyndns.lha               comm/tcp     58K  OS3  GUI/CLI Client for services -
libablit.lha                dev/c       2.4M  OS4  Alpha Channel Blit Library - (readme)
vmwcc-mos.lha               dev/c       218K  MOS  c-subset compiler - (readme)
amilua_a68k-amigaos.lha     dev/lang    213K  OS3  Lua with Siamiga.lib - (readme)
amilua_src.lha              dev/lang    233K  GEN  Lua with Siamiga.lib - (readme)
AutoDocReader.lha           dev/misc    163K  OS3  Viewer for autodocs, header C and other 
id-utils-3.2.lha            dev/misc    685K  VAR  Language-independent identifier database
sdl_perl.lha                dev/misc    2.1M  OS4  Simple DirectMedia Library Bindings for 
avd_template.lha            dev/src     194K  OS4  AVD Template Project - Skeleton OS4 appl
AMIthlon_net.lha            docs/help   961K  GEN  How to setup AMIthlon on ADSL or cable. 
StarVoyager_OS4.lha         game/actio  710K  OS4  Startrek themed  network game - (readme)
TargetAcquired_OS4.lha      game/actio  271K  OS4  Yet Another Vertical scrolling shootem u
WOK_OS4.lha                 game/actio  1.3M  OS4  Oddly attractive ball tossing game - (re
ularn_fin.lha               game/data    75K  GEN  Finnish catalog for ULarn - (readme)
linuxlunarlander_OS4.lha    game/misc   773K  OS4  Land Your Lunar - (readme)
linuxshuttlelander_OS4.lha  game/misc   1.2M  OS4  Land Your Space Shuttle! - (readme)
Spout_OS4.lha               game/misc   189K  OS4  An abstract caveflyer, obscure as it can
TowerToppler_OS4.lha        game/misc   1.5M  OS4  Remake of the old classic Nebulus (Hewso
TuxMath_OS4.lha             game/misc   1.9M  OS4  Math game, mixed with Missile command - 
TuxType_OS4.lha             game/misc   5.0M  OS4  Learn how to spell / use the keyboard - 
NameOfGame_PRV_OS4.lha      game/role   4.3M  OS4  Preview of a TopDown RPG game - (readme)
SDLroids_OS4.lha            game/shoot  579K  OS4  Yet Another Asteroids clone - (readme)
TankCommand_OS4.lha         game/shoot  3.1M  OS4  Fast paced 2D arcade tank game - (readme
Tunnel_OS4.lha              game/shoot  1.0M  OS4  Weird Tunnel Racer shooter - (readme)
level9_40_amiga.lha         game/text    53K  OS3  Level9 text adventures interpreter - (re
magnetic22amiga.lha         game/text   101K  OS3  Magnetic Scrolls text adventures utiliti
magx065amiga.lha            game/text   173K  OS3  text adventures compiler - (readme)
magx065amiga_ppc.lha        game/text   176K  WUP  text adventures compiler - (readme)
BlockAttack_OS4.lha         game/think  5.3M  OS4  Tetris Attack Clone  (SNES) - (readme)
sdl-toms-mos.lha            game/think  162K  MOS  An SDL "Atoms" clone - (readme)
povraymos.lha               gfx/3d       11M  MOS  Commandline based raytracer - (readme)
GS8gui.lha                  gfx/conv     42K  GEN  GUI for Ghostscript8 done with rxMUI - (
MPLEXex.lha                 gfx/conv    183K  VAR  Create MPEG system from MPEG video and M
scr2gif-mos.lha             gfx/conv     24K  MOS  Spectrum Screen to GIF converter - (read
scr2gif.lha                 gfx/conv     12K  OS3  Spectrum Screen to GIF converter - (read
zxscredit-mos.lha           gfx/edit    105K  MOS  ZX-Spectrum SCREEN editor - (readme)
save_png.lha                gfx/ifx       2K  GEN  Save files as pngs using AutoFX - (readm
viewilbm_1.11.lha           gfx/show    377K  OS4  Displays IFF-ILBM pictures, supports col
zxscrview-mos.lha           gfx/show     23K  MOS  ZX-Spectrum SCREEN viewer - (readme)
PAR_READ.lha                hard/hack   327K  OS3  PAR: as a VOLUME in READ mode only. - (r
mecanos3.lha                misc/edu    897K  OS3  Demo of a new type writer teacher - (rea
xjdic.lha                   misc/edu    128K  OS3  EDICT dictionary utils - (readme)
bas2tap-mos.lha             misc/emu     62K  MOS  Spectrum Basic file to TAP tape image co
snapconv-mos.lha            misc/emu    206K  MOS  Spectrum snapshot converter - (readme)
z802tzx-mos.lha             misc/emu     63K  MOS  Z80 Snapshot to TZX Tape Converter - (re
z802tzx.lha                 misc/emu     37K  OS3  Z80 Snapshot to TZX Tape Converter - (re
ASense.lha                  misc/sci    865K  OS3  Professional astrology software - (readm
ASenseFPU.lha               misc/sci    290K  OS3  Professional astrology software - (readm
partyland_techno.mp3        mods/mpg    3.5M  GEN  Pinball Fantasies Partyland Remix - (rea
rockbeat.lha                mus/edit    1.7M  OS4  Create drumming tracks and export them a
ADPCM_dec.lha               mus/misc     28K  OS3  Decoder for Christian Buchner's ADPCM pa
SimpleSamples.lha           mus/play     44K  OS3  Little musical toy for PAL AMIGAs - (rea
ez.lha                      pix/theme    88K  GEN  eZ MorphOS skin - (readme)
morphqs+.lha                pix/theme   161K  GEN  MorphQS+ MorpOS skin - (readme)
morphqs.lha                 pix/theme    87K  GEN  MorphQS MorpOS skin - (readme)
ibrowse.jpg                 pix/wb      187K  GEN  IBrowse 2.3 - (readme)
mui.jpg                     pix/wb       45K  GEN  Zami-based MUI? - (readme)
wb2.jpg                     pix/wb      179K  GEN  Helgis Zami MUI Network Shot! - (readme)
anotice_pl.lha              text/edit     6K  GEN  ANotice 2 - polish locale - (readme)
cabextract_OS4.lha          util/arc     37K  OS4  Extraction tool for Windows CAB files - 
Unshield_OS4.lha            util/arc     42K  OS4  Tool to extract Microsoft Cabinet Files 
Tree178.lha                 util/cli    129K  OS3  Lists Directory content tree-like - (rea
au_dt.lha                   util/dtype   38K  OS4  OS4 native Sun/NeXT .au datatype, with s
wave_dt.lha                 util/dtype  113K  OS4  An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with s
sed-4.1.4-bin_os4.lha       util/gnu    331K  OS4  The GNU sed stream editor - (readme)
abc-shell_hnl.tar.bz2       util/misc   432K  OS4  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell - (readme)
headtail13.lha              util/shell   45K  OS4  Show first/last n lines/chars/blocks of 
OrthodoxLent.lha            util/time    11K  VAR  Calculate orthodox lent - (readme)
AmiSnap11.lha               util/wb      31K  OS4  Iconify any window on your wb with FX - 
wbclose.lha                 util/wb       7K  OS4  Close drawers from the shell and scripts
wbopen.lha                  util/wb       7K  OS4  Open drawers and icons from the shell an
wet.lha                     util/wb     665K  OS4  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 01:07] [Comments: 0]
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28.Nov.2005 Uploads til 27.11.2005 uploads til 27.11.2005:
wok.lha                 gam/act    1Mb  Oddly attractive ball tossing game
viewilbm.lha            gra/vie  376kb  Displays IFF-ILBM pictures, supports col
wet.lha                 uti/wor  665kb  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
tunnel.lha              gam/act    1Mb  Weird Tunnel Racer shooter
tuxmath.lha             gam/chi    1Mb  Math game, mixed with Missile command
tuxtype.lha             gam/chi    4Mb  Learn how to spell / use the keyboard
towertoppler.lha        gam/mis    1Mb  Remake of the old classic Nebulous (Hews
blockattack.lha         gam/puz    5Mb  Tetris Attack Clone  (SNES)     net/bro   29kb  Aweb custom navigation buttons
amisnap_fx.lha          uti/wor   30kb  Iconify any window on your wb with FX
ahiusr.lha              aud/mis  783kb  Retargetable audio User's Archive
rockbeat.lha            aud/tra    1Mb  Create drumming tracks and export them a
ahidev.lha              dev/lib  971kb  Retargetable audio, Developer's Archive
linuxlunarlander.lha    gam/mis  772kb  Land Your Lunar
linuxshuttlelander.lha  gam/mis    1Mb  Land Your Space Shuttle!
cabextract.lha          uti/fil   36kb  Extraction tool for Windows CAB files
unshield.lha            uti/fil   42kb  Tool to extract Microsoft Cabinet Files
anotice_pl.lha          uti/tex    5kb  ANotice 2 - polish locale
avd_template.lha        dev/exa  194kb  AVD Template Project - Skeleton OS4 appl
sdl_perl.lha            dev/lib    2Mb  Simple DirectMedia Library Bindings for 
starvoyager.lha         gam/act  710kb  Startrek themed  network game
tankcommand.lha         gam/act    3Mb  Fast paced 2D arcade tank game
targetacquired.lha      gam/act  271kb  Yet Another Vertical scrolling shootem u
headtail.lha            uti/she   44kb  Show first/last n lines/chars/blocks of 
wbclose.lha             uti/she    6kb  Close drawers from the shell and scripts
wbopen.lha              uti/she    6kb  Open drawers and icons from the shell an
au_dt.lha               dat/sou   37kb  OS4 native Sun/NeXT .au datatype, with s
wave_dt.lha             dat/sou  113kb  An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with s
sdlroids.lha            gam/act  578kb  Yet Another Asteroids clone
spout.lha               gam/mis  189kb  an abstract caveflier , obscure as it ca
libablit.lha            dev/lib    2Mb  Alpha Channel Blit Library
abc-shell.tar.bz2       dev/uti  431kb  Amiga Bourne Compatible Shell
wookiechat.lha          net/cha  369kb  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 01:06] [Comments: 0]
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Aros-Archives: Uploads til 27.11.2005
aros-archives uploads til 27.11.2005:
i386-aros-gocr039.lha  gra/con    1Mb  i386-aros-gocr039         gra/ico  694kb  64x64 png icons
rubix.i386.lha         gam/puz  112kb  Port of rubix, a rubik's cube game (w/sr

[News message: 28. Nov. 2005, 01:05] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Roesch (ANF)

AFA OS: New beta version for the final 3.91 release
AFA OS ("AROS for AmigaOS") extends AmigaOS 3.x with functions of the open source operating system AROS. With the current beta test, Version 3.91 should be finalized. On this, Bernd Roesch, the initiator of the project, writes:

"Since AFA OS was now tested by some, and all known bugs were fixed, it now comes to the final beta test. If there are no more problems, this will be the final version 3.91.

A problem was noted, where it would be the best solution that all Amiga systems can use TrueType fonts without .otag files. In Aminet, there are, for example, Vera-Fonts, which feature an incompatible .otag file. It would be best if the freetype2.library, which MorphOS and AROS as well as AFA use, goes without the .otag file. Then, you do not have to create it by Fontmanager. Also, under Windows, you can just copy the files to it and it runs. But I am not familiar with TrueType fonts. Fonts that work with AFA have an .otag file, in which "freetype2.library" appears. In the enclosed fonts, you can also check what this should look like. Also it seems as if you must copy the fonts into the SYS:Fonts directory.

Error corrections:
  • With the new datatype, pictures with 256 colors were displayed wrongly on 32 bit screens
  • Archive is now available in LhA format, since there were problems with the protection bits in the ZIP format
  • My E-Mail address was stated wrongly in the Readme file (without <>) - now you can copy and paste it into the E-Mail program
  • Installation script by David Eriksson (fx)
  • Adjustable anti-alias intensity in 100 gradations, to specify an individual optimum between pixelation and blurring - at lower anti-alias value, the processor load turns out accordingly lower, too
  • 39 of the most commonly used AmigaOS functions of the exec.library of AROS are now used by AFA. The AmigaOS exec possesses more than 119 functions. For the rest, it will be more difficult to find out whether they can be used, since I do not even know what they do, to some extent. Therefore, it would be nice if someone could help here, to test the remaining functions as well, or to write a test program.
All commands should be made safe, so that they do not produce memtrash with wrong parameters, or cause the system to crash. At present, the following commands are safe:
  • GetMsg
  • ReplyMsg
  • SendIO
  • CheckIO
  • DoIO
  • WaitIO
  • RemHead
If these commands are called with nonsensical values, an Enforcer hit will be produced, if the Enforcer is running (tst.l $0) and the command does nothing. Only one Enforcer hit is known to me. The ReplyMsg command from Fontprefs 3.5 does this, because the message has already received an answer (you detect this in the node type). But it runs without problems anyhow.

If someone has problems with the software, whereat he suspects that it comes from the exec.library, then he may delete the library through a restart, try it once again, and please report which library causes the problem.

In this regard, the AROS source code has several compatibility problems/bugs that are already changed in AFA. Though I reported these, I do not know to what extent it is adopted. Also, it looks as if no interest exists on the part of the AROS developers to make the operating system more crash-safe through this.

Whoever wants to compile exec and meets with crashes, which do not exist with the binary file, may please send an E-Mail, I send the up-to-date files then." (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2005, 16:43] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Zahurancik (ANF)

WinUAE: OS-Distribution Amikit, including Opus Magellan 2
Amikit is another complete distribution for WinUAE users, similar to AIAB or AmigaSys. As a highlight, the package includes a completely functional trial version of the well-known file manager Directory Opus Magellan. Windows as well as WinUAE with an existing AmigaOS installation are required.

Note: The trial version of Opus Magellan 2 is not registered, i.e. there is an "annoying requester" to acknowledge when starting, moreover, the program start is delayed for 10 seconds. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2005, 00:06] [Comments: 0]
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1 388 770 ... <- 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 -> ... 790 926 1067 [Archive]
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