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Carsten Schröder (ANF)

AMIGA aktuell 08/2001 released
The August issue of AMIGA aktuell contains this time even three top reviews: We take a close look at
  • the AmigaDE in the »Party Pack« version,
  • the PCI busboard »Prometheus« and
  • the soundcard »Repulse«.
Additionally AMIGA aktuell 08/2001 contains
  • the second part of the background report about the legendary »Phoenix« mainboard,
  • the second part of the experience report about the emulator package »AmigaForever«,
  • of course extensive information about the latest AMIGA announcements
and much more. AMIGA aktuell 08/2001 can be read online on our website as well as it can be downloaded in HTML resp. AmigaGuide format.

Attention: As the AMIGA aktuell website is on its way to moving to another server some services, among others the archived online issues, are unusable for quite some time. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 23:31] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Scholling (ANF)

The revolution - a fictitious story
The vague information one gets from Amiga Inc. don't allow a continuation of the story about Amithlon and the forces of darkness for the moment. But surely later :)

But as I was asked to write something, now for something completely different. Though not very Amiga related it fits somehow the present situation.

Ciao, Carsten
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (email)

Disk magazine: NoCover 89 released
Today the NoCover issue #89 has been released. It can be read online on the APC&TCP homepage.

The online subscriptions were sent away today. The disk subscriptions will be brought to the post on Sunday. As usual, the NoCover contains the latest issue of the 'Amiga Aktuell' magazine. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe (ANF)

Domain to give away
For some months now the domain lies fallow. I don't need it anymore, and I'm now looking for a new non-commercial user. A permission for such a non-commercial use was given by Amiga Inc. but would have to be renewed with a change of the owner and the service.

I give the domain away for free. The costs resulting from a change may be taken over by the new owner. When interested please send an email to Thomas Hoppe.

For now the domain is looked after by DomainFactory. A change is no problem but needs a little more time at DomainFactory. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 18:31] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 04.08.2001
E2140G-FLC01.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/17 *
E2140G-FLC02.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 2/17 *
E2140G-FLC03.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 3/17 *
E2140G-FLC04.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 4/17 *
E2140G-FLC05.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 5/17 *
E2140G-FLC06.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 6/17 *
E2140G-FLC07.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 7/17 *
E2140G-FLC08.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 8/17 *
E2140G-FLC09.lzh     game/patch   0K+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 9/17 *
E2140G-FLC10.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 10/17 
E2140G-FLC11.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 11/17 
E2140G-FLC12.lzh     game/patch   0K+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 12/17 
E2140G-FLC13.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 13/17 
E2140G-FLC14.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 14/17 
E2140G-FLC15.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 15/17 
E2140G-FLC16.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 16/17 
E2140G-FLC17.lzh     game/patch   0K+German Flc.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 17/17 
E2140G-FONT1.lzh     game/patch  16K+German Font.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/1 *
E2140G-GAME1.lzh     game/patch 463K+German Game.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/1 *
E2140G-GRAPH1.lzh    game/patch 1.7M+German Graph.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/2 
E2140G-GRAPH2.lzh    game/patch  69K+German Graph.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 2/2 
E2140G-LEVEL1.lzh    game/patch 1.0M+German Level.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/1 
E2140G-MENU2.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+German Menu.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 2/5 *
E2140G-MENU3.lzh     game/patch   0K+German Menu.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 3/5 *
E2140G-MENU4.lzh     game/patch   0K+German Menu.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 4/5 *
E2140G-MENU5.lzh     game/patch 1.6M German Menu.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 5/5 *
E2140G-MIX1.lzh      game/patch 1.7M+German Mix.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/4 *L
E2140G-MIX2.lzh      game/patch 1.7M+German Mix.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 2/4 *L
E2140G-MIX3.lzh      game/patch   0K+German Mix.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 3/4 *L
E2140G-MIX4.lzh      game/patch  96K+German Mix.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 4/4 *L
E2140G-PIRO1.lzh     game/patch 379K+German Piro.wd for Earth 2140 Disk 1/1 *
E2140G-SAMPLE1.lzh   game/patch 1.7M+German Samples for Earth 2140 Disk 1/4 *
E2140G-SAMPLE2.lzh   game/patch 1.7M+German Samples for Earth 2140 Disk 2/4 *
E2140G-SAMPLE3.lzh   game/patch 1.7M+German Samples for Earth 2140 Disk 3/4 *
E2140G-SAMPLE4.lzh   game/patch 928K+German Samples for Earth 2140 Disk 4/4 *
akPNG-PPC.lha        util/dtype  55K+AkPNG-dt PPC plugin V44.100

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 15:09] [Comments: 0]
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AmigArt / Christoph Meier (ANF)

Alan Redhouse (Eyetech UK) comments AmigaOne, OS4-PPC and Amithlon
»Well apart from unduly cluttering up the AmigaOne mailing list I think Gary has handled the points raised admirably. Of course a large proportion of posters appear to have completely ignored his answers and have started indulging in even greater realms of virtual computing fantasy. I dont really see it as a particularly good use of my time or the lists bandwith to comment until the party atmosphere has died down a little.

However, since you ask, this is how I see things, (having first discussed it with Bill, Fleecy & Gary):

There are currently 4 Amiga-on-PC emulators in existence/under development.: UAE (Linux/windows); Amiga Forever; Amithlon; and 'x' (as previewed in AmigaActive but shortly to be released).

All use the same basic 68K emulation process, but have different trade-offs in terms of speed, chipset emulation (and therefore compatibility), windows integration and other features. All only run 68K (not PPC) code so cannot run modern software with PPC code.

All can only run os3.x (for which development has been capped) and will not be able to run any version of OS4.x , all of which are PPC coded. All will be irrelevant with OS5.0 (sometime) as this will run native on PPC and x86 (plus possibly some other) hardware.

From Amiga Inc's point of view all these products have a potential benefit in increasing the overall Amiga user base. The theory is that they will act as a taster to get old PC-owning Amigans excited again and to give ex Amiga (who are now PC) dealers a low cost way of re-evaluating the Amiga. The ultimate goal (in Amiga Inc's eyes) is to get more people to purchase/stock the new PPC-based Amigas.

I am personally unsure whether this will be successful as:

Virtually all new software will be written to OS4.x and PPC interfaces. Showing PC users an old unsupported operating system and its associated 68K applications does not - to me - seem the best way to impress them and get them to change platforms.

(As Ben Hermans from Hyperion says) these emulators will inevitably be installed on an existing windows machine where more functional - but mainly more familiar - productivity and games software already exists for these users.

I personally feel that we have the best chance of winning back old Amigans with an all new hardware (including case - details available in a couple of weeks), OS and application software bundle. That is we need a stand-alone fully functioning solution with sufficient native applications and performance to impress existing independant PC dealers. Of course this means that we need some of these new applications ready when os4.2 arrives and that means that we need sufficient sales of the AmigaOne with OS4.0 to make it financially attractive for software developers to port their games and applications. Careful timing is everything - we (Amigans) will only get one chance to get it right.

Contrary to what many may expect, I actually believe it would be helpful if OS 4.0 could be made to run on some of the existing PPC platforms (eg on the Cyberstorm PPC) - albeit at lower performance - to rapidly increase the OS4.0 user base that application developers can write for. As I understand it this would be possible but would need the cyberstormPPC's flash ROM to be updated and made available by its author (Ralph Schmidt I believe).

BTW I do think Bills statement at AmiWest that three products (AmigaOne, OS4.0, and Amithlon) are all to be launched simultaneously in November is a bit of orator's licence. As far as we are concerned we will be sticking to the (October) timetable for the AmigaOne and OS4.0 as announced in Rotterdam in June. Hope this helps.«

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 13:32] [Comments: 0]
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UAE Discussion Board (ANF)

Emulator: UAE 0.8.17 (beta) released
Beta/Development versions of UAE will be available here, as soon as there are any changes to the code. The current stable versions are numbered 0.7.x, while the next beta versions of UAE will be numbered 0.8.x; and finally 0.9.0 once it's stable again. Previously, the idea was to have a stable version 0.x.0 and beta versions 0.x.y, for y > 0. That didn't work very well: all versions that appeared in public were rather stable, while the beta versions mostly remained in a private directory. We'll try a different model now and see how it works out. You can also check out the ChangeLog of the latest version here.

Download: uae-0.8.17.tar.gz (ps)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 10:01] [Comments: 0]
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Gerrit Timmermann (ANF)

Stardate-BBS again out of business because of flash of lightning
Again is the Stardate during a strong storm affected by a flash of lightning. In the exchange my port only works for two hours then the Telekom has to reset the whole router. Again has expensive equipment to be exchanged. I was told that I shouldn't count on this until next week.

So the Stardate is again not accessible via the Internet. All Telnet points/ boxes please use the access numbers instead (you can find them e.g. here in the ALD). The http access of the mailbox isn't possible for now, either.

I should like to emphasize that this is (as was the last time) an act of God (struck by lightning). On my site of the Telekom all pieces of equipment are secured and there is backup equipment for the case of emergency. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 09:47] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (e-mail)

Datatype: akPNG V44.110 released
Andreas R. Kleinert has released version 44.110 of his akPNG datatype. As usual there are several processor versions available.

With help of datatypes you can view all kind of files in many programs. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (e-mail)

H&P: English PageStream manual released
The English manual for PageStream 4 for Amiga, Windows & Macintosh has just been released as PDF file. The PageStream customers registered with us for the online service get the download link by e-mail. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do this at the title link. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 22:07] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

New screenshot of AmigaDE/Sheep
Fleecy Moss has provided a new Screenshot of AmigaDE. An open window shows the sourcecode of a "Sheep" program:

"Sheep" is a scripting language (similar to ARexx) which is part of AmigaDE.

Update (06.12.2012, cg): integrated the screenshot into the news item. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 22:04] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (e-mail)

H&P: ArtEffect-PlugIns-Collection available now
Haage&Partner write:
Update: we have now opened a special area which presents all effects. Also now the improved ArtEffect 2.5 is shipped with it since there were problems with the border effects.

Here you will find all details on the ArtEffect-PlugIns-Collection and sample pictures for the border effects (all in all more than 250 borders are contained!). Further an overview of the effects with samples was added.

The ArtEffect-Plugins-Collection brings for the first time a comprehensive collection of sensational effects and postprocessing filters for the bestseller ArtEffect. The collection is shipped with ArtEffect 2.5 so that you can start right away.
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 18:59] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (e-mail)

Software: RB2Exe v1.5 released
RB2Exe version 1.5 is available now on the Airsoft Softwair homepage. This program converts Rainboot multimedia shows into executable programs.

Version 1.5 allows you to use all great features of Rainboot3+ in your executable shows! Additionally the memory routines have been optimized and the generated executables' memory usage was reduced by almost 60 percent (!). Also, the GUI's functionality was improved and bugs were fixed. Online help is available now too. This version is only available for owners of the 'The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition CD-ROM'. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding (e-mail)

epic interactive: last status update for 'The Feeble Files' on Amiga
So far we have received 328 preorders for a possible port of the cartoon adventure 'The Feeble Files' to the Amiga. Required are 400 to make a port of this great adventure possible. The preorder campaign will run until 12.8.2001. If we have received 400 preorders for this game by then, we will port it to the Amiga and it should be available within 4-6 weeks.

In order to run The Feeble Files on your Amiga you will need either a 68060 or a PPC CPU, 32 MByte Ram and a 4 MByte gfx board.

You can place your preorder directly with us by sending an e-mail to or the following dealers who will accept preorders for it:

Germany: KDH Datentechnik

Italy: Virtual Works

England: Amiga Games and Eyetech

Netherlands: Computer City
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 14:11] [Comments: 0]
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Bright Light Software (ANF)

Development and bugfixing suspended
Frank Fenn writes:
Because of a defect motherboard, the development and bugfixing is suspended for some time. If anybody should have a RAMSEY (A3000) in revision 4 and doesn't need it anymore, please contact me.

Affected from this is software as for example Audiomaster, WBStartup, TIDesigner, AmiMTI and many other small tools. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 09:38] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Gietzelt (ANF)

Programming language: Emperor V4.1
Emperor is an object oriented programming language enabling programming of applications both for the new AmigaOS 3.9 and for AmigaOS 2.0 in the easiest way. Standard GUI elements, windows, menus, requesters, ASL requesters, ReAction and GadTools gadgets are integrated just by mouse-clicks and can be programmed using macro functions and the integrated text editor.

The gadgets can communicate with each other by the so called interconnection maps implemented, without typing even one line of source code. Creating of locale catalogs and variables, implementing libraries, etc. is likewise easy.

Emperor has an easy to see though and user friendly ReAction interface and comes with an extended online manual in ".guide" format. Thus programming the new AmigaOS becomes child's play!

Emperor has the following features:
  • Direct visualising available for every element.
  • Generates C/C++- source code.
  • Integrated text editor
  • StormC connection via ARexx
  • Generates source code for AmigaOS 2.0, AmigaOS 3.9 or in mixed mode
  • Transparent layout
Characteristics of Emperor v4.1:
  • French catalog added (written by Olivier Martin - many thanks!).
  • Translation for prepared menus and gadgets added.
  • Attributes for text editor, speed-bar, and space-gadget added.
  • New and specialized type of requester (Reaction style).
  • ARexx script changed / problems while project transfer fixed.
  • Fix positions for attribute window removed.
  • Problem with preview window fixed.
  • Array for speed-bar buttons added.
  • Problems with arrays fixed.
  • Adjustment fields extended with GadTools gadgets.
  • Configurable path to includes and libs.
  • Main window layout changed (no overlapping gadgets, anymore).
  • Requester added, if menu item "New" was chosen.
  • Error fixed in menu item "New".
  • Error fixed in menu item "Delete".
  • Selectable generation of macro functions.
  • Generated source code is considerably smaller by omitting unused macro functions (about 40 %).
  • Initially opened window for own project can be chosen.
  • Error fixed in source code when generated with one gadget only.
  • Specific project directory configurable.
  • Error fixed while opening old projects containing a slider.
  • Creation of locale files selectable.
  • Creation of Storm projects selectable.
  • Text editor now operates changes made correctly.
  • Saving of character lines containing a linefeed ('\n') is no problem, anymore.
  • amigaguide.library opened due to starting problems.
Version 4.1 of the program is available from Aminet "dev/c".
Download: Emperor_v4.1.lha (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 20:51] [Comments: 0]
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Golem IT-News für Profis

Golem: Amithlon - PC emulates Amiga
The new Amiga emulator by Harald Frank and Bernd Meyer for x86 does not only attract Amiga specific media. Today reports about it:

»Amiga Inc. announce Amiga emulator for PC users
On the American Amiga show "AmiWest", which took place in the end of July, again Bill McEwen presented some news and among those an emulation software by the code name of "Amithlon". Thanks to fast x86 processors applications shall run definite faster than on Amiga bolides with Motorola's 68060 processor.«
Complete article (German) see title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

First official beta version of the X-Surf PPPoE driver
From now on the first public beta version of the xsurfadsl.device is available for download at the support section. Only experienced users should try the installation, since inconvenient patches are necessary because of limitation of the known TCP/IP stacks. An extended readme file informs you about the details.

Download: dsl-beta.lha (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 12:34] [Comments: 0]
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Andy Silva (ANF)

Tool: Amiga Filterium - extendable ripper and filetype tool
With the following message Andreas 'da Silva' Szabo introduces his new, flexible and extendable datatype processor and Ripper.

Short: flexible filetype processor and ripper
Author: (Andreas 'da Silva' Szabo)
Type: util/misc
Version: 1.1, 7/2001
Requires: - any amiga or uae
- filerequester library like asl, reqtools or arp
- optionally xfd/xpk/xad/xvs...
Distribution: NoCD

features overview:
  • knows, rips, converts a total value of about 400 game/demo scene related file types (about 100 self, others by accessing libraries)
  • find music, pictures, text and much more in memory, in files like demos/intros, packed files, etc
  • decrunch with XFD/XAD/XPK (all modes) recursively
  • convert mods back to Protracker (like Prowizard)
  • rip loaders and intros from boot loading games/demos
  • monitor files or memory as bitplane/hex/asc, mark ranges
  • decrypt data with eor
  • use your preferred file requester
  • check for viruses with XVS
  • highly configurable
  • interactive and automatically processing by script language

This introduces a _new_ standard of file type identification and ripper all in one. It works together with standard interfaces like shell (give arguments in command line), Workbench (set tooltypes), opus, arexx and appicon.

Highly configurable, for example: you can specify file type specific save directories and output filename extensions. Macros for custom processing methods can be defined.

It can invoke external programs, example: send the outputs to Multiview.

Amiga Filterium is based on plugins. Programmers can easily extend the power of this tool by writing more afilter-plugins. If you are interested:

The purpose of this release is to motivate YOU to try this out and maybe join to the development team as author of a plugin, beta tester or other. Its totally actual and maybe there was never something else like this. Lets get this chance! Lets make it top and standard!

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench replacement: Scalos 1.3 Beta (Version 40.7)
Beta version 40.7 of the extended Workbench replacement Scalos 1.3 was released. The changes made can be taken from the history. If you will happend to find bugs, please make an entry in the bug report.

Download: ScalosBeta.lha (140 KB) (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 12:09] [Comments: 0]
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Suite101/John Chandler

John Chandler: What Are The Odds...?
Monthly John Chandler writes an article about the subject Amiga at In the current one Chandler deals with the announcements Amiga Inc. did on the AmiWest, especially with the new Amiga emulator for x86 platforms 'Amithlon'. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 11:17] [Comments: 0]
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AmiWest: Pictures by Harv Laser
Harv Laser of AmigaZone released some pictures from the AmiWest show. The appendant readme file contains picture descriptions. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 11:09] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Lohrmann (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: AmiWest Show Report
Amiga put online the announcements done on the AmiWest show in form of a report:

Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga Inc., made a number of exciting announcements at the AmiWest show in Sacramento, California. The AmiWest show is organized by the Sacramento Amiga Computer Club and is one of the largest Amiga shows on the West Coast.

The following products were announced for release by Q4, 2001.  
  • AmigaOne PPC Computer
  • AmigaOS 4.0 PPC Operating System
  • Amiga x86 (x86 Amiga emulator)
  • AmigaDE 1.0 and Series Zero Game Pack

AmigaOne PPC Computer

The AmigaOne PPC computer, being built by Eyetech in the UK, is based on Zico specs published by Amiga Inc. Amiga Inc.'s flagship next generation desktop continues to advance towards the first real new hardware for the Amiga community in over 6 years. Excitement is mounting at both the Amiga office and around the world as Amigans realize that the long wait will soon be over. All partners in the AmigaOne and AmigaOS4.0 project have been working hard to meet deadlines as the project moves into its final stages.

Bill also announced that the two week slip in schedule for the Eyetech AmigaOne which had appeared in June had now been pulled back to just one week. The new Rev B boards are functioning well, with live PCI and AGP slots and work is now focused on bringing the board and the CPU cards together. The first week of August will see full system boards delivered to the AmigaOS4 team for preparations to move AmigaOS4.0 from the test bed machines.

For more details regarding the AmigaOne, see or

AmigaOS 4.0 PPC Operating System

The AmigaOS 4.0 project is being managed by Amiga Inc. in partnership with both Haage-Partner (H&P) who are porting the main portions of the new PPC OS and Hyperion Software who are doing 3D and Mesa for the new PPC Operating System.

AmigaOS 4.0, which will only run on the Eyetech AmigaOne, is moving forward nicely. With the help of Amiga partners such as Matay, much of the development work has used a combination of A3/4000s, Matay Prometheus PCI bridge boards, Cyberstorm PPC Accelerators and H&P's StormC v4.

This has allowed the project to move forwards without having to wait for an actual AmigaOne board to become available. Consequently, the new file system and the core of the TCP/IP stack were completed over two weeks ago. The PPC 68K emulator is being fine-tuned and the new Amiga PCI library is being profiled against the Eyetech AmigaOne live PCI slots. The RTG system is being enhanced, with a full PPC implementation of the extended and most used functions, to allow for stunning 2D and 3D performance. In addition, the Voodoo 3 drivers have been completed and the G450 drivers are under development, to be followed by drivers for the new Matrox G550.

While the porting of the 68K elements of the AmigaOS will continue through AmigaOS4.2 and AmigaOS4.5, the first set of libraries ported to PPC will ensure that AmigaOS offers impressive increases in stability, functionality and speed.

Once the test bed to AmigaOne migration has been completed, Amiga will provide screenshots and benchmarks of the new system. These reports are aimed at demonstrating the superiority of the AmigaOne and will give the community an early look at the features of the product. In addition, Eyetech has commissioned some very impressive case designs that will give the AmigaOne the looks to go along with its brains.

Amiga x86

Amiga was able to demonstrate a prototype of an x86 emulator for 68K for the AmigaOS3.x series. This product, codenamed Amithlon, provides only RTG compatibility and is being targeted at providing a first step from x86 towards the AmigaOne. Amithlon is self-booting from CD on almost any x86 laptop or PC desktop. It is able to run most RTG programs at speeds beyond that of a standard Amiga 060 chipset. Several developers at the AmiWest show tried their applications on Amithlon and commented that they had never seen such fast run times before on a 68060 Amiga computer. Amithlon is being written by Harald Frank and Bernie Meyer.

Many Amigans who left when Commodore went bankrupt have been looking for a way to run their favorite Amiga applications on newer hardware. The purpose of the emulator is to allow x86 PC owners to experience the benefits of running the AmigaOS and applications without having to make a potentially risky purchase of an entire machine. Marketing and community will then slowly draw these people towards the superiority of an AmigaOne with a full native OS running on it, along with the latest applications. Amithlon is not a port of the AmigaOS and there are currently no plans to see the AmigaOS ported to x86.

More details of the Amithlon including feature lists and release dates will be published shortly.

AmigaDE 1.0 and Series Zero Game Pack

AmigaDE 1.0 (based on Elate/Intent by Tao Group) is being programmed by more than 30 programmers worldwide under the management of Amiga Inc. There are over 3000 developers currently signed up to produce content for various digital devices from cell phones, PDA’s, handhelds, and even desktop computers running AmigaDE 1.0. Amiga also announced the first set of games that is being released under the moniker “Series Zero” to Sharp for use on the Zaurus handheld devices. The 5 games that are being released as part of the Series Zero Game Pack are:

Batty by Titan Computers
Boxikon by e.p.i.c. interactive gmbh
Convex by Zeoneo
Linea by Titan Computers
Solitaire by John Harris (ps)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 10:57] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer (ANF)

Mail client: SimpleMail 0.8 Alpha
I just uploaded the new SimpleMail alpha version. The new features:
  • SSL support for POP3 servers. AmiSSL required!
  • POP3 servers can be deactivated individually.
  • Menu bar in main window.
  • A new setting for the reading window allows smilies to be replaced by pictures (pictures by Richard Kapp).
  • Now groups can be deleted, too.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 02. Aug. 2001, 00:26] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (E-Mail)

Datatype: akPNG V44.100 published
Andreas R. Kleinert has published version 44.100 of his akPNG datatype. You can download several processor versions.

With the help of so called datatypes you can display different datatypes with different programs. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 22:55] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - new packets
WHDLoad can install games on the harddrive which were formerly meant to be used on disks. The following new packets have been added:

  • 31.07.01 improved: Italy 1990 Winner's Edition (U.S.Gold)
  • 30.07.01 new: Alien Syndrome (SEGA)
  • 29.07.01 new: Crystal Hammer (Hannover)
  • 29.07.01 new: Pipe Mania (Empire/The Assembly Line)
  • 29.07.01 new: Jaws (Screen 7 Ltd/Intelligent Design)
  • 29.07.01 new: Huckleberry Hound (Alternative)
  • 29.07.01 new: The Halley Project (Mindscape)
  • 29.07.01 updated: Pipe Dream (Lucasfilm)
  • 29.07.01 improved: Operation Stealth (Delphine)
  • 29.07.01 new: Morph (Millennium/Flair)
  • 27.07.01 new: Cruise for a Corpse (Delphine Software)
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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01.Aug.2001 (ANF) online again
From today on is online again. is not a seperate site but rather a survey of several news-sites. Here you can daily read the headlines of several news-sites. Thus you have a quick overall view about the current news.

Remark: This site was not made by
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 20:46] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts (ANF)

WarpTIFF-introduction - New TIFF-picture datatype
Oliver Roberts introduces his new WarpTIFF freeware-datatype with the following message. This new datatype can also read pictures which were made under TIFF specifications 5.0 and 6.0. The datatype was optimized for 68k, WarpOS and native MorphOS and is of course very fast.

It follows the original message:

The first release of WarpTIFF is now available - a new freeware datatype capable of reading 5.0 and 6.0 TIFF spec images, available in optimized 68k, WarpOS and native MorphOS versions. Needless to say, WarpTIFF is fast - very fast in fact :) Full feature list below. WarpDTPrefs has also been updated to support WarpTIFF.

  • Supports 5.0 and 6.0 TIFF spec, including Packbits, Thunderscan, CCITT (fax), Pixar, LogLuv (CIE and SGILog) and Deflate (zip) encodings, and uncompressed files. LZW and JPEG encodings are currently unsupported
  • Image types supported include RGB (24-bit and 48-bit), palette based and greyscale (1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit and 16-bit)
  • Supports image data organized as strips, tiles or separate components
  • Highly optimized datatype dispatch engine, and fast TIFF decoder, resulting in a very efficient, compact and quick TIFF datatype
  • Asynchronous file i/o and double buffering techniques (WarpOS only), which speeds up image decoding
  • Optimized versions for 68020, 030, 040 and 060
  • PowerPC support with native WarpOS and native MorphOS versions
  • Alter the pen allocation precision when images are remapped to an 8-bit display
  • Specific support for the OS 3.5/3.9 picture.datatype, when available
  • The dithering feature of the OS 3.5/3.9 picture.datatype can be configured to your liking (e.g. disabled for 15/16-bit displays)
  • Based on libtiff 3.5.6-beta and zlib 1.1.3

As some of you will know, WarpTIFF has been in development (on and off) for some time, but it's ready at last :) It already handles a more comprehensive coverage of various TIFF encodings than other TIFF datatypes, but if you should find some TIFF images that don't work properly with WarpTIFF, then please let me know and I'll try to add support for them. Likewise, if you need support for JPEG encoded TIFFs, let me know.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 19:48] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 01.08.2001
gkartei.lha          biz/dbase  224K+Powerful and easy database.
Regist_II.lha        biz/dbase  133K+V0.2A user-administration for programmer
DOpusSpawn.lha       biz/dopus   13M+Opus Mangellan 2 - SPAWN - Themes
AmBoS-Demo.lha       comm/ambos 1.6M+AmBoS 2.98 - Full/demo archive
DalHelper.lha        comm/irc    44K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
YahooGpScan1_2.lha   comm/mail    5K+Strips YahooGroup adverts.         V1.2
cim_v3_update.lha    comm/misc  214K+CIM - Caller Id Manager V3.702 r42 - ONL
facts.lha            comm/tcp    94K+V4.6 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
netspeechd.lha       comm/tcp     7K+Outputs incomming packets to speak:
DKG-Neo2.lha         demo/aga   1.0M+Neo2 final version (30/07/01) by Darkage
Eurochart43b.lha     demo/mag   804K+The Official Eurochart #43 by DEPTH & IR
Emperor_v4.1.lha     dev/c      671K+Object-oriented programming language
fractal.lha          dev/c       69K+OpenGL C Source: Mandelbrot and Julia fr
freetype_S4.lha      dev/c      458K+Freetype link library for StormC 4
koch.lha             dev/c       18K+OpenGL Source: Koch's Snowflake
fd2pragma.lha        dev/misc   191K+V2.136 create pragma, inline, ... files
AmigaArena3.lha      docs/misc   44K+Amiga Arena News German/English
BraSwos2001.lha      game/data    6K+Brazilian league update for swos
ETWBrasil2001.lha    game/data    7K+Brazilian league update for Eat The Whis
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data   10K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (29 July
BetaScanMustek.lha   hard/drivr  91K+Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver For BetaScan
LyraKeyMap_dk.lha    hard/drivr   9K+Danish Lyra PC keyboard layout v1.01
WhirlDisc.lha        misc/edu    77K+World Book encyclopaedia viewer. BETA
LC2.lha              misc/misc  274K+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
Squid.lha            misc/sci    95K+A squid's skin simulator
OldSchoolMania.lha   mods/hardc 168K+Old School hardcore MOD by REVOLVER DOG 
Budbrain1.lha        mods/pro   645K+Mod's from the demo 'Budbrain Megademo 1
Budbrain2.lha        mods/pro   408K+Mod's from the demo 'Budbrain Megademo 2
Amoralplay1.5.lha    mus/play   125K+A no fuss multiformat audio player.
EP_MMDC.lha          mus/play     9K+EaglePlayer "MMDC" external replayer
EP_MWalker.lha       mus/play     8K+EaglePlayer "Martin Walker" external rep
EP_RobHubbard.lha    mus/play     8K+EaglePlayer "Rob Hubbard" external repla
EP_TFMX.lha          mus/play    10K+EaglePlayer "TFMX" external replayer
QSID.lha             mus/play    10K+Small & Simple SID player
raycat.lha           pix/misc   186K+[ancor] a new picture
sg-strip_15.lha      pix/misc    45K+[ancor] StarGround strip 15
sg-strip_16.lha      pix/misc    46K+[ancor] StarGround strip 16
doomicon.lha         pix/mwb     66K+Neat MWB icon for Doom
(as) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 17:57] [Comments: 0]
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Richard H. Poser II (E-Mail)

Messenger: AmigAIM BETA Version 0.9429
Richard H. Poser has published betaversion 0.9429 of AIM-messenger AmigAIM. AmigAIM is a client for connecting with the America Online Instant-messenger (AIM-service). It follows an extract of the history of which you can recognize the changes which were made:

  • Custom interests can now be set and/or searched for by selecting <custom> and inputting into the resulting input box. (BTW: Setting AmigAIM would allow anybody using AmigAIM to search for others :-)
  • I think I fixed a problem that could occur if program is told to shutdown via the Close Gadget while a service/search is logging in.
  • Added an Online check capability, it can now check if a named interface is online and give an error if an attempt to go online is done and the interface is offline.
Download: AmigAIM_BETA.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 14:30] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Installer of SMEG 2 Virus found
The installer of the new 'SMEG 2' linkvirus was found. It was found in the faked keyfiles of MiamiDLX but it is possibly included in other files. Now read the details:

»We have now found the installer of the new 'SMEG 2' linkvirus. If the info text from the archive is correct, the 'SMEG 2' virus has been around since February 2001.

The archive has only been on Elite BBS'es or Elite websites.

Jan Erik Olausen the programmer of VirusExecutor & xvs.library, has made a recog for the virus, but is having problems with removing the virus from memory. As soon as Jan has solved this virus, a new update of xvs.library will be released.

There is "NO" cure for this virus right now. But with the help of the program 'Safe v16.2', you can find infected files, but not remove the virus, you will have to replace the infected files with new clean files. This virus will infect everything that is executed. And on my test A1200 over 200 files, was infected in under 5 minutes.

The programmer of 'Safe' (Zbigniew Trzcionkowski) has written this about the new 'SMEG 2' virus:

Released probably by mistake. Non crypted version of the next one. Code is almost equal to old SMEG, but this time author invented NEW WAY of patching PRIVATE routine of device task. This routine handles receiving of dos packets.
Virus patch is stealing packets and sending them to the supervisor task called 'SMG'. I have never seen such advanced digging code that works properly. This means also that no visible changes are seen in the system beside one new task.
I have noticed that freezing of SMG task stops spreading of the virus, so at the moment Safe does only that. I will add removal of the 'magic' patches if I found it necessary.
File repair was as easy as Penetrator files - one move.l 4.w,a6 was replaced with jump to virus.

Hidden text (decoder was included, but not used by virus code):

Smeg! it's a Hostile TakeOver! (Again!)
And just when you thought it was safe..
Flake and Georg have left the building!
-= On Tour 1995-2001 =-

This is what we know of the virus:

Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus name.... : SMEG 2a & SMEG 2b
Virus size.... : SMEG 2a: 1556 bytes & SMEG 2b: 1604 bytes
Archive name.. : MIAMIDLX.LZX
Archive size.. : 3.427 bytes (lzx packed)

There might just be more installers of the 'SMEG 2' virus out there, so do not install these fake-keys.

Thank to the person that send the archive to Jan Erik Olausen, and to Zbigniew Trzcionkowski for the first test of this virus.« (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 14:22] [Comments: 0]
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Bebits (Seite über BeOS) (ANF)

New hardware platform for AmigaOS & AmigaDE
Marcel Maurmann wrote:
Here I found a link with an interesting news from Merlancia about a hardware platform with 1 or 2 G4 PowerPC processors. It should run with: MorphOS, QNX, BeOS and -AmigaOS-/AmigaDE. The product series is called Merlancia Multimedia Computer - Torro Series (System name: Apocolyps (Desktop/ASTB)).

Another link: BeGroovy: BeOS on a G4?
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 23:17] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with Rüdiger Hanke
A detailed and interesting interview with Rüdiger Hanke, developer of "Excult" and several filters, e.g. for PageStream etc., is online in english. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 23:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Nosutta (ANF)

Amiga Inc. with Sharp at IFA
Thomas Nosutta wrote:
Bill McEwen announces in a keynote from Saturday that Amiga, Inc. will be present together with Sharp on the IFA (Berlin from 25.08.-02.09.2001) (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 19:29] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

e.p.i.c. interactive: Status
Cartoon adventure The Feeble Files is now shipping for the Mac. If you want to find out more about green aliens, the Omnibrain and rebellions please turn to the projects section of our homepage.

Empire builder Knights and Merchants is now in final beta testing. The game is running properly with only a few bugs that need attention. We expect this game to be ready for release by the end of August. Watch out for the forthcoming demoversion of Knights&Merchants.

RPG/strategy mix Gorky 17 has, after many many frustrating setbacks with this project, entered beta stages on the Mac. We expect the game to be finished in September.

The release of Earth 2140 Mission Pack for both Mac and Amiga is scheduled for late august. The Mission Pack brings over 80 new missions to the original EARTH 2140 as well as 2 new buildings, 6 completely new units and one new terrain.

You will find more information on all our games in the projects section of these pages.
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 15:35] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (E-Mail)

PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX: Comment about Amithlon development
Although I've only limited spare time available, I'm investigating the possibility of doing x86-native plugins for my software within the Amithlon-context.

Since diversification does not pay in the long term - especially given the limited time and the outdated current PPC platform for Amiga (200 MHz without l2-cache) those x86-developments may replace current PPC-support in my software completely. Support and testing for PPC, PPC/MorphOS and x86 would be too much.

Basically there's fewer people than ever ordering and registering software - this results in two considerations: first of all, it does not pay to buy a newer standalone PPC-machine, if it never will pay back. Secondly, if "no one else" is interested in this x86 stuff, it will be for my personal fun and needs, in case my 68k/PPC-Amiga once breaks apart. Amiga 68k/PPC-Software slowly goes hobbyist.

That were my 2 cents - I'd be all for an architectural elegant PPC architecture, but it did not happen in 6 years, and now it's too late in my personal opinion.

Nevertheless I've full sympathy for the MorphOS development and the other PPC-oriented approaches. But remember, I've been among the very first to support PPC on Amiga - but doing the same mistake again? No, not this time... (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 10:22] [Comments: 0]
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Soren Ladegaard, webmaster at (ANF)

Haage & Partner supports The Commodore Billboard (Update)
As a sign of their continued commitment to the community, Haage & Partner will now be hosting more than 25 Commodore TV-ads featured at The Commodore Billboard.

The Commodore Billboard is the internet's largest archive of Commodore marketing material such as adverts, brochures, tv-commercials, merchandise etc.

The Commodore Billboard has had server problems during the past few months resulting in dead links in the "commercials section".

"Sure we are pleased to help" says Markus Nerding, managing director of Haage & Partner. With Haage & Partners' solid position in the Amiga market, the files are guaranteed to be online for a long time for all Amiga / Commodore fans to enjoy.

Lots of classic Commodore marketing material has been scanned and added to The Commodore Billboard.

  • A fourty-page Page English Commodore Brochure!
  • New Danish Commodore Adverts Section! Two Danish Commodore Adverts.
  • New Greek Section! One Greek A500 Brochure
  • One German 1541 Brochure
  • Two German CDTV Brochures
  • Two German CD32 Brochures
  • Two German A1200 Brochures
  • One German A4000 Brochure
  • One Dutch PC Brochure
  • One German PC 286 / 386 Brochure
  • One German 286 / 386 / 486 / Amiga / C64 Brochure
  • Nine New Items In The Miscellaneous Section - Matches, T-shirts And Much More!

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 01:38] [Comments: 0]
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Kaliko (ANF)

Looking for talented people
Kaliko is a new development-team dedicated to create games for Amiga, AmigaDE and other platforms. Our first game will hopefully be published in a couple of weeks and we have many ongoing projects. We are currently looking for talented people to join our team and to help us create high-quality games. We are looking especially for graphicians and coders, but we welcome all interest. If you are interested, please email

[News message: 31. Jul. 2001, 00:53] [Comments: 0]
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Constantinos Nicolakakis (E-Mail)

Tool: SRename V3.0.0 beta1
Constantinos Nicolakakis released the first public beta of his program 'SRename', a feature rich 'rename' for AmigaOS 3.0+. Further details are available at the titlelink. Please mail any bugreport to

Download: SRename3beta1.lzx (ps)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 19:44] [Comments: 0]
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$teveTRSi im Heise Newsticker-Forum (ANF)

Obituary for Wau Holland
Obituary by the Demoscene $teveTRSi (30. July 2001 17:00) The death of Wau Holland caused us to publish a obituary. Greetings,
Tristar Red Sector Inc.

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel (ANF)

BigBook of Amiga Hardware Updates
Once again there are some updates for the Big Book of Amiga Hardware:

  • NEW ENTRY & PICTURE A1501 RAM Expansion (by Daniele Gratteri)
  • NEW PICTURES Blizzard 1230 MK III (by Stephan Neise)
  • NEW PICTURES X-Surf (by Stephan Neise)
  • NEW ENTRY Elbox 1230-II (by Connie Quist)
  • CORRECTION Action Replay (A2000 Version) (by Christophe Decanini)
  • CORRECTION Action Replay MK II (A2000 Version) (by Christophe Decanini)
  • NEW ENTRY & PICTURE Viper 530 (by Keith Robertson-Turner)
  • UPDATE SX-1 Manual (by Kim Tommy and Ludwig Schmitz)
  • UPDATE BSC Graffity (by Alexander Kneer)
  • UPDATE Akiko (by Maximilian Rehkopf)
  • NEW ENTRY & PICTURE Xtra RAM (by Will Swann)
  • NEW ENTRY & PICTURE MBX 1200 (by Will Swann)
  • UPDATE SSL A5000-16 (by Will Swann)
  • UPDATE SSL B5000-25 (by Will Swann)
  • NEW PICTURES Commodore A4000T Motherboard
  • NEW PICTURE Commodore A4000T Disk Controller
  • NEW PICTURE Commodore A3640

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 19:22] [Comments: 0]
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Benjamin Yoris (E-Mail)

Hyperion Entertainment blasts idea of x86 Amiga OS
Press release: Following the recent article in AmigActive and the announcement of the "Amithlon" product at Amiwest, we received quite a number of e-mails of people asking us our opinion about the desirability of a x86 AmigaOS as opposed to a PPC native OS.

Would we support it? What would be the consequences of a native x86 for Amiga developers?

In one word: disastrous. A native x86 Amiga OS would spell the end of all serious commercial development for Amiga OS.

Before we argue our point, let's get a number of things out of the way here first:

The fact that Hyperion specialises in porting software for Windows has no bearing on our position because the Amiga market is only of marginal economic importance to us.

We moreover do not wish to be drawn into a debate about the respective merits of the PPC versus x86 architectures. Both CPU families deliver the goods in terms of performance and have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Unparalleled multimedia performance (Altivec), low power consumption and a clear 64 bit upgrade path for the PPC family and rapid development, raw horse-power and low price-point for the x86 family.

We also do not want to belittle the technical feats accomplished by VMC: their Amithlon product is technically impressive and very fast.

It also holds the danger of ending all serious commercial development for Amiga.


Because as soon as a x86 enters the picture, along tags Windows. In essence, the temptation for x86 users to have Windows installed in parallel to a native Amiga OS x86 will be irresistible and we will be seeing «dual boot» systems as we saw on Beos and now Linux x86.

Both Beos and Linux serve as a stern warning about what happens if you try to compete with Windows on the same hardware: you become relegated to a Windows add-on product without any native software to speak of.

Beos, despite being a very impressive OS, failed to get any marketshare, never had any serious applications and Hyperion has more game licenses than there were ever games for Beos.

Take a look at the Linux situation which we experienced first hand. How many native apps and games does Linux have? Despite the very large installed base, Linux only has one serious game developer (Loki) and the number of serious (non-server related) native apps can be counted on one hand.

The reason is simple: why would a software company invest money in porting its software to another x86 OS when it knows people can also boot into Windows or run an «emulator» like Wine or VMWare which allows you to run Windows software under Linux x86 at near native speeds? The costs could never be recuperated through sales.

The result is clear: nobody is buying any product for Linux. A major, brand-new game-title can at best expect to sell a few thousand copies on Linux and several tens of thousands on Mac. Plus on Linux x86 you need to keep your pricing in line with the Windows version (without having the benefits of the economies of scale that the Windows market offers) otherwise you will provide even more incentive for people to buy Windows products.

Linux x86 is currently relegated to the status of a Windows add-on with a lot of software (like the Corel products and media-players) just working on Linux x86 because it uses Windows code in some way or another.

Linux has carved out a very nice niche in the server and embedded systems markets but the desktop market is a joke with all major Linux companies closing down or shedding jobs because nobody was making any money with desktop Linux.

So when somebody asks you: who has the bigger market-share on the desktop, Red Hat Linux or Apple Mac, the answer is: who cares? The real question is: who is making (more) money on the desktop and what desk-top platform has a wider range of native applications and games.

Mac OS X could be brought to x86 relatively easily. The core of Mac OS X already runs on x86 but there isn't a hair on Steve Jobs' head that thinks about giving up his nicely insulated niche-market in favor of head to head competition with Windows on the same hardware. Apple wants its developers to stay in business so they can keep Apple's users happy by providing them with software not available on other platforms.

The resources that large commercial developers on Windows can command and the price-point they can reach by the sheer number of sales cannot be matched by developers on a niche-platform who can only survive in their niche-market if that platform is insulated from the Windows market.

People advocating a native x86 Amiga OS should look beyond the cheap hardware and understand they are condemning the Amiga desktop platform to become an emulation platform for old software with no new native software available.

Nobody but a handful of fanatics will pay more money to run a slower (partially emulated) version of the same or similar software on Windows when they can instead buy a cheaper, faster, native Windows-version which can run on the same hardware.

What good is cheap hardware when you have no software to run on your native x86 OS and you are forced to boot into Windows all the time? How long would it take before the development of such an OS would fall by the wayside because of low sales, which is exactly what happened to Beos?

Ben Hermans
Managing partner, Hyperion Entertainment (ps)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 19:19] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

Regist II released in the Aminet
Regist II by Steffen Nitz helps you to manage the users registerd for your program. The topical version is 0.2Alpha and only few features are already implemented.

Steffen Nitz pleases you to give him some feedback ( because he wants to figure out if a further development is needed. Additional Steffen is looking for some one who is able to translate the texts included in the program and the documentation.

Some already available and planned features of Regist II:
  • Administration of users of different programs and versions in only one file.
  • Storage of informations about the user (name, firstname, address, registration-number, date and so on).
  • Automated keyfile, snailmail and email generation and computation of the registration-number.
  • Computation of the overall income including currency-conversion.
  • 13 different statistics that can be combined and a configurable user list gives you a very good overview over your data.
  • Extensive search and sort functions.
  • Password protection.
  • Support for compression tools for documents.
  • All windows are fontsentive
Download: Regist_II.lha (133 KB) - Regist_II.readme (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 10:40] [Comments: 0]
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Nordic Global

Holger Kruse is back :)
I am afraid during the last year I have had virtually no time for Amiga-related things, have not been able to respond to communication on a regular basis, and my Amigas along with parts of my user and registration list have been powered down for quite a while. This is unlikely to change any time soon, although I expect to have some time during the next two months to at least partially catch up with email and help with registration-related issues. Whether I will have time for further development and participation in mailing lists etc. I don't know yet. Recently users have tried to contact me in very aggressive ways, e.g. through my employer. Please do NOT do that ! I cannot and will not respond to any Miami-related query sent to my employer. At best any emails sent there will be forwarded to my regular email address. Same for phone calls: my private line is NOT a support line, I only pick up calls from known callers (caller id), and support-related phone calls will not be returned. I have neither the time nor the inclination to come home from work only to deal with even more "computer stuff". I am sure you understand. For urgent, registration-related issues, bugs etc. please send email to "". This is a new mailbox, so far spam-free, allowing me to respond a little more quickly than recently. It may still take a week or two though, depending on how much time I have. Please check this web page for new information. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 02:55] [Comments: 0]
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Ryan Czerwinski in the Shoutcast stream from the Amiwest 2001 (ANF)

AmiWest 2001: Merlancia announces new products
Merlancia Industries announced some very impressive products that will be released in August or September.

Merlancia rejects to be a Hoax like IWIN. They hired Dave Haynie lately and are topicaly trying to get Andy Finkel and RJ Mical. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2001, 02:29] [Comments: 1 - 30. Jul. 2001, 22:22]
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Bernd ´Bernie´ Meyer (E-Mail)

Interview with Bernd 'Bernie' Meyer and Harald Frank / Amithlon-FAQ
On the AmiWest 2001 show Amiga, Inc. introduced the 'AmigaOS x86' product, which is about 'Amithlon' being an Amiga emulator developed by Harald Frank (VMC) and Bernd Meyer (UAE-JIT).

We asked Bernd ´Bernie´ Meyer and Harald Frank to give us some information about their project 'Amithlon' and sent them the following questions via e-mail:

"In our comments section the term of ´Amithlon´ is accumulating. Gary Peake named Harald Frank for the developer of this Amiga emulation for x86 in the IRC log-file from the AmiWest show. To deliver our readers some insight to your project we would be happy if you could account for giving us a somewhat closer view of your technic.

Of course we are in especially interested in how this idea to develop a new Amiga emulator for x86 platforms came up, which problems you met in doing it, how about the status of development, and of course from when and where the product will be available."

Bernd ´Bernie´ Meyer bothered creating a FAQ answering frequently asked questions. You will find this FAQ under the title link.

It must be pointed out that this is no official document from Amiga, Inc., but simply Bernd Meyer's answers to frequently asked questions to thereby clear up misunderstandings. Supposedly there will be a press release about 'AmigaOS x86' by Amiga published on the Amiga Inc. website within the next days. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 23:52] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 29.07.2001
AmBoS-Update.lha     comm/ambos 1.2M+AmBoS-Update Rel. 2.98k (Thursday 26-Jul
binbatchpost.lha     comm/news    6K+Post binary files with NewsRog
FWControl.lha        comm/tcp   152K+Firewallcontrol for miamidx 0.1 *BETA*
DKG-MMFX.lha         demo/sound 586K+MultiMegaMix/Kefrens 1oo% fixed and impr
numconv.lha          dev/misc     8K+Simple DEC/HEX/BIN/ASC/FLT/OCT converter
MCDP_GldPanel.lha    disk/cdrom  29K+Replacement for standard Gold panel for 
MyRepulse-2.txt      docs/rview  23K+Review of the REPULSE audio card.
MyRepulse2.txt       docs/rview  23K+Review of REPULSE audio card. Revision 2
DopeWars-Final.lha   game/actio  14K+New version of Dope Wars
slimcdrom_in_a.txt   hard/hack    6K+Use Slimline CD/CDR/DVD in your Amiga
anescgfx.lha         misc/emu   134K+A/NES CGFX v1.24 - Nintendo emulator
imdbDiff010720.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
tomaatti.lha         mods/chip    6K+Chip DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Void
skobe.lha            mods/demo  195K+Demostyle 4ch-MOD by Tripper^Moods^Void
bicycle.lha          mods/house 341K+Moods-Onlinecompo DBM mod by Tripper^Moo
boyfunky.lha         mods/house 315K+Funkyhouse DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Void
fantasynew.lha       mods/house 452K+Demohousetrance DBM mod by Tripper^Moods
monobeats.lha        mods/house 343K+Monotonic house,detroit DBM mod by Tripp
upground.lha         mods/house 702K+House, Dance DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Vo
washgo.lha           mods/house  28K+House 4ch MOD by Tripper^Moods^Void
sjuice.lha           mods/jungl 772K+Drum'n'Bass DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
sjuicedit.lha        mods/jungl 772K+Drum'n'Bass DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
rollercoast.lha      mods/tranc 856K+Trance to monotonic DBM mod by Tripper^M
timedist.lha         mods/tranc 844K+Trance, Goa DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
timegate.lha         mods/tranc 844K+Trance, Goa DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit   170K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
Projector_C4D.lha    pix/trace  515K+Projector-scene created with Cinema4D
CoolOS6.jpg          pix/wb     245K+WB pic made with DiamondBOX and PfPaint
GhostBuster.lha      util/cdity  38K+Automatically hides invalid disk icons
JPEG-DT.lha          util/dtype 434K+New Datatype for JPEG Images (43.6)
JPEG-DT35.lha        util/dtype 357K+New Datatype for JPEG Images (46.4)
PCD-DT.lha           util/dtype 141K+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (43.14)
PCD-DT35.lha         util/dtype  71K+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (44.3)
RGFX-DT.lha          util/dtype 126K+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (43.16)
RGFX-DT35.lha        util/dtype  50K+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (44.3)
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 135K+JFIF-JPEG datatype V44.22 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype 140K+PNG image datatype V44.18 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
GlowAttack.lha       util/misc  193K+"Glow" anims for ReqAttack v1.80+
NewHomer.lha         util/misc   37K+(bugfixed update) Another talking Homer 
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  383K+Report+ 5.0: Multipurpose utility
MiniI17.lha          util/wb    820K+Mini-Icone over 540

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 21:10] [Comments: 0]
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AmiWest 2001: Discussion at Slashdot 'An Amiga Round-up'
Under the title link you can find a discussion about the AmiWest 2001 Show at Slashdot. Focal point is 'AmigaOS for x86'. (Christoph Meier) (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

Security: Amiga Security Page updated
Cyborg wrote:
Now ASP has new documents about active firewalling, basic hacker discovery, interactive firewall rules, and introduces initial plans and project for the near future, in which the sshd port is of highest priority. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Special price, interview with Frank Reibold
Amiga Arena - Special Price Project I
In cooperation with Max Larsson the Amiga Arena enables a special price for the CD version of 'Digital Universe'.

'Digital Universe' is an astronomy software for both amateur and professional astronomers. More information are to find under

Visitors of the Amiga Arena can purchase the CD version of 'Digital Universe' from Max Larsson (distribution for Germany) at the special price of 99,- DM until 31. August 2001 (original price 289,- DM).

The developers of 'Digital Universe' told me that development was not stopped. A survey regarding 'Digital Universe' can be found on the homepage.

Amiga Arena - Interview Project
An extended interview with Frank Reibold, developer of 'MicroPaint' and 'MicroBase' is online (German / English). Special thank to Christian B. for the translation.

Amiga Arena - Special Price Project II
In cooperation with Frank Reibold the Amiga Arena enables a special price for both programs 'MicroPaint' and 'Microbase'.

The most important features of 'MicroPaint' are it's functions for image editing and it's Un*x / Linux compatibility (extract):
  • up to 256 colours on AA machines
  • IntelliFont support, font styles, draw modes, colour fonts
  • all graphic modes of your computer are supported
  • flexible spray function
  • multi spray: spray with random colours
  • invert / colourise graphics
  • swap colours
  • ARexx port
  • lists the lastly used files in the project menu
'MicroBase' offers the following options at the time being (extract):
  • Im/export of ASCII files in the formats of SuperBase Professional 4, BECKERtext III, Documentum 2, ProWrite, TransWrite, Personal Write; possible adjustment to other formats
  • Flexible functions to search and replace field contents, e.g. multiply field contents by a constant.
  • field names can have up to 20 characters and may contain blanks.
  • direct access via dataset numbers
  • filter function
More information are to find under

Amiga Arena - Special Price Project III
The following special price projects will expire, soon:
  • LangTool until 31. July 01
  • SoundFX until 01. August 01
  • XadMaster Lib until 14. August 01
  • GeoWorld until 15. August 01

Amiga Arena Full Version
With permission of Per B. (Marble Eys) the reader's CD of the Amiga Future #32 (German Amiga games print magazine) will come with the ego shooter 'Genetic Species' along with other full versions.

More infos about this issue are to find under (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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Chaos Computer Club e.v.

CCC: We mourn for Wau
Wau Holland, co-founder and old age president of the CCC today at the age of 49 died of the aftermath of a stroke he already had in May. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 14:58] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier (ANF)

UGN: AmiWest 2001 pictures
  • 10:00 am: Begin show
  • 11:00 am: Kermit Woodall of NovaDesign
  • 12:00 pm: John developer of Series Zero application
  • 1:00 pm: AudioLabs
  • 2:00 pm: Joe Torre
All times are PDT (sd)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Amiga Update Newsletter by Brad Webb
Monthly Brad Webb releases his newsletter 'Amiga Update' reporting about the most important events regarding the Amiga:

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      |#010727 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
               A M I G A   C H O O S E S   S T O R M C 

        A M I G A   A N D   E D I V I S I O N   I N   D E A L

            P U S H   F O R   A   T A O   S T A N D A R D

     N E W ,   F A S T E R   P O W E R   P C   A N N O U N C E D

     W O R L D   O F   A M I G A   B A C K  -  I N   T H E   U K 

         A M I G A F E S T   2 0 0 1   A P P R O A C H I N G 

            A M I W E S T   I S   S T A R T I N G   . . . 

    A N D   T H E R E ' L L   B E   A   D E V C O N   T H E R E ! 

    A L M O S T   H E R E   -   A M I G A   B B Q ,   O T T A W A 

       N E W   I N F O R M A T I O N   O N   S A K U   2 0 0 1 

           A M I G A   S E C U R I T Y   W E B P A G E 

     M E R L A N C I A   I N D U S T R I E S   I S   H I R I N G 

          G E N E T I C   S P E C I E S   F O R   F R E E !

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 July is often a dry month in this part of the world. Maybe that's why
there hasn't been much Amiga news? Perhaps it's dried up as well.
 Regardless, we have enough information to make a newsletter for you
and there are some interesting items in it.
 For one thing there are a number of Amiga shows coming up. Two of
them are set to kick off tomorrow (actually, AmiWest gets some
activities underway today). If you're in the area for either, please
attend and show your Amiga community spirit.
 We were going to include an article or two on the continuing feud
between Hyperion and Elbox, distasteful as that would have been, but
it appears these two companies may actually have settled matters. On
July 18 there was information to that affect posted to the net. We can
only hope that's true.
 You will notice a story below on Merlancia Industries recruiting new
employees. It's good to see an Amiga company expanding and we wish
them well. We also notice that they've apparently already been
rounding up Amiga talent. A quick look at their web site shows Amiga
legend Dave Haynie is now on their staff. 
 And to round the month out, there's the matter of a new Power PC chip
announced by Motorola. Details are below.
 There may not be a lot of news, but what there is, is interesting.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

14 Jul 2001 


 I would like first to congratulate you for your efforts to give us
the the information in your e-mag .
 Can you tell me if there is still support for Miami ?
 I received last year my registred-keyfile for the full package ( from
 I tried since March to receive the MiamiSSL_USA . I send my request
from the register in the Miami-register program for the SSL file . I
received confirmation of my request a week later then nothing .
 I send email to two months ago at least ,still
no anwser
 I download MiamiSSL from Aminet but it needs one of the two en-
cryption librairies which is my request .
 Can you help me to have this librairy .

N.Renaud (Canada)
 As far as I know, there is no more support for Miami. However, it
continues to work fine and the international SSL library, at least, is
available. The difficulty is you are not supposed to use the
international version in Canada, and I believe you can't get the
US/Canadian version from Nordic Global. The international version will
work, of course, but downloading that and using it is not legal in the
US/Canada (Nordic Global's site does provide a link to download this
version for the benefit of non-US/Canadian users)..
 Does anyone among the readers have more information on Miami and SSL? 

             A M I G A   C H O O S E S   S T O R M C 

 July 14, 2001 - Amiga Inc is pleased to announce that it is
partnering with HAAGE&PARTNER GmbH, of Glashuetten, Germany in order
to provide Amiga developers with a world class development
 Amiga Inc is working closely with HAAGE&PARTNER to provide for the
first their flagship StormC developer package will become the official
Amiga Development System. This will see StormC providing transparent,
language independent support for both the AmigaOS and the AmigaDE.
 "Amiga is committed to moving application development forwards to
support our new architecture." said Fleecy Moss, Chief Technical
Officer of Amiga Inc. "This means dynamic, persistent components,
descriptive, location independent interfaces, brokered services and a
complete separation of design from implementation. HAAGE&PARTNER have
spent many years creating a simple, easy to use, yet powerful
development package for the AmigaOS, and we are delighted to be
working with them as we push forwards.
 "We are very pleased about the Amiga certification on StormC", said
Jürgen Haage, General Manager of HAAGE&PARTNER GmbH. "This
certification is a quality assurance for Amiga Inc. and guarantees the
Amiga developer community a continuous further development of our
StormC development system. "

       A M I G A   A N D   E D I V I S I O N   I N   D E A L

Snoqualmie, WA - July 16, 2001

 Edivision LLC announced today that they would create game
applications for the Amiga Digital Environment (AmigaDE). The company
plans to create 3 development labels in the coming year for the
AmigaDE environment. The titles created under these labels will be
distributed through the Sharp Space Town web site for release in Japan
and through other Amiga distribution channels worldwide. Amiga and
Edivision also announced a joint relationship where Edivision would
provide key pieces of technology for the AmigaDE.
 The principals at Edivision have more than 30 years of experience in
the computer graphics field. Patrick Roberts created 2D and 3D effects
for Walt Disney's feature animation classic "Dinosaur". He has also
created software and animation for Dreamworks Animation, Disney
Classics and the Disney channel. Jeremy Engelman is one of the finest
3D artists in the world. His best-known work is the artwork for Cyan's
Riven, the sequel to Myst. Steven Haun is an award-winning computer
graphics producer with more than 10 years of experience in the
computer graphics and entertainment industry. His credits include
effects production for Warner Brothers, Universal Pictures, ABC, CBS,
and Fox Television.
 "This relationship with Edivision will offer consumers some exciting
content and an enjoyable experience that they will want to share with
others," said Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga, Inc. "Patrick,
Jeremy and Steven are longtime supporters of Amiga and we appreciate
their contributions to driving adoption of our software. With their
expertise in gaming and the entertainment industry, we look forward to
some revolutionary games for the PDA market."
 "We are very excited to be working with Amiga to generate compelling
content for the AmigaDE," said Patrick Roberts, one of the founders at
Edivision. "When Amiga announced their relation with Sharp, we saw
this as an opportunity to get in early on a new, exciting gaming
platform. Devices like the Sharp Zaurus and other PDA's offer the
ability to reach a new and different generation of gamers."
 Edivision will focus on original titles for its first set of
releases. The company is also negotiating with other content providers
to bring their titles to the AmigaDE platform.
 The market for video games in the United States, which includes
arcade, PC, console, and online gaming, is currently estimated to be
worth $11 billion. The AmigaDE platform allows developers to create
game applications that target this market. The binary portable nature
of AmigaDE content allows applications to migrate seamlessly from cell
phones and handheld devices to set-top boxes and up to desktop
machines and servers.

          P U S H   F O R   A   T A O   S T A N D A R D

July 14, 2001

 World's leading consumer electronics firms push to create premium
contents platform standard. Sharp, JVC, Kyocera and the Tao Group
today announce the launch of the Open Contents Platform Association.
This move, initiated by Japan's consumer electronics giants, will
promote the global standardization of the intent(R) media platform as
a core on home and mobile connected devices, such as PDAs, phones, web
tablets, digital cameras and smart phones.

 The OCPA is a response to the proliferation of wired and wireless
devices with a requirement from carriers and broadcasters to deliver
premium contents to users. This trend of more devices has pushed up
development costs and increased application and device time to market
- an inevitable consequence when developing divergent software
implementations on every new product.
 The need for a flexible, open environment has become paramount. By
standardizing around Tao's open and pluggable platform, OCPA
manufacturers and developers will create powerful and differentiated
products, at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time,
capable of running the kind of premium services required by operators
and broadcasters.
 Many of the world's leading technology companies, including
electronics manufacturers, content developers and software vendors,
will be joining the Association targeting the first general assembly
in September. Other major manufacturers that have already stated their
support to the OCPA will be announced at that time. Meanwhile, the
following companies have already publicly announced that they would
join the OCPA as of July 12, 2001: Bandai Networks Co. Ltd, Capcom Co
Ltd, Criterion Software Ltd., Digital Hollywood Corp, Espial Inc.,
Fujitsu Prime Software Technologies Ltd, HI Corporation, Justsystem
Corporation, Lineo Japan, Inc., MathEngine, plc., Mediaglue KK.,
Metrowerks Co., Ltd., Mobile Computing Technologies KK, MontaVista
Software Japan, Inc., Plazmic Inc., Prime Atlas, Inc., Sega
Enterprises, Sybergate KK., SSEYO Ltd., Taito KK., Web Soft
International Inc., Zoom Systems KK.

 Yoshio Mohri, President and CEO of Fujitsu Prime Software
Technologies Limited stated, "We are very pleased with the
announcement of the establishment of the OCPA. The full binary
portability of intent is undoubtedly now recognized as being the most
effective solution to enable the smooth distribution of enhanced
contents and software."
 Kazunori Ukigawa, President and CEO of Justsystem said, "As a member
of the OCPA, I am thrilled to contribute further to the market
development of Tao's open platform for multimedia content. Tao's rich
multimedia technology, based upon its unique virtual processor
technology, gives competitive edges to application and content
 Tao's intent is ideally placed as the core technology on open
platforms. It is independent of underlying hardware, operating system
and language and provides an exceptional high performance and small
footprint, branded multimedia Java(TM) software acceleration
technology authorized by Sun Microsystems. Francis Charig, the Tao
Group Executive Chairman, commented, "The establishment of the OCPA,
utilizing Tao's intent combined with a strong Sun compliant, Java
technology focus, is a response to the need for an open environment
across entire product portfolios. It will succeed in reducing time to
market and cost while enabling high quality, compelling contents on
the current and next generations of devices."

About OCPA

 The OCPA will provide a place for open discussion among content
providers, application service providers and hardware manufacturers,
regardless of their business fields. Members can present proposals for
new specifications, which will then be evaluated by working groups
within the Association, before their acceptance as standards, which
will then be openly published. The OCPA will also support verification
of Open Platform applications and contents, and will perform
promotional activities, such as seminars and exhibitions in order to
promote the OCPA specified platform standard.

About Tao Group Limited

 Tao has developed intent, a binary portable, language independent,
high performance, multimedia platform that is now used by many of the
world's leading OEMs in their client products for home and mobile
networks. The technology allows these companies to have a single
strategy across all of their platforms, irrespective of operating
system, hardware and function. intent is now being used in products
including smart mobile appliances and digital television. Tao's range
of Java(TM) products have been designed from their inception to
combine the Java language with Tao's multimedia to run real-world
content many times faster than any alternative. The Company was
founded in 1992, has offices in the United States, Europe and Japan
and counts both Sony and Motorola amongst its investors. Tao has a
growing and high value, global patent portfolio and is the recipient
of multiple industry awards, both for its technologies and for the
rate of corporate growth. For more information please see

{Note: Tao's Intent is a key element of AmigaDE. Brad}

      N E W ,   F A S T E R   P O W E R   P C   A N N O U N C E D
 AUSTIN, TEXAS - July 18, 2001 - Delivering the highest performing
PowerPCTM processor on the market today, Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT)
today announced the 867MHz MPC7450 processor with AltiVecTM
technology. Continuing to deliver on Motorola's leading PowerPC
roadmap, the MPC7450 is designed to provide powerful and innovative
solutions for the networking, telecommunications, high-end embedded
systems, scientific computing, and desktop computer markets.
 "Our goal is to continually provide our customers with PowerPC
processors that increase levels of real-world performance in both the
embedded and computing markets," said Brian Wilkie, corporate vice
president and general manager of Motorola's Computing Platform
Division. "Motorola's G4 line of PowerPC processors continues to
generate industry excitement, and we're pleased to offer yet another
powerful solution to further enhance our customers' product
 "Apple is thrilled that with the new 867MHz PowerPC processor added
to the Power Mac G4 line, Motorola has delivered a high-performance
component that enabled us to boost overall system performance up to
11.8 gigaflops," said Jon Rubinstein, Apple's senior vice president of
Hardware Engineering. "These continued improvements to the PowerPC
processor further solidify the superfast Power Mac G4 as one of the
most powerful desktop personal computers ever."
 The MPC7450 processor has a deep seven-stage pipeline with eleven
execution units and an enhanced AltiVec engine. The L2 cache is
integrated onto the die for greater speed, with a 256-bit datapath to
the L1 cache. The MPC7450 processor also supports a large backside L3
cache with a 64-bit datapath, and provides multiple SRAM options.
Additionally, the MPC7450 processor implements Motorola's
high-bandwidth MPX system bus, capable of achieving sustained
bandwidth performance of 1064MB/sec., which can provide up to 4 times
the bus performance over earlier G3 generation processors.
 The PowerPC architecture enjoys the broadest third party tool support
of any RISC microprocessor today. Motorola's MPC7450 has extensive
tool support from compiler, debugger and emulator vendors providing
comprehensive sophisticated development environments.
 The MPC7450 PowerPC microprocessor is manufactured in the HiPerMOS 6
(HiP6) 0.18-micron copper fabrication process technology, and features
a low-power design with three power-saving user-programmable modes -
nap, doze (with bus snoop) and sleep - which reduce the power drawn by
the processor.
 Pricing and Availability The advanced 867MHz MPC7450 processors are
available today at a suggested unit list price of $435 in quantities
of 1000. The suggested unit list price (1000 quantity) of the 667, and
733MHz versions are approximately $341, and $374 respectively.
 For more information about Motorola's family of PowerPC processors

    W O R L D   O F   A M I G A   B A C K  -   I N   T H E   U K 

Time to make a comeback!

 On Saturday, 3rd November 2001, Amiga Active magazine - will be sponsoring the World of Amiga South
East Show, to be held in Brentwood, Essex, UK.

Exhibitors already confirmed, are as follows..
* Amiga Active
* Eyetech 
* Fore-matt Home Computing 
* 100% Amiga
* Analogic
* Blittersoft
* Kicksoft 
...with more to follow. 

 We are also very proud to announce that Amiga CTO, Fleecy Moss will
be in attendance to show the latest AmigaOS on the latest hardware.
 If that isn't enough, this could be your first opportunity anywhere
in the world to see and even buy the AmigaOne and OS 4.0.
 Discounted tickets will soon be available via selected Amiga dealers
and via the show's website, which will be launching soon. Further
details on this, including additional exhibitors and guest speakers,
will follow shortly.

 World of Amiga South East, is organised by SEAL, Kickstart, ANT, ASA
and Sponsored by Amiga Active Magazine from
Pinprint publishing.
 This year's planned SEAL-O-RAMA show has evolved into something

       A M I G A F E S T   2 0 0 1   A P P R O A C H I N G 

July 8, 2001 

 The time is rapidly approaching . AmigaFest 2001 - The Show Within a
Show at Dayton's Fall Computerfest®. This will be the third year that
AmiTech-Dayton has sponsored an Amiga section within the fall
Computerfest®. We currently have seven Amiga vendors and exhibitors
already committed and we are still working on increasing that number.

 The current list includes Compuquick, Dan's Deals, FWD Computing, G&G
Publishing Enterprises (The New Amigans Magazine), E. S. Productions,
Amiga Cafe, and AmiTech-DAyton.
 In addition to the Amiga specific exhibitors there will be
approximately 150 other vendors and exhibitors with all kinds of
general equipment and gear you can use on your Amiga at spectacular
prices. If youm live anywhere in the midwest don't miss this show.

 The AmigaFest2001 show is held inconjunction with the Dayton
ComputerFest at the Hara Convention Complex in Dayton, Ohio. It will
be held August 25th through the 26th. Pictures and a review of last
years show can be found at:

          A M I W E S T   I S   S T A R T I N G   . . . 

6 Jul 2001


 This is a tentative schedule and will be updated. Remember to check
out our website (and encourage all your friends to do the same!) at
 NEED A RIDE TO AMIWEST? Then visit if you're
willing to share transportation. Although not a part of our
organization and completely without warranty on our part, it is a
laudable effort to get to the show in the spirit of the Amiga

FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2001

 6:00 PM Vendors to set up in the main exhibition hall
 8:00 PM Bill McEwen speaking on the Amiga One and Amiga DE. Come hear
what Bill has to say about the next step in the new digital
environment world.


0930 AM Purchase/pick up tickets
1000 AM Doors open
1015 AM Welcome to AmiWest 2001


 IN THE EXHIBIT HALL: raffles every hour on the hour by the Raffle
              Jack McCann.

Seminars in the Lindbergh Room: 

    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM:  Image FX (and relatives) 

                  PRESENTER:  Kermit Woodall, Nova Design


    1:00 PM - 3:00 PM:  Amiga DE Developers Conference (DevCon)

               PRESENTER:  Gary Peake et al.

    3:00 PM - 5:OO PM   AMIGAZONE class

                PRESENTER:  Harv Laser


 BANQUET 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Fine buffet served by the Holiday Inn

                SPEAKERS:  Bill McEwen and Dr. Alan Havemose
                "Amiga and Gateway:  What REALLY Happened?"
                and the future of the Amiga.

SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2001

0930 AM Purchase/pick up tickets

1000 AM Doors open


 IN THE EXHIBIT HALL: raffles every hour on the hour by the Raffle
              Jack McCann.

Seminars in the Lindbergh Room: 

    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM: AMIGA ONE Introduction.  


    1:00 PM - 3:00 PM:  PAGESTREAM Desktop Publishing

                PRESENTER:  Todd Gustavson, Extreme Computers
                and Northwest Amiga Group

    3:00 PM - 4:3O PM   Image FX (and relatives) 

                PRESENTER:  Kermit Woodall, Nova Design

    4:30 in the Exhibit Hall:  the big raffle.  Don't miss it!!

    6:00 PM - ???????   Gathering at a local restaurant to wrap up all
               the last-minute impressions.  To be announced
                at the show on Sunday afternoon.

Plus lots of conversation and meeting new people along with those old


 The only all-Amiga show on the U.S. West Coast is gearing up for July
28-29, 2001 in Sacramento California. So make your plans to attend
now. Favorable room rates are available, as always, so contact the
Holiday Inn Northeast at 1-916-338-5800 or, toll-free direct to the
hotel, 1-800-388-9284 to reserve your rooms. And keep checking our
website for all the latest updates at Don't be
left out. This should be the biggest and best AmiWest show yet!


 Part of the attraction of Amiga shows are the people who attend. Our
community includes some of the most creative and interesting people
around. And as most of already know, those people have been the
catalyst for the continuing re-birth of the Amiga platform.
 So who's going to be there? Here's a partial list:
 Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga Inc. The ever-positive Bill
will give us the latest insights into the "benevolent dictatorship" of
Amiga Inc. and where our platform is heading.
 Gary Peake of Amiga Inc. will be with us to do an Amiga DE DevCon.
 Kermit Woodall, Nova Design, Inc. Creator of Image FX, Millenium and
all those other fine image-processing software packages.
 Randhir Jesrani, Compuquick Media Center. Since 1987, Randy has
supported the Amiga platform. He'll be here to greet old friends with
lots of Amiga classic hardware and software along with new products.
 Harv Laser, Amigazone legend. SYSOP of the oldest Amiga site in the
US (and maybe the world), Harv has been around since just about "the
beginning." Now affiliated with Merlancia Industries, Harv will be
with us to give us the latest on AmigaZone.
 Ryan E.A. Cerwinski, CEO of Merlancia Industries. Ryan will be
bringing his new computers in their current state of development for
us to see and (hopefully) order. Also lots of classic Amiga
software/hardware for your examination and purchase.
 Joe Torre, Amiga engineer. Joe has just bought his tickets, reserved
his room and in on the way to AmiWest 2001. His email said, in part:
 Hey man!
 I just finnished getting my flight and room booked. Thanx for the
better rate!
 I'm looking forward to chatting about Gateway days with Allan and
doing the Banquet again. . .
 Flights are still cheap this far in advance too!
 All the best!

JoeT. . .  Amiga, BeOS, Linux, QNX, Windoze
So many mice: with so many meanings....  

 And this is just the beginning! We'll be releasing more names in a
few days. Keep checking our website at for more

    A N D   T H E R E ' L L   B E   A   D E V C O N   T H E R E ! 

2 July, 2001

 Amiga Inc. has said to us that they will be presenting an Amiga DE
Developers Conference (DevCon) at AmiWest 2001! Gary Peake is heading
up the effort and will be giving all the latest development
information at the show.
 This DevCon is scheduled for Saturday, July 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
We are trying to predict attendance for this event at AmiWest 2001.
Please email your intentions to Please be
advised that only those holding either a full show pass or a Saturday
pass will be admitted to the DevCon. Passes will be checked at the
 So don't be left out! Order your show tickets now! Go to and fill in the ticket order form on our site.
Then print it out and send it in along with your check or money order
to the address on the form. This will ensure your attendance and let
us know how many will be in attendance.

    A L M O S T   H E R E   -   A M I G A   B B Q ,   O T T A W A 

Amiga BBQ
Strathcona Park
Ottawa, Ontario
Sunday, July 29, 2001
12:00pm to 4:00pm

 Join us for's first BBQ! Everyone is welcome. Bring your
familly and friends. The BBQ will give local Amiga users the
opportunity to meet each other. We will have news from the Amiwest
show, discuss the Ottawa Amiga Show, and we'll be throwing around some
Boing balls!
 Soft drinks and hot dogs will be served, but feel free to bring
food/drinks. We also strongly suggest to bring a lawn chair.
 Please RSVP by Friday, July 27 so we know how many hot dogs and soft
drinks to purchase. Send an e-mail to to let
us know that you are coming (and how many will be with you).
 How To Get There?

 1. Take highway 417 (from either direction) to Nicholas Exit.
 2. At the first set of lights, turn right. This will put you onto
Laurier heading East (towards the Royal Oak).
 3. Turn right onto Range Road (about 1 Kilometer from Nicholas).
There is a large fountain at the entrance of the park. If you get to
the end of Laurier (it turns left just after Range Road) you have gone
too far. ;-)
 4. The parking lot is down the hill and to the left.
 5. Look for the Boing Balls and we will be there!


 There is free parking but space is limited. Parking on the street is
also permitted.
 OC Transpo indicated that the #16 Alta Vista passes close by after
leaving from the Rideau Centre. For details, call OC Transpo
information at 741-4390.
 What if it Rains?

 If it rains, we will post that the BBQ is cancelled on by 10:00am (on July 29).

       N E W   I N F O R M A T I O N   O N   S A K U   2 0 0 1 

July 10, 2001

 The tradition of quality guests at the Finnish Amiga Users Group's
Saku events continues as Mr. Fleecy Moss, Vice President of
Development of Amiga Inc., has agreed to attend Saku 2001 and
demonstrate the latest Amiga products such as the AmigaDE and PDA. A
representative of Matay company, the latest co-operative companion of
Amiga Inc., will also be there to present their new PCI bridge for
Zorro III Amigas, the Prometheus.
 The Mediator PCI bridge for the Amiga 1200 will also be demonstrated
with a Voodoo3 graphics card. Nova Design Inc. has offered the latest
versions of their quality graphics programs, ImageFX and Aladdin4D,
for demonstration on the show.
 Saku 2001 will be held on Saturday September 1st 2001 at the Science
Centre Heureka in Vantaa, near Helsinki. The event will open at 12:00
and end at 18:00. Admission will be free of charge.
 Finnish speaking audience can join Saku 2001 discussion on our Web
discussion forum at
 Please stay tuned for more details as the planning progresses. For
further information, visit Finnish Amiga Users Group's Web Site at or E-mail
inquiries may be sent to Terho Henriksson
( Please also contact Terho if you or
your company have products that you would like to demonstrate or
advertise in Saku 2001.

           A M I G A   S E C U R I T Y   W E B P A G E 

26 July, 2001

{The following item appears on Czech Amiga News. Brad}

 "Thx to Aminet admins, the Amiga has now a Security Webpage. You can
find tools for analysing router- & miami logfiles, a fast workaround
for the birc exploit and ofcourse Amiga`s most advanced portscanner in
a new release. In the Firewall Section we develop a firewallsetup and
will show how to protect your amiga and other`s. We just started so it
will take time to increase tools and documents. I work for a NIDS
System based on MiamiDX (hopefully working on other stacks :) If you
wanne be part of it, mail me."
Czech Amiga News is at:

     M E R L A N C I A   I N D U S T R I E S   I S   H I R I N G 

24 July, 2001

 Merlancia Industries is currently looking for individuals with skills
in the following areas: Professional graphic design (must be able to
create metallic images) Hardware and software/firmware engineering
Marketing & PR. If you feel that you would qualify for any of the
above positions, please contact Merlancia Industries and/or send your
resúme to:

Merlancia Industries
3516A West Cactus Road
Phoenix, AZ 85029 USA 

 As a note, we would like to mention that for most immediate
positions, your location is largely unimportant. No relocations will
be needed.

         G E N E T I C   S P E C I E S   F O R   F R E E !

June 28, 2001

{Posted to the net by Mikey C}

 In case you have missed this elsewhere, former Amiga Publishers,
Vulcan Software and former Amiga developers Marble Eyes have uploaded
the entire hit game, Genetic Species to the Aminet
 An excellent review with screenshots is available from Kay Are
Ulvestad Website

 Don't forget, Marble-Eyes released a host of update patches, such us
faster graphics, Picture in Picture, Sound and Extended language
support. The files can be downloaded.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2001 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 13:49] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier (ANF)

Fun Time World: Tales of Tamar - programmers wanted
For development of the game Tales of Tamar still talented programmers are wanted, having the time and motivation to faster push forward the Linux and Java version. Please send your candidature to

New versions have been released for Amiga and Mac, which are to find at the download section. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier (ANF)

Fun Time World: AmigaOS3.9-FAQ extended
On 27. July 2001 the official AmigaOS V3.9 FAQ, managed by Greg Donner, got a new entry 'Disk&File Operation' page: 'HDToolBox shows my Maxtor hard drive as half its actual capacity. Is there a solution?' (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 11:29] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier (ANF)

Grafik: H&P release ArtEffect Plugin Collection
Haage & Partner released a plugin collection for the image editing software 'Art Effect' including more than 333 loader modules, frames, filters, and special effects. H&P wrote about this on their website:

«Finally - the biggest effects and filters collection for ArtEffect is available. It consists of more then 333 loaders/savers, borders, filters and special effects.

We heavily extended this collection since our first announcement. Now it also contains AE Superview with about 30 loader and saver modules.

Autolevel is a new filter that automatically corrects the contrast of a picture. This improves your scanned picture and those taken with a digital camera a lot. One of the best effects is Shine which adds a shine around objects. This effect is best know from the Glow icons. We also have a Glow effect that also adds a shine, but makes the object itself shine too.

It is important to mention, that Shine, Glow and most of the other effects (e.g. the popular "unsharp mask") will support layers or more specific: they can deal with the transparency of layers.

As a bonus we added the full version of ArtEffect 2. This version already support layers and so nearly all effects of this collection can be used. This makes the collection a full paint package.

This collection is the ideal and inexpensive tool to improve your scanned pictures and digital photos and to add amazing effects to them.» (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 10:59] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier (ANF)

ANN: Amiga Information Online (AOI) #49
On 28. July 2001 issue #49 of the online magazine 'Amiga Information Online (AIO)' was released.

It can be downloaded from the AOI site and soon from Aminet.

Download: AIOV49.LHA (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2001, 10:59] [Comments: 0]
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