19. Apr. 2015: Aminet-Uploads bis 18.04.2015

Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 18.04.2015 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:

CongstarCfg.lha          comm/net   58K   68k Config. Congstar Komplett Box...
yasm.i386-aros.zip       dev/asm    3.1M  x86 Yasm Modular Assembler Project
libcddb.lha              dev/lib    126K  OS4 A library to access data on CDDB
f12015carset.lha         game/data  22K       2015 Car Set for F1GP Ed/Micr...
comedesert-data.zip      game/shoot 2.4M  68k Did IT come from the desert? ...
ffmpeg.i386-aros.zip     gfx/misc   17M   x86 ffmpeg-2.6.1 compiled natively
Stella_MOS.lha           misc/emu   5.1M  MOS Atari VCS 2600 emulator
amath.i386-aros.lha      misc/math  326K  x86 Simple command line calculator
amath.lha                misc/math  1.3M  68k Simple command line calculator
amath.src.lha            misc/math  256K      Simple command line calculator
amath-mos.lha            misc/math  132K  MOS Simple command line calculator
Calimero_beta_0.12.lha   text/dtp   8.3M  MOS A DTP Program
zmakebas.lha             util/conv  60K   OS4 Make ZX Spectrum .TAP from BA...