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Dungeon Crawler: 'Blade' released
Mark Sheeky originally released his game in 1996 and wrote:

"Blade was my 20th, last, and most ambitious game for Amiga; an expanded, isometric sequel to my Roguelike game Hilt. The game took over a year to develop and was signed to be published by a troubled company named Alive Mediasoft. The game was released without my consent and I received nothing. Unable to take matters further in these moribund years of the Amiga, I released the game for free.

Supplied in ADF format for use with Amiga emulators, and in RP9 format for use with Cloanto's Amiga Forever and other RetroPlatform emulators. The game needs to be installed to a virtual Amiga hard drive, so the RP9 files contain a pre-installed version of Blade. The standalone intro sequence can be viewed separately from one of the discs." (dr)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2021, 20:20] [Comments: 0]
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fxBlankers: Screenblankers for MorphOS
Stephan Blixth (OnyxSoft) wrote:

"I wanted to learn how to make some cool blankers for MorphOS. There was some basic examples how to make the framework etc. in the SDK for MorphOS which was really good as base. And since I'm not a demo coder I recall there was some cool effects in the AROS distribution. I used some of them as base to create this effectful blankers."

Version 1.0 provides the three screenblankers 'DawaFire', 'Fireworks' and 'Flamme'. You have to copy them to System:Classes/Blankers.
The source code is available on GitHub. (dr)

[News message: 09. Sep. 2021, 08:31] [Comments: 0]
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RxEnv: Tools for the ARexx development environment (update)
Already for a longer time Carl Svensson has been dealing with ARexx programming language and for example had released a minimaltic GUI 'mp3Play' for the MP3 player "MPEGA" or a little WWW server 'gW3S'. Meanwhile these tools are not available any longer since, according to the author, he had to rewrite them and the required hardware - e.g. a network card - is not available anymore.

Now he has released tools for the ARexx development environment called RxEnv. He has written:

"Coding in ARexx on the Amiga can be great fun. It's a quirky little language by modern standards, nevertheless I find it to be a highly enjoyable experience. Still, ARexx was born in 1987, and it lacks many of the comforts we take for granted when working with younger scripting languages.

I've always felt that it's suffered greatly from the inability to include other scripts, allowing the programmer to build a small library of functions that can complement the built-ins. I also frequently miss a Read, Eval, Print Loop.

The best way to remedy this is of course to solve the problem yourself: A preprocessor and a REPL.

The preprocessor allows for the inclusion of ARexx "modules" - collections of native ARexx functions - in other ARexx scripts.

The REPL supports multi-line statements (so called "buffers"), will automatically print the result of any single statement returning a value and traps errors without touching the current variable scope. The REPL itself is written in ARexx and should run on any Amiga capable of running ARexx."

Version 1.0 of RxEnv was released under the 3.0 license.
Download: RxEnv10.lha (35kByte)

Update: (12:03, 09.09.21, dr)
The author has added some explanations:

"The main difference between rxpp and external functions is that with rxpp, the included functions will keep the scope of the including script. This means that included functions will have access to stems/compounds and other global variables, and that they will share SIGNAL, OPTIONS, NUMERIC, ADDRESS etc." (dr)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2021, 19:46] [Comments: 0]
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