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Jürgen Schober (ANF) delivers AmigaOne XE
From now on the first AmigaOne XE boards are available at the Austrian Amiga dealer The PowerPC/G4 as well as the G3 version have arrived and will be officially delivered from April 28th.

Additional to the mainboard a bootable "Debian Linux Install CD" as well as "Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r1 PPC Binary 1" (basis installation incl. XFree4.0 and KDE) belong to the packet. The system can be easily installed and extended via the Internet just as the customer wants.

Besides this the packet also contains UAE (Unix Amiga Emulator) incl. AmigaOS 3.1 Kickstart ROM images and a completely installed AmigaOS 3.1 incl. "Magic Software Packet".

The price of the earlybird system also contains an update to the next generation of the AmigaOS 4 which will run nativly on the hardware and which will be sent to the customers for free.

Additional to the motherboard packet complete systems are also offered. (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2003, 20:22] [Comments: 0]
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Amig@lien (ANF)

Descent: Freespace: MultiplayerPack 08 released
The the MultiplayerPack 08 for Decent: Freespace has been released. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2003, 21:13] [Comments: 0]
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Hans-Jörg Frieden (ANF)

IncaGold and Hyperion announce license agreement
IncaGold and Hyperion Entertainment enter into comprehensive license agreement

Leuven, Belgien, April 18, 2003

IncaGold GmbH and Hyperion Entertainment VOF announced today that they entered into a comprehensive license agreement which will see many of IncaGold's current and future entertainment software titles converted for the Amiga, Linux and Macintosh platforms.

Hyperion's first target for conversion is 'Midnight Racing' which offers players the excitement of realistic night driving using a state of the art 3D engine.

"We are understandably very pleased with this agreement as signing with IncaGold will allow us to bring IncaGold's outstanding and ever-growing portfolio of games to our target audiences", said Ben Hermans, managing partner of Hyperion Entertainment.

Daniel Aurell, Director at IncaGold, added, "We are pleased to have found such a competent partner in this field to take our PC entertainment products to other home computing platforms. We are looking forward to together with Hyperion bringing many of our titles to the Amiga, Linux and Mac systems in the coming months."

About Hyperion Entertainment VOF
Hyperion Entertainment is a privately held Belgian-German company, founded in March of 1999. The company specialises in 3D graphics and the conversion of top-quality entertainment software from Windows to niche-platforms including Amiga, Linux (x86,PPC) and MacOS (OS 9/X). Hyperion Entertainment has undertaken contract-work in the field of 3D graphics for companies such as Monolith and has developed a mature, fast, small foot-print technology to bring 3D graphics to low power digital devices such as PDA's and STB's. Hyperion is currently working on AmigaOS 4.0, a vastly enhanced PPC native incarnation of the groundbreaking multimedia OS introduced by Commodore in 1985.

IncaGold is a world-wide leader in the development and publishing of casual gaming entertainment on PC CD-ROM. Founded in 1996, the company operates sales and development offices in Brazil, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Slovakia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. (ps)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2003, 22:05] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Eyetech: AmigaOneXE delivered since Wednesday
Alan Redhouse (Eyetech) gave a statement on AmigaOne mailing list (title link) and explained that the delivery of the AmigaOneXE has started on Wednesday.

First of all other dealers will be delivered, then "developers" which ordered an AmigaOneSE 12 months ago, then customers which ordered a motherboard from Eyetech and finally the buyers of complete systems.

Alan supposes that all orders will be executed until the end of the month. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2003, 18:41] [Comments: 0]
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