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Archiv 'Publications'


LinuxToday: Linux in Korea
Linux PR announce in a press release that the Korean government decided to start to switch to Linux and has ordert the first packets. The product is "HancomLinux Deluxe 2.0" combining the MS compatible Office Suite and LinuxOS. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 23:55] [Comments: 0]
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Shaun Bebbington (ANF)

Magazine: Retro Computing Today
Retro Computing Today - What is the big idea?

There seems to be a growing interest in computers and technology of yesteryear. With very few publications actually acknowledging this, it is left to a handful of small magazines to fill the gap, with profitable publications such as Computer and Video Games dedicating less than 4 pages to "The Old School". Retro Computing Today aims to be the one of the first professional publication to cover all topics regarding this very subject matter, instead of concentrating on one particular computer or platform, as Commodore Scene does, Retro Computing Today aims to cover as many topics as there are interests for. For instance, those people who choose to use a Vic 20 to view web sites through to the Amiga classic/AmigaOne platform.

Obviously, the more support a particular platform receives, the more of the magazine will be dedicated to covering it, however, we would hope to provide some sort of balance, unlike at least 90% of current publications, whom tend to concentrate on the Windows/XBox platform.

Do you have big ideas yourself?

Details are sketchy at the minute, as the publication is still in early planning stages. We can confirm the following:

  • Launch issue for early May 2002.
  • 8 copies a year (1 every 6 weeks). If there is enough demand, we will move towards 10 copies a year (1 every 5 weeks).
  • Website launched soon.
  • A sample issue will be available to download.
  • Special edition no. 1 will be available to pre-order soon.

So, if you would like to shape this publication, please email me with your suggestions or comments.

If you would like to write any articles for the launch issue, please forward them in .txt format, with the subject matter as Submissions 092246. We would appreciate greatly any help we can get.

Thank you for reading,

Shaun/Retro Computing Today - (ps)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 10:45] [Comments: 0]
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FAQ Amiga Francophone
The current version of the "FAQ Amiga Francophone" is available under the title link.

This French FAQ answers general questions about the Amiga, e.g. about emulators, PCI, USB, and more.

Vincent Alloy ( maintains it. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 18:42] [Comments: 0]
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CD³²-Allianz (ANF)

Magazine: CD32 Outside No.4 released
The CD32 Outside No.4, German CD32 magazine, is available for free download.

Download: CD32outside4.lha (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 16:46] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Comic: Sabrina with Strips 181-184
The German issue of Eric W. Schartz's comic series "Sabrina Online" was updated. The following was added:

  • 181: The porno stars are allways the first to know, somehow
  • 182: mind games
  • 183: Employees are to be attacted by taffy
  • 184: Taffy continues
(sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Magazine: Starmag stopped
The German disk and online magazine "Starmag" was stopped on 5. January 2002. The website is reading the following note:

So, the magazine is offline now. If the "Starmag" would be revived some day depends on the Amiga market getting well or not. But at the moment this is not to be assumed :-( (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Emulator: Amithlon explained by Bernie Meyer
In August 2001 Bernd Meyer has visited the Amiga User Group in Australia and performed the third official presentation of the Amiga emulator "Amithlon" there (the first one was done in St. Louis (Bill McEwen), the second one with MAUG). He described the basics of the linux mini kernel and how AmigaOS was put on top.

Tony Mulvihill of the "Amiga User Group of Melbourne" has recorded this presentation with his video8 camera. Craig Hutchinson then has digitized the video and splitted it into 18 MPEG files, which are available from Aminet under /pix/mpg/Amithlon#?.mpg. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Marcus Neervoort (E-Mail) Amiga-History 2001
Marcus Neervoort has completed the Amiga-History of 2001 on his website.

Petro Tyschtschenko was disbanded on the Gateway 2001, the AmigaOne, AmigaOS 4.0, as well as AmigaDE for Sharp Zaurus was announced.

In October the Amiga emulators AmigaOS XL and Amithlon were released.

In November the Pegasos board by bplan and the USB controller Subway by Michael Böhme, and more were presented. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Interview with Markus Pohlmann about "Projekt Crashite"
"Projek Crashsite" is about a science fiction role game in which the player takes the part of some kind of police force in a colonialized solar system. Beside of Markus Pohlmann there are Daniel Hartlehnert (graphic rendering), Denis Comtesse (music), and Fredrike Schmitt (character drawing) working on development.

Markus Pohlmann answers questions about himself in person, the history of development of the game, and the Amiga's situation.

Note: The editorial board of the Amiga Future is urgently wanting users able to unsalaried translate texts for the homepage from German to Englisch and vice versa. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Kultpower (ANF) Amiga-Magazin with Covers and more
There are additonal cover scans and editorials of the German print magazine Amiga-Magazin online at (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 08:41] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Schröder (ANF)

Magazin: AMIGA aktuell 01/2002 published
Carsten Schröder writes:
The (German) January issue of the AMIGA aktuell magazine contains among other things:
  • test report about the new version 6 of the route planner AmiATLAS
  • test of the »Earth 2140 Mission Pack«
  • review of the facturing software MT-Rechnung III
  • background article about memory protection and virtual memory
  • second part of the C++ workshop

AMIGA aktuell 01/2002 can be read online on our website or you can download it in HTML or AmigaGuide format for offline reading. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2002, 08:41] [Comments: 0]
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PCTip: new Amiga computers - a myth on the way to its comeback?
Christian Bütikofer wrote in his (German) article extensively about the Amiga scene. »They still exist, the Amiga users. And soon they could start to become some more again. If all goes as planned, the Amiga, next to Atari THE cult home computer of the 80's and 90's, will celebrate a resurrection in the new year!«
Complete article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2002, 20:33] [Comments: 0]
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Heise newsticker

Heise: study is said to deliver ammunition against Linux
In the magazine The Register has an internal email of the Microsoft vice president Brian Valentine been released that caused a fuss as the mail reveals that the marketing strategy of Microsoft are obviously directed against Open Source.
Heise article (German) see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2002, 18:08] [Comments: 0]
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Kilian Servais (ANF)

NoCover issue 94 released
Kilian Servais wrote:
Today has issue 94 of the freeware magazine NoCover been released. This is available via Aminet (docs/mags), ACP&TCP homepage or via email from me. A free email subscription is possible any time. We're always pleased about feedback etc. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2002, 13:45] [Comments: 0]
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