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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 154 - preview and excerpts
Preview and excerpts of Amiga Future issue 154 (January/February 2022) have been published online now at the title link. Contents include an interview with Thomas Römer as well as reviews of the 68030-TK2 by 'Matze' and the games collection Ad Cosmos Ex Terra.

Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and a German printed magazine and can be bought directly from the magazine's editorial office as well as several Amiga dealers. (snx)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2021, 09:00] [Comments: 0]
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Roman Kargin (Mail)

AmigaOS 4.1: Warp3D backward compatibility with 'NovaBridge'
At this year's AmiWest it was announced that Hans De Ruiter is working on NovaBridge: This driver should allow all 3D applications written under the old Warp3D and MiniGL to work on modern graphics cards like Radeon RX and Radeon HD. As the author explained in a blog post from late October, NovaBridge came about after further discussion about how confusing Warp3D's Nova naming scheme was. The main problem with this would be the fact that the end user would need to know about this incompatibility in order to get software to work accordingly. This is now to be solved by replacing the hardware-dependent code in the W3D_SI driver with Warp3D Nova code.

In consequence, this means that end users no longer need to worry about 3D APIs. Warp3D, Warp3D Nova, MiniGL, OpenGL ES 2, GL4ES should all work as long as Warp3D Nova drivers are installed. And developers would never need to write a Warp3D driver again.

Work on this driver is still ongoing, but Roman 'kas1e' Kargin has now summarized the current state of development in a YouTube video. In it, he notes that WarpOS apps like WipeOUT2097, Heretic2, demos of Encore, MadWizzards, etc. are working. They would all run in hardware rendering mode and would not require any patches. According to his conclusion, NovaBridge is currently the most compatible Warp3D of all possible realizations on any Amiga. Because even things that previously ran on Voodoo graphics cards but not on Radeon or vice versa would now just work as expected. (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2021, 07:23] [Comments: 0]
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Prince (Mail)

Amiga Assembly For Beginners: Let's Make an Amiga Game Tutorial 4
'Prince', founder of the group 'Phaze101', streams the assembler programming course "Corso completo di programmazione assembler in due dischi" in English on Twitch and uploads the respective episodes time-delayed to YouTube ( reports regularly).
In another tutorial Amiga Assembly For Beginners - Lets Make a Game, Prince now explains with concrete examples how to write a game with assembler. In the fourth episode among others it is explained how joystick support is implemented. (dr)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2021, 04:44] [Comments: 0]
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Print/PDF magazine: Komoda & Amiga plus #19 (English/Polish)
"Komoda & Amiga Plus" is dedicated to retro gamers and deals mainly with Commodore's 8-bit computers and Amigas. Among the topics of the current issue 19 (autumn/winter) are game reviews on 'Turbo Tomato' and 'Metal Gear' as well as articles on AmigaOS 3.2 and WinUAE (part 2.

The magazine is available in a printed edition including the Commodore 64/128 cover disc for 7,42 Euro (plus approx. 5 Euro shipping costs), the price for the digital edition is 1,48 Euro. (dr)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2021, 14:45] [Comments: 0]
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Tutorial: Porting a X-Mas game from HTML5 to AMOS, part 2
Rob Smith, known for his project DrawBridge for reading Amiga floppy disks using a standard PC floppy drive, has now released the second part of his YouTube tutorial showing how he ported the Christmas game 'Present Drop' from HTML5 to AMOS ( reported). While the first video concentrated on the background layer, the second part focuses on the foreground layer and how to combine the two. (dr)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2021, 08:39] [Comments: 0]
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