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Archiv 'Publications'

Patric Klöter (ANF)

Amiga - Mein Leben - Ask Petro...
Patric Klöter wrote:
For the memoirs of Petro Tyschtschenko is a chapter planned where Amiga fans can ask Petro questions and he will answer them.

I do not think, that there is anybody who does not know who Petro is. But for the ones who never heared of him here a short history of his Amiga curriculum vitae:

"Petro was working since October 1982 at the Commodore Büromaschinen GmbH and has seen the birth of the Amiga in 1985. After the bankruptcy of Commodore 1994 he was chief of Amiga Technologies, a branch of ESCOM, which bought all rights of Commodore and the Amiga in April 1995. As ESCOM also got into bankruptcy 1996 Petro tried everything from the survival of the Amiga and became chief of Amiga International, Inc. after Gateway 2000 bought the rights in 1997. He put himself in to the further development of the AmigaOS, then released in version 3.5. In April 2001 he retired officially from AMIGA Inc.. He has not left for all instances and is taking a boo on Amiga events to talk with Amiga fans who were customers and are now friends."

Now I call the Community to ask Petro interesting questions dealing with his life and the Amiga. Sure there are people who want to know some special things about Petro. Now here is the opportunity for that.

I will create a catalogue of questions for Petro he will answer and it will be a special chapter in the book. This will be unique in an autobiography.

I will administrate these questions I want to make sure you note this: Please send the question to me NOT personally to Petro. The address is

I will forward the questions to Petro. Please for now only one question per person. I do not know how many question are taken up into the book, so maybe not all question are answered.

Petro has been informed about this event and so this is not a joke.

I thank you in advance for your interest and wait for your questions. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 10. Sep. 2002, 23:20] [Comments: 0]
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CD32-Allianz (ANF)

CD32-Allianz web site temporarily inaccessible
As some might already have noticed, the home page of the CD32-Allianz is currently inaccessible. The reason for this is not that we are giving up, but rather that we have exceeded our server space, and have thus been shut down (Arcor has halved the web space to 25 MB). Some cover scans have now been deleted, and we hope to get activated again soon. Of course there will be another announcement on when that happens! Regarding the increasing need for web space we will then think of a solution. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Sep. 2002, 12:00] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Schröder (ANF)

Magazine: AMIGA aktuell 09/2002 published
On 9th September 2002, Carsten Schröder has published the German language September issue of the magazine 'AMIGA aktuell': This issue contains a.o.:
  • a review of the new internet strategy game 'Tales of Tamar',
  • a review of the likewise new economic simulation 'Software Tycoon',
  • an extensive special on the game 'BabeAnoid',
  • the fourth part of the workshop about using Ghostscript 6.50,
  • an article about programming a monthly calendar in PHP,
  • a summary of the newest announcements by Thendic-France,
  • (alas) an explicit word or two about the lack of participation,
and much more

AMIGA aktuell 09/2002 can be read as well as downloaded in HTML or AmigaGuide format on the web site.

The graphics are located in a separate file: 'Aakt0902GFX.lha' and belong in the same directory as the Guide version or in the 'img' directory within the HTML version.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2002, 23:13] [Comments: 0]
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