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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

25.Feb.2004 (Website)

MorphOS: MS-DOS emulator "DOSBox" v0.61
The emulator DOSBox emulates a DOS environment following the aim to bring old PC games to new computers. There is a new version of that emulator for MorphOS available now.

Direct download (561 KB) (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 25. Feb. 2004, 16:07] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi (E-Mail)

Genesi selects Motorola 7447A CPU for upcoming Pegasos G4 line
Genesi announced today that the Pegasos II G4 using the recently announced 7447A will be shipped as soon as the CPU is commercially released by Motorola. Until then the 7447 will be shipped with the Pegasos II G4.

Motorola has validated the 7447A as a "Supported Motorola Product" for MorphOS, the Pegasos, and the Open Desktop Workstation.

Both, the PegasosPPC and the Open Desktop Workstation have been validated as "Evaluation/Development Boards and Systems" for the 7447 and 7447A G4 CPUs. (cg)

[News message: 25. Feb. 2004, 14:34] [Comments: 0]
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Sylvio Kurze (E-Mail)

ADA-Team: New homepage, new tool
The Anime Development for Amiga Team has just uploaded a new design of their homepage (title link). They also relased a new tool for the Amiga names "unzens", which uncensors Matrix-censored pictures. (nba)

[News message: 23. Feb. 2004, 23:51] [Comments: 0]
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23.Feb.2004 (Website)

MorphOS: New version of the client available
There is a new MorphOS prerelease client available (489), it contains a bugfix for the upcoming MorphOS 1.4.2 release.

Direct download (291 KB) (cg)

[News message: 23. Feb. 2004, 22:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen / VHT-DK (E-Mail)

Anti-Virus-Software: New Version 1.00 of VirusZ III
After six years Georg Hoermann has had the development time to release the final version of VirusZ III and thereby throw off the designation of "beta status." You'll find the new version 1.00 of VirusZ III on the VHT website under the title link, and in a few days it will be on Aminet.

Program name: VirusZ III v1.00
Programmer: Georg Hoermann
Date: 19th February, 2004
Archiv name: VirusZ.lha
Archiv size: 102,556 Bytes
Requirements: AmigaOS 2.04 or higher, util/libs/ReqToolsUsr.lha, util/virus/xvslibrary.lha, util/pack/xfdmaster.lha, util/arc/xadmaster.lha (recommended), util/libs/DisLib.lha (optional)

News in VirusZ III v1.00:
  • Improved 'Snapshot' function of the vectorcheck, it now saves the information supplied by SegTracker. So please install SegTracker before doing snapshots, it helps me a lot!
  • Finally fixed VirusZ 100% for MorphOS/Pegasos systems:
    • a) The vector check now handles function calls using EmulLibEntry correctly and calculates "ROM" locations and sizes in the most compatible way by scanning system romtags and afterwards calling NewGetSystemAttrsA().
    • The memory monitor has been fixed for fake chipmem on Pegasos and supports MorphOS "ROM" areas too. There's just one problem left with pre-50.58 exec.library: size of A-Box modules cannot be calculated perfectly here and will simply be set to 0x700000. This means that you might be able to access non-existing memory areas at addresses near 0x10800000! This is on your own risk...
    • The internal doslist scanner (for sector check/bootblock lab) works without MEMF_24BITDMA memory now which was never available on MorphOS systems. The code for 64-bit access (>4GB) has been bug fixed and enhanced to support TD_READ64/TD_WRITE64 too.
    • Rewritten startup code to use EasyRequestArgs() in case of an error instead of DisplayAlert() which is not available in current MorphOS versions. Thanks to Harry Sintonen for all his help with MorphOS topics and for beta-testing! And thanks to Alexey Ivanov, Ilkka Lehtoranta and 'Vinny' for beta-testing too.
  • Fixed problems in sector check concerning 4GB-border. Added some recalculation routines for strange values in de_BlocksPerTrack. Additionally de_MaxTransfer is supported now for older HDs.
  • Removed the 'Use/Ignore External Xad-Slaves' selection from the file check prefs. This was obsolete as xadmaster.library always requires external clients to do a good job.
  • Finally added support for disk archives and disk images to the file check. Please note that xadmaster.library v8+ is required! Now you can extract all types of archives that XAD supports, and if they contain disk images with valid files inside, these files will be checked too. Two new options therefore have been added to the file check prefs: "Extract Disk Archives" and "Check Files Inside Disk Images". Please read the docs for more information! Thanks to Dirk Stöcker for beta-testing and his helping hand concerning tricky XAD stuff.
  • Added extra check for bootblock viruses to sector and file check (for files larger than 2048 bytes, usually diskimages).
  • Added sector checking for files! You can select 3 different modes in the filecheck prefs, please read the docs carefully for further information...
  • Added 'Scan Files For Bootblocks' to the file check prefs. With this option enabled, VirusZ scans for bootblock viruses inside files. Useful to detect unknown bb-virus installers.
  • Changed/enhanced functionality of the 'Job Monitor':
    • 'Pause'/'Continue' gadgets have been replaced by a single cycle gadget to stop/run the current job. b) 'Quit' gadget is always active now (requested by many users).
    • All running/waiting jobs will be displayed in the report list now so you get a better overview. You can select any of them and kill them with the 'Kill Job' gadget. Useful if you accidentally have selected some wrong files/disks.
    • Added 'Check Files...' gadget. It obviously does the same as the equally named menu item of VirusZ's main window, but you won't have to switch windows any more.
    • Added 'One/All' cycle gadget between 'Disinfect' and 'Delete' as it determines the behaviour of both functions. If 'One' is selected, everything works like in previous versions. By selecting 'All', the delete function will delete all malicious files that have been found so far. 'Disinfect' first determines the type of the selected item (infected file or sector?) and will then start disinfecting either all files or all sectors of the selected disk. Requested by 'Underground God', hope you are happy now :)
  • Bumped version of VirusZ III to 1.00 !!! After 6(!) years of often little development and much more lack of time VirusZ III finally has reached full functionality...
(nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2004, 20:34] [Comments: 0]
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