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25.05.24 • Amiga Ruhrpott Convention • Duisburg-Rheinhausen
14.-16.06.24 • Flashback-Symposium #01 • Plauen-Jößnitz
28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg
17.08.24 • ZZAP! Live 2024 • Kenilwort (England)
27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach

05.Mai.2006 Update des WinUAE-Tutorials
Das WinUAE-Tutorial von wurde inhaltlich leicht überarbeitet. (cg)

[Meldung: 05. Mai. 2006, 21:37] [Kommentare: 0]
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05.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

Tutorial: USB-Gameportmapping unter AmigaOS 4
"McFly" hat bei ein Tutorial veröffentlicht, das die Einrichtung eines USB-Gamepads unter AmigaOS 4 erläutert. (cg)

[Meldung: 05. Mai. 2006, 15:55] [Kommentare: 11 - 06. Mai. 2006, 21:24]
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Webseite: Pegasosforum vorübergehend offline
Wie der Betreiber des Pegasosforums, Matthias 'DJBase' Münch, mitteilt, bleibt die Webseite aus Sicherheitsgründen bis zur Aktualisierung der verwendeten Software vorübergehend geschlossen. (snx)

[Meldung: 04. Mai. 2006, 19:52] [Kommentare: 3 - 04. Mai. 2006, 22:07]
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04.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

Veranstaltung: Amigathering 7 (Griechenland)
Unter dem Motto "Back in Time!" findet am 27. und 28. Mai 2006 das siebte Amigathering in Kypseli, Athen, statt. Interessenten, die des Griechischen nicht mächtig sind, können nähere Informationen auf Englisch per E-Mail erfragen. (snx)

[Meldung: 04. Mai. 2006, 18:13] [Kommentare: 0]
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04.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

GUI-System: NewGui goes X
Das GUI-System NewGui imitiert die Funktionalität der Unix-Welt: Unter dem Motto "Newgui goes X" stellt der Autor einen NewGui-Server zur Verfügung, mit dessen Hilfe die graphische Oberfläche von NewGui-Programmen die auf Windows oder Linux laufen auf einem Amiga angezeigt wird. Alle notwendigen Dateien für die Compilierung eigener NewGui-Programme für Windows oder Linux, sowie der Amiga-Server stehen unter dem Titellink zur Verfügung.

Wer sich ein Bild von "NewGui goes X" machen möchte, kann nach Installation des Amiga-Servers ein auf dem Webserver des Autors laufendes Programm auf seinem Amiga darstellen. Weitere Informationen gibt es ebenfalls unter dem Titellink. (cg)

[Meldung: 04. Mai. 2006, 16:58] [Kommentare: 19 - 12. Mai. 2006, 15:33]
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04.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

Tastatur-Treiber: MMKeyboard 3.18 für Amithlon, AmigaXL, MorphOS und UAE
Guido Mersmann hat ein Update seines Multimediatastatur-Treibers MMKeyboard veröffentlicht. Derzeit werden Amithlon, AmigaXL, MorphOS und UAE unterstützt, ein Update für Classic Amigas ist in Arbeit. In Version 3.18 wurde ein Fehler in den MorphOS-Routinen behoben: Scrollräder auf der Tastatur sollten jetzt wieder korrekt funktionieren.

Download: mmkeyboard.lha (500 KB) (Readme (cg)

[Meldung: 04. Mai. 2006, 16:50] [Kommentare: 10 - 05. Mai. 2006, 13:06]
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ANN (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Erste Screenshots von "Word Me Up XXL"
"Word Me Up XXL" von Boing Attitude kombiniert Arcade- und Memory- bzw. Knobel-Elemente, die Entwickler haben jetzt einige Screenshots der OS4-Version veröffentlicht. (cg)

[Meldung: 04. Mai. 2006, 05:01] [Kommentare: 8 - 06. Mai. 2006, 14:03]
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Instant Messenger: AmiGG
Bei AmiGG handelt es sich um einen Instant Messenger (Screenshots). Unterstützt wird das in Polen weit verbreitete Gadu-Gadu-Protokoll. Ein noch zu implementierendes Plugin-System soll künftig die Nutzung weiterer Protokolle ermöglichen, etwa das ebenfalls in Polen verbreitete Tlen-Protokoll oder Jabber.
Weiterlesen ... (snx)

[Meldung: 03. Mai. 2006, 19:18] [Kommentare: 10 - 24. Aug. 2006, 00:48]
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03.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

Jump'n Run: Status-Update für "Mr. Beanbag"
Die Macher des AGA-Jump'n Runs "Mr. Beanbag" haben wieder einen kurzen Status-Bericht zum aktuellen Stand der Dinge veröffentlicht:

Da man für das erste Demo einiges negatives Feedback zum sogenannten "Look-ahead Camera System" bekommen habe, wurde der entsprechende Effekt weitgehend reduziert. Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 03. Mai. 2006, 15:48] [Kommentare: 2 - 03. Mai. 2006, 17:06]
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03.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP2
Richard Drummond stellt eine neue Beta-Version seiner UAE-Version E-UAE zur Verfügung. In WIP2 funktionieren Bildschirme mit 32Bit Farbtiefe auch auf PPC-Rechnern, außerdem wurden die Build-Skripte korrigiert.

Download: e-uae_0.8.29-WIP2_amigaos4-ppc_sdl.lha (1,6 MB) (cg)

[Meldung: 03. Mai. 2006, 15:35] [Kommentare: 5 - 06. Mai. 2006, 11:15]
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David Brunet (ANF)

Neue Artikel auf der Obligement-Webseite (französisch)
In den letzten zwei Monaten wurde die Webseite des französischen AmigaOS- und MorphOS-Magazins Obligement um die nachfolgend aufgeführten Artikel erweitert. Neuerdings kann das Magazin nun auch per PayPal unterstützt werden.
Weiterlesen ... (snx)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 20:09] [Kommentare: 3 - 03. Mai. 2006, 14:41]
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Amiga Inc.: Kooperation mit MobileZone
Amiga Inc. gibt eine Kooperation mit dem brasilianischen WiFi-/"Mobile Computing"-Portal MobileZone bekannt. Ziel der Kooperation ist es, Amiga Anywhere Content für MobileZone-Kunden verfügbar zu machen. (cg)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 14:53] [Kommentare: 71 - 12. Mai. 2006, 20:20]
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G-REX PCI Homepage mit neuem Design
Die G-REX PCI Homepage besitzt seit gestern ein neues Design und wurde um neue Inhalte ergänzt. (cg)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 14:48] [Kommentare: 6 - 05. Mai. 2006, 18:30]
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02.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

SPS: Weitere 155 Amiga-Spiele archiviert
Das SPS-Team ("Software Preservation Society", ehemals CAPS), das sich die Archivierung alter, kopiergeschützter Spiele inklusive des Kopierschutzes auf die Fahnen geschrieben hat, hat seit unserer letzten Meldung weitere 155 Spiele in das SPS-eigene Format konvertiert, welches beispielsweise von neueren UAE-Versionen gelesen werden kann. (cg)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 02:42] [Kommentare: 3 - 02. Mai. 2006, 15:50]
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02.Mai.2006 Uploads bis 01.05.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 02:17] [Kommentare: 1 - 03. Mai. 2006, 12:44]
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AROS-Archives: Uploads bis 01.05.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei aros-archives: Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 02:17] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet: Haupt-Server zieht um
Das Aminet zieht auf einen neuen Server um. Der Umzug war bereits seit längerem geplant, wurde jedoch vom Hoster ohne weitere Vorwarnung vorgezogen. Das Aminet-Team bittet den vorübergehenden Ausfall zu entschuldigen, das Webinterface sollte in Kürze wieder zur Verfügung stehen.

Die Aminet-Mirror sind weiterhin per FTP erreichbar:

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 02:03] [Kommentare: 5 - 04. Mai. 2006, 12:42]
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Rasmussen (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Drumcomputer Rockbeat 1.3.3
Der Software-Drumcomputer Rockbeat steht jetzt in der Version 1.3.3 zur Verfügung. Änderungen seit der letzten Version: Weiterlesen ... (nba)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 00:58] [Kommentare: 1 - 02. Mai. 2006, 10:53]
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Neue Konsole: Nintendo und das "Wii"-Gefühl
Nintendo hat das Geheimnis um den offiziellen Namen der kommenden Spiele-Konsole gelüftet, die bislang unter dem Arbeitstitel "Revolution" lief: Die für Herbst 2006 erwartete "Wii" soll "die Trennwände zwischen Videospielern und Nicht-Videospielern einreißen", so Nintendo, und klinge wie das englische "we" für "wir", denn Wii sei "eine Konsole für uns alle". Weitere Details zur Nintendos Daddelmaschine der nächsten Generation, die in Konkurrenz zur Xbox 360 und Playstation 3 treten wird, erfahren Sie auf der Website von Nintendo unter dem Titellink. (nba)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 00:46] [Kommentare: 21 - 04. Mai. 2006, 08:14]
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Mac Life

Sun-Chef tritt zurück
Der Mitbegründer und seit 22 Jahren CEO des Computerunternehmens Sun Microsystems, Scott McNealy, lenkt von nun an nicht mehr als Vorsitzender die Geschicke des Unternehmens, sondern nur noch als Aufsichtsratsmitglied. Sein Nachfolger wird der bisherige COO Jonathan Schwartz. Weiterlesen ... (nba)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 00:46] [Kommentare: 8 - 02. Mai. 2006, 17:04]
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Amigaharry (ANF)

MorphOS: SimpleView 1.5
Tom 'Amigaharry' Duin hat unter dem Titellink seinen MorphOS-Bildbetrachter SimpleView in der Version 1.4 veröffentlicht. SimpleView zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass es vollständig in PowerPC-Maschinensprache verfasst ist. In der neuen Version wurde die BestModeID Screenmode Funktion für übergröße Bilder verbessert. (nba)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2006, 00:32] [Kommentare: 0]
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01.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

Spectrum-Emulator: Asp 0.87
In der neuesten Version des Spectrum-Emulators Asp wurden einige Fehler beseitigt, außerdem werden jetzt unter AmigaOS 4 Joysticks korrekt unterstützt. In einem Thread auf bittet der Autor um Feedback. (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 20:12] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Update der AmiSSL-Installation
In den AmiSSL-Archiven der Versionen 1 und 2 wurden die Installationsskripte an das aktuelle Prerelease-Update von AmigaOS 4 angepasst (Details). Änderungen am Programm selbst sind nicht erfolgt. (snx)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 18:45] [Kommentare: 0]
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01.Mai.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP1
Richard Drummond stellt eine neue Version seiner UAE-Version E-UAE zur Verfügung. Seit der letzten Veröffentlichung wurden zahlreiche Fehler behoben, außerdem gibt es einige neue (bisher noch weitgehend ungestete) Funktionen. Die wichtigesten Änderungen seit der letzten Version (kompletter Changelog): Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 18:28] [Kommentare: 0]
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WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 01.05.2006
Mit WHDLoad können Sie Spiele und Szene-Demos, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf Ihrer Festplatte installieren. Außerdem werden zahlreiche Inkompatibilitäten mit neueren Amiga-Modellen beseitigt. Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 17:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Markus Nimtz (Angeldust/Liquid Skies Records) (ANF)

Demo-Szene: Liquid Skies Records veröffentlichen Musikvideo
Markus Nimtz schreibt:  "Hallo liebe Amiga-Fangemeinde,

Unter dem Demoszene-Musiklabel "Liquid Skies Records" wurde nun ein Musikvideo für den Titel "Child Dream" unseres Mitglieds Maxus veröffentlicht. Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 16:55] [Kommentare: 3 - 02. Mai. 2006, 00:00]
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Newsletter: Amiga Update #060430
In seinem englischsprachigen Newsletter fasst Brad Webb einmal monatlich alle wichtigen Neuigkeiten zum Amiga zusammen, jetzt wurde die April-Ausgabe veröffentlicht:

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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      \\___\  /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\  /___//
            \/           \/.  |        |z!o             \/    
               A M I G A      | 060430 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

       N E E D   A N   A M I G A O N E   C P U   M O D U L E ?

      N E W   S D K   V E R S I O N   F R O M   H Y P E R I O N

   A M I W E S T   D A T E   I S   S E T   -   F I R S T   I N F O

     A M I R E V I V A L   S H O W   I N   U K ,   I N   J U L Y

        G R O N I N G E N   W I L L   B E   S H O W   S I T E

           A M I G A   I N C . ,   G & D   I N K   D E A L

           C Y G N U S E D   E D   I S   R E H A T C H E D

     D V P L A Y E R   N E W   V E R S I O N   A V A I L A B L E

            U P D A T E   T O   S C O U T   M O N I T O R  

          W O O K I E C H A T   2 . 1   F I X E S   B U G S 

           N E W   F R Y I N G   P A N   A V A I L A B L E

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 Maybe it's because April starts with April Fools' Day for some of us 
- a day of bad jokes and strange pranks - but we have some oddities in 
our story set this month. For starters, the author of Frying Pan seems 
to have, ummmm ... jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire (I 
know, but it was just BEGGING to be said). He's included what may be 
the most controversial demo limitation in some time in his shareware 
program. Details are below.
 And for those of you looking for CPU modules for your gear, we have a 
story announcing some that will be available soon. But you'll want to 
check out the prices carefully. Once upon a time, Amiga meant lots of 
power for less money than others could offer. That situation has, 
saddly, reversed itself. It's not the manufacturers' choice, it's a 
matter of market economics. Even so, it is odd to see these high 
prices for Amiga gear, necessary though they may be.
 Finally, shart eyed readers may spot something a bit different in 
this issue. It concerns a change in story placement from our usual 
practices. Maybe I'll just have some fun with this and not mention 
what the change is and see if any reader is interested in figuring out
what the change is. And why. 
 As always, we hope you enjoy this issue.
Brad Webb,

      N E E D   A N   A M I G A O N E   C P U   M O D U L E ? 

23 April, 2006

ACK Software Controls, Inc. is pleased to announce the upcoming 
availability of two new AmigaOne XE CPU modules. The first CPU module 
will be equipped with a Freescale MC7448 CPU clocked at 1GHz. The 1GHz 
module will retail for $500.00 US Dollars. The second CPU module will 
be equipped with a Freescale MC7448 clocked at 1.7GHz will retail for 
$850.00 US Dollars. Both CPU modules will be eqipped with a high 
quality heatsink and fan to ensure quiet, reliable operation.

Prototype modules will be demonstrated May 22/2006. The location for 
this demonstration has yet to be determined. Due to the low volume 
nature of these products, emails indicating demand for either of the 
two units is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for updates.

Estimated Availability June 19/2006

If interested, send mail to:

     N E W   S D K   V E R S I O N   F R O M   H Y P E R I O N 

Leuven, Belgium - 10. April, 2006

Hyperion Entertainment is proud to announce the availability of the 
Software Development Kit Version 51.22 for the AmigaOS 4.0 Developer 

The new SDK features the new gcc 4.0.2 compiler toolchain as well as 
updated header files for AmigaOS 4.0 Pre-Release update 4.

The SDK download is available for all interested parties via anon 
access at Hyperions FTP Server:

The SDK is available in two versions: A 160 MB download that contains 
everything to get you started, including compiler and contributed 
libraries, and a cut-down version that contains the compiler and 
documentation only.

   A M I W E S T   D A T E   I S   S E T   -   F I R S T   I N F O

25 April, 2006

AmiWest 2006 Date Is Reserved!

===The Hotel is Booked

The Clarion Hotel Cal Expo, site of AmiWest 2005, has been reserved 
for October 21, 2006! After some hard negotiations, we were able to 
secure the venue where the inaugural AmiWest '98 show was held.

===Changes In 9 years.

Of course, many changes have occurred in the venue and in Amigadom 
since that time. The hotel has continued their update and we'll have a 
lot more news on that as the official information releases begin. 
We're working behind the scenes to bring another great AmiWest show to 
Amiga enthusiasts throughout the world.

===Mark Your Calendars Now!

Now is the time to mark your calendars for this new date. After 
listening to feedback from our loyal attenders and vendors, the 
October date was set for better weather and better airfares.

===And a Good Time Was Had By All!

That was last year. This year promises to be a good time as well, 
bringing the Amiga community together at the longest-running Amiga 
show in the United States! Come and be a part of it!

===Watch for Official Information Releases!

The AmiWest committee is working even as you read these lines to give 
you good information in plain text information releases to keep you 
informed of our progress. As always, you can go to our web page to 
view the HTML versions as well. Watch for 
developments and contacts.

===See you there!

Don't miss out! Make plans to attend now!

     A M I R E V I V A L   S H O W   I N   U K ,   I N   J U L Y 

15 April, 206

The show takes place on Saturday July the 29th

The doors will open to visitors at 11am and close at 5pm
The raffle(s) will be called sometime in the afternoon.


The show will take place at the Kingsway Centre in Scunthorpe - UK.

The Kingsway Centre is a large conferencing centre and is located 
right in the heart of the town next door to the 2 colleges and right 
on the main road through Scunthorpe.

Our goal for this year is to become a much more professional outfit 
and with that in mind we have booked a much bigger, more technology 
orientated venue right in the centre of town. We hope to be able to 
draw some high calibre exhibitors and maybe even one or 2 VIP's. 
Please check out our Exhibitors section on our website to see who have 
already agreed to exhibit, and please check back regularly as we are 
willing to do all in our power to make this show the best we possibly 

Other highlights of the show include a raffle; the prizes have not yet 
been confirmed but one of the prizes could well be an Amiga4000!. 
Also, an Amiga show isn't complete without a Sensible Soccer 
competition. So we will be running one, and possibly a StuntCarRacer 
tournament too, with prizes to be had. We will also be providing a 
free buffet lunch. Of course I'm sure you will all agree one of the 
major highlights of any Amiga show, are the visitors themselves!.

Tickets on the day will cost 6 however if you order them in advance 
they only cost 5 so we strongly suggest you pre-order your tickets.

Tickets will be sent out shortly after you have paid for them and 
online ordering will close at the beginning of July

The Scunthorpe Amiga User Group (from here on in referred to as 
"SCAG") was founded back in the summer of 2004 by Darren Glenn and 
James King. Up until early in 2005, we were only 2 members so didn't 
have much of a web presence.

However in early 2005 we got a few emails from Amiga users wanting to 
know when the next Amiga show was going to be held in the UK so 
decided to hold one. That meant a website needed to go up, and as a 
result our membership grew slightly.

Although this group was founded and based in Scunthorpe it is open to 
anyone throughout the world, we meet online as well as in Scunthorpe. 
We are also open to anyone with even the slightest interest in the 
Amiga, be it the official classic Amiga, the AmigaOne, Pegasos, AROS, 
UAE, etc... You are all welcome.

This is our second year as an active user group and as such we will 
probably be making meetings a much more scheduled thing. We will most 
likely be holding them at the beginning of every other month.

If you'd like to know more about our usergroup why not head on over to 
our usergroup website:

        G R O N I N G E N   W I L L   B E   S H O W   S I T E 

26 April, 2006

On Saturday May 21st, we have organised a C= and Amiga party at 
Stadsboerderij de Wiershoeck, Beijumerweg 20, Groningen, Holland from 
10:00 till 17:00.

We will have presentations and demonstrations with a viewer on a wide 
screen. Some demonstrations: Computer - RSI and Acupuncture, A Micro 
AmigaOne and AmigaOS4. We will show how to work with D64 files, Star 
Commander and Vice. There will be an IT Jobmarket and also opened are 
the teashop and the beautiful garden.

Look for more info at:

          A M I G A   I N C . ,   G & D   I N K   D E A L

5 April, 2006

Giesecke & Devrient (G&D), a leading supplier of smart cards and 
ystem solutions for telecommunications, payment and identification, 
and Amiga, Inc., a provider of cross-platform enabling technology for 
digital multimedia, have agreed to work together to demonstrate the 
use of Amiga's technologies with G&D's GalaxSIM(R) high memory SIM 

The GalaxSIM(R) is a new series of (U)SIM cards combining the 
established SIM products such as the UniverSIM(R) Callisto family with 
flash memory, designed to meet the demand of wireless multimedia 
services. The cards offer memory capacities ranging between 64 MB and 
512 MB, where the SIM's standard EEPROM memory is supplemented by a 
flash memory device in the module. This means that memory intensive 
applications, such as games, music and video files or telephone 
directories, can be stored directly on the flash memory of the SIM 
card and the relevant security information, such as keys or right 
objects could be securely stored in the SIM card controller. The 
GalaxSIM(R) is designed to support games, entertainment, MP3 music, 
video clips, IMS services and similar applications on mobile phones, 
PCs and other electronic devices. The built-in smart card controller 
supports secure applications and digital rights management 

The GalaxSIM(R) employs a standard plug-in SIM form factor where the 
smart card chip is responsible for the popular applications furnished 
by the SIM card, for example network authentication, secure storage 
and SIM toolkit applications. The internal GalaxSIM(R) system 
architecture contains the flash controller, flash memory and the smart 
card chip in a 3- or 2-chip version. Both MMC and USB high speed 
protocols can be used to ensure the swift transfer of data between SIM 
card and mobile phone.

The Amiga technologies are intended to allow G&D customers to provide 
the AmigaAnywhere(TM) application engines and Amiga multimedia 
applications across many devices that support GalaxSIM(R) SIM cards. 
The combined technologies are designed to assist operators in 
deploying quadruple play services by enabling users to play and 
manipulate the same content across devices that support SIM card or 
multimedia card technologies, such as mobile phones, PCs, IPTV and set 
top boxes. The Amiga-enabled GalaxSIM(R) cards have been designed to 
be deployed by carriers on both Linux and Microsoft driven devices and 
to allow consumers to quickly and easily move SIMs and content across 

Amiga technologies provide an exceptional audio, video and interactive 
experience that is being developed to take advantage of local hardware 
components, including GPS, video and 3D acceleration.

The goal of the demonstration at CTIA is to validate G&D's advanced 
position by running high quality, complex applications across 
GalaxSIMs(R). The GalaxSIM(R) demonstration shows video, entertainment 
and games (including AmigaAnywhere arcade, puzzle and casual games), 
as well as content branded with major league sport marks.

"GalaxSIM(R) is the ideal platform for the subscriber to realize the 
high performance and quality offered by the Amiga gaming environment, 
as well as the unique portability of games and content across home and 
mobile devices," said John O'Malley, Vice President of 
Telecommunications for G&D in North America.

"Integrating Amiga technologies on the GalaxSIM(R) was very simple," 
said Greg Sigel, Amiga's vice president of sales and marketing. "G&D 
has made great strides in bringing the GalaxSIM(R) to market. The CTIA 
demonstration is extremely compelling."

About Giesecke & Devrient:

Giesecke & Devrient (G&D) is a technology leader in the field of smart 
cards, providing smart card based solutions for telecommunications, 
electronic payment, health care, ID, transportation, and IT security 
(PKI). G&D is also a leading producer of banknotes and security 
documents and is dominant in the field of currency automation. Based 
in Munich, Germany, the G&D group has subsidiaries and joint ventures 
around the world. The group employs over 7,200 people and generates 
revenue over EUR 1.16 billion. For more information, you can visit 
their Web site at

About Amiga:

Amiga, Inc. is a premier provider of multimedia enabling technologies. 
For almost two decades its award-winning software has been a mainstay 
for motion picture studios, multimedia creators and digital 
entertainment enthusiasts around the world. Today Amiga builds on this 
legacy, leading the way in multimedia development by providing 
developers with hardware-independent technologies for writing and 
porting applications to new platforms and interactive devices. 
AmigaAnywhere(TM) enables applications to run on a broad range of 
processors, including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, OMAP, MIPS, x86 
and Hitachi SH series, and to run hosted on a wide variety of 
operating systems, including Linux, Windows CE .NET, Windows 2000 and 
Windows XP. AmigaAnywhere(TM) applications are available online at For more information visit

AmigaAnywhere(TM) is a registered trademark of Amiga, Inc. All other 
company and product names may be trademarks of the respective 
companies with which they are associated.

           C Y G N U S E D   E D   I S   R E H A T C H E D 

10 April, 2006 

APC&TCP is proud to announce that it has taken the distribution of the 
well known text editor CygnusEd.

CygnusEd will be able to run on the classic Amiga and AmigaOS 4. A 
version supporting MorphOS is planned.

In only a few weeks the program will be available.

The support homepage for CygnusED will be online in a few days aswell.

About CygnusEd Professional Release 5

The maybe most famous text editor for developers was developed by 
Bruce Dawson, Colin Fox & Steve LaRocque (CygnusSoft Software) 20 
years ago and was originally published by themselves. Already at that 
time CygnusEd has been known for its speed and solidness. CygnusEd has 
been developed even further in the following years and was one of the 
first programs with an ARexx interface and the first Amiga text editor 
with Undo/Redo functions. Many Amiga developers grew up with CygnusEd 
and a lot of software for the Amiga was developed using CygnusEd.
The last version 4 of CygnusEd was published in 1997 and was a fully 
reworked version adapted to AmigaOS 3.1.

The new version 5 of CygnusEd has been enriched with new functions and 
it is even faster and more solid. The helping tool "Ed" has been 
rewritten completely from scratch and is supplied with CygnusEd 
including the complete sources. Many old restrictions and flaws of 
CygnusEd have been eliminated. Version 5 is also the first version 
ported completely with all helping tools to the PowerPC processors and
one of the first completely adapted commercial products for AmigaOS 4.

20 April, 2006

The official Support-Forum for CygnusEd 5 are now online.

     D V P L A Y E R   N E W   V E R S I O N   A V A I L A B L E 

19 April, 2006

A new version of DvPlayer is now available. Changes since the previous 

    * Added direct DVD support
    * Added automatic detection of CD/DVD drive (no need to specify 
      device name/unit anymore)
    * Added support for the new 64bit DOS functions so that files 
      >2GB are now handled correctly
    * Implemented the I/O plugin system and moved the DVD/VideoCD 
      support to an external plugin
    * Screen Blanker is now not allowed to activate while playing
    * Implemented AppWindow support so files can be dragged onto 
      DvPlayer's window
    * Now the previous filename is remembered in the file requester 
      when opening files
    * Window is now opened on the frontmost screen (if it's public) 
      instead of the Workbench screen so that if it's started from a 
      different screen it will open there.
    * Improved 6-Channel to Stereo audio conversion routines to avoid 
      distortions which appeared with a few DVDs
    * Fixed NOTRIPLEBUFFER option (was broken when subtitle support 
      was added)
    * Fixed sound distortions with interleaved AVI files
    * Now ensures that only complete frames are sent to the video 
      decoder for AVI files. This should fix the problems with 
      partially downloaded AVI files.
    * Fixed a bug in the subtitle code which caused memguard hits
    * Fixed a serious bug in GUI loading (thanks to memguard)
    * Fixed a nasty bug in the exit code which could cause random 

 DvPlayer is an ongoing project to bring the ultimate multimedia 
experience to the Amiga computer. It is a unique and Amiga-only 
multimedia player, developed by Amiga enthusiasts, for Amiga 

The current version of DvPlayer requires AmigaOS 4.0 and supports the 
following video formats:

    * MPEG-1/2 video streams
    * MPEG-1/2 system streams
    * VideoCD and SVCD
    * DVD Video
    * AVI files

DvPlayer supports many audio and video codecs via avcodec.library, 
including MPEG Video 1/2, DiVX, XVID, MJPG, Cinepak, Indeo Video, PCM, 
MPEG Audio (Layer1-3) and more.

To achieve the fastest possible video playback, DvPlayer uses fast 
direct-rendering algorithms for every possible HiColor and TrueColor 
display mode. There are also separate rendering routines for half 
scale and also for movies with 16:9 aspect ratio so that they are 
correctly displayed on a 1:1 aspect monitor without being stretched.

Support for using the video overlay is also included. Overlay is 
currently only supported by the Voodoo drivers; for Radeon owners it 
will be available in future releases of the Radeon graphics driver.

DvPlayer features an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface.

Keyboard shortcuts are available for quick and easy access to 

Handling of multiple files is implemented, so the user can easily 
select many video files and step between them either automatically or
by the press of a button.

The GUI is skinnable, allowing everyone to get the look-and-feel they 

You can easily switch from window to full screen display and back 
(only for registered users).

DvPlayer can be placed into AmiDock and the user can drag'n'drop 
files onto the DvPlayer icon to make them play instantly. Files can 
also be dragged into DvPlayer's window which adds them to the file 

It is possible to switch between the different audio streams from the 
menu or with keyboard shortcuts, even during playback, for example to 
select a different language.

The popular .srt and .sub subtitle formats are supported. Subtitles 
can be loaded manually or automatically. The position and appearance 
of subtitles can also be configured (font, size, colour).

The new 64-bit DOS interface functions of AmigaOS4 are supported to 
allow files larger than 2GB to be correctly handled.

For DVD and VideoCD playback, the DVD drive where you have a DVD or 
VideoCD inserted will be found automatically. There is no need for the 
user to specify device names and unit numbers.

DvPlayer features an I/O plugin system, which allows external plugins 
to be developed to expand the functionality of the program. For 
example a plugin supporting internet streaming protocols would 
instantly allow DvPlayer to play internet streaming videos.

           U P D A T E   T O   S C O U T   M O N I T O R 

25 April, 2006

Scout 3.6 has just been released!

Scout is a tool that allows you to monitor your computer system. It 
displays many different things -- like tasks, ports, assigns, 
expansion boards, resident commands, interrupts, etc. -- and you can 
perform some certain actions on them.

Scout comes in 3 builds: OS2.x/3.x, OS4.0 and MorphOS.

It can be downloaded at, and Aminet

         W O O K I E C H A T   2 . 1   F I X E S   B U G S 

30 April, 2006 

WookieChat 2.1 - I've fixed a serious bug thats existed for a long 
ime without me realising it. A work buffer wasnt the correct size, and
memory was getting trashed when a lot of traffic was coming in fast 
(like when displaying a large MOTD while connecting to a server) but 
this has now been fixed. Also, other misc crashes have been fixed here 
and there, the number of users in the channel is now displayed in the 
window titlebar, the ZiRC network's new usermodes are supported now, 
and a few other tweaks have been made. (See the changelog.txt in the 
archive for more details)

          N E W   F R Y I N G   P A N   A V A I L A B L E 

30 April, 2006

The Frying Pan (shareware) is (as the name says ;) a CD / DVD burning 
/ mastering software for alternative platforms (Amiga / Pegasos / A1 / 
Amithlon & UAE / other clones).

Program is based mainly on users' suggestions as well as own 
inventions; I hope You find this program easy to use and suitable for 
Your needs. 

I've released 0.4c FryingPan for all of you who had troubles or ideas 
recently. It fixes a number of problems (I bet it includes new ones as 
well), so - what do we have?

# read & write speeds are set right after the disc is discovered,
# Amiga specific rockridge extensions appear to work good - enjoy your 
comments & protection bits :),
# Gauge has been updated a bit...,
# Contents are now discovered properly on some "incompatible" -ROM 
# Writing does not end at 65535% any longer heh,
# Filerequesters will show you your .info files,
# You can name your drives,
# A requester is displayed when you try to write too much data to your 
# No overburning for DVDs allowed,
# You can specify system type for your disc (so you can make a 
bootable MOS disc, too ;),
# Data is updated after erase operation,
# MUI4 problem has been fixed,
# You can start FP from an icon (yeeee!! hehe),
# Iconifying FP will display its icon instead of default one.

GREAT thanks to HIGHLANDER for his fantastic contribution to the 
project - fantastic skin for 0.4FP and a cool CoFFE icon :D.


For users who have not registered the software by now - the only 
limitation implies corrupting recorded data at random positions 
{!!!!! Brad}. No speed or other limits have been introduced.

Registered users of Fryingpan can use it without Problems.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 12th publication year. 
Copyright 2006 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 15:49] [Kommentare: 0]
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Brennersoftware: Frying Pan 0.4c
Nach dem Zusatzprogramm CoFFE ( berichtete) wurde gestern auch das CD- und DVD-Brennprogramm Frying Pan selbst in neuer Version von Tomasz Wiszkowski veröffentlicht.
Weiterlesen ... (snx)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 14:47] [Kommentare: 6 - 05. Mai. 2006, 22:33]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

APC&TCP wird 14 Jahre alt
Andreas Magerl schreibt: Diesen Monat wird der APC&TCP-Vertrieb 14 Jahre alt. Um das etwas zu feiern, haben wir uns entschlossen, viele APC&TCP-Produkte in unsere Online-Shop auf Dauer im Preis massiv zu senken.
Weiterlesen ... (snx)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 14:35] [Kommentare: 7 - 03. Mai. 2006, 18:46]
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Robert Konrad (ANF)

WinUAE: QuarkTex 0.53
Für QuarkTex, den Warp3D zu OpenGL-Wrapper für WinUAE, wurde unter dem Titellink ein weiteres Update veröffentlicht, welches einige Fehler behebt.

Die neue Version ist in erster Linie für Entwickler von Interesse, da die korrigierten Fehler in keiner derzeit öffentlich verfügbaren Warp3D-Applikation in Erscheinung getreten sind. (snx)

[Meldung: 01. Mai. 2006, 06:25] [Kommentare: 22 - 02. Mai. 2006, 23:00]
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IRC-Klient: Wookiechat 2.1
Der MUI-basierte IRC-Client WookieChat (Screenshot) liegt seit heute für AmigaOS 3/4 in der Version 2.1 vor.

Neben einigen Bugfixes (u.a. war einer der Puffer falsch dimensioniert, was u.U. zu illegalen Speicherzugriffen führen konnte), zeigt diese Version die Anzahl der Teilnehmer im aktuellen Channel in der Titelzeile an und unterstützt jetzt die "Usermodes" des ZiRC-Netzwerks. Ein detaillierter CHangelog ist Bestandteil des Archivs. (cg)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 17:40] [Kommentare: 3 - 03. Mai. 2006, 12:46]
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30.Apr.2006 (Webseite)

Veranstaltung: Erste Bilder von der PUSH
Bei sind erste Bilder von der PUSH zu finden, die derzeit im schwedischen Göteborg stattfindet. (cg)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 17:14] [Kommentare: 0]
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30.Apr.2006 (Webseite)

Magazin: The Crypt, Ausgabe 43
Die neueste Ausgabe des englischen Magazins "The Crypt" befasst sich u.a. mit der Zukunft des schienengebundenen Verkehrs, Dr. Who, kostenlosen Musikdownloads und Google Maps.

Die nächste Ausgabe soll dann wieder verstärkt Amiga-Themen aufgreifen. (cg)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 16:07] [Kommentare: 0]
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30.Apr.2006 (ANF)

CD-/DVD-Kopierprogramm: CoFFE (Alpha)
Tomasz Wiszkowski stellt die erste experimentelle Prerelase-Version seines CD-/DVD-Kopierprogrammes CoFFE vor. CoFFE ist ein Zusatzprogramm zu FryingPan. Es besitzt die Fähigkeit, CDs und DVDs entweder direkt oder über Images zu kopieren. Desweiteren kann man auch .iso-Dateien aus CDs erstellen bzw Audio-Daten direkt als .raw-Dateien abspeichern.

CoFFE ist Shareware, in der Demoversion werden die aufgezeichneten Daten an zufälligen Positionen überschrieben. Das Programm liegt für AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS und AROS vor. (cg)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 15:35] [Kommentare: 8 - 01. Mai. 2006, 18:15]
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Update des Amiga Club Guide
Der Amiga Club Guide wurde wieder aktualisiert. Viele Änderungen gab es nicht in den vergangenen Monaten. Aktuell sind noch 23 aktive Clubs gemeldet. (cg)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 15:29] [Kommentare: 3 - 30. Apr. 2006, 18:39]
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30.Apr.2006 (Webseite)

Think Commodore: Kurzanleitung zur E-UAE-Installation auf dem Mac (englisch)
Bei "Think Commodore" finden Apple-Anwender Informationen zur Emulation alter Commodore-Rechner auf einem Macintosh. Inzwischen wurde die Webseite um eine englische Kurzanleitung zur Installation des Amiga-Emulators E-UAE erweitert. (snx)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 08:38] [Kommentare: 2 - 30. Apr. 2006, 19:44]
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Tamio Honma (ANF)

Prospekt: Fun with Commodore
Unter dem Titellink hebt Tamio Honma in seinem Blog verspielte Details eines Commodore-Prospekts aus dem Jahr 1991 hervor. (snx)

[Meldung: 30. Apr. 2006, 08:31] [Kommentare: 1 - 30. Apr. 2006, 14:13]
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ANN (Webseite)

EasyNet 0.165
EasyNet hat ein Update auf Version 0.165 erfahren. Besitzer der Version 0.15 oder neuer können ihr Programm bequem über die Live Update-Funktion aktualisieren.

Mit seiner Benutzeroberfläche vereinfacht EasyNet die Netzwerk-Konfiguration; das Programm wird von AmigaKit verschiedener Netzwerk-Hardware beigelegt. Gegenüber der Vorgängerversion sind unter anderem eine Automount-Funktion für freigegebene Laufwerke bzw. Ordner sowie die selbsttätige Ergänzung fehlender Assigns in der User-Startup-Datei hinzugekommen. (snx)

[Meldung: 28. Apr. 2006, 17:20] [Kommentare: 6 - 01. Mai. 2006, 08:55]
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28.Apr.2006 (Webseite)

Amiga-C2: Mailingliste für C-Programmierer
Die Mailingliste Amiga-C2 versteht sich als Nachfolger des Veteranen Amiga-C, der seit längerem unter erheblichem SPAM-Aufkommen leidet, und will allen C-Programmierern, egal ob Anfänger oder Könner, ein Forum zum Erfahrungsaustausch bieten. (cg)

[Meldung: 28. Apr. 2006, 15:16] [Kommentare: 5 - 29. Apr. 2006, 10:19]
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28.Apr.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Update der SDL-Linklibrary
Richard Drummond hat eine neuere Version der SDL-Bibliothek veröffentlicht. Offensichtlich wurde die Version, die mit dem offiziellen SDK ausgeliefert wurde, versehentlich ohne Optimierungen kompiliert. Drummond hat dieses Problem korrigiert, weitere Änderungen wurden nicht vorgenommen. Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 28. Apr. 2006, 15:09] [Kommentare: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

Spiele-Datenbank: EAGER zieht um
Die Spiele-Datenbank EAGER ("Every Amiga Game Ever Released"), bisher bei gehostet, ist auf einen neuen Server umgezogen. (cg)

[Meldung: 28. Apr. 2006, 15:00] [Kommentare: 5 - 29. Apr. 2006, 10:29]
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1 388 770 ... <- 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 -> ... 790 973 1162 [Archiv]
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Betriebssystem für den Amiga 3000/4000: Erste Alphaversion von "Serena OS" (10. Mär.)
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