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25.Jan.2000 In eigener Sache |
Umzug Durch Umzug auf einen anderen Server kann es heute und morgen zu Ausfällen von amiga-news.de kommen. Möglicherweise funktionieren Skripte auch noch nicht sofort, wie sie sollen. Damit der Umzug schnellstmöglich vonstatten gehen kann, werden wir um die News in diesen zwei Tagen nur sekundär kümmern können. Den interaktiven Teil der Website wie Foren, Vote Area und auch das Web Directory haben wir für die Umzugzeit deaktiviert, damit es nicht zu Konfusion kommen kann. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 Heise [Newsticker] |
Heise: Webspace-Urteil: Ohrfeige für Serien-Abmahner «In einem jetzt bekannt gewordenen Urteil vom Dezember 1999 hat die Kammer für Wettbewerbssachen am Landgericht München I eine Klage des "Webspace"-Markeninhabers Klaus Thielker (vertreten durch Anwalt Günter Frhr. v. Gravenreuth) gegen den minderjährigen Betreiber der Website www.web4space.de (vertreten durch seinen Vater) auf Zahlung von 1108,80 DM Abmahngebühren abgewiesen. Die Abmahnung hatte wie in etlichen ähnlichen Fällen die Benutzung des geschützten Markenbegriffs "Webspace" auf einer Homepage zum Ggenstand. In diesem Fall erklärte der Abgemahnte schriftlich, er werde die Benutzung des fraglichen Begriffs künftig unterlassen - nur die geltend gemachten Kosten wollte er nicht übernehmen. Daraufhin klagte Thielker.» «Verblüffend dürfte vielen Beobachtern der einschlägigen Rechtsprechung die Begründung des Urteils erscheinen: Da es sich um eine "Serienabmahnung zum alleinigen Zweck des Geldverdienens" handle, sei der Kläger nicht berechtigt, den Beklagten zur Erstattung der Kosten heranzuziehen - so das Gericht. Vielmehr sei die Durchsetzung eines vermeintlichen Erstattungsanspruchs auf dem Klagewege hier sogar als Rechtsmissbrauch anzusehen. Weil seine Klage abgewiesen wurde, muss Thielker nun auch die Kosten des Gerichtsverfahrens selbst tragen.» Ganzer Artikel siehe Titellink. (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 StrICQ |
StrICQ V0.1709 Am 25. Januar 2000 wurde die Version 0.1709 des ICQ-Programms StrICQ veröffentlicht. Für diese Version sind keine Release-Notes aufgelistet. Die Tags zuvor erschienende Version V0.1707 brachte folgende Neuerungen mit sich:
Neu: Die vom GETCONTACT-Befehl zurückgegebene Stem-Variable wurde um folgende Werte erweitert:
Neu: Das User-Info-Display der Prefs-Page wurde um die Daten von message to und message from der letzten online Nachricht erweitert. Neu: ARexx-Befehl DELETEUIN UIN/K. Der Befehl kann nur einmal aufgerufen werden. Er entfernt die UIN aus der Kontaktliste und löscht die History-Datei. Download: STRICQ.lha (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 Czech Amiga News |
Freeware SNES-Emulator Derzeit wird an einem neuen SNES-Emulator gearbeitet, der als Freeware veröffentlicht werden wird. Er wird AGA und CyberGfx unterstützen und ab einen 68040 (25MHz) plus low-end PPC603 benutzbar sein. Die Soundbarbeitung soll dabei die 68k-CPU übernehmen, um eine höhere Performance zu erreichen. Zusätzlich wird es einen PPC only-Modus geben. Programmiert wird der Emulator in 68k- und PPC-Assembler. Bisher hatten 32 Leuten mit dem Entwicklerteam Kontakt aufgenommen, auf mehr Reaktionen wird gehofft. Einmal um die Motivation zu steigern, und zum anderen für Hilfe bei der Entwicklung, z.B. low-level Informationen zum SNES. Geschenke, zur Motivationssteigerung, werden auch gerne angenommen. Kontakt: S. Raghoebardayal (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 clickBOOM |
Nightlong Zum Adventure "Nightlong" für PPC-Amigas sind bisher erst 91 Vorbestellungen eingegangen. Auf der clickBOOM-Website ist ein Trailer zum Spiel im AVI- und Quicktime-Format erhältlich. Die Dateigrößen betragen zwischen 6 und 12MB abhängig vom Format und der Auflösung. (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 Brad Webb per eMail |
Neuer Amiga Update Newsletter von Brad Webb====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || -News and Rumors- / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_|| (An Occasional e-mail WELCOME TO TOMORROW || News Source) ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 000123 A M I G A A N D T A O R E L A T I O N S H I P A M I G A R U M O R C O N T R O L F L E E C Y E X P L A I N S T A O T A O A N D E S P I A L C O L L A B O R A T I O N T A O ' S E L A T E C H O S E N B Y I N F O M E D I A O P E N L E T T E R F R O M C O S A N E W E X H I B I T O R S F O R A M I G A 2 K S U P E R V I E W S I T E C L O S E D F O R N O W F R O G G E R P P C V 1 . 5 A V A I L A B L E H & P H A S G R A P H I R E D R I V E R N O M O R E N E W S R O G F U S I O N P P C S T A T U S U P D A T E D I G I T A L I M A G E S O P E N L E T T E R S E A S I D E , E N G L I S H V E R S I O N Q U A K E N E W S T O P L E A S E G A M E R S T W O N E W G A M E S F R O M D A R K A G E Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: Things really are happening in the Amiga community, some of it fast paced indeed. The first story in this issue came out on the day we sent out the last "Amiga Update". It came out after the issue was mailed, however, so it had to wait for this one. It's grouped with a couple of other stories that we hope will help people begin to get a feeling for the work of Tao, Amiga's new "content partner". We also find it interesting that Motorola, makers of the 68XXX family of CPUs that have powered Amigas for so long, has taken a stake in Tao. A story published recently in England carried the following information: "Motorola Inc. has taken a small minority stake in Tao Group Ltd. here and will use the company's virtual processor and Java-like OS technology in portable communications and computing gear, Internet appliances and digital-imaging products. Neither the size of Motorola's stake in the 35-person company nor the monetary terms have been disclosed." The new Amiga has been in place for less than a month, and we're just beginning to get a feeling of what their long term plans are. They sound good so far. The only negative - a strong tendency to try so hard not to be corporate types, they may end up scaring off potential worthwhile business associates. We certainly hope that doesn't happen. On balance, we're very pleased with events to date and feel all Amigans have reason to feel much relief. Lots to read below - we hope you enjoy this issue. Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail to the E-ditor: 09 Jan 2000 Hello Brad, I hope this is the right addy to send stuff to? First let me say, excellent work with Amiga Update. I really look forward to getting the news and info you send out. Please stay with us and keep up the excellent work. Now that CUCUG's "Amiga Web Directory" is gone, sadly, what are our best WWW sites to go to for Amiga News? Has anyone talked to CUCUG and asked/begged them to continue? The community can use all the support it can get and the AWD was a great presence on the WWW. Good luck to the *new* Amiga Inc. Go get 'em guys and dont give in no matter what the "big" guys do, say or offer! The world needs a realistic alternative and Amiga is it. Regards Simon ~~~~~~ Simon, Well, I hope you'll let "Amiga Update" help you keep up with the news. As for alternative sites to the old Amige Web Directory, I'd recommend two: http://www.amiga.org/ http://www.realdreams.cz/AMIGA/ Neither site has all the features the old CUCUG site, but both will help you stay on top of Amiga news. Brad ====== 5 Jan 2000 brad, just a quick note to say "keep up the good work" ! i enjoy recieving this e-publication. also, let me add that i prefer this "e-mail style " as opposed to the old "download style "!!!! makes it easier for me to read. best, dave ~~~~~~ Dave, Thanks very much. As we're happy to state, we plan on being around for a while to come. We've always been e-mail based, never download style, so I'm a bit confused by your statement, but if you (or any reader) know of someone who's bumped into our archive site and figured that's all there is, please let them know we're a subscription based publication. And that we'd be happy to welcome them aboard! Thanks again, Brad ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A A N D T A O R E L A T I O N S H I P 8 January 2000 Amiga and Tao-Group enter into a strategic relationship Las Vegas, NV January 8, 2000 - Amiga begins expressing plans for the new Amiga with a strategic alliance with Tao-Group. "Things started going wrong the moment the PC rode into town and the home computer revolution of the 1980s ground to a halt. We are here to right that wrong." said Bill McEwen, Amiga's El Presidente. 'We kind of feel guilty about not having been around to show the world the evils of the PC, but inept management sent the Amiga off to a bad place. Luckily, its users and developers have kept it alive, and now we are back." "Existing products are very rude.' He continued. "Shoving PCI slots, interrupts, file systems, registries, megahertz, and megabytes right into your face. My grandmother just wants to play a game, or send an email, or draw a picture. She doesn't want to have to mortgage the house and get a masters degree." "Digital Technology has become stalled because of the predominance of Windows." quiped in Fleecy Moss. "Putting a thousand monkeys on typewriters may eventually produce the works of Shakespeare but it's not something you're going to want to wait around for, and you don't want to be responsible for cleaning up the mess in the meantime." "Our approach is outrageous. WE look at what actual people want, and then give them the most simple, elegant solution. Even calling it computing is falling into the PC trap. It is participation in the digital content universe, whether it be developing an application, playing a game, making your own video, watching TV or buying S&M gear online. Computing companies are trying to paint digital convergence as computers and TVs coming together, so they can stick "TV" in front of PC and continue to sell the same old garbage. Digital Convergence is something much bigger though. It is about content, information, services, and activity transforming into a digital format and coming together in a single place that has no boundaries. If someone tells you you need a PC to get into this new content universe, smile nicely and hit them with a big stick." "Elegance, simplicity, invisible and universal technology." sings Bill McEwen, trying to get a word in edgeways. "That is why we are just giddy to be working with the Tao Group. Others rant on about how their products are next generation, warp capable, but the truth is that most of them are based upon old concepts and architectures - that's why you need the latest monster machine just to type letters. Chris Hinsley (CTO/Tao Group) was one of those smartass child prodigies you wanted to beat up at school. By age 20, he had already been a commercial games developer for 5 years, and wrote some great Amiga games. Being a smartass though, he saw the future, realised nothing out there was ready for it, and dedicated the last ten years of his life to making sure the human race was ready when the future arrived." "The Amiga was special because it refused to settle for second best. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right, and the proof of that is in the global following that it still has today. With the nightmare of the past five years behind us, the Amiga is ready to push out ahead again, and save the future from a muddled, poorly fitting, frustrating PC enema. With the foundation that the Tao Group gives us, we are ready to re-introduce the world to a novel computer concept - fun." "We aren't stupid enough to think it's going to be easy," interrupts Fleecy Moss, shoving McEwen to the ground and gagging him. "A lot of people have been brainwashed by the advertisements and the slick salespeople. However, the digital information revolution is all around us, waiting to happen. Everyone can feel it, everyone wants to be a part of it. Amiga is going to stick a pretty big bomb under that PC logjam and blow it clean back to Redmond. Elegance, simplicity, invisible and universal technology. Time to start smiling again." "We are happier than a crocodile at a waterpark to be working with Amiga." said Francis Charig, CEO and international stud. "We are very proud of what we have created in our garden shed. We could have sold out long ago, but the market was crowded with companies doing that so we decided to actual create a product and make it a good one. Now we are finding that OEMs are seeing our product and getting even more excited about it than we are ourselves; it almost makes the whipping and torture we have had to inflict on our employees worthwhile. An Amiga solution powered by Tao technology is a match made in heaven for everyone." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A R U M O R C O N T R O L 14 Jan 2000 {A posting to the Net from Fleecy Moss, with some helpful clarifications. Brad} In my trawling around the community hangouts, I have come across several misconceptions, rumours, and a lot of confusion. Whilst I can't hope to answer everything, here are some things I want to set straight. 0. Amiga will build a digital content universe. Digital content means anything composed of 0 and1 - applications, video, audio, games, emails, whatever. We will focus on 2 markets, the pathfinder market, for digital adventurers, power users, gamers, content creators, DTPers, artists, video ppl and those who refuse to define a computer as a digital appliance. Our second market will cocentrate on the Domestic Digital Habitat (DDH). 1. If you are a personal computer person, there will be a personal computer second wave Amiga. 2. We will support classic development in so much as we want to help users and developers transition to a new machine. That will be the total extent of our support for the classic machine. If this involves further AmigaOS releases, then so be it. 3. We are targetting x86 and PPC for the first consumer release of Pathfinder products (if you are a personal computer person, this means you). 4. We will do everything in our power (that doesnt bankrupt us or interfere with our primary goals) to ensure classic Amiga software runs on the new machine in some form or another.. The new Amiga product family (formerly called AQUA) will run natively and hosted. This is to create a large market fast for Amiga developers to profit from. For the first pathfinder release it will run hosted to see this market grow fast. We see one of our core duties as serving the developers. 6. We are talking to the Phoenix Consortium about common interests. 7. We have been contacted by QNX but currently have no plans to work with them. 8. We will develop Amiga products for another market, the Domestic Digital Habitat (DDH) market. This markets will be kept separate but products will work together if the installer so desires it. 9. There will be a new website and it will be public shortly. It has been tested on all browsers, Amiga and non Amiga, and given the compatibility problems between the implementations of open standards, our best effort has been made. The site will grow quickly and more information will be added. We want it to become a village where all Amigans can come to voice their opinions, chat, and travel off to different parts of the Amiga universe. a. A developer support manager has been selected and they are working on implementing the developer support program. This will be in place before the developer boxes are released. b. The developer boxes are specced out, we have contacted several whitebox manufacturers and we are building the distribution. c. Amiga will not provide dates until we have a product. We will share timelines, but will not attach dates to them. Enough damage has already been done. d. We have had acceptances from 75% of our development team and their names and roles will be announced once we get back from training (before the end of the month). This mail can be redistributed without modification within the community. As further questions and issues come up, we will attempt to answer them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F L E E C Y E X P L A I N S T A O 10 Jan 2000 {The following exchange from a the Net may help ansewr questions about Tao for many people. Our thanks to Fleecy Moss for posting the answer to these questions. Brad.} >Hi fleecy, I was wondering if you could clear up a question that's appeared >in various forums. Specifically, is Amiga going to use the Elate RTOS as >the new AmigaOS kernel? It seems there's some confusion over that. Your >comments that it will run on top of other OSes tend to point towards the >J-Engine being more important. I guess I'm just a little confused, or maybe >I don't understand the Elate RTOS very well. :) ---- Tao has a virtual processor system and a set of services that run above it. You can call it an "OS" if you want, but the term is increasingly irrelevant, as it is in KOSH. It can run natively, in which case it is its own complete solution, or it can run on top of other OSs, in which case the services are either provided by Tao, as in the native version, directly to the VP, or they are "passed through" to the host OS, and they provide the services. AQUA {Note: it's unlikely Amiga will use the AQUA name as Apple seems to have grabbed it. Brad.} will offer a set of services accessed through interfaces/APIs and developers will write to them no matter what the situation. The situation itself can be AQUA running native, which means only Amiga and Tao code, or it can be hosted, for instance on Linux, or Windows even, in which case it can look a lot like an application. No matter the situation, AQUA is still AQUA and developers and users will see the same product. The only issue will be in speed, with the native version running the fastest. For market reasons though we will support it running hosted. In fact the first one or two releases will most likely be hosted. The J-Engine is merely an example of how efficient the Tao products are. Coding, initially will be in C, C++ (if you enjoy pain) and Java. However, the tao ppl code in VP code directly, and it is so easy to do and you get such screaming results with the tools that it may become the preferred method for developers. It is far more than a Java support engine though. So to answer your question, we will concentrate on a full AQUA (tao and amiga only) solution but we also have the ability to offer it working on other OSs as well. Amiga will define and develop AQUA which defines how developers and users access AQUA. What happens deep down can be different though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- T A O A N D E S P I A L C O L L A B O R A T I O N Leaders in embedded Java(TM) technology announce collaboration for interactive multimedia for wireless, digital TV, and network gaming Internet appliances. Ottawa, Canada, January 11th, 2000 Espial, the leading provider of embedded Java(TM) technology for Internet appliances, and Tao Group, a provider of leading-edge Java virtual machine technologies in the fields of compact, fast, and portable operating environments, today announced that they will collaborate to offer a complete Java-based solution for the multimedia and interactive entertainment content delivery targeted at the wireless and consumer markets. This collaboration will offer the world's first Java based solution for delivery of multimedia and interactive content to Internet appliances, which promises to revolutionize the wireless, digital TV and network gaming industries. The Espial and Tao collaboration brings together Tao's intent(TM) Java Technology Edition (JTE) virtual machine with Espial's market leading full-featured Espial Escape(TM) web browser and Espial(TM) Espresso application framework. The combined solution brings together an optimized, high performance embedded JVM with the most advanced Java based Internet and graphics technologies for embedded Internet appliances. Espial's other products include Espial DeviceTop(TM), the only service-ready Internet appliance platform for Java-based Internet appliances; Espial Ebox(TM), a highly customizable Java based email client; Espial Assistant, a full-featured Java based personal information manager (PIM); and Espial Architect; a RAD tool for embedded Java applications that gives developers the most comprehensive development environment available today for developing multimedia content, games and software applications for Internet appliances. According to a recent report from International Data Corporation (IDC), the market for Internet appliances is positioned to explode over the next several years. The future is much brighter than most have anticipated and will grow to become an annual 55 million unit market and $15 billion market by the year 2001, the report says. "This partnership with Espial brings together two complementary technologies," comments Francis Charig, Chairman and Chief Executive, Tao Group. "By putting them together we are not only providing a completely integrated software solution for the interactive entertainment industry but also working together in bringing fast, compact Java performance solutions to market. Developers for the world of Java based interactive entertainment, network gaming, digital TV, wireless and multimedia information appliances are now free to focus on the benefits of their accelerated time-to-market." "In the Internet appliance and wireless markets, application and content services will drive the adoption of smart devices." said Mal Raddalgoda, Senior Director of Strategic Marketing, Espial Group. "Through our partnership with Tao Group, we will be enabling a new generation of service-driven, smart devices that will deliver a compelling multimedia and interactive user experience. This will take Java technology to a whole new level in the consumer electronics market" Pricing and Availability The combined Tao and Espial solution is available today for smart devices running embedded operating systems such as Linux(R), WindowsCE(R), OS-9, QNX(R)4. Future operating systems include VxWorks, pSOS, QNX/Neutrino, TRON and EPOC32. Pricing information is available from Espial and Tao for their respective products. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- T A O ' S E L A T E C H O S E N B Y I N F O M E D I A Reading, England, January 10th 2000 Infomedia Network, manufacturer of advanced consumer hardware computing and entertainment devices announced today that it has selected the Elate(RTM) Real Time Operating System and the intent(TM) multimedia content platform by Tao Group for use in INFOMAX, the company's next generation of advanced set-top boxes. Due to the high performance and small footprint of Elate(RTM) and intent(TM) these technologies are well suited for use throughout Infomedia's entire product line of advanced set-top boxes, portable computers and point-of-sale devices. "Infomedia is represents a new generation of hardware manufacturer," said Patrice Haftman, Executive Vice-President of Infomedia Network, Inc. "Our approach is to address solutions and to design hardware in accordance with the needs of maximizing the value of the software. Consumers do not buy hardware for it's own sake; they buy it for what it can do for them. Tao's Elate(RTM) combined with intent(TM) gives us the greatest potential to enable even the most demanding Java(TM) and multi-media applications in the embedded market." intent(TM) was launched at CES on 6th January 2000. Its portable multimedia content platform includes its Java(TM) technology edition (Tao is a Sun Java(TM) technology licensee) and its 2D graphics libraries, world-class audio and 3D technologies are also shortly to be made available as intent(TM) becomes one of the standard content platforms for consumer products. Infomedia Network will be introducing the INFOMAX line of advanced set-top boxes and portable computers in 2000. All will be enabled for Java(TM) applications and secure electronic commerce via Elate(RTM) and intent(TM). "Infomedia's clear focus and commitment has been to provide high performance systems designed for the Consumer. This explains our support at Tao for INFOMAX and why we are excited about the partnership between the two companies", commented Francis Charig, Chairman of Tao. "Infomedia's approach has been to integrate world class components while working consistently within industry standards. By taking Tao's technologies, Infomedia has armed itself with products to make its appliances easier to use, lower cost and faster to market than its competition." "Since we are focused on delivering applications, the operating system is of key importance to us," said Haftman. "Tao has consistently demonstrated that Elate and its Java(TM) Virtual Machine are the fastest, most compact and robust, and Tao has been there to support us during our product development phase. We look forward to our continuing relationship with Tao as new ideas are turned into new products." For more information about Tao please visit Tao's website at http://www.tao-group.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- O P E N L E T T E R F R O M C O S A COSA PROGRESS UPDATE JANUARY 11, 2000 An Open Letter - January 11, 1999 By COSA President, Steve Crietzman Introduction Our last open letter to the community talked about the status of our negotiations with Tom Schmidt, and where we would be taking them after the new year. Well, talk about bad timing! Just a week later, Amiga is snapped up by Fleecy Moss and Bill McEwen in the form of Amino. Out with the old, in with the new. And along with the new, comes new ideas and plans for the future, and a fresh start. This begs the obvious question: How does this affect COSA and our plans for the future of the AmigaOS? Well, in truth, the change in ownership of Amiga is entirely a good thing for COSA. Our plans remain unaffected, and we continue to plan and organise for the day when the classic Amiga operating system is released as open-source, as we hope it will be. Fleecy, afterall, is on record in numerous places supporting open source, including on COSA's very own website, so it's hardly as if the new owner has scupperred our original plans. If anything, the change is a positive one. Fleecy Moss has always been very open and accessible, and we have found it an entirely positive experience discussing the future of the AmigaOS with him. He has been very receptive to the idea, and willing to discuss many different possibilities. COSA's Plans for the Future COSA is working on a number of different, but related and inter-connected ideas to support the future of the classic AmigaOS. While many are still in their infancy, they are already being to take shape. Some of the major ones are discussed in the rest of this open letter, but many more exciting plans and projects are being worked on behind the scenes. These will be discussed in due course in future open letters to the community. What sort of plans, you ask? Well, here's a clue. Imagine COSA providing Amiga-related products and services for the Amiga community. Some of the revenue generated from sales of these products and services could then be reinvested, and spent in any way the community feels appropriate to aid the classic AmigaOS in it's revival. COSA is already in negotiation and discussions with one large company for access to their product's source code. That's a hint of the sort of things you can expect to see in the future if COSA's plans are successful, as we expect they will be. Think big name apps for AmigaOS and revived Amiga software, all being made freely available on the AmigaOS, and you're on the right track. Beyond that, I'm afraid we're going to have to be a tease and give a "no comment," but as we've always promised in the past - and always kept - when the time is right, these plans will be discussed openly so they can be debated. In the meantime, our negotiations are still preliminary and we must remain quiet about them for the timebeing. I hope you understand our reasons. In the meantime, think what we could do if we had a few dollars to spend. Any suggestions are welcome. Details of our mailing list can be found below, where suggestions are particularly welcome, but otherwise feel free to e-mail any ideas, comments and suggestions of things you would like to see, to president@amigakernel.org. Developer Registrations Now Being Accepted As a result of the optimistic outlook, COSA are now focusing on the hard work that lies ahead assuming, of course, the AmigaOS does indeed go open-source. While it can't be entirely certain at this point, it can never hurt to make plans. We are cautiously very optimistic about our chances now, and are eager to get going - as are COSA's minature army of users and developers. To that end, COSA is now accepting registrations for developer status within our open-source AmigaOS development team, led by Ian Parker, formerly of Free Amiga/AMozillaX. If you are an Amiga developer, we would welcome your support and contributions to the project. There is a need for a wide variety of skills and experience in a project such as this. Those with kernel experience, porting experience, a variety of languages including 68k assembler and C/C++, GUI enhancements (ReqTools, MUI, ClassAct, etc), writing "stability" or "improvement" patches for AmigaOS - improved filing systems, etc. etc. are kindly requested to join our list, as all help offered to this project will go a long way. Joining the Open Source AmigaOS Developer Base is simple. Just send a blank e-mail to the following e-mail address: amigaos-dev-subscribe@egroups.com, and you will be added to the AmigaOS developer's discussion list, where developers can discuss and debate future enhancements and additions to the AmigaOS and the AmigaOS Kernel. For more information, you can visit the official Open AmigaOS Development Website at http://www.amigakernel.org. Your Feedback Is Welcome and Encouraged Feedback from the community on what you would like to see come from future versions of the AmigaOS are also welcome. Indeed, they're essential if developers are to know what features the community would like to see integrated into future versions of the Amiga operating system. Those members of the Amiga community who welcome the opportunity to play a part in forging the future shape of AmigaOS are welcome and encouraged to join COSA's Members' Mailing List, by sending a blank e-mail to savetheamiga-subscribe@egroups.com. This mailing list has been created as a way for the community to discuss and debate different ideas about the future of the AmigaOS as Open Source, so that the community have a way to communicate their feelings to those who will be managing the AmigaOS development project. These ideas and comments can then be passed onto the developers, who will integrate those suggestions into future versions of the AmigaOS and kernel. Conclusion COSA is very excited about the future of the Amiga, both of the classic and the next-generation Amiga range. Our focus will of course be entirely on the classic AmigaOS, while Amino and Phoenix, etc. will be handling the next-generation Amiga systems and OS. It is COSA's goal, as it has always been, to have the AmigaOS (most likely v3.1) released as open-source, radically improved and updated, and ported to a wide variety of hardware platforms and CPUs. This would dramatically expand the AmigaOS's existing userbase, and bring fresh new ideas and talent into our community. COSA remain committed to our goal of overhauling and reviving the classic Amiga, as an open-source OS environment, and bringing it into the new millennium with new energy and life, with new ideas and perspectives, and a fresh new start to give it a fighting chance in the future. Our members and developers believe that the classic AmigaOS has plenty of life left in it yet, and with a little work, stands a good chance of making a comeback. We would welcome comments and feedback from the Amiga community, especially those who would like to play a part in this process. Our contact information is below. We want to thank the Amiga community for their continuing support of COSA and for helping us come this far. The Amiga community united can achieve so much, and we look forward to a future where that talent can be unleashed, and the community can work together as a team to take our OS into the new millennium - the next generation. Kindest Regards, Steve Crietzman President, COSA/Open Amiga. E-Mail Feedback: president@amigakernel.org Member/Users/Community List: savetheamiga-subscribe@egroups.com AmigaOS Developer's List: amigaos-dev-subscribe@egroups.com http://www.savetheamiga.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W E X H I B I T O R S F O R A M I G A 2 K January 19, 2000 More exhibitors have signed up in the last ten days. individual computers of Germany is our first German exhibitor, but not our first European exhibitor. That title goes to Paul Nolan Ltd. of England. Other exhibitors signing up include NASAU, amiga.org, Digital Arts, AmiTech Dayton Amiga Users Group, E.S. Productions and Northwest Amiga Group. The pace is quickening, as more developers, dealers and distributors sign up. Stay tuned for more information on the largest and best Amiga show in the Americas... Amiga 2K. Bob Scharp Amigan-St. Louis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S U P E R V I E W S I T E C L O S E D F O R N O W {The following message has recently been posted on the PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX site. There's a message to the wise here. Brad} CLOSED. Today. ------- Thanks for being able to gain your attention. Due to massive piracy and other efforts to destabilize the Amiga software market (not counting the subtile attempts to bash competetitors with unfair methods) I've decided to put this site on hold for a few days. This is just to show that it's in your own hands (customer is king) to decide what should happen next. I personally will have to think about that as well. In case I'll have to take different job oppurtunities, this will mean ceasing or at least slow-down of the Amiga development. There of course are people who would not mind about this, but I'm more interested to hear what the rest is thinking (and how many they are). Let's call this a thinking pause http://www.ar-kleinert.de/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F R O G G E R P P C V 1 . 5 A V A I L A B L E 21 Jan, 2000 Short ------ Frogger is the ultimate MPEG video player, with MPEG-2 layer support. Frogger was oryginally relased by Miloslaw Smyk (thorgal@wfmh.org.pl), recently, the development has been taken over by Sebasian Jedruszkiewicz (bjsebo@jota.wi.tuniv.szczecin.pl) Additional programming was made by Przemyslaw Gruchala. Changes in this release ------------------------ v1.5 - Added direct VideoCD support!!! (only in PPC version). - There is new mailing list, dedicated to all our programs (including Frogger,VisionFX and SoftCinema). To subscribe send blank message to: tvision-subscribe@egroups.com and then follow the instructions. - Fixed an ugly bug in P96 dislay code. - Removed BUFSIZE,FORCEAUDIO and AUTOEXIT parametters. - New parametter: FASTDIRECTCGFX. It will speed direct video memory access routines, but may be dangerous. I have not got single crash when using this option, but who knows? If there will be no problems with it repoted by users, this option will be enabled by default. - Fixed (at least I hope so) bug which caused Frogger to lock at end of some movies. - Reworked main loop, simplified messages received code. Also I have added some new keyboard commands. - Fixed slider code. It now 'almost' works, with sound disabled. Also Pause/Play now works. - +/- keys can now be used also in windowed mode to scale display. - switched to faster IDCT code in 68k version. Applied the same changes in PPC version. IDCT code is about 10% faster now, But it gives only 2-5% overall speedup. - Replaced calls to WritePixelArray with my own fast direct routines. Also scaling is now done by CPU; ScalePixelArray calls has been removed. Windowed mode is now really fast. - Added support for every possible pixel format supported by cybergfx. However, I have tested only some of them. in case of problems, please use VERBOSE option, send me output and (if it is possible) make me a screenshot. Almost forgot - there is no conversion for 8bpp cgfx screens. But who needs it? However, 8bpp mode works in grey. Of course 8bpp mode works on AGA machines. - Updated Speed section of the guide. - Switched back to old pll calculation code. Frogger now needs latest ppc.library emulation (v0.7c) if you working under WOS. - version string is now y2k compatible ;) - It was impossible to exit (in some movies), when LOOP was used. Fixed. - Again I had to fix main loop, to be able to read multiple video sequences movies. It now works ok. Thanks must go to Miroslaw Bagrowski, for sending me CD with such a movie. - Changed filename format for saving iff images. it now looks like this: basename.x, where x is frame number (6 digits: 000001,000002,etc.). http://jota.wi.tuniv.szczecin.pl/~bjsebo/Frogger/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H & P H A S G R A P H I R E D R I V E R 22 Jan., 2000 Amiga drivers for new Wacom graphics tablet "Graphire" We all know there's no such thing as an input device that lends itself equally well to every application. Which is why H&P created Graphire. Its mouse and pen combination means you always have the right tool at hand. Graphire is the all-round solution, from Web-browsing to retouching, from illustration to Office. Switch on to the benefits of the unique Graphire set - for precise pointing and clicking, for intuitive drawing, for sketching and writing. Finally Amiga fans can use the new graphics tablet. The driver supports the pressure sensitive pen as well as the enclosed wireless mouse and the finger-wheel. The "Graphire" can be used with any Amiga computer with external keyboard (PS/2 connectors). Unfortunately all Amiga models besides A4000 Desktop were delivered with normal DIN connectors you might need an additional adapter set. Prices Graphire: 249 DM PS/2 Adapter Set: 12 DM Graphire Driver: 89 DM Haage&Partner Computer GmbH Schlossborner Weg 7 61479 Glashuetten, Germany Phone: +49 (6174) 966 100 Fax: +49 (6174) 966 101 www.haage-partner.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N O M O R E N E W S R O G 04-Jan-2000 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ShadowWorks Software regrets to announce the end of the NewsRog project for the Amiga. NewsRog is an NNTP News client running on Amiga personal computers. Unfortunately, due to a combination of factors which include the lack of a market for Amiga software, obsolescent hardware, and a recent increase in piracy and fraudulent credit card orders, it is no longer financially possible to continue developing NewsRog. The last version stands at 1.8b, and the update is available to all registered users via the web page below: http://www.frii.com/~srk/ShadowWorks/Preview/NR.html ShadowWorks Software is proud to have pioneered a large number of news client features that have yet to be duplicated in any other software that we are aware of. We regret that it was not possible to continue development of the software, since there was a great deal more planned for the future. ShadowWorks Software wishes to thank all of our loyal customers who have supported our attempt to bring the Amiga a world class NNTP news client. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F U S I O N P P C S T A T U S U P D A T E 1 Jan., 2000 {The following was posted by Jim Drew to the Microcode Solutions mailing list. Brad:} "Microcode Solutions is still working the PowerPC upgrade module for FUSION (Amiga version). We have run into difficulties with compilers, poor response from the customers (nearly 1,000 people pledged their support, yet a little more than 200 people have actually ordered the product), and many other unexpected problems along the way! These factors have caused a significant delay in the release of FUSION-PPC. We originally planned on hiring a few extra people to help develope the emulation, however, due to the actual response we were not able to do that and so far we have been doing everything ourselves! We are extremely happy with the progress we have made thus far, and we know that those people who did pledge their support will be happy too! We ask that you please be patient and let us do our magic! :-)" ... "We are hoping to see it end January/beginning February". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D I G I T A L I M A G E S O P E N L E T T E R 11 Jan., 2000 Hello, This is the first time I have written an open letter to the community, but this should breifly outline our plans for the future. First of all, we are pleased with how Wipeout 2097 is selling and I would like to thank everybody who has bought a copy of the game! For those of you who have been waiting for the new graphics cards to be released to play it, your wait is almost over! So, as soon as you plug it in, download the Wipeout 2097 demo and then go and buy the full game! A lot of people have been asking about Space Station 3000. We apologise to the long wait that people are having for this, but it is a much bigger project than we have ever anticipated. But we hope to bring an accurate release date soon as well as a brilliant game that will keep you hooked! We intent to port more games from the PC. We will keep you posted on this. We will also be porting Wipeout 2097 to the Apple Mac which should provide a brilliant 3D racing experience for them! Just go and take a look at it running on your friends Amiga's and you'll get a good idea of what to expect! We will keep you posted with our current and future games developments. I will be away between January 10th and March 31st and so I will not be able to answer any e-mail sent directly to me. If you have any queries, then use these e-mail addresses: info@di-games.co.uk - Customer Service technical@di-games.co.uk - Technical Support wipeout2097@di-games.co.uk - Wipeout 2097 (non-technical) queries webmaster@di-games.co.uk - Webmaster Have a very happy new year! Kind Regards, Stuart Walker Managing Director, Digital Images http://www.di-games.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S E A S I D E , E N G L I S H V E R S I O N 13 Jan 2000 Today we release the english version from SeaSide. You can order the game in some days at all dealers worldwide or direct by APC & TCP. You found some Screenshots and infos on our homepage: www.chiemgau.com/apc&tcp Please dont forget: Due to a stay at a hospital we are not available from mid January to early March. During this period we can not be reached via phone, fax or e-mail and we also can not deliver orders. This will be done from early march when we resume our bussiness as usual. During this time our homepage will not be updated. Thank you. Andreas Magerl ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q U A K E N E W S T O P L E A S E G A M E R S 23 Dec., 1999 The creator of Quake, John Carmack of id software's, has released Quake sources and placed them on the Internet. According to John, "All of the Quake data files remain copyrighted and licensed under the original terms, so you cannot redistribute data from the original game..." This means you can create new Quake PPC, QuakeWorld and other executables and spread the code without restriction, but not copy Quake levels, textures, or other files found on the Quake CD. Further, if you wish to use any new Quake PPC executables tha become available, you are required to own a copy of Quake. These restrictions are minor and we expect a lot of Quake PPC activity in the Amiga world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- T W O N E W G A M E S F R O M D A R K A G E 23 Jan., 2000 Amiga Classix 2 The official sequel to one of the most succesfull Amiga compilation ever! Over 230 freeware, shareware and commercial FULL games, no demo versions! Produced exclusively for Epic Marketing ltd. Featuring commercial games by: o Andreas Seebeck Software Development (Tiebreak, Hannibal, Space Max, Aunt Artic Adventure, Charon V) o Darren Ithell (Dithell In Space) o Dark Unicorn Productions (Scorched Tanks) o Diamond Production (Diamond Caves, Diamond Caves 2, Maniac Ball, Master Blaster) o Digital Concepts (Island of lost hope, Lords of War, Torch2081) o Eclipse Software (Lethal Xcess, Monster Business) o Frank Otto (Lost on Parrot Island) o Hitek Softworks (Barravento) o MegArts (Bomb Mania) o Mental Image (Bandit Mania, Technology 2, Winning Post) o Scorpius Software (Antz, Blade, Hilt, Hilt 2, Hideous) o Team Hoi (Hoi Aga Remix) o and the very famous game Ports of Call! Suitable for both Amiga and PC (you can play all games directly from the cd, no installation required!) Format: Cd-Rom Publisher: Epic Marketing ltd./Islona Requirements: AGA Amiga or PC Release Date: February 2000 Powerball Powerball is a simple puzzle game where the player must clean each screen from all the coloured bricks. Doing this is possible by using a ball that bounces up and down in the screen and that can be controlled by the player who can move it left or right. The game features: 80 levels in 8 worlds Runs also on an A500! Level editor to add your own levels Only one floppy disk, but it's also hard disk installable! A password system to save your position Loads of fun included in the package! :) Format: Floppy Disk Publisher: To Be Announced Requirements: Any Amiga with 1Mb Ram Release Date: March 2000 http://www.idealia.net/darkage/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: All back issues available at: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/index.html Stop by and check out our archive! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2000 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ amigaupdate@globaldialog.com ======================================================================(ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 In eigener Sache |
Übersetzer gesucht Für die englischen Übersetzungen von amiga-news.de werden dringend Mithelfer gesucht, die bereit sind, einmal oder zweimal pro Woche die anfallenden Nachrichtenartikel eines Tages ins Englische zu übersetzen. Martin Baute, der bisher die Übersetzungen "im Alleingang" bewältigen muss, hat Mitte Februar seine ersten Abschlussprüfungen am b.i.b. Paderborn zu bestehen und hätte gerne etwas mehr Zeit, um sich vorzubereiten. Wer ihm mit den Übersetzungen helfen will, erreicht ihn am besten direkt unter solar@baud.de. (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 Henner Puderbach per eMail |
Amster Mailingliste eingerichtet Jacob Laursen hat eine Mailingliste speziell für Amster eingerichtet. Es kann dort über Amster, den Napsterclient für Amiga-OS diskutiert werden. Weitere Informationen unter dem Titellink. Subscribe: amster-subscribe@onelist.com Unsubscribe: amster-unsubscribe@onelist.com Post message: amster@onelist.com List owner: amster-owner@onelist.com URL: http://www.onelist.com/community/amster (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
25.Jan.2000 COSA |
Meeting in Reading, England Auch in England fand ein Zusammentreffen von wichtigen Amiga-Leuten mit Bill McEwen, Fleecy Moss von Amiga sowie Francis Charig von TAO statt. Steve Crietzman nahm für COSA an diesem Meeting teil und fasst seine Eindrücke in einem Bericht zusammen. (ps) [Meldung: 25. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 Thomas Raukamp per eMail |
W&W online: Online-Auktionen können nicht eingeklagt werden «Private Online-Auktionen sind keine Versteigerung im Sinne der Versteigerungsordnung. Dies hat das Langericht Münster entschieden. Die Konsequenz: Ein Anbieter bei zeitlich begrenzten Auktionen ist demnach grundsätzlich nicht verpflichtet, sein Produkt dem Höchstbietenden auch wirklich zu dem gebotenen Preis zu überlassen. Eine entsprechende Klage eines Bieters in Hessen gegen ein Autohaus in Münster wurde in diesem Grundsatzurteil entsprechend abgewiesen.» Ganzer Artikel siehe Titellink. (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 Aaron Digulla per eMail |
AROS News Aaron Digulla schreibt: Die WWW-Site wuerde (leicht !) überarbeitet :-) Das Design ist immer noch schlecht, aber die (meisten) Links sind jetzt wieder ok, der Status wird wieder jeden Tag aktualisiert, der Code-Size-Graph sieht etwas besser aus und es gibt einen News-Abschnitt auf der Hauptseite. Beim Code wird im Moment an der Shell und dem console.device gearbeitet (es kann also bald mit einer funktionsfähigen Version von AROS Native/x86 gerechnet werden). Ausserdem ist das Geschwindigkeitsproblem bei der Grafik im Griff (Quake in AROS unter Linux mit X11 läuft jetzt mit 50FPS, Quake direkt unter Linux/X11 läuft mit 60FPS). Ausserdem sieht es so aus, als würde sich eine Lösung für das PR-Problem von AROS abzeichnen. Aktueller Status: 65% fertig, 35MB Code. (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 Amiga Flame |
Crystal Interactive: Amiga-Spiele in Läden Crystal Interactive (u.a. Bubble Heroes, Gilbert Goodmate) plant den Verkauf von Amiga-Spielen in ca. 30 000 Geschäften in weltweit über 30 Ländern. Möglich wird dies durch Dual-CDs mit Programmversionen für Amiga-Rechner und IBM kompatible PCs. CDs nur für Amiga-Rechner werden u.a. über den Versandhandel und bei Amiga-Händlern erhältlich sein. Als erstes soll Bubble Heroes erscheinen. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Mischung aus Plattform- und Geschichklichkeitsspiel. (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 ANN |
Neues Amiga-Magazin für USA? Bill Griffin, Präsident of G&G Enterprises, bittet im obigen Usenet-Posting ehemalige Amazing-Autoren darum, Kontakt mit ihm aufzunehmen. Er plant die Herausgabe eines neuen Amiga-Magazins für die USA. (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 Czech Amiga News |
REBOL: Manual Update, Buch Die REBOL-Website wurde leicht überarbeitet. Zusätzlich gibt es folgende Neuigkeiten von REBOL. Die Betaversion von REBOL/View wird demnächst erscheinen. Hierbei handelt es sich um das GUI-System für REBOL. Carl Sassenrath wurde vom National Institute of Standards and Technology zur Pervasive Computing Conference eingeladen und wird dort am 26. Januar eine Rede über REBOL mit dem Schwerpunkt verteilte Anwendungen halten. Am 27. Januar um 6PM PST wird Carl Sassenrath in der live TV-Sendung The Screensavers von Ziff-Davis-TV dem Fernsehpublikum REBOL vorstellen. Das REBOL-Modul für den HTTP-Server Apache für Unix und Linux befindet sich in der Beta-Phase. Details sind per E-Mail über apachedev@rebol.com erhältlich. Der User's Guide ist in der Version 2.2.0 erschienen. Die Januar-Ausgabe 2000 von Dr. Dobb's Journal enthält einen REBOL-Artikel von Michael Swaine. Zur Überarbeitung seiner Website hatte er sich verschiedene Skriptsprachen angesehen und sich dann für REBOL entschieden, da sie leichter als viele andere zu nutzen ist und eine gute Verknüpfung zum Internet bietet. REBOL ist Teil der Red Hat Linux 6.1 Distribution. Osborne/NcGraw-Hill haben die Kapitel 5 und 11 des bald erhältlichen Buches REBOL - the official guide ins Web gestellt. Es enthält eine Schritt für Schritt Einführung in die Sprache inklusive einer Referenz. Die Autoren sind Elan Goldman und John Blanton. Nachtrag 25.01.2000: In der REBOL-Mailingliste wird von danny@rebol.com bekannt gegeben, dass das Buch ("REBOL: The Official Guide" by Elan Goldman and John Blanton), welches von Osborne/McGraw-Hill verlegt wird, voraussichtlich am 18. April erscheinen wird. (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 Czech Amiga News |
WHDLoad-Website auf neuen Server WHDLoad ist nun unter http://www.amigaworld.com/support/whdload/ im WWW zu finden. Das Programm erlaubt die systemfreundliche Installation zahlreicher Spiele und Demos auf Festplatte. (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 Czech Amiga News |
Amiga "BoingCoin" Beim Amiga "BoingCoin" handelt es sich um eine Kupfermünze mit dem Boing-Ball als farbiges Emblem. Hersteller ist All Things Amiga mit einer Lizenz von Amiga Int. Die Münze ist ca. so dick wie ein Mauskabel. Geplant ist die Prägung weiterer Designs sowie die Anfertigung von Münzen nach Kundenwünschen - z.B. für Usergruppen. Bilder der Münze befinden sich auf der Seite des Herstellers. Der Preis beträgt 10 US-Dollar plus 2 US-Dollar für Versandkosten. Bei Sammelbestellungen ab 25 Münzen gibt es Preisnachlässe. Bis zum 31. Januar sind zudem zwei Münzen zum Preis von einer erhältlich. E-Mail: boingcoin@allthingsamiga.com (ps) [Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
24.Jan.2000 |
Software News
[Meldung: 24. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
23.Jan.2000 Megabyte im ANF |
Inoffizielle Hypercom3z Troubleshooting-Site Wer unerklärliche "Hänger" mit seiner Hypercom3z hat, sollte sich die Tipps von Thomas Huber ansehen, der das Problem durch Auflöten eines Bleches gelöst hat. (ps) [Meldung: 23. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
23.Jan.2000 Amiga Newsfeed |
Gateway Computer Show Amiga 2k in St. Louis Bob Scharp, der Organisator der großen Amiga Show in St. Louis, die vom 1.-2. April 2000 stattfindet, teilt mit, dass sich in den letzten zehn Tagen viele Aussteller aus Europa angemeldet haben. Neben individual computers aus Deutschland werden Paul Nolan Ltd. aus England anwesend sein. Weitere Aussteller sind NASAU, amiga.org, Digital Arts, AmiTech Dayton Users Group, E.S. Productions und Northwest Amiga Group. Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat, sollte das jetzt noch nachholen. Wer die berühmte magische Kaffeetasse gewinnen möchte, kann für die Zeit bis zur Show ein Banner auf seiner Website plazieren: To: "amiganewsfeed"@phoebe.hosting4u.net Subject: [ANF] (fwd) Amiga 2K Press Release 8 Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 22:17:16 -0600 PRESS RELEASE: Amiga 2K - Banner Year Rewards January 19, 2000 Let's make this a banner year for Amiga and Amigans. Place the Amiga 2K show banner on your web sites, and or distribute flyers for the Amiga 2K show. All Amiga clubs, companies and individual Amigans can enter this promotion. The more folks that see the banners and elect to come to Amiga 2K, the better it will be for the Amiga. To encourage the distribution of the Amiga 2K brochures that we have printed, and the placement of our show banner, located at: http://www.amiga-stl.com/show.html we are offering the following incentive. WIN A "MAGICAL AMIGA MUG" (You can view this mug at: http://www.amiga-stl.com) (click on the "Products" page) First way to win: Banner Placement Place the Amiga 2K show banner on your website and keep it there until after the show. Fill in the information below and email it to me. Second way to win: Brochure distribution If you have an Amiga club, or an Amiga company, and you distribute Amiga 2K flyers prior to the show, I will enter you in the drawing. Fill in the information below. Each week, at random, I will draw a name for a cup. Winners will be notified by email or U.S. mail if no email address is available. Drawings will continue until the week of the show. It is possible to win more than once. It's possible to win every week, as all names will be put back in the hat. ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Banner Year - Banner Placement I have placed the Amiga 2K banner on the following site and wish you to enter my name in a drawing for a "Magical Amiga Mug" Individuals Name: Site Name: Site address: http:// Banner placed where on the site: Full mailing address: Phone number: email address: ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Banner Year - Flyers I wish to distribute flyers for the Amiga 2K show. Please send them to me at the address provided, and I will distribute them. You must distribute a minimum of five flyers. Individuals Name: Full mailing address: Phone number: email address: Please send me _____ flyers. ------------------------------------------------------ To obtain the banner, go to the following website. At the bottom of the page is the banner. Save it to your Amiga and place it on your site. Thanks for your help, and your interest. I wish I had more mugs to give out, but we are running out of them. If you are interested in viewing what the mugs look like, check out: http://www.amiga-stl.com Click on the "Products" page. A picture of the mug is displayed. These are five color high quality porcelain mugs with gold rims and four finger handles. They have two unique designs, one on each side of the mug. The designs are heat sensitive, so when hot liquids are added to the mug, the design changes. The mugs are microwave safe. They should not be washed in the dishwasher however. It affects the magic ink, fading it, and eventually affecting the gold rim. See you at Amiga 2K, April 1 & 2, in St. Louis, MO. The largest Amiga show in the Americas. Check out the show site at http://www.amiga-stl.com/show.html Good luck, and thanks. Bob Scharp Amigan-St. Louis bscharp@icon-stl.net ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Scharp, WOW! Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE! bscharp@icon-stl.net Almost 1,200 people attended Amiga 99. Amigan-St. Louis P.O. Box 672 You've just got to check it out at: Bridgeton, MO 63044 http://www.amiga-stl.com U.S.A. Amiga 2K, the next Gateway Computer Show - April 1 & 2, 2000.(ps) [Meldung: 23. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
23.Jan.2000 |
Software News
[Meldung: 23. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
23.Jan.2000 |
amiga-news.de jetzt mit Web Directory Seitdem das beliebte CUCUG Amiga Web Directory seine Tätigkeit offiziell eingestellt hatte, klaffte in der Amiga-Online-Welt eine riesige Lücke, die es zu füllen galt. Daher haben sich die Betreiber der populären amiga-news.de-Site und das bekannte AMIGA-Softwarehaus Innovative dazu entschlossen, ein neues Web Directory für den AMIGA zu entwickeln, das jetzt fertiggestellt wurde. Das Baby trägt den Namen "amiga-news.de Web Directory" und will mit Links gefüttert werden, damit es in Zukunft so viele hochqualitative Einträge wie sein kürzlich in Rente gegangener großer Bruder finden kann. Neben den altbewährten Fähigkeiten des CUCUG-AWD bietet das amiga-news.de Web Directory neue Möglichkeiten: So sind zu jedem Eintrag in Zukunft u.a. auch postalische Adresse, Telefonnummer und ggf. auch das Logo abrufbar. Damit das wachsende amiga-news.de Web Directory immer aktuell bleibt, haben eingetragene Websites darüberhinaus die Möglichkeit Ihren eigenen Eintrag über ein zuvor angegebenes Passwort selbstständig zu ändern. amiga-news.de und Innovative wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß mit dem neuen Web Directory und erklären es mit dem heutigen Tage für eröffnet. (ps) [Meldung: 23. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
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