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31.Jul.2001 Soren Ladegaard, webmaster at commodorebillboard.com (ANF) |
Haage & Partner supports The Commodore Billboard (Update) As a sign of their continued commitment to the community, Haage & Partner will now be hosting more than 25 Commodore TV-ads featured at The Commodore Billboard. The Commodore Billboard is the internet's largest archive of Commodore marketing material such as adverts, brochures, tv-commercials, merchandise etc. The Commodore Billboard has had server problems during the past few months resulting in dead links in the "commercials section".
"Sure we are pleased to help" says Markus Nerding, managing director
of Haage & Partner. With Haage & Partners' solid position in the Amiga
market, the files are guaranteed to be online for a long time for all
Amiga / Commodore fans to enjoy.
[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2001, 01:38] [Kommentare: 2 - 01. Aug. 2001, 06:37] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
19.Jul.2001 DENIC |
DENIC News Die DENIC ist bundesweit für den Betrieb des Primary-Nameservers für die Toplevel-Domain DE und für die zentrale Registrierung von Domains unterhalb der Top Level Domain DE zuständig. Hier zwei aktuelle und interessante Pressemitteilungen von DENIC: DENIC sieht keine Alternative zum Root-Server-System der ICANN Deutschlands Domainhochburgen liegen im Süden und Westen (ps) [Meldung: 19. Jul. 2001, 11:36] [Kommentare: 5 - 19. Jul. 2001, 17:37] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
16.Jul.2001 Milan Pollé (ANF) |
Genetic Species for Gameboy Advance petition Wer möchte, dass der Amiga-Klassiker Genetic Species auf den Gameboy Advance umgesetzt wird, kann an der Petition teilnehmen, die Sie unter dem Titellink finden. Hier die Originalmeldung: Milan Pollé (author of the site, but not the petition pages) write: Seeing the FPS games announced for the Gameboy Advance started me thinking about the awesome Amiga game Genetic Species, by Marble Eyes. This game is an FPS with really great atmosphere and elements borrowed from the classic 'Paradroid', like being able to take over the bodies and skills of your enemies. As this game worked well on low-end Amigas, about three years ago, I thought it might be possible to port it to the Gameboy Advance. The developers of this game worked for three years on it and only sold hundreds or at the most a couple of thousands of copies, as the Amiga market had shrunk when the game was completed, but also because of piracy. Needless to say the developers were really disappointed. I coined this idea in the Gameboy Advance forum on www.ign.com and people were really interested in this game, so they started contacting the developers, who were suprised by the sudden attention this game got. At the moment the developers are looking into the possibilities of doing a port. We ask anyone interested in a Gameboy Advance version to sign our petition. Even if in the end a port won't or can't be done, it will show the developers that their work is appreciated by a lot of people. (ps) [Meldung: 16. Jul. 2001, 08:54] [Kommentare: 30 - 19. Jul. 2001, 07:26] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] |
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