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Robert Wahnsiedler per eMail

Persiflage: To The Amiga Community
Bei hat ein User mit dem Nicknamen Rusty eine Persiflage auf die offenen Briefe an die "Gemeinde" gepostet: Amiga Announces "Cloud 1.0". Rüdiger Engel war so freundlich und hat uns diesen etwas anderen Brief an die "Community" zu übersetzen:

Amiga kündigt "Cloud 1.0" an
Übersetzer: Rüdiger Engel

An die Amiga-Gemeinde

Um mehr als fünf Jahren Entwicklung von heißer Luft bei Amiga neuen Auftrieb zu geben, hat Amiga Inc. ihr erstes Produkt unter der Führung von Gateway angekündigt, Amiga Cloud 1.0. Amiga Inc. wird große Mengen ihrer vorher veröffentlichten heißen Luft einsammeln und in den unteren Schichten der Erdatmosphäre plazieren, zunächst über großen Städten, aber später hoffen wir, sie landesweit und letztendlich weltweit verteilen zu können.

Wir bei Amiga glauben, daß wir trotz der Tatsache, vielmehr wegen der Tatsache, daß wir seit 1995 kein Produkt mehr veröffentlicht haben, in der idealen Position sind, ein Marktführer bei dieser revolutionären Technik zu werden.

Unser Produkt Cloud 1.0 wird seiner Zeit Jahre, nein, Jahrtausende, voraus sein und sowohl fortgeschrittene Bewässerungsdienste als auch ein völlig neues grafisches Paradigma besitzen. Unser GUI-Interface ist so einfach, sogar ein 3 Jahre altes Kind kann damit umgehen. Der Anwender muß sich nur zurücklehnen, eine beliebige Installation von Amiga Cloud 1.0 beobachten und Amiga Cloud 1.0 wird sich augenblicklich in eine große Zahl von Multimedia-Gestalten und Präsentationsarten verwandeln.

Eine Banane, ein Pferd, ein großes Wiesel, das Würstchenketten frißt - all das und mehr kann vom neuen Amiga Cloud 1.0 ohne große Anstrengung abgerufen werden. Cloud ist vollkommen Multiuser- und Multitaskingfähig, besitzt eine "bilde Dich einmal, regne irgendwo" portierbare Architektur und wird bald in vielen "Nuancen", unter ihnen "original weiß", "Titangrau", "Fischschuppensilbern" und "Tornado-pflaumig" zu haben sein. Unsere Kunden in Florida bitten wir, nach "Floyd-grau" oder "komme heute nacht" Ausschau zu halten.

Ja, Amigas Cloud 1.0 wird so verdammt revolutionär, weltbewegend und absolut original, daß ich mich kaum beherrschen kann! Ich meine, ganz ehrlich, das wird alles verändern! Die anderen Firmen werden nicht wissen, was sie da getroffen hat! Zusammen werden wir die Welt beherrschen und all die ketzerischen Ungläubigen niederschmettern. Sie werden brennen und für alle Ewigkeit ihre Wintel-Qualen erleiden.

Huch! Ich glaube, ich habe sie naß gemacht. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Motorola verspricht G5-PowerPC mit 2 GHz
Heise: Motorola verspricht G5-PowerPC mit 2 GHz. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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The Amiga Alternative Audio Page

Audio: RA und Lame jetzt auf einer Webseite zusammengefaßt
RealAudio und Lame sind jetzt auf einer Seite vereint. Neu auf der Seite ist ein SoX-Sound-Konverter. Download: SoX.lzx. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Chip online

Chip online: Amiga ist tot, es lebe Amiga!
Chip online schreibt:
«Der Amiga wird nun doch nicht wie ursprünglich geplant wieder zum Leben erweckt. Statt Hardware und Betriebssystem will sich die Firma nun auf die Entwicklung von multimedialer und Internet-Software konzentrieren, die auf einer Vielzahl von Betriebssystemen laufen werden.
Den vollen Wortlaut des Briefes hat Amiga auf seiner "Homepage" veröffentlicht. Dort findet sich auch eine deutsche Übersetzung, die sich aber vom Inhalt massiv vom Original unterscheidet.»
Der Autor des Artikels hat offensichtlich übersehen, daß es sich bei der deutschen Übersetzung um ein Statement älteren Datums handelt. (ps) (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stefan Martens per eMail

Amiga User Liste
Stefan Martens schreibt:
Aufgrund des nun wirklich dummen Statements von Amiga habe ich mich entschlossen, am 31. September meine Amiga User Liste einzustellen. Leute die sich noch nicht eingetragen haben, können sich noch bis zum 31.09. auf meiner Homepage eintragen. Kurz darauf wird dann die letzte Version nochmal überall veröffentlicht, und dann ist SCHLUSS. Aber eines ist klar, ich bleibe dem Amiga treu. Ich sehe nur keinen Sinn mehr in die Liste, wenn viele eingetragene User keine Amiga User mehr sind.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich noch an das Amiga User Treffen in Hamburg hinweisen. Es sind noch einige Plätze frei. Mehr Infos sind unter zu finden. Bitte meldet euch an (und erscheint dann auch ;). CU (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jan Andersen per eMail

VirusExecutor Update Version 1.83
Name: VirusExecutor v1.83
Archivname: ve-183.lha
Archivgröße: 119.903 bytes
Datum: 18. September 1999
Programmierer: Jan Erik Olausen
System: OS 2.0x oder höher (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Robin Burmberger per eMail

OS 3.5 wird im Magazin 3D Live erwähnt
Robin Burmberger schreibt:
Ich bin Raytracer und kaufe mir immer das Magazin 3D LIVE. In der aktuellen Ausgabe Rubrik "Neue Produkte" ist ein Bericht über das neue Amiga OS 3.5. Sie schreiben über das Filesystem, über Festplattengröße u.s.w. Ist schön, wenn in solchen Zeitschriften auch etwas über Amiga liest. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady per eMail

KOSH summary 25 und 26
Nachdem KOSH die Probleme mit dem DNS-Eintrag beseitigt hat und die Mailinglisten wieder aktiviert wurden, werden wir wieder regelmäßig mit den Zusammenfassungen aus den Mailinglisten versorgt. Die Website von KOSH ist jetzt wieder erreichbar. Die URL lautet:

KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]

Weekly Summary

Week Commencing: 11th September 1999

Number: 026

Mailing List:

In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed.

I'm happy to receive comments on this summary (and corrections if I have made
mistakes). Email me (Bridge) at

Well it has been a while - the last summary was in June when vanished.
We now have access to the same kosh-general mailing list but it is located at which in fact is the same as "". On
that note it is important to a) send messages to the icon2 address and b) when
replying to messages check your "Send to:" field to make sure it says icon2 as
it has a habit of filling in "" which doesn't work (this has been
demonstrated on a number of email packages). also works now but the above is still relevant for
people replying to older messages.

I am also posting summary 25 with this one (in a separate file in case you want
to avoid it!) as a reminder of what was going on back in June.

Anyway, on with the show!


Subject: KOSH is back!

Summary of debate: It never really went away, it just went a bit quiet for a
                   while. Please note the following items for KOSH:

                   1) Email address is (read
                   the introduction above for more information) BUT
          works without all the problems
                   described above so try this instead if you are creating new
                   mail (thanks to Jason Radford for fixing this).

                   2) The KOSH website is located on a mirror at

                   3) The KOSH booklist remains at
          and is
                   well worth a look through.

                   4) If you have a query such as "where did that bit of KOSH
                   info go?" then please email me (Bridge) at
          and I'll either have it to
                   hand or know someone that does.


Subject: New method for summaries

Summary of debate: An alternative interactive internet based way of producing
                   summaries is being looked at. The beginnings of this can be
                   seen at and mention on
                   the ML of things like Perl and Mason has occurred.


Subject: Second user survey draft

Summary of debate: This is where we left off back in June discussing the User
                   Summary that Greg and co were working on. I'm leaving
                   summarising it off of this summary as it sort of took over
                   back in June and I'm going to keep this summary general:P
                   Suffice to say all is progressing well. Thank to Greg for
                   getting this one started again.


Subject: 3D+ data manipulation

Summary of subject: A bit back I was discussing with Greg Webb and John
                    Chandler my ideas for 3D data manipulation. At the moment
                    we all have cosy spreadsheets that let you enter data on
                    the x and y planes (columns and rows). However in every day
                    usage I find this constricting as I need a visual (and not
                    just mathematical) way to place data on x,y and z planes.
                    While this can be done with conventional spreadsheets just
                    about if you have to y-axis on the resulting graphs it
                    hardly makes for perfection. The idea is that perhaps apps
                    in KOSH can be written to take 3D (or more - although
                    changes over time normally gets stuck on the x-axis in
                    conventional spreadsheets) data sets and be able to view
                    them on screen, rotating through them, using pan, scan and
                    zoom to be able to view the whole thing in any way you
                    want. Now this may only be possible in a "3d" or
                    holographic monitor - but maybe not as the eye can easily
                    be tricked.

                    It was suggested that there may be people out there that
                    actually need nD data manipulation tools - and this could
                    well be a killer app for KOSH.


Subject: RF bugs KOSH?

Summary of debate: A way to make computers transmit RF information by executing
                   code to put data on a bus in a certain pattern has been
                   figured out. The potential for using this to bug people's
                   machines with nothing more complicated than a small software
                   agent and a cheap radio could well be a real problem for
                   KOSH if we decide to implement this type of technology (and
                   why not - after all KOSH is inclusive).

                   What sort of steps could we take to plug this potential
                   problem but still allow this technology to be used in KOSH?

                   It was suggested that a system of public and private keys
                   could be used to plug this hole as a transmitting system
                   would have to send an underlying carrier wave containing a
                   valid key for the recipient machine to "listen" and act on
                   the main message.


Subject: EROS

Summary of debate: An interesting URL of was mentioned
                   which people may want to take a look at.


Subject: IMPORTANT! All KOSH Working group progress managers and maintaners
         please read.

Summary of debate: A direct cross-list post from Greg that is important for the
                   above to read:

We seem to be having difficulties contacting our working group progress
manager and maintainer of our supporters list, so we haven't been able
to get up-to-date information on either for some time. If you're
involved with a working group or have registered your interest as a
supporter and are not shown here then please get in touch so we can
update the necessary details.

The relevant page to check whether you're registered is and I'd
appreciate any resulting information coming in to me.



Subject: Open KOSH

Summary of debate: Following an idea myself and others had on the nature of
                   KOSH towards other competing systems, Greg Webb (yep it's
                   that man again!) has compiled an article on this. The
                   general jist is that if KOSH is open about its weaknesses as
                   well as its strengths particularly when at computer shows
                   then we will generate a more honest atmosphere with users
                   whom KOSH is designed to serve (and not control unlike
                   certain other systems out there).

                   To demonstrate openness, an example given is that at a
                   computer show we could line up several computers running
                   (for example) AmigaOS, KOSH, Linux, Windows and MacOS and
                   then demonstrate each to its full potential. The conclusion
                   hopefully will be that KOSH is better than the rest for the
                   user to get the "thing" to do what they want. However if
                   KOSH fouls up and another system turns out better at
                   performing a particular function we admit this openly and go
                   away and fix the problem on KOSH.

                   See the KOSH URL for the full interesting text (and it does
                   make a good read - some very thought provoking things in


Subject: KOSH and Convergence International

Summary of debate: John Chandler has given a short KOSH update to James Sears
                   for inclusion in the next Convergence international
                   newsletter. James has offered assistance to KOSH to get
                   around the DNS problem (thanks James).


Subject: Re-announcing KOSH

Summary of debate: If anyone has -any- computer contacts that they can email to
                   say "KOSH is back at  and " then please do so.
                   Only thing is that we may want to coordinate this as we
                   could end up bombarding some unsuspecting person. I've
                   emailed Amiga Format (Ben Vost) and am contacting
                   Petra Struck of .
                   John has contacted Convergence International (see above).
                   Can anyone else offer up other contacts?


Subject: Fleecy's Lentil

Summary of debate: Fleecy Moss and John Karcher are working on Lentil which (I
                   think from my limited understanding) is a logical and formal
                   language being developed due to reservations about IDL. They
                   are currently designing a Java tool that allows entities to
                   be designed and maintained. More details to follow in the
                   fullness of time.


Subject: Dave Haynie and the Object Sea

Summary of debate: Someone emailed me and told me Dave is still working on the
                   above which is a jolly good thing. (For those doubters out
                   there - see KOSH is coming back to life after... well not
                   really dying in the first place).


Subject: KOSH Owls

Summary of debate: Gary Peake of offered the email
                   address (thanks Gary). I don't know if
                   this is up and running or if we are sticking with icon2.
                   Watch this space for more info next week hopefully.


Subject: KOSH FAQs

Summary of debate: Greg Webb has written some but more are needed on anything
                   related (or vaguely related) to KOSH. Offers of assistance
                   to please.


Subject: Multiprocessing KOSH

Summary of debate: A direct quote from Greg here which is interesting: are reporting that there's a patent application from Amiga
Development on IBM's patents server covering multiprocessor bits:

At least two clusters of CPUs are present in a multiprocessor computer
system. Each CPU cluster has a given number of CPUs, each CPU having an
associated ID such as an ID number. An additional ID number, not
associated with a CPU in the same cluster, is associated with the
opposite CPU cluster that appears to the original cluster as a "phantom"
processor. A round-robin bus arbitration scheme allows ordered ownership
of a common bus within a first cluster until the ID reaches the
"phantom" processor, at which time bus ownership passes to a CPU in the
second cluster. This arrangement is preferably symmetric, so that when a
CPU from the first cluster requests ownership of the bus, it is granted
bus ownership by virtue of the first cluster's appearance to the second
cluster as a "phantom" CPU.

Does this sound useful to our hardware people?



Subject: New KOSH mirror site

Summary of debate: A new mirror site for KOSH can be found at
          and you'll find some space
                   kindly donated by This should be
                   quicker than the current location (again thanks to
                   Convergence International for their kind help with this).


Subject: Amiga, KOSH and QNX

Summary of debate: With Amiga declaring that they are not going to make
                   hardware but concentrate on software perhaps should switch
                   the idea of one of the hosts for KOSH being AmigaOS to QNX.
                   If we stay with Amiga which from recent announcements seems
                   to be going to be hosted over other things then we end up
                   with the silly situation of base OS with 2 levels of hosting
                   on top.

                   Please note that this is only in reference to AmigaNG and not
                   "Classic" which a number of people have said we should port
                   to. Also note there is no change with the idea of hosting on
                   Linux and Windows.


Subject: AmiJoe and KOSH

Summary of debate: With Met@Box producing the AmiJoe accelerator for the A4000
                   perhaps KOSH should consider porting a hosted version
                   specifically to take advantage of this and other PPC Amigas?


Subject: Transmeta and KOSH

Summary of debate: Simple question - Is Transmeta of any use to KOSH?


Subject: Team Amiga, Phoenix Platform Consortium and KOSH

Summary of debate: A cross-ML posting with two things of interest:
                   To join Team Amiga ML send an email to Gary Peak TA
                   coordinator at with the subject of
                   "join TA request" and your personal details. All info
                   provided by you on joining will be for internal TA/TAC use

                   Secondly here is a snippet from the rest of the email which
                   is very interesting for KOSH although please note that there
                   were mixed feelings about what Phoenix is trying to do:

The Phoenix Platform Consortium will assume responsibility for aid and
recommendation for reference platforms for the Amiga users who wish to
upgrade their present Amigas, as we establish an open migration path
to a new platform. That platform will in spirit and in feel be a new
Amiga experience while incorporating and surpassing the features found
on the desktop elsewhere today.

As information becomes available it will be posted on mailing lists,
newsgroups, and at the following website:
which will be up shortly. This announcement is freely repostable.


Subject: KOSH Subscribers

Summary of debate: There is a problem at the moment that some KOSHans are not
                   receiving emails via the icon2 email address we are using.
                   Obviously this creates a problem. Please can you therefore
                   email Greg Webb at and let him
                   know that you are getting the emails. We can then coordinate
                   a "rescue package" to contact other KOSHans who have been
                   dropped off of the list (by comparing the respondents to
                   Greg with the ML subscribee list that
                   we have).


Subject: Why KOSH?

Summary of debate: I seem to be quoting a lot in full this week but why not -
                   its not as though there have been many summaries to read
                   since June. Here is a quote from Greg Webb (does this guy do
                   anything but KOSH? - all credit due to him!) which I
                   particularly like:

KOSH isn't just a software engineering project. The thing that really
sets us apart and makes me particularly fond of this project - for those
who hadn't noticed ;) - is the ideology behind it. We're not in this
just to produce something fantastic, we're in it to produce something
for the community. So, rather than a more traditional corporate
structure, we're set up so that KOSH is owned (when these considerations
actually mean anything) by a combination of those who've developed it
(as in us guys), those who own KOSH boxes and those who sell KOSH boxes.
No corporate investors running this for financial gain, just a community
of people who want to avoid the horrific problems that the Amiga
platform has suffered. So, we're set up to do everything we can to make
that impossible.



Subject: New hardware from IBM

Summary of debate: IBM recently announced availability of PPC motherboard
                   designs. This should help start up Mac clones again (with
                   MacOS X on UNIX/NeXT). Motorola have announced PPC G5 (64
                   and 32 bit products, new pipeline, new bus topology, 2GHz+)
                   and G6. This hardware could be used for KOSH systems.


Subject: TransAM/One

Summary of debate: Interest was expressed on the list for Met@Box to start up
                   the TransAM/One project again as this would present a very
                   interesting hardware opportunity for KOSH (noting it would
                   not be the only hardware solution - inclusive but not

From:     "Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady"
Date:     18 Sep 99 11:52:33 +0000
Subject:  [KOSH] Summary 25 to go with 26

As promissed here is summary 25 to go with 26 so we can remember what
was going on in June...


----------------------------------------------------------- |
Amigan | Vegan | KOSHan - Go for a swim in the object sea,
Storm of the Eye RPG GUI-PBEM

KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]

Weekly Summary

Week Commencing: 12th June 1999

Number: 025

Mailing List: kosh-general

In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report  the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.


Subject: Community involvement in Linux - an example for KOSH?

Summary of debate: Linux stresses community involvement and feedback. See
          - from the website can be seen where KOSH
                   could go in terms of feed back mechanisms (documentation,
                   FAQ, wish list, bug reports, etc).


Subject: KOSH Installation

Summary of debate: It was pointed out that KOSH being easy to install and
                   working first time will present a good first impression to a
                   user. It was also mentioned that subsequent usage and
                   alteration of the system should also maintain the good


Subject: Second User Survey Draft

Summary of debate: The KOSH Survey WG released the second version of its User
                   Survey Questionnaire. Changes incorporated included an
                   additional section on disabilities and a note that personal
                   questions are completely optional and various other

                   See the email from Greg Webb (
                   date 14/06 and entitled "[KOSH] Second survey draft" for the
                   full text.

                   This again generated a large number of replies with many
                   constructive comments on the survey. Even though the survey
                   is developing very well a number of areas such as the
                   personal questions section were felt in need of further
                   development. Even so, a big thanks to all the hard work that
                   the Survey WG have put in to this project.

                   One key point for the future is that there will most likely
                   be a "Developers Survey" and therefore the one we are
                   creating at the moment does not need to cover everything.
                   However we do note that developers are users and vice versa.

                   I won't detail all the different comments on the second
                   draft as I'm sure the Survey WG will be taking their own
                   notes and I don't want to take up the entire summary with
                   it. If you're interested in the work of that group please
                   feel free to get involved!


Subject: Volunteers to translate the survey to other languages.

Summary of debate: As well as Thomas Jensen offering to do a Danish translation
                   of the survey, Philippe 'Elwood' Ferucci has volunteered to
                   do a French version. Thanks to both of you.

                   If anyone else would be able to translate the Survey into
                   other languages when it is completed please would they make
                   themselves known to


Subject: Deadlocking in KOSH

Summary of debate: The following questions were posed:
                   "How will Deadlock (resource circularity, mutual exclusion,
                   hold&wait) be dealt with?  In current OSes it is not a
                   serious problem because there are not many places it can
                   occur - but in a sea of objects all offering services, the
                   possibility for deadlock must increase 1000 (or a million?)
                   fold... [Without this] KOSH...won't work for more than a few
                   minutes before the entire system freezes up solid under
                   heavy load".

                   Apparently Unix ignores deadlock and hopes it will go away,
                   working on the grounds that it does not happen all that
                   often. Hopefully a better solution will be found in  KOSH?

                   There are plenty of ways to prevent deadlocks from ever
                   ocurring by being careful about how you hand out resources
                   and checking with process what resources they could
                   conceivably need.

                   Alternatively getting rid of "hold & wait" just like in
                   current filing systems could be the way to solve this. The
                   OS can be set up so that, if a process wants some resources,
                   it has to give up others.

                   A deadlocking object in the resource manager was proposed.


Subject: Atari computers and MiNT

Summary of debate: It was mentioned that those using Atari computers now use
                   MiNT which has multitasking and is POSIX compliant. See
          which has a guide to
                   FreeMiNT. MiNT is a hybrid of Unix and TOS. Perhaps this has
                   some ideas that are relevant to KOSH.


Subject: KOSH website location

Summary of debate: Just in case you missed it, the most up-to-date version of the
                   website is currently at

                   It should move to soonish.


Subject: Developing users

Summary of debate: In reference to the User Survey it was mentioned that
                   developers and users are often the same people. If we could
                   make it so that in KOSH every user could behave as a
                   developer at any time we would make the system much more
                   accessible. We would thus avoid creating an  unnatural
                   separation and scare people into a division between the two.

                   We must be careful not to scare off people who just want to
                   be users.


Subject: EPOC32

Summary of debate: The Psion 5 keyboard being nice to type on compared to other
                   palmtops was mentioned and this generated a comment that
                   EPOC32 has some nice things in it that KOSH may like to look
                   at (scribe's note: presumably EPOC32 is an OS and not a
                   keyboard though).


Subject: KOSH FAQ

Summary of debate: "Our Greg" has asked he could have some questions to put
                   into the KOSH FAQ please. Oh and Frequently given answers
                   would be nice as well.


Subject: Sheep and #HHHHHH

Summary of debate: There was lots of discussion on sheep and dodgy HTML code
                   involving #HHHHHH which gives lots of interesting results
                   depending on where you see it - oh and watching the Simpsons
                   when one should be working on one's studies was also
                   mentioned... and that's all I'm saying about this:P

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Schaumlöffel per eMail

Amiga Future jetzt auch im Internet
Amiga Future ist seit kurzem mit einer eigenen Website im Internet vertreten. Neben News, Aktion und Cheats gibt es auch Diskussionsforum. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmiDog's Movie Player PPC-Version 1.22 veröffentlicht
Mit dieser Version können erstmals auch QT abgespielt werden, zunächst zwar nur das Video. Das Programm befindet sich noch im Betastadium. Download: AMP122.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Marco Grieshammer per eMail

GIGA verlost einen A1200
Bei NBC GIGA Weekend Win wird ab morgen 11.00 Uhr ein AMIGA 1200 verlost. Während der Vorstellung der Gewinne heute auf GIGA erzählte George, daß er selbst einen A1200 besitzt und daß er ihn am liebsten gleich auspacken würde, um ihn zu zeigen. Die anderen Moderatoren konnten sich nicht vorstellen, daß sich in der "Tastatur" ein kompletter Rechner "versteckt" :-). (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jochen Abitz per eMail

MakeCD Version 3.2b Update 1 erschienen
Änderungen: Bugfixes und einige neue Treiber. Einzelheiten können Sie in der History nachlesen. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Executive Update: Open Letter to the Amiga Community
Thomas J. Schmidt wendet sich mit diesem Update erneut an die Amiga-User. Er bedauert, daß sein letztes Executive Update vom 14.09.99 zu Irritationen und Frustation geführt hat. In dem aktuellen Statement klärt Mr. Schmidt eindeutig, daß AMIGA nach dem Wechsel im Management entschieden hat, selbst keine Hardware zu entwickeln, sondern offen für Partner ist, die unter Lizenz Hardware entwickeln möchten.

Weitere Links zum Thema:
ZDNet: Gateway: Kein neuer Amiga
CNet: Gateway shelves plans for new Amiga PC
Businessweek: The Soul of an Old Machine

Da Martin Baute dieses Wochenende mal ausspannt, wird es eine komplette Übersetzung des Updates frühestens Anfang nächster Woche geben.

Rüdiger Engel hat sich spontan bereit erklärt, für Martin einzuspringen und schickt uns die Übersetzung des Executive Update:

Übersetzer: Rüdiger Engel

Offener Brief an die Amiga-Gemeinde

Während der vergangenen Wochen wurde in den Newsgroups und per Email jede Menge Verwirrung und Frustration zum Ausdruck gebracht. Ich entschuldige mich dafür, daß wir nicht deutlicher in unseren Mitteilungen waren und ich möchte das Mißverständnis bereinigen.

Erstens, das habe ich bereits in vorherigen Mitteilungen zum Ausdruck gebracht, bin ich weiterhin beeindruckt von der Anteilnahme und der Leidenschaft dieser Gemeinde. Sie sind während zahlreicher Umwälzungen und während mehrerer falscher Anfänge zur Next-Generation-Plattform "drangeblieben". Sie verdienen es besser! Ich habe in den letzten 2 Wochen viele viele Emails erhalten, die Ihre Meinungen und Ihren Frust ausdrücken. Lassen Sie mich versuchen, zusammenzufassen, was ich gehört habe.

Viele von Ihnen erkennen die Tatsache an, daß wir uns auf die Software für die kommende Generation von "Internet Appliances" konzentrieren. Wir sind sehr begeistert vom neuen Amiga Operating Environment, der Arbeit, die wir mit Linux (und anderen Betriebssystemen, die JAVA unterstützen) tun, und der gewaltigen Wachstumskurve bei den Internet Appliances, auf der wir mitfahren werden. Sie haben uns höflichst alles Gute bei dieser Bemühung gewünscht; dafür danken wir Ihnen. Wie Sie wissen, haben wir im Juli angekündigt, daß wir die Entwicklung eines "Multimedia Convergence Computers" verfolgen, der als Desktopvariante des NG-Amiga dienen sollte. Nach dem Wechsel im Management bei Amiga haben wir all unsere Produktpläne überprüft. Um ehrlich zu sein erschien es uns unrealistisch, einen MCC liefern zu können. Weiterhin habe ich die fundamentale Entscheidung getroffen, daß es besser wäre, mit einer großen Vielzahl von Hardwarepartnern zu kooperieren, anstatt mit Ihnen mit einem eigenen Produkt zu konkurrieren.

Aus unserer Perspektive gibt es ein großes Problem. Klingt toll, aber was hat diese neue Richtung mit dem originalen Amiga zu tun? Ganz ehrlich, nichts! Wir wissen, daß das nicht die Wünsche der Amiga-Gemeinde nach einem NG-Amiga befriedigt. Ich bleibe allerdings weiterhin auf der Suche nach Partnern, die an der Entwicklung eines NG-Amiga-Computers und -Betriebssystems interessiert sind. Wir haben die Diskussionen um das neu gegründete "Phoenix Platform Consortium" verfolgt und führen Gespräche mit Firmen, die daran interessiert sind, den NG-Amiga zu liefern. Wir stehen der Möglichkeit der Lizenzierung der MCC-Spezifikationen, die nun ausrangiert wurden, an Firmen, die daran Interesse haben, die Amiga-Computer-Produktlinie weiterzuentwickeln, offen gegenüber. Wir glauben, daß dies eine attraktive Geschäftsidee für eine andere Firma sein kann.

Zusammengefaßt führen wir unsere Anstrengungen fort, Softwarestandards für die kommende Generation von Internet Appliances zu setzen. Wir planen nicht den Bau von Hardware, aber wir werden mit Hardwareherstellern zusammenarbeiten, die unsere Technologie lizenzieren möchten. Soweit es das Angebot an NG-Amiga-Systemen betrifft, sind wir offen für Gespräche mit Firmen, die ein solches Produkt anbieten möchten. Diejenigen unter Ihnen, die von einem Amiga Operating Environment begeistert sind, das auf einer großen Zahl von zukünftigen Internet Appliances läuft, laden wir herzlich ein, unsere Fortschritte und Aktivitäten während der kommenden Monate weiterzuverfolgen. Das Softwaremodell für die Internet Appliances, das wir zusammenstellen, wird eine aufregende neue Ära der Softwarentwicklung einläuten, von der wir denken, daß sie für diejenigen innovativen Denker äußerst interessant werden wird, die in den vergangenen Jahren schon vom Amiga angezogen wurden.

Beste Grüße,
Thomas J. Schmidt
President and CEO
Amiga, Inc. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jürgen Lange per eMail

Heise: USA: Krypto-Exporte ohne Beschränkungen möglich
Heise schreibt:
Nach der Ankündigung, die US-Export-Beschränkungen für Verschlüsselungssoftware zu lockern, hat die Clinton-Regierung nun die Details bekannt gegeben. Danach dürfen amerikanische Hersteller von Kryptographie-Programmen diese nunmehr praktisch ohne Beschränkung ins Ausland verkaufen. Bislang war dabei die maximale Schlüssellänge beschränkt, um Regierungsbehörden die Chance zum Knacken chiffrierter Nachrichten zu geben. In Zukunft fällt diese Bestimmung weg: Für Programme mit einer Schlüssellänge bis zu 64 Bit gibt es keine Genehmigungspflicht mehr; Software mit stärkere Verschlüsselung durch längere Schlüssel können die Hersteller ebenfalls exportieren, müssen sie aber der Regierung einmal zur Ansicht vorlegen. Ganzer Artikel siehe Titellink.

Auch PC-Welt berichtet: USA lockert Krypto-Exportkontrolle
PC-Welt schreibt:
Ab sofort darf Verschlüsselungssoftware mit beliebigen Schlüssellaengen ohne Lizenz aus den USA exportiert werden. Ausgenommen sind lediglich sieben Länder, die nach Meinung der US-Regierung Terrorismus unterstützen. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Rüdiger Engel per eMail

Bericht von Verhandlung Thielker .\. Troidl - Marke "Webspace"
Rüdiger Engel hat für uns die Verhandlung beobachtet. Lesen Sie seinen kurzen Bericht, in welchem er schildert, wie er die Verhandlung erlebt hat und was dabei herausgekommen ist. Das Medieninteresse war kläglich: ganze vier Leute waren im Gerichtssaal als Zuschauer anwesend.

Das Ergebnis dieser Verhandlung: Troidl wurde dazu verpflichtet, bis zum Abschluß des Löschungsverfahrens das Wort "Webspace" im geschäftlichen Verkehr nicht zu benutzen.

From:       Rüdiger Engel
To:         Petra Struck
Date:       Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:05:31 +0200
Subject:    Bericht von Verhandlung Thielker .\. Troidl

Beim Betreten des Verhandlungssaales fiel mir erstmal die geringe
Zuschauerzahl auf, außer mir waren lediglich 3 Personen anwesend.
Der Antragsgegner (Troidl) war persönlich mit zwei Anwälten an seiner Seite
anwesend, Thielker ließ sich durch Freiherrn v. Gravenreuth und noch einen
Anwalt vertreten.

Als der Anwalt des Antragsgegners ein langes Plädoyer über den Schutzwert
der Bezeichnung "Webspace" startete, unterbrach ihn der Richter nach kurzer
Zeit mit den Hinweis darauf, daß das nicht Gegestand dieser Verhandlung

Gravenreuth hat eigentlich während der gesamten Verhandlung nicht viel
geagt. Das einzig Bemerkenswerte in Gravenreuths Aussagen war, daß er
"keine Hundert, aber doch mehr als zwölf Abmahnungen" verschickt habe und
mit "einigen Großen" auch Lizenzverträge zur Nutzung des Namens "Webspace"
geschlossen habe.

Nachdem nach einer Stunde keine Einigung erzielt werden konnte (Troidls
Anwalt wollte nunmal von seiner prinzipiellen Ablehnung des Markenschutzes
für "Webspace" nicht abrücken und auch Gravenreuth blieb natürlich bei
seiner Forderung) gingen die Parteien in eine Pause. Tenor des Richters und
Gravenreuths war es, Troidl beizubringen, daß er sich seine Prinzipien
nicht leisten könne und einlenken möge. Man käme ihm ja sogar mit der
Möglichkeit der Ratenzahlung entgegen.

Nach der Pause verkündete der Richter dann folgendes Urteil:

1.) Der Antragsgegner verpflichtet sich, bis zum Abschluß des
Löschungsverfahrens beim Markengericht in München (AZ 39806414.8/42-S166
aus 99) unbeschadet seiner Rechte aus §23 Markenschutzgesetz das
Kennzeichen "Webspace" im geschäftlichen Verkehr für die Bereitstellung der
für die Internetpräsentation von Dritten benötigte Hardware (Speicherplatz)
sowie die Durchführung der technischen Umsetzung nicht zu benutzen.

2.) Für jeden Fall der Zuwiderhandlung verpflichtet sich der Antragsgegner,
eine Vertragsstrafe in Höhe DM 10.001,- zu bezahlen.

3.) Der Antragsteller verzichtet auf Schadensersatzansprüche aus einer
bisherigen etwaigen Nutzung des Kennzeichens durch den Antragsgegner.

Mit Punkt 3 erledigt sich dann natürlich Ratenzahlung.
Die Punkte 4 bis 7 und die Zusätze behandeln vor allem Formalien.
Es wäre noch zu erwähnen, daß Troidl 4/5 der Verfahrenskosten trägt und ihm
Prozeßkostenhilfe für die erste Instanz bewilligt wurde.

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet CD 33 - 10/99 - jetzt mit Amiga News :-)
Die Aminet CD 33 - Oktober 1999 - beinhaltet nahezu ein Gigabyte (ungepackt) an Software in Tausenden von Archiven. Seit der Aminet CD 32 sind über 500 MB an Neuheiten hinzugekommen. Alle Programme sind Deutsch beschrieben; viele verfügen über eine deutsche Dokumentation. Als besonderes Highlight enthält die Aminet 33 eine uneingeschränkte Vollversion des kniffligen Spiels Marblelous II.

Neu ab dieser Ausgabe: Das beliebte News-Archiv von Petra Struck ist jetzt Bestandteil jeder Aminet-CD (in deutsch und englisch) und kann direkt mit einem mitgelieferten Browser aus der ReadMe-Datei heraus aufgerufen werden. Wir danken allen daran Beteiligten für ihre großartige Arbeit im Sinne der Information der Amiga-User weltweit.

Wir unsererseits danken Stefan Ossowski und Urban Müller für die fantastische Möglichkeit, unsere News auch Lesern zugänglich zu machen, die keinen Internetanschluß haben. (ps) (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Protest gegen Gateway
Deniz Turkmen drückt seinen Protest in einem Komik aus :-). (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Motorola CPU roadmap up to G6 released
Motorola CPU roadmap up to G6 released. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Happy Birthday, Linux
Genau heute vor acht Jahren hat Linus Torvalds seine erste Linux-Kernel Version 0.01 freigegeben. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Trogladite Software

Gateway Petition
Trogladite hat eine Protest-Aktion gegen die derzeitigen Entscheidungen von Gateway gestartet. Jeder, der der Meinung ist, daß Gateway seine Entscheidungen überdenken sollte, kann sich dort eintragen. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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HereticII: 1. Fortschritt-Report ist online
HereticII: 1. Fortschritt-Report ist online. (ps)

[Meldung: 16. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Torsten Dudai per eMail

Neue Karikatur: Gateway Tours

"Der Nebel hat sich verzogen, Freunde!
Hey, wo seit ihr? Jim? Bill?
Was ist hier los?
Wo ist der Reiseführer?
Hmm, ok, ich geh schon mal weiter in die alte Richtung, ich hoffe, ihr schafft es auch..." (ps)

[Meldung: 16. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 16.09.1999, Teil 2
nd-exf99.lha         mods/neuro 297K+OSS "Exploding Fist" conversion
CrazySueII_mus.lha   mods/pro   306K+Music from Crazy Sue II game
CrazySue_mus.lha     mods/pro   305K+Music from Crazy Sue game
handsom.lha          mods/roz   140K+Sum house by Roz/RNO^Fit^pJz
orchest.lha          mods/roz   448K+Asm99 entry by Roz/RNO^Fit^pJz
phatkhem.lha         mods/roz   394K+Weird breakbeat stuff by Roz/RNO^Fit^pJz
junokit02.lha        mods/smpl  414K+Juno-106 sample kit vol 2
SparDas.lha          mods/techn  66K+Techno like mod using Assampler sounds
onesmallst.lha       mods/tranc 150K+Space-Trance by Eraser/Sector B
Assampler.lha        mus/edit   626K+Object oriented sound processor program
AssamplerDebug.lha   mus/edit   329K+Debug version of Assampler
AssamplerExtra.lha   mus/edit   178K+Some extravagances for Assampler
ahipre.lha           mus/misc   506K+Prerelease of AHI-PPC,binary files
ahisrc.lha           mus/misc   432K+Prerelease of AHI-PPC,source files
LAMEbeta.lha         mus/misc   298K+The best MP3 encoder for 040/060/PPC v3.
MP3TEDv25.lha        mus/misc   160K+MP3-TagEditor v2.5 - (Free Keyfile)
Eclipse99.jpg        pix/astro   59K+An AMIGA created montage of my recent so
AF-Eclipse1.jpg      pix/boot   184K+Colorful image of the sky w/ sun and ref
WolfB_IGfx.lha       pix/icon    79K+Misc beautiful Icons in IconoGfx-Design
EnterpIncident.jpg   pix/mark   284K+Enterprise meets Romulans
Enterprise.jpg       pix/mark   284K+Classic Enterprise in Deep Space
saku99k1.lha         pix/misc   3.5M+Pics from Saku 99, Finnish Amiga event.
saku99k2.lha         pix/misc   1.3M+More Saku 99 pics (Finnish Amiga event).
ToyBox.mpg           pix/mpg    3.5M+Toy Box Animation
SJI-Aurora-Pre.lha   pix/nicon  654K+SadJesterIcons Aurora Set Prerelease 3. 
LAW_01.lha           pix/sport  1.0M+Ladies Arm Wrestling pics - Archive 1
LAW_02A.lha          pix/sport  1.2M+Ladies Arm Wrestling pics - Archive 2 (1
LAW_02B.lha          pix/sport  1.2M+Ladies Arm Wrestling pics - Archive 2 (2
ATWB.lha             pix/wb     160K+Pics from my nice WB
eraserwb.lha         pix/wb      70K+Eraser's 16col "Trekkie-Workbench"
ThinpazB.lha         text/bfont   3K+Great thin font for use with Workbench!
Amitex_3.19.lha      text/edit  281K+Text editor (French and english versions
BAH.lha              text/edit   93K+Adds configurable toolbars to BED. V3.6
rSrT.lha             text/misc    3K+Repeated Search/Replace in Textfile(s)
WordConverter.lha    text/misc   89K+Converts Word 2,4,5,6,7,8 files to text,
prtman39.lha         text/print 169K+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.28)
EvenMore.lha         text/show  252K+V0.54 - A nice textviewer
appxtrakt.lha        util/arc    28K+Little tool to extract Lha,Lzx & Zip fil
bootstartupv2.lha    util/batch   6K+Programmable boot menu script v2
CovertBoot.lha       util/boot   45K+Covert Bootup for Syspic 4.00
RemAPollo.lha        util/boot   30K+A1200 040\060 MMU Apollo Turboboard Rema
EsperantoCX.lha      util/cdity  90K+Esperanto Commodity - Easy Access to Sup
MCXPrefs.lha         util/cdity 108K+Gadtools GUI for MultiCX 2.80 (FREEWARE)
GatewayTools.lha     util/cli   840K+Various tools for use in CLI
RunFromWB.lha        util/cli    11K+Runs file in WB way
StarDate.lha         util/cli   106K+StarDate-Clock (CLI) for free use
VersCheck.lha        util/cli   418K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
akNAIL-dt.lha        util/dtype  91K+AkNAIL-dt V44.4 (NAIL, 68000-060)
russian.hash.lha     util/gnu   762K+* iSpell Russian Dictionary (Ami1251) v1
GatewayLibrary.lha   util/libs   78K+Shared Library with many functions
mpega_library.lha    util/libs  346K+MPEG Audio decoder library V2.4 (68020+)
ButtonBar.lha        util/misc   77K+Button launching interface.
bws_progs.lha        util/misc   22K+Various Wanted Commands and GUI's
DelfInit.lha         util/misc   14K+Initialization utility for Delfina sound
loto99.lha           util/misc  104K+National Lottery & Thunderball checker
loto99a.lha          util/misc  104K+National Lottery & Thunderball checker
mvslink.lha          util/misc  133K+Splitting utilities with gui. v.1.4  
ReqAttack.lha        util/misc  515K+V1.1 Cool new requester improver (animat
StripHunks.lha       util/misc    9K+V1.7 CLI tool to strip useless hunks
agf.lha              util/pack   20K+AGF V0.9 - n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Pr
agf_030fpu.lha       util/pack   11K+AGF - n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Process
xpk_Develop.lha      util/pack  106K+V5.2 Compression package, developer cut
xpk_Source.lha       util/pack  176K+V5.2 Compression package, source files
xpk_User.lha         util/pack  225K+V5.2 Compression package, user edition
Homebanking.lha      util/rexx   29K+Homebanking mit ADM und Multitermkit (Ge
MergePacScores.lha   util/rexx    7K+ARexx script for merging two PACMAN.HISC
Yamtoguide.lha       util/rexx    5K+Converts Yam Folders to AmigaGuide.
InstallerNG.lha      util/sys   251K+C= Installer compatible replacement
JoinReplace.lha      util/sys    16K+V1.19 powerful Join replacement
AT.lha               util/time  101K+New database and reminder (german only)
CyberClock.lha       util/time   21K+Digital clock w/ changeable digits
SetDST.lha           util/time   52K+Adjusts time for Daylight Saving Time
FileShield.lha       util/virus  28K+Protect Your executables against linkvir
Safe.lha             util/virus  23K+Best new linkviruses detector
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus  98K+VirusExecutor v1.82f
VTDocsEng.lha        util/virus  46K+English translation of VTx.yz docs
IconType.lha         util/wb     25K+IconType converts the type of an icon
UpBR.lha             util/wb    101K+Portugues-BRASIL v1.6 upgrade kit for Am
WBWelcome.lha        util/wb    313K+Random Workbench greeter
Hingis.lha           biz/dbase  194K+Martina Hingis tennis singles matches in
OpusGIbar.lha        biz/dopus  159K++120 Nice GlowIcons for your DOpus Toolb
MPackMUI.lha         comm/misc   36K+V1.0 MUI interface for MPack V1.5
PalmBackup.lha       comm/misc  163K+1.7 - Backup/Restore/Install for PalmPil
IPScanner.lha        comm/tcp    21K+Shows open TCP/IP Port from a given doma
aipw.lha             comm/www    26K+MUI IP Watcher. Shows your IP+HostName. 
AWebResume.lha       comm/www    61K+Integrate FTP and HTTP resume support in
gng.lha              comm/www   753K+GNU Internet mirroring tool with interfa
HTTPResume_Slo.lha   comm/www     3K+Slovenian localization for HTTPResume v1
MiamiOnline2.lha     comm/www     2K+Load FreePhone Number If Weekend (Miami)
MWI-SDV20.lha        demo/mag   1.2M+SAVE DA VINYL #20 - packmag by Madwizard
adv-ita.lha          dev/amos    77K+Italian adventures creator for AMOSPro
modifile.lha         dev/amos    67K+File modifier written by AMOSPro
SineWriter.lha       dev/asm      5K+Generate fixed point sine/cosine/hybrid 
PureBasic.lha        dev/basic  421K+V1.02 - Brand new powerful programming l
GED_Scripts.lha      dev/c       18K+Useful ARexx Scripts for C Programming
2b_Brush2eMui.lha    dev/e       42K+Changes brushes to E src for MUI
2b_CreativE.lha      dev/e       69K+New AmigaE compiler
TearOff13.3_E.lha    dev/e        8K+E Modules for TearOff MUI classes
jikes-diffs.lha      dev/lang    12K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.04 (diffs)
jikes.lha            dev/lang   568K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.04 (source)
jikes000.lha         dev/lang   545K+Fast Java compiler, v1.04 (68000 binary)
jikes020-060.lha     dev/lang   539K+Fast Java compiler,v1.04 (68020-060,FPU)
S3DC.lha             dev/mui      4K+Simple MUI example source to compile wit
CDCat-AmiNet32.lha   disk/cdrom 1.7M+CDCat Index Of AmiNet 3-32
FlashROM.lha         disk/cdrom  17K+Amiga tool to change the flash ROM of Pl
GetCDDB.lha          disk/cdrom  46K+Easy download of CD disc id files
MakeCDsvenskaC.lha   disk/cdrom  35K+Swedish catalog for MakeCD V3.2
2b_HfMounterNG.lha   disk/misc   18K+Manager for 'fmsdisk.device' units.
PFSDefragTry.lha     disk/optim   6K+Tries to defrag PFS partitions (37.4), w
musiccharts.txt      docs/anno    0K+Announcment regarding.....
aMiGaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  68K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
bruce_dickinso.lha   docs/hyper  51K+Bruce Dickinson Guide V1.0
iron_maiden.lha      docs/hyper 135K+Iron Maiden Guide V2.5
AO_0101.lha          docs/mags    9K+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 1 - 3 Se
AO_0102.lha          docs/mags    9K+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 2 - 13 S
AO_0103.lha          docs/mags   11K+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 3 - 17 S
sol_dt.lha           game/board  62K+*Inofficial* German exe for Solitaire v1
Lekis_XTR_Trac.lha   game/data   78K+Tracks for Xtreme Racing
malicemod.lha        game/patch 240K+Malice (Quake TC) bot-mod & fpsbooster
YAGACFix.lha         game/role  197K+Graphic adventure creator (Balrog Soft)F
YAGACFix2.lha        game/role  193K+Graphic adventure creator (Balrog Soft)F
stefadv.lha          game/text   22K+Little italian text adventure
stefadv2.lha         game/text   65K+2nd little italian text adventure
startrekprg.lha      game/think 1.3M+-Star Trek-, Fixes all known bugs
VE-ReadMe.lha        gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Registeration & Readme
VE-shadow.lha        gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Shadow v3.34
MakeWebPic.lha       gfx/misc    18K+ARexx-Packet to work with Pic-Archiv
akMPEG2.lha          gfx/show   122K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V3.01 (68k/
AMP.lha              gfx/show   246K+MPEG1/2, FLI/FLC, AVI, QT player for War
SoftCinema.lha       gfx/show   223K+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC)
Win95MapGB.lha       hard/drivr   8K+Win95 British keymap, CTRL+\ support.
APPE1_2.lha          hard/hack   82K+Use any PlayStation Pad in your Amiga
A4KTower.lha         hard/misc  608K+How to towerise your A4K easily! 
AmiOS35amp.lha       misc/emu    20K+Skin for WinAMP with the Amiga-look
Electrostatic.lha    misc/emu   101K+Atari 2600 emulator/translator. V2.1
warpsnes.lha         misc/emu   359K+SNES Emulator for PowerPC (WarpUP) V4.1
imdbDiff990910.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
TotalCalc1_23.lha    misc/math   48K+Calculator with interesting features
distract.lha         mods/k4k   313K+"Distracted" trance-song by Kure/RNO^WPZ
martys.lha           mods/k4k   262K+"Martysbear" trance-song by Kure/RNO^WPZ
rNO-L004.lha         mods/misc  792K+RNO-LABEL release nO.4
RussianONE.lha       mods/symph 1.3M+Simphonie music module
CDMix10demo.lha      mus/edit    11K+Prog to mix a number of CDDA files. DEMO
sox-12.16-base.lha   mus/edit   267K+Multiformat sound converter (src)
sox-12.16-bin.lha    mus/edit   194K+Multiformat sound converter (bin)
ataruita.lha         mus/midi    20K+Urusei Yatsura italian song
divert12.lha         mus/midi    56K+Divertimento12, GM song by Stefano Regat
divert3.lha          mus/midi    31K+Divertimento3, GM song by Stefano Regatt
felicida.lha         mus/midi    19K+Felicidad, GM song by Stefano Regattin
AmigaOS_bootpi.lha   pix/boot   301K+AmigaOS - BootPicture and cgxbootpic.lib
A4000T_Kosh.jpg      pix/wb     208K+K.O.S.H. Workbench in 16bit
Printout.lha         text/print  15K+Print Zweckform Labels NO. 4738/4739
appxtrakt.lha        util/arc    30K+Little tool to extract Lha,Lzx & Zip fil
Archiver.lha         util/arc   275K+A very good MUIGui for Lha, Lzx...etc.V2
AutoExt.lha          util/arc     3K+Auto Extract Archives (Lzx, Lha, Rar...)
1TouchMac2.lha       util/boot   99K+Boot others startup files with mouse
alba.lha             util/boot   45K+Lock your Amiga with a password 
Rainboot2_67.lha     util/boot  997K+The Ultimate Multimedia Boot v2.67
MirrorCopy.lha       util/cli    20K+Create/maintain exact copy of dir (V1.3)
VersCheck.lha        util/cli   414K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
muitoolkit.lha       util/libs   42K+1.0 - The MUI Toolkit library (FREE)
PortugueseAcce.lha   util/libs    2K+Portuguese accent for translator lib.
bprefs.lha           util/misc   42K+MUI Preference program for Birdie [1.31]
ProPassWord.lha      util/misc  163K+PPW is a FOF securty System 0.17b2
TNM.lha              util/misc   19K+MUI Make ThumbNails and HTML files.
FWCalendar.lha       util/rexx  108K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
Scion2html.lha       util/rexx   32K+WWW browser HTML's from Scion Genealogy 
AlarmClock.lha       util/time    9K+Alarms by playing a MP3 at a specified t
Millenium.lha        util/time    8K+Millenium-Countdown
vhtvb220.lha         util/virus  62K+Version 2.20 of Virus_Checker II brainfi
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 117K+VirusExecutor v1.83
count.lha            util/wb     15K+Recursivly counts the size of files/dirs
JoyTest1_04.lha      util/wb     24K+Test operation of joystick

[Meldung: 16. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 16.09.1999, Teil 1
Anmerkung: Durch die viele Arbeit der letzten Tage hatte ich die Uploads ganz vergessen. Sorry, dadurch ist die jetzt Datei mit 62 kB recht groß. (ps)

Nachtrag (31.07.2011, cg): Meldung aus technischen Gründen beim Datenbankimport gesplittet.

DiskOrg.lha          biz/dbase   67K+DiskOrg - A disk cataloguer (with asm so
VorwahlenGUI.lha     biz/dbase  167K+Search MUIGUI for german Telephone Codes
TCom150bDEMO.lha     biz/demo    63K+An Amiga order program, (COMMESSE ITALIA
TFat261bDEMO.lha     biz/demo    89K+An Amiga Invoice program, (FATTURE ITALI
ExtremeDemo.lha      biz/dkg    149K+DTV Realtime Effects Generator v1.50 (DE
xtm-FogRipple.lha    biz/dkg    113K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-liver.lha        biz/dkg    115K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-TheMatrix.lha    biz/dkg    118K+Additional texture for Extreme
CutNPaste34.lha      biz/dopus   37K+Adds Cut'n'Paste to DOpus5.5+ (many new 
GDTrash.lha          biz/dopus   41K+Win95 recycle bin for Dopus5 MagII rev2
AE30-nederlnds.lha   biz/haage   13K+ArtEffect 3.0 - Nederlands locale
StarAm_Plan.lha      biz/misc   798K+Spreadsheet, V2.2b,OS 3.0+, 68000 CPU
StarAm_Plan881.lha   biz/misc   800K+Spreadsheet, V2.2b,OS 3.0+, needs FPU
PGSUniFilter17.lha   biz/patch  254K+V1.7 PageStream V3.x/V4.x Gfx Import Fil
fwml9908.lha         biz/swood   28K+Messages about FW during August 1999
YAM20_italiano.lha   comm/mail   20K+Updated italian YAM 2.0 catalog
yamexpansion.lha     comm/mail  184K+V2.5 handles recent emails with YAM 2.0 
yamexpDEU.lha        comm/mail    4K+Fix german catalog for YamExpansion V2.5
KewlCaller.lha       comm/maxs   52K+Display last xx callers for MaxsBBS.
AmTelnet_HU.lha      comm/misc    5K+Unofficial hungarian locale for AmTelnet
MM_ChkMsgDate.lha    comm/mmgr    6K+Fixes message dates >31 Dec 1999 in Mail
AmiSSL_info.lha      comm/net     2K+Information on AmiSSL, SSL package for A
paradise.lha         comm/net    32K+Amiga<->Pc trans. via parallel. v0.53b
nc_update.lha        comm/news   98K+Offline Newsreader Version 1.16 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  245K+Offline Newsreader Version 1.16 (MUI)
iTranslate.lha       comm/tcp    54K+Internet language translation program
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp    93K+SimpleFTP - New and easy to use FTP clie
TestUMS1_1.lha       comm/ums     6K+Test the UMS message base
AWebResume.lha       comm/www    61K+Integrate FTP and HTTP resume support in
gng.lha              comm/www   746K+GNU Internet mirroring tool with interfa
HTTPResume_Cat.lha   comm/www     3K+Catalan localization for HTTPResume v1.7
HTTPResume_Ser.lha   comm/www    23K+Serbian localization for HTTPResume v1.7
HTTPResume_Sp.lha    comm/www     2K+Spanish translation for HTTPResume v1.7 
Lynx283dev8.lha      comm/www   927K+Powerful WEB Browser (HTTP,FTP,NEWS...)
mapPlugv141.lha      comm/www    78K+HTML client side image map editor v1.41
RandAnim.lha         comm/www    83K+Start any browser with random xfer anim 
tablePlugv10.lha     comm/www    67K+An HTML image cataloguer v1.0
urlx.lha             comm/www    68K+V1.02 Extract URL's from any file+sort++
dcs-klnnfp.lha       demo/aga   2.4M+DCS demo "Klone" (NOFPU-version)
FLP-TTD.lha          demo/aga   3.4M+"TTD". Floppy 1st at APOCALYPSE 99'
MWI-Utopia.lha       demo/aga   1.3M+"Utopia" by Madwizards - 3rd at Apocalyp
tucolor.lha          demo/aga   1.3M+Tucolor by Vertical SDC
wpz-frozen19.lha     demo/aga   847K+Frozen#19 - Apocalypse Party Edition
9999.lha             demo/euro  311K+Short and Cheap Anim Thing
Anime-X.lha          demo/mag   762K+H-Anime disk-mag from Carnage
Grapevine1-4.lha     demo/mag   635K+LSD Grapevine diskmag, issues 1-4
PureBasic.lha        dev/basic  317K+V1.00 - Brand new powerful programming l
ADOSLib.lha          dev/c       16K+Additional DOS Lib for vbcc
MEMLib.lha           dev/c       71K+Port of MEM.Lib for vbcc
MMULib.lha           dev/c       24K+Vbcc stubs linklib for mmu.library
PMM.lha              dev/c      2.1M+Project-Make-Manager (PMM) for vbcc
REQUESTLib.lha       dev/c      154K+Requester Lib for vbcc
STRINGLib.lha        dev/c       81K+Many stringfunctions (linklib for vbcc)
SUPRALib.lha         dev/c      106K+Port of SUPRA linklib for vbcc
TRSaferPtch.lha      dev/debug   14K+Safer Setfunctions Debug Tools
2b_CreativE.lha      dev/e       68K+New AmigaE compiler
AE_ToolBar.lha       dev/e        9K+AmigaE modules: ToolBar.mcc & InfoText.m
jikes-diffs.lha      dev/lang    12K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.02 (diffs)
jikes.lha            dev/lang   564K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.02 (source)
jikes000.lha         dev/lang   542K+Fast Java compiler, v1.02 (68000 binary)
jikes020-060.lha     dev/lang   537K+Fast Java compiler,v1.02 (68020-060,FPU)
jlint.lha            dev/lang   421K+Lint for Java. Source included.
perl5_man.lha        dev/lang   319K+Perl 5 manual pages (plaintext)
ARP_13dev.lha        dev/misc   124K+ARP developer kit
TransCat120.lha      dev/misc   128K+MUI Editor Catalog (.cd .ct)
HunkFunc.lha         dev/moni    13K+V1.5 display executable file structure
Abackup_spa.lha      disk/bakup   7K+Spanish translation for ABackup 5.20
2b_InBoot.lha        disk/misc   49K+Very useful BootBlock utility.
Diskspace.lha        disk/misc   47K+Free Space on Disk via 3-D Diagram
Ni_diskspace.lha     disk/misc   49K+Free Space on Disk via 3-D Diagram
Mira99.txt           docs/anno    6K+Mira Amiga99 ParTy invitation
DVBContrdocpdf.lha   docs/help  982K+DVBControl V1.12 german documentation in
attitude.lha         docs/hyper  56K+WWF attitude faq (Amigaguide)
CRUS_Gde.lha         docs/hyper   6K+Babylon 5: Crusade Episode Guide (13a)
CHTM0999.lha         docs/lists  81K+CoNnEcTiOnS: September 1999 - UK BBS Sce
ClassesGuide.lha     docs/lists  86K+A Guide of Amiga custom BOOPSI classes. 
CNCT0999.lha         docs/lists  41K+CoNnEcTiOnS: September 1999 - UK BBS Sce
Aakt0999HTML.lha     docs/mags  372K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Mags_index.lha       docs/mags   45K+TEXT indices of magazine articles
NoCover62.lha        docs/mags  2.6M+Great german onlinemag
NoCover63.lha        docs/mags  2.2M+Great german onlinemag
NoCover64.lha        docs/mags  1.6M+Great german onlinemag
NoCover65.lha        docs/mags  1.9M+Great german onlinemag
NoCover67.lha        docs/mags  2.4M+Great german onlinemag
EuroChamp.lha        docs/misc   24K+Statistics of soccer Euro Champs '60-'96
F1Champ.lha          docs/misc   35K+Statistics of Formula One '50-'99
F1Results.lha        docs/misc   12K+Formula 1 results 1994-1997 (German)
PetroSaku99.txt      docs/misc    4K+Transcript of Petro's speech to Saku99
TeRmOz.IRC.lha       docs/misc   43K+Polish FAQ about IRC and bots.
thewholetruth.lha    docs/misc    2K+The whole truth about Bill G.
WorldCup.lha         docs/misc  110K+Statistics of soccer World Cups '30-'98
pfs3.txt             docs/rview  21K+REVIEW: Professional File System 3 v5.1
BattleDuel.lha       game/2play 1.8M+The *ULTIMATE* artillery game V1.7.105
Mortar.lha           game/2play 566K+Multiplayer artillery game
F1GP_1999.lha        game/data    9K+1999 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (12 Sept
FreeCell300.lha      game/data    8K+Solutions for FreeCell 251 to 300 by D.H
MaP_Music2.lha       game/data  1.2M+New cardset for MarryAmPic
SWOSFin.lha          game/data    5K+Finnish league datafile for SWOS
UltimLnds.lha        game/demo   71K+Great Ultima clone preview
AD_Dsolutions.lha    game/hint  322K+Walkthroughes of old AD&D SSI Games
RSE-WDS.lha          game/hint   36K+Complete WastedDreams Solution (english)
CrazySue.lha         game/jump  304K+Classic PD platform game
CrazySueII.lha       game/jump  448K+Sequel to classic PD platform game
WormWars.lha         game/misc  580K+WormWars 4.3: Advanced snake game
fu_psv_upd-SFX.lha   game/patch 6.0M+Patch to football management game (PL)
fu_psv_upd.lha       game/patch 1.9M+Patch to football management game (PL)
lemmingshd.lha       game/patch  34K+HD Installer for Lemmings *9 VERSIONS* V
malicemod.lha        game/patch 221K+Malice (Quake TC) mod - improves fps
skidmarks2hd.lha     game/patch 615K+HD-Installer for Skidmarks 2
WHDArmourGeddn.lha   game/patch  30K+HD Installer for Armour-Geddon
LegendElvesUpd.lha   game/role  163K+Legend of the Elves v1.5 Update
LegendofElves.lha    game/role  938K+Graphic Adv. (like Monkey Island) v1.5
YAGAC.lha            game/role  197K+Graphic adventure creator (Balrog Soft)
zangband.lha         game/role  1.1M+Zangband 2.2.6c - Roguelike solo RPG
BrainRace.lha        game/think 774K+Brain Race 
Gallowz.lha          game/think  42K+Hangman - but good! v1.1
BM_V2_78.lha         game/wb    190K+Buergermeister V2.78 - manage your city 
PalomAVI.lha         gfx/board   28K+AVI capture program for PicassoIV/Paloma
VE-ReadMe.lha        gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Registeration & Readme
VE-Tutorial7.lha     gfx/edit   110K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 7
csf.lzh              gfx/misc    21K+2/256 color ILBM to cross stitch pattern
akMPEG2.lha          gfx/show   354K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V2.70 (68k/
AMP.lha              gfx/show   248K+MPEG1/2, FLI/FLC, AVI, QT player for War
Frogger.lha          gfx/show    99K+Ultimate PPC MPEG video player (MPEG-2 s
RiVA.lha             gfx/show    26K+MPEG Player for AGA/Cgfx/P96 v0.21, Fast
Spitfire.lha         hard/drivr 375K+A Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
Win95MapGB.lha       hard/drivr  10K+Win95 British keymap, CTRL+\ support.
ICS.lha              hard/misc  1.1M+V1.06 ICS - professional color correctio
ICSmanlj.lha         hard/misc  1.5M+V1.06 ICS manual as 300dpi Laserjet file
ICSmanps.lha         hard/misc  522K+V1.06 ICS manual as PostScript file
mplay.lha            hard/misc   10K+Simple mp3-player for MAS3507
ARP_13.lha           misc/antiq 137K+The AmigaDOS Resource Project
AGChinese.lha        misc/edu   432K+Chinese Language Tutorial, GFX, Sound 
AGEngChi.lha         misc/edu   416K+English for Chinese/Japanese Speakers La
AGEngRom.lha         misc/edu   396K+English for Spanish/French/German Speake
AGRussian.lha        misc/edu   310K+Russian Language Tutorial, GFX, Sound 
AGSpanish.lha        misc/edu   316K+Spanish Language Tutorial, GFX, Sound 
anescgfx.lha         misc/emu    36K+A/NES CGFX 1.0 preview 2 - NES emulator
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   129K+NES, SMS, PCE emulator for WarpUP v99082
Handy.lha            misc/emu   115K+Atari Lynx emulator for WarpUP, v1.03 (9
warpsnes.lha         misc/emu   350K+SNES Emulator for PowerPC (WarpUP) V4.0
imdbDiff990903.lha   misc/imdb  1.4M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
pissed.lha           misc/misc   37K+Measures your level of drunkenness
SpaTra04.lha         misc/misc  109K+Spanish Translations Pack 04 v0.6
TotoSei.lha          misc/misc   73K+TotoSei v2.1 DEMO (ITALIAN)
Gravita.lha          misc/sci    20K+Simulatore della gravitazione (only ital
Robotic.mpg          mods/elbie 4.8M+Robotic Love Vocoder Synthpop by ElbiE^t
A-crowd.lha          mods/hardc 220K+-amorel- Music for the masses =)
akvaario.lha         mods/k4k   187K+"Akvaario Provokator" ambient by Kure/RN
delicious.lha        mods/k4k   404K+"Deliciously" trance with house flavour 
havanna.lha          mods/k4k   271K+"Club Havanna" trancey rave by Kure/RNO^
hs-edit.lha          mods/k4k   422K+"Headswitch edit" techno/detroit by Kure
murska.lha           mods/k4k   1.6M+Murska-lp by Kure/RNO^WPZ
peacemaker.lha       mods/k4k   233K+"The Peacemaker" techno/detroit by Kure/
provokeidor.lha      mods/k4k    31K+Asm99 tiny-music entry by Kure/RNO^WPZ
snake-style.lha      mods/k4k   517K+"The Snake-Style" hiphop from TP8 by Kur
snakes.lha           mods/k4k   355K+Asm99 multichannel-music entry by Kure/R
uus_pimp.lha         mods/k4k   327K+"Uusier Pimp" jungle by Kure/RNO^WPZ
uv-dreams.lha        mods/k4k   199K+"Ultraviolet Dreams" tekno/acid by Kure/
wu-medley.lha        mods/k4k   679K+Vanha Mies'99 music-compo entry by Kure/
back_in_94.lha       mods/misc   46K+An old song by phineas
daybyday.lha         mods/misc  187K+DBM dance by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Production
DiscoShit.lha        mods/misc  382K+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
HalfPowerOfMe.lha    mods/misc  639K+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
KillingInstinc.lha   mods/misc  719K+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
MieszkaWNimEsk.lha   mods/misc   24K+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
32bc_collapse.mpg    mods/mpg   5.1M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_darkbird.mpg    mods/mpg   4.6M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_fruit.mpg       mods/mpg   6.0M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_punish.mpg      mods/mpg    10M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_purple.mpg      mods/mpg   3.3M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_return.mpg      mods/mpg   5.2M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_soundcl.mpg     mods/mpg   5.5M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
32bc_tequest.mpg     mods/mpg   5.8M+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
saku99sp.mpg         mods/mpg   1.2M+Petro Tyschtschenko's Saku 99 speech

[Meldung: 16. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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1 55 105 ... <- 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 -> ... 125 177 234

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