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Dirk Baeyens (E-Mail)

Linux (for PlayStation 2)
Dear PlayStation and Linux Enthusiast,
Now is the time to put yourself inside the next generation in computer entertainment! In response to your request for information on LINUX (FOR PLAYSTATION 2), we are excited to let you know that this accessory is now available for pre-order in the United States and Canada* exclusively at, with an expected shipping date of May 22, 2002.

Combining the incredible technology of the PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system with the endlessly versatile Linux operating system, Linux enthusiasts and programmers can now use the same system they play their favorite PlayStation games on to run thousands of Linux applications! The LINUX (FOR PLAYSTATION 2) accessory kit allows you to utilize the PlayStation 2 console as a fully-functional desktop computer. Download a wealth of Linux programs -- HTML editors, multimedia players, office solutions and more -- or program your own software to run in the PlayStation 2 Linux environment.

Included with the LINUX (FOR PLAYSTATION 2) kit is the PlayStation 2 Linux software, an internal hard disc drive (40 GB), a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Network Adaptor, and a USB mouse and keyboard. You will still need to purchase or supply a PlayStation 2 console, a 8MB memory card (for PlayStation 2) [preferably a new memory card -- once formatted for Linux use, your game data will be erased and you will not be able to save new game data] and a VGA monitor with sync-on-green capability [check your monitor's user manual to see if it meets this requirement].

While it's exciting to see tremendous interest in this new PlayStation venture, there are a few things for you to note before purchasing. LINUX (FOR PLAYSTATION 2) is a tool for Linux enthusiasts and programming hobbyists. Basic understanding of the Linux operating system is strongly suggested for installation and use. Also, be advised that this accessory will NOT enhance your PlayStation 2 games. The hard disc drive formatted for Linux cannot be used with HDD-compatible PlayStation 2 games, and the included Network Adaptor (Ethernet) does not include a modem, which the upcoming standard Network Adaptor will. Be sure to consider all of these factors before making your decision to purchase.

For more information about LINUX (FOR PLAYSTATION 2), please visit the official PlayStation 2 Linux Community site FAQ at :

Once you're ready to immerse yourself into the Linux world via the PlayStation 2 system, click in and pre-order exclusively from While supplies last. (ps)

[News message: 07. Mar. 2002, 20:27] [Comments: 0]
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