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Henk Jonas (ANF)

MetaView goes Freeware
MetaView which is a (not only in the Amiga world) unique convert program for converting cliparts/vector graphics/cad-drawings is now Freeware. On the website of Henk Jonas you can download the program.

Additional to the keyfile the archive also contains the source code (in E) of MetaView and the AMFF-libraries. Therefore you may develop the program further.

Henk Jonas explicitly allows you to use the source codes for Freeware programs as long as the program will be mentioned. If you want to use the source code commercially it can be given a licence.

MetaView supports graphics of the following formats: WMF, HPGL, EPS, AI, DR2D, DSDR, WPG, GEM and CGM.

Henk Jonas, Berlin (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. May. 2003, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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