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Archive 04/2022

Erik Hogan (Mail)

Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine V2022.2, video series
The "Scorpion Engine" by Erik 'earok' Hogan is supposed to allow the development of games. The engine itself is closed source, but all included demos and demo games are open source. The editor itself runs under Windows. Graphics are imported as PNG files, for level creation the editor Tiled is used. For sounds, music and animations Amiga formats (mod, 8svx, anim5) are used.

Today version 2022.2 was released, which among other things adds the ability to create custom masks and provides improved string support and save and load functions.

In addition, the developer is working on a video series with Michael Parent from BitBeamCannon (e.g. DaemonClaw, Metro Siege). The game studio is currently developing a new game for the A500 with the help of Scorpion Enginee, using features such as parallax and translucency in four-bit plane mode. The collaborative video series about this game is not intended to be a tutorial for creating a game from scratch, but rather a documentation of the steps involved in creating this game, providing tips and tricks for Scorpion beginners and veterans alike. Michael Parent has released the first video, which shows the process of setting up a new project and implementing layer parallax. The second and third videos will follow in the next few days. (dr)

[News message: 06. Apr. 2022, 21:52] [Comments: 0]
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Artur Jarosik (Patreon)

Real-time strategy: Vanilla Conquer V0.98
Artur Jarosik is known for various game ports like the platformer Hydra Castle Labyrinth or the action adventure Heart of Darkness, besides his SDL implementation of the browser NetSurf. Now he is porting the first part of the real-time strategy series Command & Conquer to the Amiga and named it "Vanilla Conquer".

Since our last message, the developer has made some fixes to the game and yesterday released version 0.98:
  • Replaced Speech.mix with one adding "Repairing" speech in Repair Bay
  • Fixed memory trash with damaged buildings
  • Fixed repairing of vehicles on Repair Bay
  • Fixed : music wouldn't stop in some cases on v4
The game is primarily intended for Amigas upgraded with an Apollo processor, especially the V4 series. However, as the author explained to us, it might be playable on a 68060 processor with a graphics card with the music and sound effects turned off.

If you want to support the author, you can do so on his Patreon website. (dr)

[News message: 06. Apr. 2022, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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deadwood (Mail)

Porting Amiga applications to Linux: AxRuntime 41.2
Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz's "AxRuntime" is a runtime environment for Linux which emulates the AmigaOS-API and therefore enables porting Amiga applications on Linux and developing applications which can be compiled for AmigaOS/MorphOS/AROS as well as Linux. Examples videos show the AROS desktop Wanderer (MP4) and gmPlayer (MP4) under Linux.

Now the developer has released version 41.2, which provides, among other things, the following changes:
  • AROS-Shell, an AmigaDOS-compatible Shell, is now available for you as a native Linux program. You can write DOS scripts and use shell commands to interact with Linux filesystem.
  • AxRuntime becomes a bridge between AROS x86_64 and Linux by allowing running native AROS programs as standalone Linux programs. In this function AxRuntime is similar to Wine. Wine allows running Windows programs on Linux, AxRuntime allows running AROS programs on Linux.
This release comes with 4 applications: AROS-Shell, MPlayer, WookieChat and Final Writer 7 (demo). Additionally AROS x86_64 applications like MUIbase can also be used. (dr)

[News message: 06. Apr. 2022, 06:00] [Comments: 0]
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pikewerfer (forum)

MorphOS: Free fonts package (also for AmigaOS)
Monotype employee 'pikewerfer', with permission from his superiors, has put together a free font pack that can be "bought" for 0 Euros under the title link. The "MorphOS Value Pack" contains ten different types, including their variants (italic, bold, etc.) there are 27 fonts.

The license of these OpenType fonts also includes AmigaOS, as far as their use is technically possible there. The creator would be pleased about feedback. (snx)

[News message: 05. Apr. 2022, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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Introduction video: Checkmate displays 1089s and 1087s
Following his two Kickstarter campaigns to fund the Checkmate A1500 Plus- and Checkmate 1500 Mini cases, Stephen Jones is now planning a third campaign to fund monitors for retro computers.

In a video, he introduces his project showing prototypes. Key data:
  • Size: default is 19", if second stretch goal is reached then there will be a 17"
  • Ratio 5:4 (1280x1024 panel)
  • Ports:
    • Input: HDMI, VGA, composite video, interlace component input, AV1 and AV2
    • Output: speaker, composite (streaming)
    • Front panel: Front USB only if you add a front panel and wire them up, default will be a blank user panel waiting for customisation
  • 3D printed prototypes, later injection molded version (reason for Kickstarter campaign)
  • side speakers
  • Using the Gbscontrol firmware for the 'GBS-8200' video converter as optional add on, not standard.

[News message: 05. Apr. 2022, 12:03] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Kung Fu action 'Devil's Temple'
Devil's Temple features 10 stages of intense arcade kung fu action based on the classic Irem games Kung Fu Master and Vigilante. Over 300 frames of animation were packed into the game and every cycle of performance was used on the Amiga A500. The game will adapt to upgrades, so additional chip ram will result in better music, AGA will provide additional colors and a greater variety of enemies in the game.

Today a new preview video for the game was released which is in development. It can already be pre-ordered as a boxed edition. A demo version of the first stage is also available on (dr)

[News message: 04. Apr. 2022, 22:26] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Symmetrix Blanker V1.0
Yesterday the #amigazeux team has released the Symmetrix screenblanker for MorphOS. It draws shapes like circles, stars and ribbons across symmetry-axes all over the screen producing (most times) multicoloured art. MorphOS 2.0 or higher and TinyGL required.

Download: Symmetrix.lha (71 kB) (dr)

[News message: 04. Apr. 2022, 20:01] [Comments: 0]
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Prince (Mail)

Video tutorial: Episode 29 of assembler coding course
'Prince', founder of the demo group 'Phaze101', is currently streaming the assembler programming course "Corso completo di programmazione assembler in due dischi" in English on Twitch and uploads the respective episodes time-delayed to YouTube. Now episode 29 was published. (dr)

[News message: 04. Apr. 2022, 17:08] [Comments: 0]
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AmiGameJam 2022: The winners
Last night, during a live show at AmigaBill, the winners of this year's AmiGameJam contest were chosen:
  • 1. 1st place: the amiga port of Konami's vertically scrolling shooter Knightmare written by 'Hoffman' and Toni Gálvez.
  • 2nd place: Jean-François Fabre's Pacman clone MsPacman 500.
  • 3rd place: 'Dante's' conversion of Konami's arcade classic of the same name, Green Beret.
Congratulations! (dr)

[News message: 04. Apr. 2022, 06:17] [Comments: 0]
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