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Archive 07/2023


LinuxJedi blog: Restauration of an Amiga 3000, part 3 and 4
After the first two blog entries about the restoration of an Amiga 3000 bought from the USA ( reported), Andrew 'LinuxJedi' Hutchings continues this series with part three and part four, in which he describes various cleaning efforts and upgrades respectively. (dr)

[News message: 28. Jul. 2023, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: Graphical user-interface iGame 2.4.2
iGame is a MUI-based frontend for starting WHDLoad games ( reported). George 'walkero' Sokianos has released version 2.4.2 for AmigaOS 2.04 and higher, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. Changes:

  • Fixed the menus in MorphOS that were broken for some time now.
  • Simplified the version string and added the release date in the screen title.
Direct download: iGame-v2.4.2-20230727.lha (434 Kb) (dr)

[News message: 28. Jul. 2023, 05:30] [Comments: 0]
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Video tutorial: Building a graphics editor in AMOS, part 1
After finishing his short tutorials on AMOS Pro ( reported), retro and Amiga fan 'Yawning Angel' has started a new video tutorial series with this first part, which aims to show in a bit more detail how to program a simple tool for creating and editing graphics with AMOS, using commands like Plot, Draw, Box and BAR. (dr)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2023, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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Programming assistance: "AB_Template" 0.76 offers templates for AmiBlitz 3
Sami Vehmaa wants to get more people to develop games for the Amiga platform and for this purpose offers templates for the RTG variant of AmiBlitz 3 on with "AB_Template" (YouTube video of version 0.23, reported). In version 0.76 he has updated the game menu and added the source code of the games Atris, Battleship SEAHAWK (YouTube-Video), Dungeon Escape (YouTube-Video), Last Space Raider (YouTube-Video), Sky Tower (YouTube-Video) and Slendermanpages. (dr)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2023, 20:30] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: Amiga 4000T Upgrade, part 1
In the first part of an article series "Epsilon's World" has descibed, how he has upgraded his Amiga 4000T with AmigaOS 3.2.2, the graphics board ZZ9000 and diverse applications. (dr)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2023, 05:41] [Comments: 0]
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Arcade port: Wonderboy V1.2
Wonderboy is an Amiga port of the first part of the Wonder Boy saga, of which only the sequel Wonderboy in Monsterland was available for the Amiga so far ( reported). Changes since our news item about version 1.0:
  • Tweaks to bosses, improved collision detection and minor change to animations.
  • Tweaks to enemy and obstacle collision detection.
  • Tweak to egg collision, does not bump quite as far.
  • Fixed ESC bonus activating after continue screen.
  • Added confirmation before QUIT.
  • Added extra lives at 30k, 100k, 170k & 240k
  • Tweaks to frog leaping mechanic (run straight at them!)
  • Fixed several minor bugs
  • Improved loading speeds
  • Added highscore saves

[News message: 26. Jul. 2023, 20:59] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Blixth (E-Mail)

MorphOS: Screen blankers fxBlankers V1.3
Stephan Blixth (OnyxSoft) has released version 1.3 of his screen saver fxBlankers for MorphOS ( reported) which now also includes MysticLines. It is based on June Tate-Gans live stream tutorial in QBasic. (dr)

[News message: 26. Jul. 2023, 05:53] [Comments: 0]
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Report: Swapping the CPU in MicroA1 (Czech)
Martina Hřebcová is known for her extensive and detailed reports on PowerPC hardware. Based on his previous article about the influence of the cache on PowerPC CPU she now reports how she swapped the G3-CPU in her MicroA1 from 750FX to 750GX and finally overclocked GX to 1200 MHz. Because of the large 1024 kB cache, speed increase especially with emulators and web browsing are great. (dr)

[News message: 26. Jul. 2023, 05:46] [Comments: 0]
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