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C64doc (E-Mail)

Event: Classic-Computing 2003 in September
The Classic-Computing takes place on 6th September in 74219 Möckmühl, Germany. The opening times are from 8:00 to 18:00. The entrance fee is 3.00 Euro per person, independently of whether exhibitors or guest.

The show organizers recommend you leave your x86 platforms at home. Preferably bring something along that's more than ten years old. Participating organizers have admission starting from 7:30 o'clock, to make preparations. There are no reservations, thus be punctual. Also there are limited tables available. To find out more visit the title link. (nba) (Translation: ps)

[News message: 02. Mar. 2003, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Knott (ANF)

Pegasos photos from Kieler Amiga Hardwaretreffen 2003
On Saturday, 1st March this year's hardware meeting of the Amiga-Club Schleswig Holstein took place in the new plenar hall of the UAS Kiel. Apart from the usual 68k and PPC based Amigas and a small exhibition of the Kieler Computermuseum this time also three Pegasos systems were to be marvelled at.

Apart from the power also the systems' three different optical outfits could impress. People who could not attend the event can get a first impression based on the pictures. (nba) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 02. Mar. 2003, 17:36] [Comments: 0]
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Otto Dette (E-Mail)

Convention: Computer & Video Swap Meet Bremen - March 1st & 2nd, 2003
On the first and second of March 2003 the Computer and Video Swap Meet will take place in Bürgerzentrum Neue Vahr. On both days the hours of this convention are from 9 am until 5 pm. The gathering is a sales convention for end users; there will be hardware and software from many categories offered. The Users of the North Sea Coast have two rooms this time. The Atari Computer Club of Bremen organizes the schedule with individual activities.

On the first level:
  1. Video-processing with the Amiga. DVD on the Amiga, Digital cameras on the Amiga, direct comparison between PPC and 060 (Earth 2140 and other games). The following software will be demonstrated: MediaPoint, SCALA-MM-400, Digital-Almanac, AmiAtlas-6 and eventually iFusion and naturally TV on Amiga (PixelView in comparison to Picasso IV). Additionally a highly upgraded Amiga 4000D in an Elbox tower with PPC, USB and PCI (TV, ethernet, sound und graphic cards) will be shown. The innards of this computer are visible through plexiglass casing under blue illumination, and it is just one of several Amigas to be seen
  2. Video-processing with Amiga, PC and Mac; here's where the newest programs line up to go for it. Old films may be digitally processed and placed on DVD through the use of internal or external expansions, and all this without using a PC or Mac.
  3. Linux KNOPPIX 3.1 (the CD is from the Federal Bureau for Security and Information Technology) will be demonstrated in an hard-drive installation.
On the second level:
  1. The Mac display area will be found here, and the following computers shown: Pictures and Info.
  2. Many diverse hardware technologies of storage media clear through to viewable opened components will be shown. These systems will mostly be shown running, with explanations and demonstrations of the equipment. They'll be actively shown with the operating systems and software performing functions.
  3. During this time visitors themselves may do hands-on utilization of the equipment and/or play games.
  4. Additional some advertising spots from the 70s and 80s will be played.

The company Falkemedia will have free newspapers for Amiga and Mac available. A big thanks to A. Goukassian of Kiel.

Both days we're going to be running a webcam, reachable at the following URLs:

Addendum by Otto Dette by email:
We received news from Falcon that we'll be first receiving a preview CD of the video from the Aachen convention, in order to show it. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 27. Feb. 2003, 20:16] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

individual Computers is the first sponsor of the Breakpoint Party
Since many years, individual Computers supports so-called scene-parties that offer a forum for demo-programmers. A "demo" is a program that does not require interaction with the user, as opposed to game demos. It's a combination of graphics, music and special effects - a presentation of the hardware capabilities, the programmer's and the artist's skills (graphics and music).

The term "artist" is no exaggeration: The "Euro-style demo" has evolved from a subculture of the 80s to a form of art that we already supported with cash and hardware prizes on the legendary Mekka&Symposium parties.

Mekka&Symposium will not take place this year. The same experienced team that was responsible for these parties organizes the Breakpoint Party on Easter this year. It'll take place in Bingen, Germany. Many people still confuse scene-parties with LAN-parties, but this is a big mistake: A large-scale network is available, but gaming is frowned upon by the scene's etiquette. (ps)

[News message: 26. Feb. 2003, 14:40] [Comments: 0]
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Erik Johansson / AmiGBG (E-Mail)

Event: AmiGBG, Gothenburg on 03-29-2003
On March the 29th 2003 the AmiGBG in Gothenburg, Sweden will open its doors for the 2nd time. AmiGBG is an Amiga fair, organized by Amiga users, it is the only Swedish Amiga show. Read the full press release:

AmiGBG 2003 Press Release

For the second year in a row, the user group AmiGBG will organize an Amiga fair at Lindholmen, Gothenburg, Sweden. AmiGBG 2002 was the first Amiga fair in Sweden since 1998 and had over 450 visitors. At the fair you will see both the Amiga system of tomorrow, based on G3/G4-processors, and Classic Amiga (based on 68k). We hope to be able to present, among other things, a complete version of the new AmigaOS - OS4 - running on the new PowerPC based hardware - AmigaOne.

The fair is aimed at both Amiga enthusiasts as well as for people interested in other alternative platforms. Amongst other things, Linux will most likely be demonstrated on the new AmigaOne. The exhibitors will be everything from abroad companies to Swedish usergroups. The invitation to participate at AmiGBG 2003 has not only been sent to "pure" Amiga companies but also to other hardware manufactures.

About AmiGBG

AmiGBG is a Swedish usergroup who's mainly goal is to organize fairs and increase the interest for Amiga. The team AmiGBG has organized AmiGBG 2002 (see above) and AOne Gothenburg 2002 Fall Event, an event where the new Amiga was shown in Scandinavia for the first time.

For more info regarding those events, please look at the links below:


For more info:
Email: (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 26. Feb. 2003, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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