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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark online again
Jan Andersen writes:
Hi all.....

It has been some time now, I have been moving and I have had no Internet connection. But just to inform you all that I'm alive and still kicking....

I got an email from Charlene, that she had a hard disk crach. So I have desided to make an emergency Virus Help page, where users can get the latest antivirus programs. I'll do the uploading from my work computer (my boss does not mind) :-)

Okay, so the Virus Help Denmark page in up and running at a small size, but all the latest Antivirus programs are on it. And only Amiga stuff is for download.

The complete Virus Help Denmark website will be up on the 1'th of December 2002. Then I get my ADSL connection back.

I know that this has been as much a problem for you, as it has been for me. But this was out of my hands !!!!

My new email is:

I hope to hear from you all soon.....

Kind Regards

Jan Andersen
Virus Help Denmark

[News message: 11. Nov. 2002, 19:59] [Comments: 0]
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z5 (ANF)

A.D.A. celebrates 1 year online with 10 new demos
One year ago, Amiga Demoscene Archive appeared online with 123 demos and about 900 screenshots. One year later, we have updated the database to 234 demos and 2142 screenshots.

On the newest update, which was the biggest update we ever did, 10 high quality Amiga demos were added:

9 fingers/Spaceballs, Authentik/Skarla, Crash test/Cryptoburners, Dust addict/Fiction, Guardian Dragon 2/Kefrens, It can't be done/Ram Jam, Mosaic/Exceed, System crime/Scoopex, Xpose/The Silents and Omnirush/Mystic. Enjoy! (ps)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2002, 13:10] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Comic: Sabrina with Strips 204-207
On 10th November 2002, the German edition of Eric W. Schwartz's cartoon series 'Sabrina Online' has been updated. The additions are:
  • 204 - Straßenraub als Pointe
  • 205 - Das Stinktier-Einmaleins
  • 206 - Taktvolles Mädchen
  • 207 - Angst hat heute Verspätung
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2002, 21:49] [Comments: 0]
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Audio: OctaMED SoundStudio 2 for Amiga discontinued
RBF Software have announced that development of the sample sequencer 'OctaMED SoundStudio 2' for Amiga has been discontinued. According to RBF, the only chance for further development would be if the makers of the new Amiga were ready to talk with RBF Software about a possible new version.

"If you still want to see OctaMED arise again on the new Amiga, the only way forward is if the manufacturers of the new Amiga are willing to hold talks regarding a possible new version."
(RBF Software)

It is not possible to release the Amiga source code as Freeware as some vital parts of the source code have to remain copyrighted.

OctaMED SoundStudio V1.03c itself is available for download as Freeware.

The makers' full announcement is accessable through the title link. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2002, 17:47] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: interview with Torsten Giebl (Turricane 4 Ever)
If there's any cult figure on the Amiga existing then it is "Turrican"! A game that had set new standards at its time and had an ongoing influence on a whole genre.

In 1993 the "Turrican" series had ceased on the Amiga with the release of the third part but Turricane lives! With the project "Turricane 4 Ever" exists the possibility of the hero of old times returning to the Amiga.

The Amiga Arena spoke to Torsten Giebl who's working with his team on an unofficial successor and asked for details about the game's progress and how this project came to live. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 09. Nov. 2002, 18:46] [Comments: 5 - 12. Nov. 2002, 10:55]
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Winner of the Messages-Remix contest
AMIGAplus wrote:
Some weeks ago had Bjorn Lynne started a remix contest for the title sound "Messages" of the latest Lynne album "Colony" for which 29 people had sent in music pieces. Today the lucky winner was announced:

"PROJECT 2020" took part with a fantastic mix of Dub, Hip-hop, Club, Dance and Tribal and put with this the competitors in their places. This one and seven more tracks will be played in a special radio show on The Mixdown, a FM and Internet radio station on November, 9th between 3 and 5 o'clock (Central US. time). Besides, the winner gets 100 US-Dollars and a copy of "Colony".

All eight remixes can still be downloaded at JavaMusic ( (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 09. Nov. 2002, 13:21] [Comments: 0]
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