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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Generation Amiga (Website)

Shoot 'em up for the vampire: preview video for 'Jake and Peppy
In a Youtube video, the graphic designer of the development team presents a shoot'em up that is being developed specifically for vampire accelerator. The release of 'Jake and Peppy' is planned for late 2021, early 2022. (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2021, 23:59] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Website)

A2000 motherboard in E-ATX form factor: Amiga-2000-ATX
'Amiga-2000-ATX' is a replica of the A2000 motherboard in revision 6.4, which unlike the original, uses the E-ATX form factor and thus fits into standard PC cases. Another goal during development was to replace components that are no longer available with newer alternatives wherever possible. The developer has commissioned a first prototype, so the design has not yet been finally tested. All documentation needed for production is available on Github under a free license. (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2021, 23:51] [Comments: 0]
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Manuel Jesus (ANF)

FPGA accelerator card: Raptor 1200
In a video interview, Gunnar von Böhn of Apollo team announces a feature-reduced variant of the FPGA accelerator card Vampire. If everything would proceed well, he expects the first cards already next month. The new card, too, would be produced by Igor Majstorovic and be distributed exclusively via the Apollo shop.

The Raptor 1200 card aims at those customers interested in the CPU implementation only, i.e. the 68080 Apollo core, while wanting to keep using the AGA chipset. Thus the new card is just a pure accelerator card with 100 MIPS and 128 MB RAM, but without RTG and HDMI, IDE or SD card support. While thus being cheaper than a Vampire card, the main cost factor, a big FPGA chip, would remain, though. (snx)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2021, 21:31] [Comments: 0]
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New Preview-Videos: Beat'em Up 'Metro Siege', Run'n Gun 'DaemonClaw'
Metro Siege is a side-scrolling beat'em up for up to two players that requires 512 KB of chip and Fast RAM each. DaemonClaw: Origins of Nnar is supposed to be a side-scrolling run and gun. Development was originally started on the Amiga, but is currently being developed on modern platforms using the "Construct 2" construction kit. The finished game will then be backported to the Amiga. The developer team responsible for both titles, BitBeamCannon, gives an insight into the current state of both projects in a new preview video. (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2021, 23:44] [Comments: 0]
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Amigaworld (Website)

AmigaOS 4: New game ports: Worlds, Eldritch, Gorynlich, new GL4ES SDK
Roman 'kas1e' Kargin has ported more games to AmigaOS 4 using the OpenGL wrapper GL4ES. New are the 3D shooter 'Worlds' (video), the rogue-like 'Eldritch' (video) and the hack'n slash 'Gorynlich' (video). A new version of the GL4ES SDK was also released and Kargin's older ports 'Fricking Shark', 'Night of the Zombies' and 'SuperTuxKart' were updated.

The mentioned titles all require the latest version of Warp 3D Nova, OpenGL ES and GL4ES, which are part of the commercial Enhancer 2 package. A detailed announcement with more information and screenshots can be found at (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2021, 23:54] [Comments: 0]
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