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Czech Amiga News

AmiWest 2001: 9 minuts movie from the show
On a 9 minutes movie from the AmiWest 2001 show was released. This movie shows the responsiveness to AmigaOS x86, views on the Boxer, AmigaDE programming, Amiga tatoos, and SOCK PUPPETS.

It shows Kermit Woodall, Joe Torre, Dr. Ryan of Merlancia Industries, and many more.

There are two versions of the movie, one of low (8,795k) and one of high (25,567k) resolution MPEG-1 video format.

A copy of this movie, the MP3 files of the speeches, and the Sheep screenshot are also available from (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2001, 17:21] [Comments: 0]
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Kevin Orme (ANF)

Website: Amiga University updated
OK. We've done quite a bit of work since the last update, and while that was too long ago (mid May, blame too much work travel! :) we've got some cool stuff up there now for you!

1) New Pages. Not only have we gone back and re-verified links throughout the site (we are up to ~2,000 links, probably only about 15% of those are 'within site') we have added new AmigaDE, Draco, and TVPaint pages as well as a huge slew of REBOL links to the 'rebol on the web' page in our programming section. There are many other new links throughout the site in its various sections as well, please let us know if we missed *your* site. If it has to do with Amigas and especially learning how to use them, enjoy them, etc., we're all ears. :)

2) Site Mirrors and Archives. We are pleased to announce that thanks to Bob Maple, Paul R. Santa-Maria and Marc Albrecht we have been able to 'preserve' three Amiga sites otherwise having been taken down, namely 'Zip Drives and the Amiga', 'Motorola 68000 Resources' and the former website. Take a look from the 'site archives' link off the home page.

Even cooler is the generosity of David McMinn, who is allowing us to mirror his 'Blitz Basic 2000' site. This is still an active and growing site, even though at the moment he's changing servers on the home site in the UK, thus not all his content is online at the moment but that will soon change. Check it out!

3) Downloads. As you may or may not already know, we've had Bars & Pipes available for download for a long time, probably almost a year now. But we are pleased to announce that due to the generosity of NewTek, (who released Amiga TVPaint a while back as freeware), TVPaint is also now free to be distributed by other sites as well. We have created a ~4MB zip archive containing all you'll need to install this premier Amiga paint package (you'll need UnZip from Aminet as well as a graphics card, however, to use TVPaint - UAE/Amiga Forever users can also use it because they employ Picasso96 within the emulation). To help thank NewTek for their continued support of the Amiga community, if you use a PC, buy a copy of Aura, their newest and incredibly powerful paint/graphics package - you won't be disappointed.

In sum, come on back and check us out, we've got lots to offer and hopefully will have another large site update next month to announce. In the meantime, enjoy! (sd)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2001, 16:29] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Williams, Editor Clubbed Magazine (E-Mail)

SEAL: Clubbed Issue 8 Now Available
A brand new issue of Clubbed, South Essex Amiga Link's (SEAL) quarterly subscription Amiga magazine, is available now. All subscriber copies have been posted and should be received in the next week.

We are also happy to announce that you can now buy your Clubbed subscription online from at Kicksoft using a variety of credit and debit cards.

Highlights of issue 8 include:

Networking Explained: Find out how you can connect several Amigas or integrate your Amiga into a network with other platforms. This feature is complemented by a tutorial on setting up network printing with Samba.

Photogenics 5: What did we think of the latest release of this well known art and image processing package?

DrawStudio Tutorial: We guide you through combining bitmap and structured elements in this recently re-released drawing package.

Plus much more (including our first Reader's Wives section!)

If you'd like to know more visit our website for a full contents list and sample articles from previous issues.

Clubbed is a not-for-profit publication. (mj)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2001, 14:29] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Schröder (ANF)

AMIGA aktuell 08/2001 released
The August issue of AMIGA aktuell contains this time even three top reviews: We take a close look at
  • the AmigaDE in the »Party Pack« version,
  • the PCI busboard »Prometheus« and
  • the soundcard »Repulse«.
Additionally AMIGA aktuell 08/2001 contains
  • the second part of the background report about the legendary »Phoenix« mainboard,
  • the second part of the experience report about the emulator package »AmigaForever«,
  • of course extensive information about the latest AMIGA announcements
and much more. AMIGA aktuell 08/2001 can be read online on our website as well as it can be downloaded in HTML resp. AmigaGuide format.

Attention: As the AMIGA aktuell website is on its way to moving to another server some services, among others the archived online issues, are unusable for quite some time. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 23:31] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (email)

Disk magazine: NoCover 89 released
Today the NoCover issue #89 has been released. It can be read online on the APC&TCP homepage.

The online subscriptions were sent away today. The disk subscriptions will be brought to the post on Sunday. As usual, the NoCover contains the latest issue of the 'Amiga Aktuell' magazine. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (e-mail)

H&P: English PageStream manual released
The English manual for PageStream 4 for Amiga, Windows & Macintosh has just been released as PDF file. The PageStream customers registered with us for the online service get the download link by e-mail. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do this at the title link. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 22:07] [Comments: 0]
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