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Helmut Wegener by e-mail now with Amiga area
AMIGA. This device is cult. These pages are meant as a bow before the spirit of a creative community. A sworn community, which after years of discontinued development holds high the ideals of a computer that enabled multimedia even before that term was coined.

Due to this, an Amiga area has been created (still under construction). Everyone owning an Amiga, or has created pictures with one, can help. Many thanks to the Amiga-Magazin for the friendy authorization.

Many other graphics of have also been created on Amiga: e.g. the background series "am", "amnew" and "co" in the "Hintergrund" area, "big" and "at" in "Hintergr2". (Translation: mb)

[News message: 06. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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