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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Speech control for Amiga in planning
Carsten Siegner writes:
From today on I will work on a speech control for the Amiga. A speech control modul of "Conrad-Electronic" will be used for that. This one can control 65 different channels which are addressable by freely programmable speech commands. There are different speech recognition modes:

There is a single word recognition and a multiple word recognition. That modul might distinguish between "Arteffect start" and "Arteffect end" if ran in multilpe word recognition mode. The aim is a speech controlled toolbar or a speech controlled Internet browser which might open a special page on a shout. Probably an ARexx or even a speech controlled computer start or shutdown script might be possible.

I could imagine that the Amiga itself might give some feedback, probably with an audio feedback. That might be of the kind that after a spoken command the computer comes to word and gives a confirmation of the received command. The computer voice could be any sample.

Ideas and suggestions are welcome. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2003, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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