Alinea Computer (ANF)
D520 video converter: another production run from Alinea Computer
Press release: The popular D520 external video converter is once again being produced by Alinea Computer. The electronics and firmware are the same as the previous version. However, a new aluminum housing has been chosen and the labeling has been adapted.
The D520 is plugged into the video port of the Amiga and converts the video and optionally the audio output - provided it's also been connected to the Amiga's audio connectors using a provided cable - to a HDMI signal.
In order to better estimate the size of the planned production run, the new D520 can already be pre-ordered at the e-mail address info@alinea-computer.de.
A detailed product description and pictures of the D520 can be found in our store. (cg)
[News message: 14. Nov. 2024, 12:33] [Comments: 0]
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