A festive arcade game: Santatron 2024
John Girvin recently attracted attention with the AmiGameJam winner ‘Rogue Declan’. Now he is adding something sweet to the festive season: he is publishing the cute Amiga game "Santatron 2024", which is also part of the coverdisk of the latest "Amiga Addict" magazine.
In this festive arcade shooter, the player takes on the role of Santatron, who must save Christmas from the commercial terror. Santatron shoots his way through his Christmas cave, taking out toys and gingerbread men taken over by the AI, freeing his loyal Christmas elves and collecting power-ups and presents. With varied level design, an atmospheric soundtrack and a pretty 2D retro charm, Santatron 2024 brings nostalgic Christmas spirit to the Amiga.
The game runs on classic Amiga systems (OCS) with at least Kickstart 1.3, 512 MB Chip RAM and 512 MB other RAM, and can also be played on more modern systems with AGA, even in emulation.
Santatron 2024 is available as a free download, but voluntary donations are gladly accepted. The executable ADF and a matching disk label are offered for download. (nba)
[News message: 17. Dec. 2024, 11:09] [Comments: 0]
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