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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: Virus Warning 'Harrier A'
A new virus is found. As far as we know, it has not been spread. But read more about is here . Also, new virus translations added to the Amiga Virus Encyclopedia.
Hi All....
A new linkvirus has been found a few days ago, but not in the wild. It was send to directly to Georg Hoermann (programmer of xvs.library) by the virus-programmer. Georg received the whole source code. This new virus, named "Harrier A" was able to disable the antivirus programs, but with the new xvs.library v33.36, this in no longer possible, due to the new security stuff in the xvs.library code. And maybe that is the reason why the virus-programmer send the code to Georg Hoermann.
We do not know if this virus was released in any way, so if you get a requester poping up, telling you that something is trying to disable the xvs.library, please let us know.
This is what we know of the virus:
Virus name.... : Harrier A
Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus size.... : 4.800 bytes (Uses polmorphic engine)
Infects....... : 020+ machines

In the decoded virus you can read:
.[ Harrier .A 1.02 virus, (c) by ] .Markus! Come back!Hç..,z
(xxxxxxx = Programmers name, removed by Virus Help Denmark)
The xvs.library package will be released very soon.....
Thanks to 'Georg Hoermann' for sending the archive, and to Zeeball for the first test. (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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AMI Sector One

AMI Sector One wanting help for Perl/PHP/(My)SQL
'AMI Sectore One' is wanting help in enhancing theire website. Who is Perl, PHP or (My)SQL literate and interested in supporting the website might contact Bernd Gmeineder.

There are many suggestions how to enhance 'AMI Sector One' which could be realized using the mentioned languages.

'AMI Sectore One' among other things offers Amiga games for free download. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 00:27] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel (ANF)

Game: Graphics competition for Schlachtfeld
Horst Diebel wrote:
Since we are urgently needing new graphics for phase 2 of the Schlachtfeld development and our own recources are quite limited, we decided to start a graphics competition.

Since Eddy already eagerly designed units this competition is about creation of background graphics. Those patterns should be of 256+ colours at the size of 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64 pixel.

Different scenarios are needed for the backgrounds, such like swamps, grass or hill landscapes, craggy and rugged mountains, towns, deserts, ....

Partitipants are free to chose a subject - but we would be happy to get informed in advance just to have the chance to discuss our ideas.

As first prices two new A1200s are at our disposal, also there are several packages with Amiga software classics and Aminet CDs. Maybe the number of prices will increase, but we ask you to take into account that this project still is about creating free available software, which of course qualifys what we are able to give as prices :-(

Anybody can participate, the graphics must be free from third-party rights, and in the case of a price winning graphic we must get entitled to use it for comming versions of Schlachtfeld.

Ok, as usual we would be happy to get feedback.... To determine the winners in a way as neutral as possible we called up several representatives of the community to join the jury - but just have a look at the website..... Also there are more information and even more soon.

PS: As usual, of course we still are wanting people who would like to cooperate in this project; conceptional, as programmer or graphics artist. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Exotica Team (ANF)

ExoticA overloaded
The Amiga-ExoticA team wrote:
Please, use the mirror of Amiga ExoticA:

The main page cannot cope with the run on the server. Thank you for your interest.

The ExoticA website deals with the musical capabilities and history of the Amiga. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: "Uropa² HD" full version
With permission by Stephen Smith (Austex Software) the Amiga Arena makes the download of the full version of Uropa² (shareware version 2.0) available. Uropa² is a game based on isometric 3D graphics and lightsource vector graphics. The plot takes place on the moon of Uropa. Fight the evil Kapones and find their leading head that is responsible for their acts!

Available for download is the Aminet version of Uropa² as well as the Amiga Arena archive with the keyfile, German guide and catalogue files.

Hint: Exclusively can the Final Uropa² CD version 3.0, distributed by Vulcan Software, be found as full version on the Amiga Future readers CD 33.

Exclusive II: For all owners of the orginal CD are all Final Updates for Uropa² available for download, too! Including a new intaller for the CD version by Stephen Smith.

Special thanks go to Stephen Smith for the support as well as to Gerd F., who made the shareware version available. Enjoy one more commercial full version! With the best wishes from the Amiga Arena!

Next to Uropa² there are more commercial games available for free and legal download like Burnout, Blade and The Prophet. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 18:46] [Comments: 0]
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27.Oct.2001 - roadmap
Under the title link you find a comprehensive roadmap, how will continue. Among other things a new server, new partner sites, an improved user login are planned as well as a new comments system. The forums system and the poll scripts are to be improved during this complete overhaul, too. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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Bernie Meyer (email) now online with information
Bernie Meyer wrote:
As there seems to be the need for it I have gathered some information on and made downloads available. In particular there are:
  • a detailed guide how to boot Amithlon from the hard disk,
  • bootable CD and floppy images for testing existing hardware for Amithlon compatibility,
  • an up-to-date FAQ.
Some parts are still in development and some parts are missing just completely --- but regarding the discussions taking place at the moment I wanted to make the existing information available as soon as possible. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Göken (ANF)

IRC-Kanal for GRex users
Michael Göken wrote:
As already mentioned we want to set up an IRC channel that offers a possibility for the exchange of experiences to GRex owners. If we'd have some flatrate owners we could maintain an online channel.

I post the server I'll open the #GREXX channel on from time to time.

Channel: #GREXX

Update 28-Oct-2001:
The name of the IRC channel was changed. It's now '#GREX' and it is set up on the server (port: 6667).
(sd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:48] [Comments: 0]
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