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New Scripts Online and Move Completed
Dear reader,

we have finished our move to the new server and if everything works as we expect, you can now see the scripts programmed by Sven Drieling in action on our German page.

The main change is that the entire news are now administrated in a database, you can comment on every single news and can send individual news to friends by e-mail. Also, you can view a printing and an ASCII version. If you prefer to see the start page with titles only, you can control this with the menu above.

We are looking forward to your comments. Write us what you like and what we could still improve.

[News message: 05. Jan. 2001, 23:44] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet uploads
Videomanage.lha      biz/dbase  398K+A Videodatabase
HomeBank.lha         biz/misc   198K+V1.8 The personal account manager (MUI)
Cit_Docs_BA01.lha    comm/bbs   571K+Citadel 68K Documenation
Cit_exec_BA01.lha    comm/bbs   247K+Citadel 68K BBS Program
cit_src_BA01.lha     comm/bbs   544K+Citadel 68K BBS Program Source
Cit_Util_BA01.lha    comm/bbs   464K+Citadel 68K BBS Program Utilities
DalHelper.lha        comm/irc    37K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
TaskiSMS_HU.lha      comm/tcp     3K+Hungarian catalog for TaskiSMS 2.0
clockita.lha         dev/basic   67K+Italian clock+alarm+source code (bugfix)
Aakt0101GFX.lha      docs/mags  526K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0101GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   92K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
AaktInt1200GFX.lha   docs/mags  336K+International infotainment magazine (gra
Onkelz.lha           docs/mags   72K+German Boehse Onkelz guide AG
starmag25_ht.lha     docs/mags  1.3M+German Amiga-Online-Magazine HTML-Versio
RivaAudio.lha        gfx/show    11K+Script for fast Mpeg-1 video+sound playb
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack    4K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
anescgfx.lha         misc/emu   100K+A/NES CGFX v1.22 - Nintendo emulator
BD-MLBreath.lha      mods/bladr 109K+"My Last Breath" by Black Dragon/Honoo+L
32bc_drunk.mpg       mods/mpg   6.9M+8 drunk Gods
AmiDoPat.lha         pix/back    22K+Nice Images for AmiDock OS3.9
TinyGICollectn.lha   pix/gicon   49K+GlowIcons - size doesn't matter ;-)
OFS028.jpg           pix/wfm    758K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS029.jpg           pix/wfm    536K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS030.jpg           pix/wfm    320K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS031.jpg           pix/wfm    485K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
OFS032.jpg           pix/wfm    578K+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
sndfile.lha          util/libs  296K+Library for reading/writing various samp
PowerTools.lha       util/moni   12K+Power failure logger
TMPlus.lha           util/wb     87K+AddOnMenus to ToolsAppMenu(With-GUI-Pref
WB2000-Ger.lha       util/wb      5K+German Locale for Workbench2000 1.8
WB2000_18.lha        util/wb    673K+Win98 Menu & Task bar (MUI)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2001, 21:45] [Comments: 0]
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MooBunny Forum

Corinna Cohn. Interviewed Bill McEwen
Corinna Cohn. called up Bill McEwen, to clear up some rumors as much as possible. McEwen answered her some questions. Here a summary of what Bill McEwen answered:
  • AmigaOS 3.9 has upgraded Internet functionality that was missing from 3.5, and it has multimedia players. Otherwise, most of the functionality is similar to 3.5. Users will have to evaluate the features of 3.9 for themselves to see if there's any value added.
  • The last months were tight for Amiga Inc. from a financial point of view. They are looking for more investors. McEwen named several sources, among them a tier one company that would be interested in investing.
  • Bill McEwen is sure to have a product that hopefully impresses investors more than some of the ephemeral properties that other startups failed to sell.
  • Money is low. Will Amiga Inc. become insolvent? McEwen replied to this question that this is not true.
  • Amiga Inc. will only exhibit at Amiga trade shows. Products will be made available through vendors.
  • Bill McEwen named some manufacturers of set-top boxes which should be available soon. He is excited about other products appearing, especially something that should please Amiga users.
  • He reiterated that they (this being vendors using Amiga technology) had some products ready to debut and that we should stick around to see them.
Corinna Cohn. analyzes Bill McEwens statements as follows:
"Amiga does not have a product that I as an Amiga user would necessarily want, but that I as a computer geek might dig. We Amiga users are a technological launching platform for a new, possibly cool technology, and Amiga wants us to continue to pay attention to them until its ready. This explains 3.5 and 3.9, and it explains the early appearance of the developers kit. Amiga is going to continue to blow us kisses until they have something to impress us with or until they run out of money."

The computer industry is in an extremely hard competition. Even if it may be difficult for us at times not to lose our faith that Amiga Inc. will achieve what they have planned. It is worth acknowledging that they are obviously not willed to throw in the towel even though it would be easier and more promising to develop tools for another famous OS ...

[News message: 05. Jan. 2001, 21:45] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: sndfile.library
Sigbjørn Skjæret has released version 1.22 of sndfile.library for MorphOS. The library allows the reading and writing of different sample formats which are used for example by AmigaAMP, DelfSF, Frogger and Lame. More information here.

Download: sndfile1_22.lha - 252 KB

[News message: 05. Jan. 2001, 18:35] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis Lohr via eMail

Music: Psyria
Dennis Lohr 'Psyria' has been making music as a hobby for six years. he started with an A500 and Protracker 2.3a. Currently, he still creates his music mainly on the Amiga, but he uses the Digibooster today. He expresses his enthusiasm about the Digibooster like this: "For all Amigans who make music as well: have a look at that thing! There probably is no better tracker for the Amiga!"

Many of his songs (trance, techno, dancefloor, and pop) are available for download on his website at the title link. The website was entirely reworked lately.

[News message: 05. Jan. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

VirusHelp Denmark: Update of xvs.library
Yesterday, an update to the xvs.library was released which can recognize the trojans "4kIntro Trojan" and Dkg-Blum Trojan. If you're using VirusChecker, VirusExecutor or VirusZ, make sure to update the library.
Some information on the release:

Name...: xvs.library v33.24
Archive name: xvslibrary.lha
Archiv size: 52.734 Bytes
Date: January 4th, 2001
Programmer: Alex van Niel

News for 33.24:
- 4kIntro Trojan added
Thanks to Ryben Kozlak and Jan Andersen
- Dkg-Blum Trojan added
Thanks to Peter Gordon, Urban Müller and Jan Andersen

This trojan also replaces/deletes or adds a file called asi.library XVS will not (yet) be able to detect this file because as far as I could analyze it, it looked like a normal VideoTracker file. If XVS would have to see this as a virus, more VideoTracker files will be fake detected. If you have problems or want this added anyway let me know.

STILL TO DO: - Add Neurotic Death 2 and Neurotic Death 4. These two linkviruses are polymorphic, but crash on my system if I try to infect some test files. It seems that they haven't been spread to the public, I received them anonymously from the author. So it's not that BIG danger at the moment. - Try to get and add GlobVec linkvirus. The only one who has it is Heiner Schneegold (author of VT-Schutz) and VTC Hamburg, but Heiner doesn't give his permission to the VTC to send me the virus :(

[News message: 05. Jan. 2001, 06:45] [Comments: 0]
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AmigActive Poll
AmigActive is organizing a poll to find out about your hopes, dreams, an plans regarding the new Amiga. If you would like to participate, you will find the form under the title link.

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Linux: Opera Version 4 Beta 5 Released
A new beta version v4b5 of the browser 'Opera' has been released for Linux.

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

Netscape 6 like Image Set for Voyager
Under the title link you can download a Netscape 6 like image set for Voyager. The archive contains the related buttons (each in 3 different colours), background patterns for MUI, and a German description. The set is located on the Amiga/Projects page. There is also to find a screenshot.

Download: voyagerset.lha - 38 KB

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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New Plugin for ProStation Audio: Tube Pre Amp
For ProStation Audio, the audio software by AudioLabs, a new plugin called 'Tube Pre Amp' has been released, which will work for any version of ProStation Audio.

Download: TubePre.lha - 10,5 KB

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Holler

Markus Holler Music Page Updated
Beginning the new year Markus Holler, very well known to Amiga users by very good music, has put a little audio pattern from the Merregnon soundtrack on his music page, which you can find under the title link.

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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André Rief on ANF

Eyetech News
An AmigaOne presentation, which can be displayed using a Scala player, is available for download at Eyetech. It shows the presentation by Eyetech and Escena on the last Cologne show.

Furthermore Eyetech offers an EZCam PCMCIA digital camera memory adapter (Memory Stick, SmartMedia, CompactFlash) along with a driver allowing you to use the camera as device on the Workbench. By this you can display or copy pictures immediately.

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

3PMGUI Update
3PMGUI gives the MP2 CLI player MPEGA a small GUI with the features needed most. Since MPEGA as well as the GUI causes only low CPU load, 3PMGUI most of all suits very well for Amiga users with slow machines.

New Features:
  • drag'n'drop (just drag a MP2/3 file on the GUI to play it)
  • Autoplay
  • Button graphics can be exchanged / loaded via menu (some 'skins' are already included)
  • Other small enhancements

Download: 3PMGUI.lha - 132 KB

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer on ANF

VWP News
Due to moving our homepages to another server at the time being all services basing on CGI scripts (as for downloads, statistics, links, boards, ....) are not available. This concerns the domains,, and The problems are known and we are working to solve.

AudioCutter Cinema V 0.99
Along with the again working CGI scripts the endmost preview version (before final release) of AudioCutter Cinema will be available in a few days. Then the versions for PPC-/x86-Linux, and Windows will be available for free download, once more.

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - Risiko full version!
The Amiga Arena in co-operation with Frank Abbing (UAC Desing) present the full version of "Risiko" as final v1.7, which is not available form Aminet.

Risiko Amiga in this conforms to the common game rules of the original board game by Parker Bros. But Risiko also has included special rules as like uprisings, earth quakes, and blitz! Both, German and English version! For all of the Amiga friends the best non-commercial version for Amiga is ready for download!

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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Stéphane Campan via eMail

ClickBOOM News - S-File #9
ClickBOOM wish a happy new year to everybody and tell with their new S-File that the entire stock of 'Capital Punishment', and 'Quake' was sold to the British vendor CS&E.

More on they tell that there are negotiations regarding new licences in train.

[News message: 04. Jan. 2001, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Eichholz on ANF

Cult Magazines
Because PC-Joker will be delivered for the last time I want to give you the hint that at the PowerPlay-archives was expanded very much. Current state: 281 test results, 113 complete test reports as scans, 35 scanned advertising for games, 57 PowerPlay-covers. You can search through the database of PowerPlay very comfortably. Besides this you can admire 53 ASM-covers from the current software-market.

So you are right at if you want to indulge in memories and to read test reports of cult games like Turrican, Monkey Island, Battle Isle or Lemmings.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 20:24] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

SecondSpin Beta-Tester Wanted
You can transform audio-CDs to MPEG-audio 1,2 or 3 with SecondSpin. Additionally further formats like AIFF and WAV are supported.

Author Lauri Ahonen has finished his military service and will now take care more intensively of the development of SecondSpin. Because of that he is looking for some new beta tester. Please contact him via eMail if you are interested in.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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Mediator News: Soundblaster Driver for AHI
Mr. Wajda has posted in Mediator mailing list that he was informed by ELBOX that the Soundblaster-driver for PCI-board 'Mediator' will make use of the sound system AHI. It is not known when the driver will come to release.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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Upgrade AWebIISE to the Full Version
Expand your limited special version of Amiga internet browser AWEBII SE which was delivered with Amiga OS3.5 and OS3.9 to the full version.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

AmigaOS 3.5 Boing Bag #2 Released
Today the Boing Bag #2 has appeared as update to AmigaOS 3.5.

Download: BoingBag2.lha - 1,2 MB

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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BlitzEngineers News
You can now access the website of BlitzEngineers (SMSEngineerMUI) under its own domain of It was completely new rewritten.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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Wolfgang Kalaene on ANF

PC Joker Closes Down
You can read at the following lines: PC Joker (note: successor of Amiga Joker) will be closed down
«Sad message for all Joker-fans. The PC-magazine will be closed down right before its hundredth issue. The subscriptions will be taken over by IDG-publishing house`s GameStar. The deliveries of these subscriptions contain a explanation of Joker-chief editor Michael Labiner. This is the second magazine dinosaur after PowerPlay which has passed.»

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 16:45] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

3PMGUI Released
You can download the first version of 3PMGUI under the title link. (The program is stored in the Amiga/Projekts site).

3PMGUI gives the MP2/3 Shell-Player MPEGA a small surface with most important functions. Because MPEGA as well as the GUI make use of the CPU very economically 3PMGUI is suited to Amiga user which has got a small CPU.

- small, fast and easily configurable
- graphical button surface exchangeable
- Shell commands for MPEGA configurable< - Help functions and possibility of saving of MP2/3s

Postscript to 3PMGUI: The error that 3PMGUI do not find the pictures at the beginning has been cleared. You can download the new version (still always 0.1) under the title link. Sorry.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2001, 13:01] [Comments: 0]
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1 20 35 ... <- 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 -> ... 55 124 198

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