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AMI Sector One

AMI Sector One Extended
Welcome to another update of AMI Sector One. Today there is something of interest for both emulator fans and Amiga users. But first of all let us begin with the new features written by Bernd:
Microdeal - A resume: This article is about the hardware and software company Microdeal which disappeared in 199?.
Amiga Games vs. Amiga Joker: Here I compare two issues of these popular Amiga games related magazines.

The update continues with the new games Tanglewood (thanks to the author Ian Murray-Watson who allowed us to upload it), Tie-Break (thanks to the author Andreas Seebeck), Wrath of Gwendor and the request Wizzy's Quest (English version). Besides the ADF of Wikinger 2 has been fixed (thanks to Hubert Maier jr. for repairing it).

Users of real Amiga computers will hopefully appreciate the following HD versions which have been added today: F/A 18 Interceptor HD, Lethal Xcess HD, Sword of Sodan HD. Most of these HD versions require an installed version of WHDLoad.

There are also some new scans of Amiga games: Advanced Destroyer Simulation, Cosmo Ranger, Outrun, Peter Beardsley's Internat. Football, Pyramax, Quartz, Raider, Renaissance, Revelation, S.E.U.C.K., Space Gun, Speed Ball, Tie-Break, Titan, Treasure Trap, Triango, Turrican, UN Squadron, Way of the little Dragon, XCopy. Thanks to the contributors Peter and Raffaele.

I have also added some new tunes of games: View the new additions by clicking here. Finally I have also added information to another 280 Amiga games. You can access the information by clicking here. I hope you enjoyed today's small update. AMI Sector One will soon be back with some great news.

[News message: 10. Oct. 2000, 07:29] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank on ANF

VMC-ISDN V3 Beta89 now including Mac-FreePPP Support
Harald Frank wrote:
After many days of hard work and several hundred dial-in tests, we are able to offer an improved version of VMC-ISDN, which from the current version works with all Mac FreePPP versions without problems.

VMC-ISDN is now the only ISDN card software for AmigaOS allowing the Apple Macintosh emulators Shapeshifter of Fusion to build internet connections directly via ISDN and Sync-PPP. None of the currently available Amiga ISDN card drivers offers such an option, but often have such fatal errors in the protocols that make user-friendly operation impossible.

First tests showed that internet banking, requiring Java, can now be utilized with your Amiga using an ISDN card and a Mac emulator like ShapeShifter or Fusion, installing NetscapeNavigator or the InternetExplorer on your virtual Mac. Yes, the Amiga can do Java... ;)

Download Page

[News message: 10. Oct. 2000, 07:29] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga, Inc.: Executive Update

September 28, 2000
Executive Update

Greetings to one and all.

I know it has been a long time since I last had the chance to write to all to all of you.

It has been very, very busy, and we have seen some great successes, and some disappointments. I have not been asleep, and to the contrary I have not been getting much sleep of late. There is so much activity, and so little time that I have been spending a great deal of time in other areas and not keeping everyone up to date.

To my Friends in Italy, I apologize that I was not able to attend the show. It was a real disappointment for me personally, as I wanted to greet each and every one of you. The reason was not because we are broke, or out of money as the rumors would state.

Simply, there were two companies in California that I have been working with, and they requested a meeting that occurred over the same period of time. With working with these OEM's we will be able to add several million more Amigans, and the discussions went well and are progressing quickly, these meetings were in addition to what is mentioned in point 3 below.

Now with all the above fun stuff……

Here we go:
  1. The SDK for Amiga DE.

    This has been very exciting, and we are really pleased with the number of applications and the number developers using the product to create some great products.

    The next version of the Software Development Kit will be out in the next couple of weeks. In addition to the Linux version there is now a version available for Windows. That's correct you are now able to develop for the new Amiga on either Linux, or Windows.

    It will feature a new raft of multimedia (Mesa, the SSEYO Koan Audio Engine, streaming) as well better development tools, a richer AVE and enhanced performance.

  2. Amiga OS 3.5 and beyond

    We are continuing taking a very hard look at the current Amiga and how we can best move the platform forward. There are discussions on going for some new opportunities and we will be able to share some announcements in the very near future.

  3. Amiga DE business opportunities.

    Wow, this is an area that is absolutely exploding. For developers this is going to be great news. Not only will the applications you are working on be used by your Amiga family members, but with the deals that are either executed or in motion there will be millions more consumers joining the Amiga family.

    Now many of you began to speculate on the Meternet announcement. Meternet is offering a great product, and they are going to be making it available to the Amiga community, but it is not the AmigaOne.

  4. The AmigaOne.

    We have listened to a great many of you with comments, suggestions, business ideas and technical ideas. Dean Brown has been a huge help, especially that he is now here in Snoqualmie with the other members of the team.

    Because of this input we have begun negotiations for a brand new design. Most of the details have been worked out, and I hope to have the finished announcement ready by the middle of October. It is my firm belief that you will all be very pleased and excited.

  5. Dealers/Distributors, and our friends in the Press:

    The well of information for all of you has been too dry, and inconsistent. To better provide information to each and every one of you.

    Amiga has created two new mailing lists. Please go to: or to and select mailing lists on the right hand side of the screen. Select either press or dealer, and fill out your information. We will begin weekly feeds to these lists to better support our press and dealers.

I know that many of you will read that this letter says nothing, and that there is nothing happening, other than a new motorcycle for me.

Well you are very wrong. We are meeting directly with the heads of some of the largest computer and consumer electronics companies in the world, and not only do they see the value in what we are offering but they see where the Amiga community, you, is the real value.

Now we still have a ways to go, but we are moving very fast, and I know that you will all be very proud of Amiga as we continue to make things happen.

The biggest challenge for Amiga right now is to stay focused on our core strengths, and not make the mistakes of those who have walked before us.

The Amiga opportunity is huge, and sometimes overwhelming. There are so many conflicting reports, and I have not done a very good job of being able to communicate to all of you as well as I would like to.

We are getting much closer every day, and everyone of you are a major part of the Amiga Family's success.

Bill McEwen and the rest of the Amiga Team

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 11:57] [Comments: 0]
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Piotr Pawlowski

"Exodus - The Last War" and Appeal regarding a New Game
At the moment there were four different versions of "Exodus - The Last War" released : a polish, a german, an english, and a french one. Soon the Czech version will be available for download.


There are plans for developing another game; code name "Husaria". In Polish this means a kind of heavy cavalry, soldiers specialized for fast attacks, which were noted for their victories particulary during the 17th century. For example King Jan III Sobieski who has supported Austria against Turkey in the battle near Vienna.

For this new project the programmers are looking for the following things:
  • Maps of Europe from 16th and 17th century.
  • Fotos of castles, palaces and buildings used for economic purposes of the above mentioned centuries.
  • Fotos or pictures of armours and weapons of this time.

If possible, we need pictures of all 4 walls of the buildings, because we need this for making 3d-models out of them. It would be nice if you could tell us the name of the e.g. castle, and maybe send us a little map showing the location.

If you would like to help us, you can send your material via email to

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer via eMail

VWP News
AudioCutter Cinema V 0.91 for PPC-Linux
After versions for x86-linux and Windows a preview version of the AudioCutter Cinema for PowerPC-Linux was released. This version contains bug fixes and some minor changes. The important new feature is a function for 2-dimensional and spectral sample analysis. The preview-version can be downloaded here. For further informations have a look at

AudioCutter needs Java. We recommend for PPC-Linux the Java Virtual Machine by Unfortunately it is not very fast, but it runs very stable.

AudioCutter Cinema for PPC-Linux on Amiga
The PPC-Linux version were even tested on an Amiga and runs very well on it. The only thing is that you need is a kernel with audio support (Amiga-DMA sound).

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
There are new interviews with Christian Steiner (Sharks) and Roman Schaub (Ancor).

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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Plans for a Central Amiga-Faq-Page by French Amiga Users
The French Amiga site 'Universe' plan to install a central page for Amiga-FAQs.

Because they would like to offer these pages in English too, hence they are looking for translators.

Further informations are available at the title link.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 10:55] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Lange on ANF

AWeb 3.4 Internet Browser with New Features
Michael Lange wrote:
An article published at the AWeb-mailinglist unveils some new features of AWeb 3.4:
  • Enhanced JavaScript (supports some JavaScript v1.2 commands)
  • Support for AmiSSL
  • Option to disable banner-ads
  • Designed SELECT-objects appear now as a popup-menu
  • Context menus are using now the same palette as the system-menus
  • Better navigation by support for wheel mice
  • Function for displaying "tool tips" ('ALT' tags)
  • Support for "FONT FACES" including the possibility of using different fonts in the same HTML-document

This is just a short overview of the whole article by AmigActive. The new issue contains screen shots of the upcoming version 3.4.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 10:55] [Comments: 0]
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Telepolis Online Magazin

Inventor of the World Wide Web Contra Censorship
«Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the WWW ten years ago, speaks contra the content control in the internet.»
In a longer article Tim Bernes-Lee notes why he is speaking contra control by law in the internet, and shows his point of view of the media internet as well as of it's evaluation. The talk between Tim Bernes-Lee and the Observer-News are to find here.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 10:55] [Comments: 0]
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Truetype for Amiga

Fonts: New ttf.library V0.8.3
Version 0.8.3 of the Truetype-Font-Library were released. The ttf.library adds the possibility of using TrueType compatible fonts.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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Richard H. Poser via eMail

AmigAIM Beta version 0.9395
The new betaversion 0.9395 of the chat client for the AOL network "AmigAIM" is available for download now. The changes:
  • Fixed problems with showing of Auto Responses from an Away Buddy, as well as now sending a real Auto Response message when supposed to when Away and one is set (Was sending as normal message, automatically)
  • Away window now shows nicks and number of messages received while being away, as well as time of last message.

AmigAIM_BETA.lha - Complete archive
AmigAIM.lha - Update

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 05:38] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Trotta on ANF

New interview with Hyperion Entertainment
There is an new interview with Hyperion available. This time we spoke with Ben Hermans, the head of the entire group.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 05:38] [Comments: 0]
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Piotr Pawlowski

Exodus - The Last War
As we reported in september, the polish group "Zloty Skarabeusz" will publish there game "Exodus - The Last War" very soon. Now there is a demo version (14mb) available. The demo was split into 3 files.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 03:39] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank at ANF

Update of the VMC Technical Library
The public informations in the Technical Library were reworked, and links to our manufactores used were added.

Beside many smaller corrections some additional information on the products has been added. Furthermore direct links to available data sheets of the components use by us were enclosed. All data sheets are available as PDF files (Adobe AcrobatReader) and by this can be freely used by any interested person.

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 03:39] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

SpeedCOM A1200 and PARalizer
The SpeedCOM 1200 is a serial interface board designed for use with the clock port and can transfer up to 460 kbs. As the board address can be changed, it is possible to use two of these boards simultaneously. It has been developed by Artur Gadawski. Currently he's working on the PARalizer, a board with a parallel interface.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 10:54] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel on ANF

AmigaAMP Homepage Moves
Thomas Wenzel wrote:
Since understandably will close their current design soon, Marc has kindly made it possible for me to continue my supply at The mailing list will continue at for the time being.

Unfortunately my CyberStormPPC presently is broken, so that I cannot continue to work on AmigaAMP. Incoming e-mails can also be answered in a limited way, because it's only half the fun without YAM :-)

As soon as my Amiga works again I'll attend to v2.8 final of AmigaAMP. Please, be patient...

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 06:41] [Comments: 0]
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8. Internet Amiga F1GP Championship
On 15. October 2000 starts the 8. internet championship with the racing game "Formula One Grand Prix" (F1GP) by Microprose. Here you have, thanks to the internet, the possibility to prove your skills worldwide in competition with the other participants.

The conditions for participation, the rankings of the past years, and further informations can be accessed via the title link.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Active

Amiga Active #13
Already on 28. September 2000 the 13. issue of the British Amiga magazine "Amiga Active" has been released. With this issue the magazine celebrates the first anniversary. Additionally the website is online with new design since October 1st.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via email

Amiga Arena News: AudioCutter demo
AudioCutterDemo - World premiere!
(LinuxPPC version 0.91)
The Amiga Arena is proud to worldwide exclusively present in cooperation with Virtual Worlds Productions to all Amiga/LinuxPPC users the demo version v.0.9.1 of the audio software "AudioCutter - Linux PPC" for download. (The link is exclusively placed in the Amiga Arena!)

Furthermore a special price offer regarding AudioCutter will be made possible to all Amiga Arena visitors.

Hint for the demo version: It's not possible to save with the demo version!

AudioCutter Informationen:
The AudioCutter Cinema is not an "ordinary" audio software, but integrates extensive functions which make synthesizing, manipulating, converting and editing of sounds possible. Additional to the editing and cutting functions there is an extensive support for surround sound offered.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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AmiHoo Online Again
The Amiga specific web directory AmiHoo again is accessible at the known URL. (

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 04:19] [Comments: 0]
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ACE 2000 - The Alternative Computer Expo
On October 21st - 22nd, 2000 the Alternative Computer Expo will take place in Melbourne, Australia. This exhibition deals with all current alternative operating systems like Linux, AmigaOS, MacOS, UNIX, OS/2, BeOS, RiscOS, QNX and more. Among others Amiga International, Red Hat, Vaporware, REBOL Forces, Amiga Technology Australia, and some Amiga user groups belong to the exhibitors.

A preview regarding the fair was released in the I.T. The Amiga is also mentioned in this article.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 04:19] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

The World Foundry No Longer Responsible for Maim & Mangle
The World Foundry LLC (TWF) don't have the rights for developing the announced Amiga games "Explorer 2260", "Maim & Mangle", and the "Collins Encyclopedia Galactica" (CEG, part of Explorer 2260), anymore. The developer Chris Page now is responsible and continues to develope the games.

The website of TWF is empty. Some quite obsolete information regarding "Explorer2260" can be found here.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 04:19] [Comments: 0]
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Andi Brandmair on ANF

Comparade 8. - Amiga & Commodore Scene User Party
The Comparade is the Amiga and Commodore Party in southern Germany. It will take place from October 27th - 29th at Emmering/FFB, near Munich. Entrance fee at 30 DM for all of the three days. There will be an Amiga demo competition, and a C64 demo competition performed, and network, internet, and many more things are to happen. More information and map are to find at the title link.

[News message: 08. Oct. 2000, 02:12] [Comments: 0]
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