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111 Messages found

New articles on Obligement website (02. Jul. 2023)
The articles below have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement during the last two months. All translations are welcome. Please contact David 'Daff' Brunet for more information. May/June 2023 news Old artiles from...

AROS: GUI for configuring SMB2/3-Shares (25. Jan. 2023)
As Paolo Besser, author of the AROS distribution Icaros Desktop writes in his latest blog entry, he has programmed a simple graphical tool for configuring shares in LUA for the new SMB2 handler in order to add new shares to the AROS environment. It is not...

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop Live 1.31 beta 20230118 (18. Jan. 2023)
Paolo Besser released a beta version of his AROS distribution Icaros Desktop live which contains the recent ABIv0 backports by Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz, but also other additions, and asks users willing to support it to test it....

AROS: Further development of the emulator Janus-UAE 2 (04. Nov. 2022)
Blitter Studio, which is also responsible for the Amiga emulator Amiberry, has started to continue the development of the emulator Janus-UAE 2. In contrast to version 1.x, which was based on Richard Drummond's emulator E-UAE V0.8.29 WIP4, is part of...

AROS Archives uploads until 10.09.2022 (11. Sep. 2022)
The following files have been added until 10.09.2022 to AROS Archives: icaros23_fix.tar uti/mis 161Mb Little fix for icaros desktop v2.3 ...

AROS: New build of Workbench replacement Scalos (24. Jul. 2022)
In mid-2011, Matthias 'Mazze' Rustler began porting the workbench replacement Scalos for AROS and completed this in early 2012. Since then, Scalos has been part of the AROS distributions AROS Vision and Icaros Desktop, among others. In mid-July, Krzys...

Video: Is AROS The Future of Amiga? (29. Jun. 2022)
In this YouTube video, Dan Wood explores the question of whether AROS, the open source development of the classic Amiga operating system, is a worthy successor to it, and for that looks at the Icaros Desktop distribution....

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.3 beta 220624 (26. Jun. 2022)
Paolo Besser released a beta version of his AROS distribution Icaros Desktop which contains the recent ABIv0 backports by Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz, but also other additions, and asks users willing to support it to test it....

AROS: Icaros Desktop 2.3 released for everyone (22. Dec. 2020)
Just a couple of days after the pre-release for supporters ( reported), version 2.3 of the AROS distribution Icaros Desktop has been released for everyone today....

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.3 for patrons and beta testers (19. Dec. 2020)
After a longer beta phase, Paolo Besser has released an update of his AROS distribution Icaros Desktop. As main new feature the developer has mentioned a highly reworked "HostBridge" (allowing to start Windows or Linux applications from a hosted AROS). Ad...

Aminet-Uploads until 09.05.2020 (10. May. 2020)
The following archives have been added to Aminet until May 9th, 2020: Gallows-Invaders.adz demo/file 174K 68k Invaders by Gallows (1992) encore_morphilia.lha demo/misc 47M MOS Morphilia by Encore - demo fo... encore_morphoza.lha d...

Aminet-Uploads until 18.04.2020 (19. Apr. 2020)
The following archives have been added to Aminet until April 18th, 2020: vbcc_bin_amigaos68k.lha dev/c 2.1M 68k Optimizing ISO C compiler, M6... vbcc_target_ppc-morph... dev/c 928K ISO C compiler, MorphOS Target libeditline.lha ...

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.3.0 (beta) (30. Dec. 2019)
Paolo Besser has released an update for his AROS distribution Icaros Desktop. In this version mainly "a far more advanced, simplier to use, version of HostBridge" (allows launching Windows or Linux applications from a hosted AROS) has been added. ...

AROS distribution: Icaros 64 V0.0.0 pre-alpha (06. Oct. 2019)
Paolo Besser has written under the title link about the 64-bit version of his Icaros Desktop: "Yes, you've read it right. It's time to enter the 64-bit Amiga era by the front door, taking advantage of modern x86-64 processors like Core and Ryzen. But bewa...

AROS-Archives-Uploads until 07.09.2019 (08. Sep. 2019)
The following archive has been added to AROS-Archives until September 7th, 2019: cover_cd_icaros.tgz gra/mis 45kb my artwork for icaros desktop cd ...

AROS: IconPoser 1.0 - Icon manipulation program for Icaros Desktop (01. Sep. 2019)
The author wrote: "IconPoser is a Lua based icon compositing/manipulation program for Icaros Desktop, which creates AROS compatible, double-state icons from two different images in PNG format. Just select an image for the relaxed status and another one fo...

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.2.8 (18. Jul. 2019)
Paolo Besser has released an update of his AROS distribution Icaros Desktop. Additional to bug fixes he added the picture viewer VidentiumPicta, the emulator Atari800, the MIDI sequencer Bars'n'Pipes and some games. ...

New articles on Obligement website (03. May. 2019)
The articles below have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement during the last two months. All translations are welcome. Please contact David 'Daff' Brunet for more information. March/April 2019 news. Old articles ...

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.2.7 (11. Apr. 2019)
Paolo Besser has released an update of his AROS distribution Icaros Desktop. Additional to some bug fixes among others a VMware-SVGA driver (still not completed) was added (can be activated after the installation, see title link), a PCX datatype, the prog...

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.2.6 (10. Feb. 2019)
Paolo Besser has released an update of his AROS-distribution Icaros Desktop. In version 2.2.6 the muimaster.library written by Neil Cefferkey was added providing "support for ESC-A method of embedding images into strings, which basically allows rapagui-ba...

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