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MorphOS: ldview 0.8
ldview is a view program for files of Lego-models in ldraw-format (screenshot). New in version 0.8:
  • Support for .mpd format
  • Smooth shading
  • Faster loading of models (also uses less memory)
  • Possibility to display parts used in the model
  • Different display modes (lines/solids)
  • Automatic fixing of broken transformation matrices
  • Automatic fixing of bowtie quads
  • Camera movement
  • Better transparency
  • Possible to change background color
  • Support for high detail primitives

Download: ldview0.8-mos.lha (30 KB) (Readme) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 22:53] [Comments: 0]
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Neo (ANF)

DTP: PageStream 5 Status-Update
According to Grasshopper LLC the final beta tests for AmigaOS 3 and MorphOS versions of PageStream 5 will start soon. The development of a AmigaOS 4 version was continued because now an AmigaOne is available. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

File system: Update of Smart Filesystem (SFS)
The Smart Filesystem (SFS) is now available in version 1.239. A bug in AmigaOS 3.x was avoided and the function ACTION_FILESYSTEM_ATTR implemented.

Download: SFS_1.239.lha (44 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 13:26] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

Tales of Tamar: Update of Amiga-Version to V0.53R9
Tales of Tamar which is a round based Massive-Multiplayer-PBEM-Game is now available in version 0.53R9.

Besides this an animation packet has been released which contains On-Screen-Animations instead of pictures. If you want to know what has changed in the new version please have a look at the homepage. Download:
ToT_Amiga_V0.53_R9.lha (15 MB) (41 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 13:21] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Barthel (ANF)

Developing tool: Subversion 1.1.4 for Amiga ported
Subversion is a software packet for maintaining of source texts and binary data just like the older RCS or CVS. Above all it is meant as a replacement for CVS and has not its bugs e.g. insufficient maintenance of binary data.

In this port made by Olaf Barthel the functions for maintaining the Amiga file attributes (hold, archive, script, pure, etc.) and file comments have been added.

The archive contains the documentation, the whole changes made on the source code of the Amiga version and the programs (client/server) translated for AmigaOS 2.x/3.x/4.x.

Download: subversion-1.1.4.lha (7 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 12:39] [Comments: 0]
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Calo Nord (ANF)

Update of AmigaSYS 1.7.1 for E-UAE (beta version)
AmigaSYS is available in a new beta version for E-UAE. AmigaSYS is a collection of a comfortable Workbench environment for use with the Amiga emulator UAE in the way of AIAB ("Amiga in a box").

AmigaSYS contains no Kickstart-ROM because of legal reasons and you need a Workbench 3.0/3.1-disk. The installation itself runs automatically.

To the current beta version for E-UAE Calo Nord wrote:

"Many users have already heard of AmigaSYS and some of you were missing the E-UAE-Version for Linux, MorphOS and AmigaOS4. Now there is a first and also last version for E-UAE. Because of the limited possibilities of E-UAE we will not work with it in future.

We have released a beta version of AmigaSYS 1.7.1 with little modifications for E-UAE. Under MorphOS the packet unfortunately does not work proper which is caused by E-UAE.

Under AmigaOS4 there is a bug when unarchiving the Startup-Sequence. After the installation this must be copied manually from the archive to the installed AmigaSYS directory. A packet created under AmigaOS4 will follow soon.

Under Linux AmigaSYS should work so far with the known limitations. If there are bugs after installing the archive the packet probably was extracted in a wrong way. This is not caused by AmigaSYS but by the unarchiver program or the Linux file system.

The current version has been successfully tested under AmigaOS4, Debian Linux PPC, SuSE 9.2 x86, Mandrake Linux 10.1 x86 and Mandrake Linux LE 2005 x86.

Because we will not develop further for E-UAE there is no support. But bug reports can be always sent to my e-mail address. If E-UAE should get remarkable progress some times later I probably will continue my work."

Download: AmigaSYS.tar.gz (35 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 11:29] [Comments: 0]
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29.Apr.2005 (website)

AmigaOS4: Strategy game engines FreeCNC and Stratagus ported
Juha Niemimaki has ported the realtime strategy games engines Stratagus 2.1 and FreeCNC 0.3 for AmigaOS4. The author asks you to note the instructions for starting a game.

Stratagus supports games like Invasion - Battle of Survival (contained), Wargus (WarCraft 2, requires the original data files) and Astroseries. There are some sound problems at the last mentioned one.

FreeCNC supports early Command & Conquer games. The C&C1 demo version works but may crash when quitting it. Red Alert does not work.

freecnc.lha (1 MB)
stratagus.lha (22 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

MorphOS: E-mail Commodity Lola Released
Alfonso Ranieri wrote a little MorphOS commodity by the name of Lola, with which one can quickly send an e-mail (screenshot).

Download: lola.lha (248 KB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2005, 19:00] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (website)

MorphOS: NcFTP 3.1.9 Appears
Matthias Münch has compiled NcFTP version 3.1.9 for MorphOS. NcFTP is a set of free programs having to do with File Transfer Protocol (FTP). It may be downloaded under the title-link. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2005, 09:44] [Comments: 0]
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28.Apr.2005 (website)

Gathering: AmiGBG 2005 Takes Place on 23rd July (Sweden)
For the "stay-at-home" Europeans there's a parallel event to AmiWest. Simultaneously on the 23rd of July, AmiGBG occurs in the Swedish town of Göteborg, taking the theme of a 20th birthday world Amiga celebration. The event team has grown by a factor of three this year, more details will follow in the coming weeks. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2005, 09:33] [Comments: 0]
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28.Apr.2005 (Forum)

PegXMac: Spring Offer for Update Subscription
David Bentham's started a spring special on his Mac-on-Linux-Live-CD PegXMac: a single payment will be accepted for the price and the updates for the duration of this special.

With this one-time payment, one gets updates for four months, not just one, so the cost is a lot lower. This offer covers all variants: Pegasos II, Pegasos I and AmigaOne. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2005, 09:25] [Comments: 0]
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Darren Eveland (ANF)

Reminder: AmigaOne-Survey for all Amiga users closes in four days
Darren Eveland reminds his survey whether you are owning an AmigaOne or planning to buy one. It will close in four days ( reported).

Over 1550 people have filled out this survey so far. Encouraged to participate are all Amiga users, no matter if you use AmigaOS4, AmigaOS, MorphOS or AROS and no matter if you use it on original hardware or via Amithlon or UAE. (snx)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2005, 09:01] [Comments: 0]
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27.Apr.2005 (website)

MorphOS: mfkey 1.8
With "mfkey" Alfonso Ranieri provides a clone of the AmigaOS commodity Fkey. Yet mfkey supports "CLI" and "ARexx" events only. Changes with version 1.8:
  • Added keyboard.device supported MMkeys (PLAY, STOP, PREV, NEXT)
(cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 23:28] [Comments: 0]
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Software news: playOGG 2.1 & Clarissa RSS module

playOGG 2.1

The program playOGG by Lorence Lombardo is an audio player for OGG Vorbis, MP3, RA and SID. It may be launched from Workbench or the CLI.

Link: Homepage
Download: playOGG.lha (796 KB) (Readme)

RSS module for the webserver Clarissa

Clarissa is a webserver written in ARexx by Martin Kayser. A plugin by Oliver "Bladerunner" Hummel enables it to provide RSS feeds now.

Link: Homepage
Download: newsreader.rexx (4 KB) (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 23:26] [Comments: 0]
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PPC-Zone (website)

Pegasos: New Linux "LiveCD" Niktarix
Nick Niktaris has created another Linux "LiveCD" called nektarix for the Pegasos (ODW) (screenshots).

Compounds of Knoppix, Kanotix and Debian Sarge were used; beside the kernel 2.6.11 there is also KDE 3.3.2, UnionFS, Mozilla/Firefox, Open Office and GIMP.

UnionFS, which takes some time during the boot up process, offers a workflow as if the machine was booted from a hard disk - one may install or remove .deb files.

The V0.03 is the first public version, which may contain some serious bugs and not all planned features are integrated yet.

Open Firmware call:
boot cd niktarix root=/dev/ram rw init=linuxrc

MD5 checksum:

Download: NIKTARIX_0_03.ISO (550 MB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 17:50] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. becomes member of the iPAQ developer program
Amiga Inc. announce at the title link their participation of Hewlett-Packard's iPAQ Developer Program. Amiga are set to the "Premier Member" status which gives them access to developer tools, source codes, prerelease tools as well as information and offerings for a common marketing and fair participation.

Greg Sigel, Amigas vice president for sales and marketing, is amazed by the plenty available iPAQ expansions and emphasizes the benefits of HP's developer program for Amiga Inc. and their developer community.

They are planning an "aggressive marketing" and is heading for the release of about a dozen titels per quarter year. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 00:16] [Comments: 0]
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shim (ANF)

MorphOS: Image viewer shim updated to v1.0 and released under GPL
shim is a simple commandline image viewer. The updated source has been released under GPL, along with binaries for MorphOS and Linux (PPC/x86). The version has been bumped to 1.0. The program needs (Power-) SDL and (Power-) SDL_image.

Download: shim-1.0_morphos.lha (23 KB) (snx)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2005, 09:43] [Comments: 0]
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Maxime Doyen (ANF)

HomeBank V3.1 released
After several beta versions, Maxime Doyen now released the final version 3.1 of his program HomeBank under the title link. This version fixes a major bug in the Define Payee & Define Category section, which was leading to instability of the system and sometimes crashes (especially on MorphOS and AmigaOS4).

It also fixes any reported/found other minor bugs and suggestions of changes. No new functionality has been added, though. Furthermore, the author would like every user of HomeBank to subscribe to the corresponding mailing list. (snx)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2005, 13:30] [Comments: 3 - 26. Apr. 2005, 13:00]
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23.Apr.2005 (website)

New US magazine: NewsTek
With NewsTek is in the USA a new commercial magazine brought to life that follows the tradition of Video Toaster User, Newtekniques and NewtekPro. The Digital Lifestyle Magazine with focus on the NewTek products takes AmigaOS and MorphOS into account, too. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2005, 07:55] [Comments: 0]
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22.Apr.2005 (website)

MorphOS: sc68mui plays Amiga-/Atari-Chiptunes
sc68mui is a MorphOS-port of sc68 which is a player of the so called "Chiptunes". The music tracks must be available in a special format. You can find a big collection of titles on the official homepage. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2005, 22:46] [Comments: 0]
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Software-News: playOGG 2.0 & VorbisTools

playOGG 2.0

The program playOGG written by Lorence Lombardo can play audio files of the formats OGG Vorbis, MP3, RA and SID. It can be started from the Workbench or from CLI.

Link: Homepage
Download: playOGG.lha (489 KB) (Readme)

VorbisTools WOS

Michel 'DMX' Bagmeijer has compiled the VorbisTools for WarpOS. The VorbisTools are a collection of tools for en-/decoding and changing of audio files in Ogg Vorbis-format.

Link: download site (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2005, 22:36] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

MorphOS: Desktop-calendar April
#AmigaZeux has published a desktop calendar for MorphOS called April (screenshots). You can configure fonts, colours, background graphics, transparency and the size of the window.

Download: April.lha (149 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2005, 20:13] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Langner (ANF)

MUI: BetterString.mcc / HotkeyString.mcc under LGPL published
After having saved the source codes of the known MUI-Custom class BetterString.mcc and HotkeyString.mcc from the hard drive of the former author Allan Odgaard the complete source code has been published under the GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) as Open Source and has been put together in a seperate project on

Interested developers are encouraged to take contact to the current main authors (Jens Langner and Ilkka Lehtoranta) if you want to develop further BetterString.mcc and HotkeyString.mcc.

Probably there will be a new version of BetterString.mcc/HotkeyString.mcc which will also include native PPC versions for AmigaOS4 and MorphOS. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2005, 13:07] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

Magazine: Obligement #50 available
Issue 50 of the French magazine Obligement is now available. You can read in this issue: latest Amiga news, interview with David Gerber (ex-MorphOS developer), interview with Stéphane Guillard (OS4 French developer), Test: Audio Evolution 4, Test: Amibrixx, Test: Don Ceferino Hazana, Test: Weather, Test: la France par Monts et par Vaux, Test: SNES9x, article about CRT and LCD screens, how to build a demo, installation of a AmigaOne XE motherboard, tutorial about TVPaint and lot more. The magazine (zip archive, 1.4 MB) is freely downloadable at (title link). (nba)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2005, 03:56] [Comments: 0]
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