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Martin Heine (ANF)

Genesi: OpenBSD for Pegasos finished
After statement from Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck of Genesi OpenBSD from Dale Rahn was successfully ported onto Pegasos. The OpenBSD distribution will be prepared for download for all Pegasos owners in this month. (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2003, 15:45] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Genesi: Also "PegXLin" in IBMs Global Solutions Directory taken up
After the enrolment (German) of the Pegasos and the operating system MorphOS into IBM's "Global Solutions Directory" you will find also PegXLin there, the Linux distribution for Pegasos based on Debian/Sarge.

The PegXLin-CD is bootable and allows a Linux installation onto the Pegasos in about 15 minutes. You can download the CD-Image of PegXLin from the Genesi page

PegXLin contains:
  • KDE 3.1.3(GUI)
  • Gnome 2.2(GUI)
  • XFree 4.3(X11)
  • Cups 1.1.19(printmanager)
  • MOL 0.9.69(Mac-on-Linux)
  • Bochs 2.0.2(PC-Emulator)
  • Kernel 2.4.21-benh2
  • Video- and audioplayer
  • CD-Burning-software incl. Video-CD-option
  • Digital camera support (capture, edit, save)
  • USB support
  • TV-card support (BT878, C8xx)
(nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2003, 13:37] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Engelhardt (ANF)

AmigaLand: Three new games and additional updates
As promised there are three more Microprose games available at AmigaLand. These are 'Pirates!', 'RailroadTycoon' and 'Red Storm Rising'. Furthermore a fixed version of '1869 AGA' is now available.

Moreover there are new versions of some emulators like WinUAE, Akiko and MaxUAE. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 20:52] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Cloppenburg / AMIGAplus (ICQ)

Fortnightly Q&A's with Fleecy Moss - episode 21
The English online magazine AmigaWorld has published episode 21 of the regular questions and answers session with Fleecy Moss, CTO at AMIGA, Inc. (Update 2012-03-15, cg: as the original document is no longer available, the following content was moved into our database):

1) Asemoon: Amiga Inc is somewhat blessed with the massive support from the Amiga community. However for some years now there have been rival groups actively trying to bring havoc to Amiga forums and spread around negative information or fantasy stories to harm Amiga efforts in any way they can. In what ways has all this (positive&negative) affected your business over the years?

Fleecy: The main problem with such activity is that it undermines confidence in the platform. The old saying that if you throw enough mud, it will stick is certainly true of the general approach by such groups and, whilst it is possible to counter rumour and allegation, the sheer weight and volume makes such an approach doomed to failure.

A general feeling of gloom, doom, suspicion or whatever else is desired eventually permeates to the core, like a damp autumn. Developers may decide to put projects on hold, users may delay a purchase and hope, dealers see their sales fall and hope for the future begins to evaporate; all going round and around in a depressing spiral whilst conveniently a 'sunny door' is left open to a brighter, but alternative future.

What is interesting is to trace the evolution of these attacks and notice how as each one is disproved, new rumours and different angles of attack appear. Amiga Inc has been bankrupt more times than a banana republic, we've had multiple CEOs, the AmigaOne would never work, AmigaOS4.0 would never see the light of day - on and on ad infinitum.

Despite efforts to the contrary however, most of this has stayed confined to the immediate community. Consequently our bigger partners, potential investors and the like have either never been affected or chose to ignore such activity, concentrating instead on actual talking to us. A pleasing trend is that private individuals are now coming directly to us to ask for information when rumours occur and we are more than happy to explain our position, rather than find ourselves the victims of elaborate stings and set ups in public forums.

Of course without a product in AmigaOS4.0, the real aim of these rumours has been to convince people to move to alternative platforms, convincing people that their wait for AmigaOS4.0 was ultimately going to be futile.

In the end, we just listened to the community who told us to shut up until we had something to show because in rising to the bait, we were just giving oxygen to the competitors. That is what we have done over the last twelve months, letting the community see for itself the progress of AmigaOS4.0. Running on CSPPC, running on AmigaOne - almost all PPC with just the graphics system left to upgrade and port. It has been a long and rocky road but the patience of the Amiga community and the passion and talent of the AmigaOS4 team has meant that as I write this, we are very very close to the end of AmigaOS4.0 as a project and the start of AmigaOS4.1, and a brighter future.

2) alx: I realise that since Amiga is a private company you may not be able to answer this in any detail, but do Amiga have any short-term plans to increase products on sale/cashflow, and could you share a generalised version of what you intend to do in this matter?

Fleecy: In the run up to Christmas we intend to realise new AmigaDE products whilst also creating a range of merchandise to tie in with the public launch of AmigaOS4.0.

Over the longer term, we are looking for sales in both OEM and direct to customer markets and the company will start changing shape and bringing in new people as we seek to exploit the potential of the AmigaOS in traditional and non traditional markets.

3) smithy: With Symbian, Microsoft and Palm pretty much having the PDA/mobile operating system software market sewn up, what is Amiga Inc's strategy to achieve some market sales? Bearing in mind, that all of the above three systems can run Java 2 Micro Edition, today's standard for cross-platform Java on small devices, and hence nulling AmigaDE's main selling point of write once, run anywhere. Furthermore, AmigaDE is based on PersonalJava - which only supports a very old version of Java.

Fleecy: The AmigaDE is a total content solution which runs on any host supported by the Tao-Group with their Intent product. If they do not support it and we see a positive business case, we ask them to support it - as is the case with AmigaOS4.0, to be the first PPC version of the AmigaDE. If they will not support it, then we move on. Our emphasis is on selling content - games and applications, interfaces and tools in as many deployment formats as possible - bundle, CD, Card, Download, OTA etc.

Our opportunity domain is any digital device, anything from Smartphone to Server, as long as the Tao-Group can provide the host binding layer. In that respect other OSs are not competitors, they are opportunities because our content runs on them. Customers don't care about the implementation details of a solution, they care about the solution itself. If our content solution is attractive to OEMs, device manufacturers, content brokers or end users, then it will be successful and our research and contacts over the past 18 months give us cause for great optimism. If we find that a particular market or product either is not supported by the Tao-Group or else has a poor or ill defined business potential then we will not support it.

Daily I am researching and testing content and competing solutions on such platforms as PocketPC, Symbian, Java, Morphun, FatHammer, Palm and the like and I am more than happy with both our solution and the features, quality and performance of the DE content.

4) Asemoon: Aminet is now the center of PD and shareware software for the classic Amiga. But provides a mixture of various types of software from AmigaOS1.x programs to even WarpOS/MOS specific binaries. Are there any plans for a central files area for freely donwloadable AmigaOS4-compatible software?

Fleecy: The new Amiga Power Platform (APP) website will be launched just before the public launch of AmigaOS4.0 and will offer many such services to support, enhance and extend the community and platform.

5) Crumb: Have you planned to make the SDK interesting for different levels of coders? Have you included enough information and EXAMPLES in the autodocs? Will you include a decent reaction autodoc viewer that allows cut&paste? The editor of the sdk will at least show the parameters of each function (if it showed parameters of your own defined functions it would be even better) I mean... I want an IDE similar to RealBasic/Delphi/JBuilder...

Fleecy: We will be applying a lot of resources to the toolchain for AmigaOS4, finally implementing the Amiga Development Pipeline which provides a from concept to support description of the development process. As well as implementing various parts of it, the descriptive formats and interfaces will be open to allow for third parties to implement pieces themselves and to allow developers to build the pipeline using the components they wish. Thus a developer can chose between a complete IDE or the good old shell, giving them real choice and control over their development.

Key to AG2 and the whole Amiga philosophy is that the user is part of the environment and they can control and order it in anyway they want. This means anything from organisation of content through scripts, simple and complex all the way upto 'grown up' development languages for application developers. We intend to make this as simple to use as possible which means amongst other things, full, effective and most of all useful documentation.

6) Hybrid: Now there is an AmigaOne mainboard for Desktop, a Mini-itx one for small form factor AmigaOne computers. That's great but what about notebooks, handheld or tablet?

Fleecy: Stay tuned 8-)

7) AmigaMac: What will the future hold for PowerPC and Amiga? Will PowerPC remain in your long-term strategy?

Fleecy: PowerPC will be the only processor family we directly support for the AmigaOS4 release set. Once we reach AmigaOS5, we will support any processor family that provides us with business opportunity. PPC is certainly a processor family that offers that by the bucketload.

8) IonMane: In a previous Q&A it was stated tha the Gamepaks 1&2 were all sold out, and in a short timeframe I might add.How many gamepacks were sold and has AMiga Inc recieved the financial windfall from this deal as yet. Are there plans for another production of these (or similar)gamepaks for the near future (eg christmas)?

Fleecy: I can't divulge the financials but the purpose of the initial run was successful and we hope to have announcements soon about the consequences of that success. Sorry to be evasive but 'no announcements until we have something to announce' is what the community asked for and it is what we now feel comfortable in doing.

9) Zorro: There is a deal with Hyperion that if you (Ainc) were in serious trouble, you will give Hyperion rights to the name (or so...). If Amiga goes bust and someone buys them, they will have the license for the "Amiga" brand. But can US bankrupcy laws nullify any existing contracts (ie that with Hyperion) ?

Fleecy: I cannot go into the details but all that the community needs to know is that whatever could happen the future of the AmigaOS and the Amiga name has been safeguarded.

10) Crumb: Have you talked with Titan to make an OpenPCI library for OS4?

Fleecy: I am not entirely clear what has happened with OpenPCI and AmigaOS4.0 but the information I was able to collect suggests that some arrangement was made that effectively blocked this from occurring. If you want more details I suggest you contact Titan.

PCI is not a complicated implementation and AmigaOS4.0 already has a very good implementation which shows off the new library interface model.

(Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.
Originally available at
You may freely redistribute this article, providing that a URL is provided to the original source,
and the copyright notices remain intact)
(nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 19:41] [Comments: 0]
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Scenia (Website)

Music: Liquid Skies records #056
Liquid Skies released issue no. 56 of their music pack collection. The included track was composed by Bit-X.

Details about the track:

Title: Cygnum Zero
Artist: Bit-X
Style: Schranz
Duration: 4:35
Format: mp3 @160kbps

The compressed file is to be found at the title link. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

Updates of NewGui and AntiSpam
The anti-spam-software 'AntiSpam' is now using the NewGui and can display detailed information during the scan process. The new version uses a new algorithm to identify spam and can give an acoustic hint.

Some font problems have been fixed within NewGUI and the transparency demo is now working under MOS.

Download AntiSpam
Download NewGui (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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Ekkehard Brüggemann (email)

Video: arte reports about Breakpoint Party 2003
On October, 3rd broadcasted the TV station arte a report about the demo scene event "Breakpoint Party 2003". A 56.1 MB big file in the DivX-5.1 format can be downloaded on the website following the title link. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:54] [Comments: 0]
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Ron van Schaik (email)

Event: Commodore show October 18th in Maarssen (NL)
On October, 18th 2003 from 10 to 16 o'clock takes a Commodore show in the Dutch Maarssen place with the Dutch HCC Commodore Users Group as organizers. This month will the event be held in two rooms to make a computer second hand market possible where you can buy Commodore products. The website of the HCC has been expanded with photos shot at the Benelux Amiga Show and the "new" Boulderdash game "Schaikdash 12". (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:49] [Comments: 0]
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Bjorn Lynne (email)

New audio CD: "Project Galway" by Martin Galway
Martin Galway, composer of soundtracks for games highlights like Freelancer, Ultima VII, Wing Commander 2 and 4 or Arkanoid, has released a new double audio CD. The two CDs contain 34 C64 music pieces that had been recorded directly from Martin's own Commodore 64. The double CD has been published at LynneMusic, following the title link you can find further information and some excerpts from the tracks. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Gladiateur: further details about the Genesi game
With quotes taken from a 55-pages Genesi internal document by Andrew Korn about the MorphOS game "Gladiateur" ( reported) have Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck given a more indepth view on into this ambitious project that is to be released in October 2004 at the same time as the stage production of the same name by Eli Chouraqui.

The story's about the Spartacus rebellion and shall offer an online multiplayer part as well as an offline single player mode. It is planned to release "Gladiateur" in several parts starting with the single player mode. The online mode will be offered to the buyers as a downloadable patch as soon as the server side is prepared.

As game engine will the one by Nordland come into use of which the MorphOS version by Epic is just now in the beta stage. A Later transition from the 2D client to a client with 3D ego perspective is planned where both kinds of clients shall be able to operate with the same server software - with Genesi taking the unrestricted playability on platforms with restricted capacity, e.g. settop boxes or handhelds, into account.

For the next week is another kind of "developer connection" (using the "Phoenix definition" of the developers term) announced on the Genesis Pegasos site under (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:38] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaLand (website)

AmigaLand: five new Microprose games online
The retro emulator website "AmigaLand" returns with an update. The collection now contains five more games by Microprose that may be downloaded for free: Gunship, Gunship 2000, Formula One Grand Prix, Civilization and Colonization. Further Microprose games are said to follow in the next days. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:32] [Comments: 0]
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Emerald Imaging (website)

MorphOS: Aqua part of the SuperBundle
Aqua, an adventure game in the style of Myst by Emerald Imaging, will become part of the MorphOS Superbundle that already offers quite a number of games and applications for registered Pegasos owners. Further information regarding the game can be found following the title link on the website of the distributor. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:30] [Comments: 0]
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A.D.A. (website)

A.D.A.: jubilee and updates
In the last two weeks has the Amiga Demoscene Archive (A.D.A.) got several updates and can also celebrate a small jubilee.

Six demos have been added: "Hätä" by Da Jormas (3. place in the Oldskool competition at the Assembly 2003), "Humus 4" by Push Entertainment (2. place in the 4K Intro Competition at the Assembly 2003), "FistPig" by Spaceballs and Ephidrena (5. place in the 4K Intro Competition at the Assembly 2003), "Pulse" by Nerve Axis (1. place in the Demo Competition at the Assembly 1997), "Sumea" by Virtual Dreams (1. place in the Demo Competition at the Assembly 1996) and "Mental" by Push Entertainment (5. place in the Demo Competition at the Assembly 2003).

With these six demos has A.D.A. reached the limit of 300 introduced productions. Since November, 11th 2001, when the project went online, have 40100 hits, 300 productions, 2963 screenshots, 119 groups, 66 parties, 115 users, 435 voting voices and 252 comments been registered (numbers from the end of September). The own voting voices can now be changed and the charts are now a top 30. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:27] [Comments: 0]
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ReqAttack 2.0 released
ReqAttack is a system requester patch for the Classic AmigaOS that offers many configuration possibilities like requester logos, animationen, buttons, AHI and CGX. Version 2.0 contains many bugfixes. RAPrefsMUI is now more stable, too. The port to GCC had been done by Marcin Kurek. (Download) (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 18:06] [Comments: 0]
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Software news (10.10.2003)
Since the last software news update have several applications been further developed. Below we report about the changes:

AmiDiction v2.6a
AmiDiction is an online dictionary that bases on the service of The new version 2.6a can be downloaded from the website of the programmer Lorence Lombardo.

delfina.library v416b48
With the new beta version of the delfina.library some errors have been fixed that already came up with Delfina cards that were not delivered by individual Computers. An error in the A1200 recognition in the previous beta version has been removed, too. The library can be used with individua's new cards but also with the A1200 clock port version by Petsoff. The beta version hasn't been tested with the Delfina Lite.

LANClip v0.3
Peter Gordon has released version 0.3 of LANClip. LANClip, in version 0.1 named NetClip, is a small utility that allows the exchange of a global clipboard between different computers in a network. Next to an Amiga version exists a Windows version, too.

MiniMen v1.2
MiniMen is a GUI menu program that has been developed for using script files. It supports up to 165 button functions defined by the user.

Report+ v5.73a
The freeware Report+ has been released in version 5.73a. The tool bases on ReAction/GadTools, needs AmigaOS 3.9 and offers ten different functions: e.g. you can create Aminet readmes with Report+, replace the Commodore Bug Reporting Tool or show the bytes number for every directory. In the new version have several bugs in the bug report editor, the hardware ID viewer and the IFF viewer been fixed.

StarAm Plan v2.22
Version 2.22 of the spreadsheet program "StarAm Plan" has been released for AmigaOS 3.x. The small but fine Excel clone offers 121 functions to edit in table cells and a big number of prefs settings.

WGetGUI v0.6.5
The new version 0.6.5 of the Wget based download manager "WGetGui" has been released for MorphOS and now also for AmigaOS 3.x.

Worm Wars v7.6
The Snake clone Worm Wars by Amigan Software has been released in version 7.6 for AmigaOS and Windows. Since version 7.55 has the new creature "Ant" been added as well as cherries and flowers.
Homepage (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 18:05] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi SARL

Genesi: Pegasos II Available Starting 15th October 2003
Genesi SARL has announced that the new PowerPC mainboard "Pegasos" will be available from dealers beginning 15 October, 2003. The Pegasos II, to be orderable as a complete system from specialty shops, will be shipped with the operating systems MorphOS and Debian Linux, as well as the MorphOS "SuperBundle," which is a selection of games and utilities. The Pegasos II mainboard is being introduced with a G3 processor for 299 Euros [about 320 dollars -DM], or with a G4 for 499 Euros [about 540 dollars -DM]. Technical details may be found in today's report at Pegasos II in das "Global Solutions Directory" von IBM aufgenommen. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 17:35] [Comments: 0]
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10.Oct.2003 (Website)

Genesi: Thomas Morris New Sales Director of Genesi USA
Genesi SARL announced their new USA Sales Director in early October: Thomas Morris, who was most recently the host of New York Pegasos User Group meetings.

Original press release from Genesi:

Genesi SARL today announced that Thomas Morris joins Genesi USA as Director of Sales. Thomas recently hosted the NYC PUG inaugural meeting.

"Thomas will be based out of New York and travel as required. His connection to the various creative communities and his years of experience as an audio and video technician make him the right person for the tasks we have at hand today. We like to bring people from the Community on board who demonstrate effort and support for the Pegasos. We are very happy to have Thomas join the team." said Raquel Velasco of Genesi.

Thomas will be making sales presentations in San Jose, CA this week. If your are interested in attending a presentation Tuesday evening at the Hyatt in San Jose please contact Thomas Morris directly. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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IOSPIRIT (Website)

IOSPIRIT: Genesi Superbundle special offers
Right from the start, IOSPIRIT's fxPAINT Lite, fxSCAN Lite and VHI Studio Lite were part of the Superbundles by Genesi. With the launch of our new website, we now offer every owner of the Superbundle rebates on our contributed software when upgrading to the full version.

Learn on our new Superbundle pages, how you can get a total rebate of up to 25,- EUR, what features are missing in the Lite versions and why an upgrade is worth every cent of it. (nba)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 15:45] [Comments: 0]
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IOSPIRIT: New website and new support concept
IOSPIRIT, developer of well-known software titles such as fxPAINT, fxSCAN and VHI Studio and distributor of among other titles the webbrowser IBrowse, today presents itself with new website and new support-concept.

The new website, basing on the internal new development "Callisto II", is clearly devided in the sections News, Products, Downloads, Service, Company, Basket and protected customer login area (Login) and allows a fast and targeted navigation within the IOSPIRIT-pages. Help texts embedded into the new pages guide visitors through input masks and contain additional, valuable information.

In the future, the customer's account is at the centre of all offers and services:

Inside the account orders are placed and managed, product registrations submitted and saved, support queries sent and if needed address changes submitted.

But enhancements are not limited to the surface: internally a lot of changes have been made as well. From now on, express orders can be placed, skipping the one hour period for last-minute order changes before actual order processing, orders can be automatically split depending on availability, packaging and shipping costs are already calculated in the basket and the total value of an order is automatically converted to other currencies for orientation. By the introduction of a direct link between IOSPIRIT and the creditcard-processor, the average time required for the processing of payments via VISA, MASTERCARD and EUROCARD has been shortened to only a few minutes.

Hand in hand with the introduction of the new website, the support-concept received a major revision to allow an even more efficient and faster processing. Therefore, online-forms especially designed to meet support-requirements (so called support desks) are available to IOSPIRIT-customers via the IOSPIRIT-website for each product. They presort support queries, ask for all required information and archive the complete correspondence for a supportquery, thus providing everything for a better overview and processing. An account and the registration of all bought IOSPIRIT products are now precondition for being able to send a supportquery.

With the introduction of the new shopping system, accounts from the old system can no longer be used. IOSPIRIT-customers should open a new account in the now installed, new system. Once logged into the new account, the function "Transfer account" is available, which will transfer registration data and keyfiles from the old shop system in a few seconds and completly hassle-free.

Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the new shop- and support-system can be found in the "IOSPIRIT company and website FAQ", general information on the shop can be found in the "Shop information". (nba)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet (Website)

Aminet: HD-Installers removed
Due to changes in copyright, harddisk installers of commercial programs no longer seem to be legal in several countries. They have been removed from the Amiga-software-archive Aminet by Urban Müller. (nba)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 15:02] [Comments: 0]
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Golem IT-News (Website)

Games Classics: Sequel to The Bard's Tale Planned
A few weeks ago there was an unofficial fan sequel underway for followers of the classic "Bard's Tale" series of role playing games, now there's an official one announced for Windows. Behind this official effort is Brian Fargo - the man who was responsible as a producer for the original Bard's Tale game on the Apple II. Read the complete report (in German) at Golem IT-News by clicking on the title link. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 03:35] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Cloppenburg / AMIGAplus (ICQ)

Marvell and IBM Announce Extension of Discovery System Controllers to PPC 970
Marvell and IBM today announced a relationship to accelerate the adoption of IBM PowerPC 970 processors in next-generation networking, storage and server systems. As part of the agreement, Marvell plans to extend its market-leading family of Discovery™ chipsets with new system controllers that include IBM's high-speed PowerPC 970 Elastic Interface technology.

The combination of IBM's PowerPC 970 microprocessor, with speeds up to 2 GHz, and Marvell's Discovery 970 system controller is intended to provide embedded customers with a comprehensive and cost effective 64 bit sub-system solution. In conjunction with Marvell's Gigabit PHY, Serial ATA and high-speed switching products, Marvell and IBM now offer a complete solution base for next generation embedded applications.

Marvell plans to make samples of its Discovery 970 chipsets available in the first quarter of 2004. IBM plans to make its PowerPC 970 processor available in the first quarter of 2004.

"Marvell's decision to team up with IBM and extend their support of PowerPC is a tremendous piece of good news for the Embedded marketplace," said Lisa Su, director of PowerPC and emerging products, IBM Microelectronics. "The combination of their Discovery 970 with our PowerPC 970 should yield the most powerful, scalable and flexible solution available in the Embedded system marketplace."

"We are very excited to team with IBM to provide our customers with what we expect to be the most powerful PowerPC sub-system architectures ever designed," said Balaji Baktha, General Manager of Storage and Consumer Division, Marvell Semiconductor. "IBM and Marvell are committed to working closely with leading OEMs to drive the development of next generation networking, server and storage applications."

Marvell Discovery 970 System Controller:
The Marvell Discovery product family represents the most widely adopted system and communication controllers in the industry. The Discovery 970 system controller integrates several I/O peripherals on-chip, including Gigabit Ethernet, PCI-X bridges, storage functions and DDR memory interface. The Discovery 970 is software compatible with the existing Marvell system controllers helping to preserve customer software investments while accelerating development cycles.

IBM PowerPC 970:
The IBM PowerPC 970 is derived from IBM's award-winning POWER4 server processor to provide high performance and additional function for users. As the first in a new family of high-end PowerPC processors, the chip is designed to manipulate data in larger, 64-bit chunks and accelerate compute-intensive workloads like multimedia and graphics through specialized circuitry, known as a single instruction multiple data (SIMD) unit. IBM packs performance and new features into the chip using ultra-thin 0.13-micron circuitry (nearly 800 times thinner than a human hair), constructed of copper wiring and about 52 million transistors based on IBM's efficient silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 15. Sep. 2003, 19:04] [Comments: 0]
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GAUHPIL (website)

GAUHPIL: nay areas updated
The GAUHPIL (Geographical Amiga User HomePage Internet List) is a list created and commented by Dietmar Knoll with of Amiga users that is sorted geographically by continents and countries. Two days ago had the following areas been updated:
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • List new links
  • Releated sites
  • History 2000-2003
(nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2003, 14:01] [Comments: 0]
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Grasshopper LLC (email)

Grasshopper: Pagestream release for AmigaOS 4
Positive signs from the AmigaOS 4 frontier: Grasshopper LLC will release the desktop publishing software PageStream for AmigaOS 4 as soon as the new operating system is available. Furthermore prices are cut for PageStream 4.1 to 99 US-Dollars, for PageStream Professional 4.1 to 149 US-Dollars. Read the complete note by Grasshopper LLC right below:

Grasshopper LLC today announced the addition of a fifth supported platform in the stable of computers and operating systems that PageStream already runs on. Amiga OS4 PPC is an exciting new operating system and hardware from Amiga Inc, Eyetech and Hyperion Entertainment that follows in the footsteps of the great hardware and software that is the Amiga.

"Deron Kazmaier, PageStream creator, has exceeded our expectations again!" proclaimed Grasshopper LLC owner Marna Holt. "Deron has burned the midnight oil on his old love, the Amiga, creating the foundation for the next generation of PageStream on the Amiga."

While the full public release of OS4 is beyond our control, the PageStream is not! As the Amiga OS4 PPC is a natural progression from the older 68k, we are offering a limited time discount for those who are moving up to the AmigaOS4 PPC version from PageStream Amiga68k and likewise we are including the Amiga68k version to those who purchase the PPC version before it is publicly released. Crossgrade price from PageStream 4.1 Amiga68k to AmigaPPC is only $40 and the price for a new copy of PageStream4.1 Amiga PPC (with Amiga68k) is only $99. The special offers are set to expire upon the public release of Amiga OS4, and will then revert to the same low pricing already in place for the other platforms. Advance copies of PageStream 4.1 AmigaPPC are available now, but we will continue to stay in step with improvements to OS4.
(nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2003, 13:55] [Comments: 0]
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11.Sep.2003 (Website)

FotoFoto SE for MorphOS Appears
The special edition of the mistake-seeking game "FotoFoto" from Attention Software may be downloaded right away from the Superbundle FTP site by all registered Pegasos owners. The SE version contains over 50 levels and a level editor whereby the player may insert his own pictures and categories. FotoFoto SE may also be played offline and does not require an Internet connection during the game. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2003, 13:29] [Comments: 0]
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Important information for IOSPIRIT-customers regarding backup copies
In order to be able to offer you a further improved service and a better structured website, we are soon re-launching our website.

As this goes hand in hand with switching to a new website-system, we want to kindly ask our customers to check for safety copies (on safe media such as CD-R, etc.) of the download versions they bought from us until the 18th of September 2003. If no safety copies exist, these should be created now and - if required - we'll reactivate expired downloads to support this (also see end of the message).

After the 18th of September 2003 these files will no longer be available - also not on request.

The only exception to this are purchases of the respectively latest versions of our products (e.g. fxPAINT 2.0, fxSCAN 4.0, VHI Studio 6.0, IBrowse 2.3, ..). For purchases of older versions as online-versions (e.g. fxSCAN 3.0, fxPAINT 1.5, VHI Studio 5.x, ..), we strongly recommend to make safety-copies until this date, since we won't be able to grant access to these files after this 18th of September 2003.

If another unlocking of downloads should be required, please write an email to "unlockdownloads AT iospirit DOT de".

We are already looking forward to soon welcome you to our new website. (nba)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2003, 13:09] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

VCD Save Version 0.2 Appears
The graphic interface of "VCD Save" has been adapted to the new NewGUI System, this means that the GUI may now be adapted to the needs of the user without rewriting the program entirely. With the help of the automatic snapshot function of NewGUI all gadgets are positioned in the places they were when the program last ended. Gadgets may be expanded or shrunk when the user presses CTRL when he clicks on the border being changed. When the user presses on the left SHIFT key the gadget is moved. The save routine has been modified in order to allow the saving of captions on SVCDs. It is possible with VCD Save to copy VideoCD tracks directly to the hard-drive, something for which AllegroCDFS was required up until now. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2003, 09:50] [Comments: 0]
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