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Martin Rebentisch (DaFreak) (ANF)

Music: Liquid Skies records #057
Liquid Skies released number 57 of the so called music pack. It contains a song called 'Kukka' by the Finnish musician 'Tripper'.

Some details about the track:
  • Title: Kukka
  • Artist: Tripper
  • Style: Instrumental Trance
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Format: mp3 (192kbps)

The compressed file can be found at the title link. (cg) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 23:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amig@lien (ANF)

Event: Photos of the EAPP 2003
From 10th to 31st August 2003 the "Extreme Amiga Programming Party" (EAPP) took place in Weinheim. The aim of this event was the common programming of software. Many interesting and also funny snapshots of the event can be found at the title link. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 20:49] [Comments: 0]
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Ron van Herk / Genesi

Cyberstorm: Report on DCE repairs / MorphOS version at the end of this year
CyberStorm Warranty Repairs

As mentioned on the thread at earlier, all CyberStorm boards sent in under warranty will be replaced by new ones. The production of these is partly done, the PCB's are there with all lower part components fitted. The problem currently is the lack of availability of the right 68K sockets. The ones that were originally used for the Phase5 and later DCE productions were specially made for Phase5 and are no longer being manufactured. However, there are several investigations ongoing at other manufacturers to adapt existing (and available) connectors to be fitted to the CyberStorm PCB's. Once this is solved, the production will be completed and all involved will receive new CyberStorm cards under warranty.

Non-Warranty Repairs

All non-warranty repair customers should have had a price quote from me. The repairs that could be done have been completed and all cards have been sent back or will be sent back in the next week. There are also repairs that are pending awaiting CPU sockets (see above).

Non-Repairable Items

Repairs that could not be done have also been sent back or will be next week. Several cards have been sent back by DCE already, others will be returned by me from Rotterdam next week.

Other Factors

During investigating the whole repairs issue, several disturbing things have come to my attention. There are cases of repairs not being done because they have been submitted through a reseller that has had outstanding invoices for three years, and also cases where repairs were done and sent back to a reseller, who then sold them as new products. I will not disclose specific information but just wanted to state this in DCE's defence, they're not always the one to blame...

Genesi Gesture

As a gesture from Genesi, there will be a new release of MorphOS for 'classic Amiga' PowerPC cards available for free. The planned release is at the end of this year.

DCE and Genesi

Several people have opted their concern in the thread about possible future repairs at DCE for Genesi products. First of all, please consider that the Amiga repairs are a special situation and it is not common for repairs to take this long, not even for DCE. Furthermore, anyone buying a PegasosII is dealing with Genesi, not with DCE. If there is a case where a Genesi product needs repair or replacement, Genesi will see to it that it happens the right way and in a decent timeframe. For reference see our history with the mainboard exchanges for April and April2 fixed boards. These were made at DCE too!

Preliminary Conclusion

Apart from the wait for the right 68K sockets, most issues are either done or will be in the next week. There are however still some unallocated cards at DCE. Anyone that also thinks they have an outstanding repair at DCE and has not been in contact with me yet, please do so NOW, as we are working towards concluding the whole operation and at some point soon we will not take on any more investigations. If you have sent in your repair to a reseller be sure to mention which one explicitely.


Ron van Herk
Genesi (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 20:48] [Comments: 1 - 21. Oct. 2003, 13:31]
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GUI-Development: Merlin 2
A.P.Spijkerman released a new version of his GUI-tool 'Merlin'. 'Merlin' lets you develop GUI frontends for ARexx or batch scripts.

Detailed information as well as screenshots can be found at the title link. (cg) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 18:06] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Geier (E-Mail)

Report from LinuxInfoTag in Dresden, Germany
At the first LinuxInfoTag in Dresden, Germany, on Oct. 18th, the Image_Installer team presented the Pegasos. We did not expect such a big success and were surprised by the scores of visitors crowding our stand who were interested in the system. They represented several platforms, from Amiga users to people using x86 systems.

One could test the system, and some visitors made use of the opportunity to install Mandrake 9.1 themselves on the Pegasos using the Image_Installer. They were surprised in a positive way and amazed how quick and easy the installation was finished. Also MorphOS didn't get a raw deal. The visitors tested the SuperBundle and were impressed by the speed of the system, despite just having a 600 MHz CPU.

When we had a little bit of time, Michael Heider of course continued to work on Image_Installer and removing bugs. We can say with quiet conscience that with version 2 of the Image_Installer an easy installation of PegXLin and Gentoo is possible. To the question if this version would also be free or enclosed with the Pegasos we had to answer "no" for the time being, since we don't know this ourselves yet.

At the KDE team one could see a pre-release of the new KDE 3.2. New applications were added as well as graphical improvements. Daniel Molkentin demonstrated among other things an Outlook clone and a faster webbrowser.

Also some people from the Debian team were there. They showed Debian 3.0 for the x86 platform and provided help to questions regarding installation and adjustment of Debian to x86 systems.

Bert Radke of the Jabber team showed the latest version of Jabber. One could get information how a Jabber server is build up and which advantages Jabber provides.

At IBM students could get information about new notebooks. Computers from desktops for the office to servers were shown by AMD, who also provided the Internet connection for the show.

Further small projects were free games for Linux and the topic "Linux at school and university" by the university of Dresden.

Furthermore the visitors could take part at an Install-Party during the whole day to solve problems.

Final preparations

Erhard Bruse (front), Christian Geier (back)


Erhard Bruse explains the Pegasos

Michael Heider (back) shows den Image_Installer Version 2

KDE booth

Debian booth

User testing Image_Installer Version 2

Michael Heider

Student installing Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo using Image_Installer Version 2

Michael Heider shows the possibilities of Image_Installer

Student testing Image_Installer

Michael Heider installing Gentoo using Image_Installer Version 2
(snx) (Translation: snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 17:27] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad (Website)

WHDLoad: New packs until 19.10.2003
WHDLoad enables you to install floppy based games to your hard disk. The following packs were added or updated since our last report:
  • 19.10.03 improved: Slam Tilt (Liquid Dezign/21st Century) slave for A4000 rom provided, floppy LED removed
  • 19.10.03 new: Coma (Rebels) done by Psygore
  • 19.10.03 new: Twisted (Polka Brothers) done by Psygore
  • 19.10.03 updated: Digital Concert 6 (Flash Production) supports another version (Info)
  • 19.10.03 updated: Digital Concert 4 (Flash Production) supports another version
  • 19.10.03 improved: Thug Life (Essence) runs on CyberStorm PPC without nocache option
  • 19.10.03 new: Beast Sonix (Scoopex) done by Galahad
  • 15.10.03 improved: Syndicate (Bullfrog) CD³² version supported, now uses kickstart images
  • 12.10.03 new: Top Gear 2 (Gremlin Interactive) done by Galahad
  • 10.10.03 fixed: Sensible Golf (Sensible Software) debug code removed, reduced memory requirements
(nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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Schlonz (ANF)

Premiere: Software with DVD-R/-RW support for AmigaOS
The programmer 'Schlonz' ported the Linux program 'dvdrtools' to the Amiga. For the first time it is now possible to burn DVD-R and DVD-RW discs with AmigaOS. 'dvdrtools' is a collection of four programs wich can be used with the shell. An ARexx-GUI for the main program 'dvdrecord' is included.

Additional details are to be found at the title link. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 03:49] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: anniversary action - 2 vouchers for Hollywood
Because of the 5th anniversary of the Amiga Arena there's another draw: in co-operation with Airsoft Softwair the Amiga Arena raffles off two vouchers for the multimedia program "Hollywood" worth 10,- Euro.

To win one of the vouchers please answer the following question:

Which presentation had been released some days ago by the Amiga Arena?

Please send the correct answer until October, 19th 2003 via email to Olaf Köbnik of the Amiga Arena.

Further information about "Hollywood" can be found under (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 22:45] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasos II production started (update)
In a short comment at ANN have Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco announced the beginning of the production of Pegasos II boards at DCE in Oberhausen.

Update: On the pages of the MorphZone is a photo of a preseries version of the new board. Compared to the final version this one still shows a static RAM drive and a debug connector instead of the ATX connector. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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OS4 on Tour: reports from Brisbane
Two members of the Amiga-Portal write under the title link their impressions of the first "OS4 on Tour" event in Australia. We have summarized the most important points for you in short:

  • About 50 visitors (twice the number at a comparable event last year)
  • Several AmigaOne computers had been shown - some running AmigaOS4, some with Debian-Linux (and MacOS X under MacOnLinux)
  • Doug Moir (AnythingAmiga) introduced the AmigaOne-Lite though not running. According to Doug are already several programmers busy with the drivers development for this Mini ITX motherboard.
  • A comprehensive seminar on the AmigaOne and OS4 had been held, there had been an IRC session with Fleecy Moss (Amiga Inc), too.
(cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 18:54] [Comments: 1 - 19. Oct. 2003, 16:56]
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18.Oct.2003 (ANF)

AmigaOne OASE Special
Because of the O.A.S.E. Amiga fair in Austria taking place next week offers the organizing Amiga retailer AmigaOne computers at special conditions.

  • AmigaOne G4/XE boards at 849,90 EUR
  • AmigaOne G3/XE boards at 769,90 EUR

Reservations can be done from now on under . All prices include 20% VAT.

The boards are Early Bird systems and contain AmigaOS4 and LinuxPPC. AmigaOS 4 will be delivered when released. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 16:16] [Comments: 0]
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Ingo Klotzsch (ANF)

Amiga at the "Nexxt Generation" in Hannover...
At present is the information and sales fair "Infa" taking place in Hannover. Part of the special program of the "Infa" is the youth fair "Nexxt Generation" (17.10. - 19.10.2003) that offers among other things a big games LAN with expected 1300 participiants to come.

In a public area of the Nexxt Generation are old games arcades installed. reader Ingo Klotzsch has seen there the good old Amiga. Pictures of the event can be found following the title link. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 16:10] [Comments: 0]
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Stéphane Campan (email)

MorphOS: software news
Nicolas Det has ported ADoomPPC to MorphOS. This version uses CybergraphX and AHI and can be downloaded from his website.

Also on his homepage you can find the tool "CDSpeedkiller" that slows down a CD/DVD drive and reduces its noise level this way. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 02:33] [Comments: 0]
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GoldED: Update and special price offer
The text editor called GoldED Studio AIX which is also a text based HTML editor and integrated developing system for C/C++ was updated and is available for a limited time for a special price.

According to the author this is the first official version of GoldED studio which is completely compatible with MorphOS. Even with the permission of Genesi the developing material with the documentation was integrated in the C/C++ modus. If you are interested in the further changes Dietmar Eilert points out to the history-file.

You can find screenshots of GoldED on the official website. Examples: C/C++-modus, standard-configuration.

There is also a free version for editing smaller documents to give you the opportunity of testing GoldED. You can download it here.

The "GoldED Studio AIX"-CD costs 69,90 Euro, updates CD 19,90 (without postage and delivery).
Because of the publishment of the new version you can buy GoldED Studio AIX for only 49,90 Euro for only few days. The delivery is for free in the EU. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2003, 18:29] [Comments: 0]
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Martin "Skippa" Knott (ANF)

Curious: Amiga-Shop on Mallorca?!
Martin Knott who is a reader of reports: "During my summer holiday on Mallorca I found in Port Andratx an Amiga-shop. The character of the text seemed to be authentic. Unfortunately there were only average clouthing to buy... How it is possible to be mistaken..." (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2003, 17:50] [Comments: 1 - 20. Oct. 2003, 10:45]
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Galileo Computing (ANF)

Books for free
Under the title link Galileo Computing offers some (non Amiga-specific) computer-books to download for free. The books are ZIP-packed HTML-files. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2003, 15:33] [Comments: 0]
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Software: Some new game ports for MorphOS
The Hungarian programmer "LouiSe" has ported some further games for MorphOS which you can download from his website. The author points out that the download could last because the server is an A4000-030/25. The following titles were added:

LLL-1.4.tgz - Linux Lunar Lander
LSL-1.2.tgz - Linux Shuttle Lander
atakks-1.0.tgz - Cool Attaxx/Thromulus like logical game
atris-1.0.6.tgz - Nice tetris game
crimson-0.3.7.tgz - Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle.
deathchase3d-0.9.tgz - Like on ZX Spectrum!
digger-20020314.tgz - Some small bugs fixed
eggchess-1.1.tgz - Egg Chess v1.1
foosball-0.92.tgz - Table soccer (buggy yet)
lopan-0.9.tgz - Logical game
lsdldoom- - Doom II game (some bugs fixed)
matchball-0.33b.tgz - Logical Game
mindless-1.0.0.tgz - A simple "MasterMind" like game
pipenightdreams-0.10.0.tgz - VERY COOL Piper game!
powermanga-0.78.tgz - Fast arcade game
puzzle-1.0.0.tgz - Very simple puzzle game
toppler-1.0.3.tgz - Tower Toppler a Nebulus clone
trailblazer-0.9.tgz - THE ball game :)
vectoroids-1.1.0.tgz - Shot the rocks
wakkabox-1.1.0.tgz - Logical game

Besides this there is a MadBomber-port of Kelly Samel on his website. The game is based on "Kaboom!" which was originally written for Atari 2600. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Oct. 2003, 11:32] [Comments: 0]
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[Removed] Information about (Classic) Mac Emulation under AmigaOS
The text of the news item that was previously here has been removed because the website in question had not-legal software on it. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 21:50] [Comments: 3 - 19. Oct. 2003, 14:26]
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Thomas "Gojira" Nosutta (ANF)

Pictures and Video of Amiga Meeting 2003
Under the title link Thomas Nosutta of BAU (Berliner Amiga User) has put online a few of his impressions of Amiga Meeting 2003, which was also a BAU meeting. A short quote from Thomas:

"It was once again an absolutely lively fun experience inc. Quake2-Marathon. For those who prefer pictures, here's a film clip from the Pegasos exhibition on 11th October, 2003." (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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16.Oct.2003 (ANF) New Powerplay Test Reports from 1989
Today presents 22 new test reports from the April 1989 issue of Powerplay, sent in by Skyscraper:

Bomber Raid (Sega Master System), Cosmic Pirate (Amiga), Cyborg Hunter (Sega Master System), F-16 Combat Pilot (MS-DOS), Ghost'n Goblins (NES), Gold Rush (MS-DOS), Great Football (Sega Master System), Hard'n Heavy (C 64), Hot Chase (Automat), ISS (C 64), Jet Fighter (MS-DOS), Last Duel (Amiga), Life Force (Salamander) (NES), NARC (Automat), Rally Bike (Automat), Sword of Sodan (Amiga), Tankattack (C 64), The Deep (Amiga), The Last Survivor (Automat), The Pawn, War in Middle Earth (CPC), Wayne Gretzky Hockey (Amiga).

With this update has passed the milestone of 1,500 test report scans. And it won't stop now! :) (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 18:53] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOne: Review and Video of OS4 Booting
Under the title link, OS4 betatester and AmigaOne owner Philippe "Elwood" Ferruci has written about his experiences with the AmigaOne and Debian Linux.

Additionally there are three videos for your viewing. One of them shows the booting of Amiga OS4 on Philippe's AmigaOne. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Genesi: Ordering for Pegasos II Begins on (Update)
With the installment of a new ordering form at Genesi has officially introduced the Pegasos II.

According to earlier announcements the price for the new boards are 299 Euros (G3/600MHz) up to 499 Euros (G4/1GHz).

For a limited time there's an upgrade option: an owner of the Pegasos I can trade in his or her board for a Pegasos II w. 1 GHz G4 processor for 200 Euros. The exchange will be handled in coordination with the local reseller who is offering the Pegasos II.

Also there is now the possibility to buy the SuperBundle on CD, instead of downloading it from Genesi's FTP server. The price is 19.95 Euros.

In the course of updating the website technical specifications of the new board were added, as well as a processor page that enables a comparison with X86 CPUs.

Update: According to a communication from Genesi, a Pegasos owner seeking to upgrade should not necessarily exchange his or her board where he or she bought it, but rather make sure to arrange this with a current Pegasos II reseller. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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Interview: Oliver Hannaford-Day (Coldfusion Project)
The Amiga portal has interviewed Oliver Hannaford-Day. Oliver is the leader of theColdfusion accelerator project.

The aim of this project is the development of Coldfire-based turbocards for classic Amiga computers. The Coldfire processor is the (progressively compatible) successor to the 68000 family of processors, used in the Amiga. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 06:12] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Arena (ANF)

Presentation: Amiga Arena History Released
Amiga Arena has been active in the AMIGA freeware and shareware market since 1998. Reason enough to look back on five years of hope, joy, disappointment and fun. Come along on a trip, which will show you what took place and how in this time.

The Amiga Arena History was put together with "Hollywood," the media presentation software from Airsoft.

System requirements:

- Processor 68020 or higher, OS 3.1 or better
- Processor PPC with MorphOS
- At least 8 MB RAM.


- On graphic cards, w. CyberGFX or Picasso.
- 8, 16, 26, 36 Bit.
- VGA Amiga 8 Bit at 256 colors such as AGA. 16 million.


- Amitlon
- Amiga 68K
- Pegasos

A special thanks to T.Rosenberg, who has made this possible, as well as Gerd Frank.

Olaf Köbnik of Amiga Arena wishes you much fun in the reading, and good entertainment. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 01:44] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Himmel (E-Mail)

AmigaOS 4: New Screenshots Released
On 14th October 2003 a few new screenshots from the upcoming operating system "AmigaOS 4" were put online at the website of Amiga Inc. These show AmiPDF, YAM, IBrowse and Colonization on the new Workbench, among other things. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 01:11] [Comments: 0]
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fxPAINT 2.02 available
In the download-area of IOSPIRIT an update-archive from version 2.0 and 2.01 of fxPAINT to V2.02 is now available for download.

Changes include:
  • added for MorphOS: Iconify button in each project window
  • fxALBUM sorting is much faster now and shows a progress bar
  • more intuitive delete function in fxALBUM
  • .infos can now be displayed in ASL-requesters or be excluded from fxALBUM import (Tooltype SUPPRESSINFOFILES)
  • mousewheel-support now also in fxALBUM
  • fixed a bug in startup of PPC-servertasks
  • fixed IFF 24 saver (final fix this time)

A detailed list of changes can be found in the update archive. (nba)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 23:04] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Magazine: New issue of the pdf magazine "Lotek64"
During the summer break of there has a new issue of the retro magazine "Lotek64" been published. The magazine covers old and/or alternative computer systems - mostly the C64 but also other 8 bit systems old consoles or Amiga are not excluded. The magazine is distributed as a freely available PDF file but interested ones might also order a printed copy.

The latest issue (#7) is unfortunately not available at the magazine's website but downloadable at


Disclaimer: For viewing the magazine a current version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader is required. Compatibility of Amiga pdf viewers is not tested. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 23:03] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Kühn (ANF)

Magazine: New Amiga pdf magazine in preparation
Currently there is a new monthly pdf Amiga magazine under work. Helping hands are still wanted. Everyone who would like to contribute is invited to do so, may it be with a workshop, comments, tests, pictures or something else, and should contact by mail. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 21:08] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (ANF)

Amiga Arena: Special Anniversary offers in cooperation with e.p.i.c. interactiv
In cooperation with e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh the Amiga Arena is able to make a special 5-years anniverary offer until October, 22th 2003:
  • Simon The Sorcerer II: Eur 20,00
  • Earth 2140 Pack (Full game und Mission Pack): Eur 40,00
  • The Feeble Files: Eur 30,00
  • Software Tycoon: Eur 25,00

The offer is valid only for the versions for AmigaOS. Send your orders via e-mail to Thomas Steiding with the subject "Amiga Arena Angebot".

More information about the games you will find at Special thanks to Thomas Steiding for his support. (nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 18:48] [Comments: 0]
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Karl-Heinrich Veith, Jocelyne Pallu (Presseschreiben)

GameArt: Exhibition at the world cultural heritage Völklinger Hütte
Computer games might be considered as the latest kind of art. During the last century jazz, film and contempory dance took long to be accepted as a kind of art. Now the same is happening with computer games.

On November the 22nd 2003 at the world unique "Gebläsehalle" of the world cultural heritage "Völklinger Hütte" with its gigantic machines there will high tech of the beginning of the 20th century meet computer worlds of the beginning of the 21st century. Within this special surrounding there will be created an unique space where vistors obtain the possibility to discover, unknown worlds, lead whole cities, or change identity how they like.
Read the full featured article by the title link.

(nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 17:30] [Comments: 0]
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Golem IT-News (Website)

W3C: New standard for forms for the Web
About ten years ago HTML forms were introduced to the Web. Now the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released with XForms 1.0 a new standard (W3C Recommendation) for forms at the Web. XForms should leave the recent limits of HTML forms behind and should be usable with a lot of devices. Read the full article from Golem via the title link. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 17:30] [Comments: 0]
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Treveur 'Nowee' Bretaudiere (E-Mail)

New Pegasos websites launched
Two more user websites regarding the Pegasos were set up within the last days: The Finnish Pegasos Website and the Pegasos Portugal Website welcome you at their sites. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Stöcker

Packer: XAD system v12.1, XFD system v39.15
The latest versions of the dearchiver system XAD and the unpacker system XFD were released today. Among several detail improvements there are the following main topics to mention:
  • Added new id-external made by Stuart replacing the idPAK external.
  • Added PackDir client made by Stuart.
  • Added Unreal client made by Stuart.
  • Added new internal Crunch client. Thanks Ronald van Dijk for the necessary files.
  • The AMOS client replaces the AmosSampleBank external.
  • New version of xadUnDisk.
  • Updated nearly all clients from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added CD-i client from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added CD-Image client from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added MasterBootRecord client from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added R.A.W. client from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added RigidDiskBlock client from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added Sout client from Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added internal Arc CBM and Arc CBM SFX.
(nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 17:26] [Comments: 0]
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Software news briefly reported (15.10.2003)
Since the last software news update several applications were developed further. These advances will be listed below:

Beatblox v1.0
Beatblox by Model/Up Rough is a simulation of a drum machine in a kind of old style providing only a single channel. Problems with the 060 CPU were fixt now.

LAME (binary) v3.93.1 (MorphOS)
Christian Rosentreter has compiled version 3.93 of the powerful MP3 encoder LAME for MorphOS. With this software it becomes possible to convert, say, a wave file an MP3 file.

LzxRepacker v1.83
LzxRepacker, just released in version 1.83 for MorphOS, converts file archives to the LZX archiv format, checks the data for integrity and offers several compression rates.

mmsclientist v0.0
With mmsclientist ASF Internet streams can be loaded utilizing the MMS protocol. MMS://-URLs are within ASX files. The software is for MorphOS only.

Report+ v5.74
The freeware Report+ is available in version 5.73a . The tool uses ReAction/GadTools, requires AmigaOS 3.9 and offers ten different functions. For example by using Report+ Aminet readmes can be edited, the Commodore Bug Reporting Tool replaced or the byte amount for every directory can be shown. In the latest version several improvements and bugfixes were done.

Saga v1.33
Amigan Software have released version 1.33 of the freeware game Saga. This game is a digital equivalent to the board game "Saga: Age of Heroes", published in 1981 by TSR.

ZoneXplorer v1.1.1
ZoneXplorer is a fractal navigation and rendering program for 68k-Amiga and MorphOS and is just released in version 1.1.1. Running MOS it is possible to save Mandelbrots and others in the ILBM format.
Homepage (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (E-Mail)

Magazine: Obligement N°41
Issue 41 of the French digital magazine Obligement has been published. Among other things get a read about the latest Amiga scene news, a report from the BAS 2003 and the Hamster party, interviews with Rose Humphrey (AmigaOne reseller) and Sebastien Jeudy ("Annuaire Amiga Francophone"), reviews of MPlayer, Tales of Tamar, Word me up, Duke Nukem and Hollywood und much more.

Download: (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 02:13] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Genesi: OpenBSD for Pegasos finished
After statement from Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck of Genesi OpenBSD from Dale Rahn was successfully ported onto Pegasos. The OpenBSD distribution will be prepared for download for all Pegasos owners in this month. (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2003, 15:45] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Genesi: Also "PegXLin" in IBMs Global Solutions Directory taken up
After the enrolment (German) of the Pegasos and the operating system MorphOS into IBM's "Global Solutions Directory" you will find also PegXLin there, the Linux distribution for Pegasos based on Debian/Sarge.

The PegXLin-CD is bootable and allows a Linux installation onto the Pegasos in about 15 minutes. You can download the CD-Image of PegXLin from the Genesi page

PegXLin contains:
  • KDE 3.1.3(GUI)
  • Gnome 2.2(GUI)
  • XFree 4.3(X11)
  • Cups 1.1.19(printmanager)
  • MOL 0.9.69(Mac-on-Linux)
  • Bochs 2.0.2(PC-Emulator)
  • Kernel 2.4.21-benh2
  • Video- and audioplayer
  • CD-Burning-software incl. Video-CD-option
  • Digital camera support (capture, edit, save)
  • USB support
  • TV-card support (BT878, C8xx)
(nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2003, 13:37] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Engelhardt (ANF)

AmigaLand: Three new games and additional updates
As promised there are three more Microprose games available at AmigaLand. These are 'Pirates!', 'RailroadTycoon' and 'Red Storm Rising'. Furthermore a fixed version of '1869 AGA' is now available.

Moreover there are new versions of some emulators like WinUAE, Akiko and MaxUAE. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 20:52] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Cloppenburg / AMIGAplus (ICQ)

Fortnightly Q&A's with Fleecy Moss - episode 21
The English online magazine AmigaWorld has published episode 21 of the regular questions and answers session with Fleecy Moss, CTO at AMIGA, Inc. (Update 2012-03-15, cg: as the original document is no longer available, the following content was moved into our database):

1) Asemoon: Amiga Inc is somewhat blessed with the massive support from the Amiga community. However for some years now there have been rival groups actively trying to bring havoc to Amiga forums and spread around negative information or fantasy stories to harm Amiga efforts in any way they can. In what ways has all this (positive&negative) affected your business over the years?

Fleecy: The main problem with such activity is that it undermines confidence in the platform. The old saying that if you throw enough mud, it will stick is certainly true of the general approach by such groups and, whilst it is possible to counter rumour and allegation, the sheer weight and volume makes such an approach doomed to failure.

A general feeling of gloom, doom, suspicion or whatever else is desired eventually permeates to the core, like a damp autumn. Developers may decide to put projects on hold, users may delay a purchase and hope, dealers see their sales fall and hope for the future begins to evaporate; all going round and around in a depressing spiral whilst conveniently a 'sunny door' is left open to a brighter, but alternative future.

What is interesting is to trace the evolution of these attacks and notice how as each one is disproved, new rumours and different angles of attack appear. Amiga Inc has been bankrupt more times than a banana republic, we've had multiple CEOs, the AmigaOne would never work, AmigaOS4.0 would never see the light of day - on and on ad infinitum.

Despite efforts to the contrary however, most of this has stayed confined to the immediate community. Consequently our bigger partners, potential investors and the like have either never been affected or chose to ignore such activity, concentrating instead on actual talking to us. A pleasing trend is that private individuals are now coming directly to us to ask for information when rumours occur and we are more than happy to explain our position, rather than find ourselves the victims of elaborate stings and set ups in public forums.

Of course without a product in AmigaOS4.0, the real aim of these rumours has been to convince people to move to alternative platforms, convincing people that their wait for AmigaOS4.0 was ultimately going to be futile.

In the end, we just listened to the community who told us to shut up until we had something to show because in rising to the bait, we were just giving oxygen to the competitors. That is what we have done over the last twelve months, letting the community see for itself the progress of AmigaOS4.0. Running on CSPPC, running on AmigaOne - almost all PPC with just the graphics system left to upgrade and port. It has been a long and rocky road but the patience of the Amiga community and the passion and talent of the AmigaOS4 team has meant that as I write this, we are very very close to the end of AmigaOS4.0 as a project and the start of AmigaOS4.1, and a brighter future.

2) alx: I realise that since Amiga is a private company you may not be able to answer this in any detail, but do Amiga have any short-term plans to increase products on sale/cashflow, and could you share a generalised version of what you intend to do in this matter?

Fleecy: In the run up to Christmas we intend to realise new AmigaDE products whilst also creating a range of merchandise to tie in with the public launch of AmigaOS4.0.

Over the longer term, we are looking for sales in both OEM and direct to customer markets and the company will start changing shape and bringing in new people as we seek to exploit the potential of the AmigaOS in traditional and non traditional markets.

3) smithy: With Symbian, Microsoft and Palm pretty much having the PDA/mobile operating system software market sewn up, what is Amiga Inc's strategy to achieve some market sales? Bearing in mind, that all of the above three systems can run Java 2 Micro Edition, today's standard for cross-platform Java on small devices, and hence nulling AmigaDE's main selling point of write once, run anywhere. Furthermore, AmigaDE is based on PersonalJava - which only supports a very old version of Java.

Fleecy: The AmigaDE is a total content solution which runs on any host supported by the Tao-Group with their Intent product. If they do not support it and we see a positive business case, we ask them to support it - as is the case with AmigaOS4.0, to be the first PPC version of the AmigaDE. If they will not support it, then we move on. Our emphasis is on selling content - games and applications, interfaces and tools in as many deployment formats as possible - bundle, CD, Card, Download, OTA etc.

Our opportunity domain is any digital device, anything from Smartphone to Server, as long as the Tao-Group can provide the host binding layer. In that respect other OSs are not competitors, they are opportunities because our content runs on them. Customers don't care about the implementation details of a solution, they care about the solution itself. If our content solution is attractive to OEMs, device manufacturers, content brokers or end users, then it will be successful and our research and contacts over the past 18 months give us cause for great optimism. If we find that a particular market or product either is not supported by the Tao-Group or else has a poor or ill defined business potential then we will not support it.

Daily I am researching and testing content and competing solutions on such platforms as PocketPC, Symbian, Java, Morphun, FatHammer, Palm and the like and I am more than happy with both our solution and the features, quality and performance of the DE content.

4) Asemoon: Aminet is now the center of PD and shareware software for the classic Amiga. But provides a mixture of various types of software from AmigaOS1.x programs to even WarpOS/MOS specific binaries. Are there any plans for a central files area for freely donwloadable AmigaOS4-compatible software?

Fleecy: The new Amiga Power Platform (APP) website will be launched just before the public launch of AmigaOS4.0 and will offer many such services to support, enhance and extend the community and platform.

5) Crumb: Have you planned to make the SDK interesting for different levels of coders? Have you included enough information and EXAMPLES in the autodocs? Will you include a decent reaction autodoc viewer that allows cut&paste? The editor of the sdk will at least show the parameters of each function (if it showed parameters of your own defined functions it would be even better) I mean... I want an IDE similar to RealBasic/Delphi/JBuilder...

Fleecy: We will be applying a lot of resources to the toolchain for AmigaOS4, finally implementing the Amiga Development Pipeline which provides a from concept to support description of the development process. As well as implementing various parts of it, the descriptive formats and interfaces will be open to allow for third parties to implement pieces themselves and to allow developers to build the pipeline using the components they wish. Thus a developer can chose between a complete IDE or the good old shell, giving them real choice and control over their development.

Key to AG2 and the whole Amiga philosophy is that the user is part of the environment and they can control and order it in anyway they want. This means anything from organisation of content through scripts, simple and complex all the way upto 'grown up' development languages for application developers. We intend to make this as simple to use as possible which means amongst other things, full, effective and most of all useful documentation.

6) Hybrid: Now there is an AmigaOne mainboard for Desktop, a Mini-itx one for small form factor AmigaOne computers. That's great but what about notebooks, handheld or tablet?

Fleecy: Stay tuned 8-)

7) AmigaMac: What will the future hold for PowerPC and Amiga? Will PowerPC remain in your long-term strategy?

Fleecy: PowerPC will be the only processor family we directly support for the AmigaOS4 release set. Once we reach AmigaOS5, we will support any processor family that provides us with business opportunity. PPC is certainly a processor family that offers that by the bucketload.

8) IonMane: In a previous Q&A it was stated tha the Gamepaks 1&2 were all sold out, and in a short timeframe I might add.How many gamepacks were sold and has AMiga Inc recieved the financial windfall from this deal as yet. Are there plans for another production of these (or similar)gamepaks for the near future (eg christmas)?

Fleecy: I can't divulge the financials but the purpose of the initial run was successful and we hope to have announcements soon about the consequences of that success. Sorry to be evasive but 'no announcements until we have something to announce' is what the community asked for and it is what we now feel comfortable in doing.

9) Zorro: There is a deal with Hyperion that if you (Ainc) were in serious trouble, you will give Hyperion rights to the name (or so...). If Amiga goes bust and someone buys them, they will have the license for the "Amiga" brand. But can US bankrupcy laws nullify any existing contracts (ie that with Hyperion) ?

Fleecy: I cannot go into the details but all that the community needs to know is that whatever could happen the future of the AmigaOS and the Amiga name has been safeguarded.

10) Crumb: Have you talked with Titan to make an OpenPCI library for OS4?

Fleecy: I am not entirely clear what has happened with OpenPCI and AmigaOS4.0 but the information I was able to collect suggests that some arrangement was made that effectively blocked this from occurring. If you want more details I suggest you contact Titan.

PCI is not a complicated implementation and AmigaOS4.0 already has a very good implementation which shows off the new library interface model.

(Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.
Originally available at
You may freely redistribute this article, providing that a URL is provided to the original source,
and the copyright notices remain intact)
(nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 19:41] [Comments: 0]
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Scenia (Website)

Music: Liquid Skies records #056
Liquid Skies released issue no. 56 of their music pack collection. The included track was composed by Bit-X.

Details about the track:

Title: Cygnum Zero
Artist: Bit-X
Style: Schranz
Duration: 4:35
Format: mp3 @160kbps

The compressed file is to be found at the title link. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

Updates of NewGui and AntiSpam
The anti-spam-software 'AntiSpam' is now using the NewGui and can display detailed information during the scan process. The new version uses a new algorithm to identify spam and can give an acoustic hint.

Some font problems have been fixed within NewGUI and the transparency demo is now working under MOS.

Download AntiSpam
Download NewGui (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2003, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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