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AROS for AmigaOS: AfA 4.8
Bernd Röschs "AROS für AmigaOS" (AfA) ist eine Portierung einzelner AROS-Komponenten auf AmigaOS 3 mit dem Ziel, neue Funktionalität von AROS auch unter AmigaOS verfügbar zu machen. Neu in Version 4.8 sind neben diversen beseitigten Fehlern eine Überarbeitung des AfA-Voreinstellers, außerdem werden inzwischen 22 Skins von Ken Lester mitgeliefert (Screenshot).

Die Änderungen im Detail:
  • The icon_lib.exe use now a buffer that fix Hits by displaying Icons in the NewIcon format
  • The saving of the Font cache was disable in the diskfont_lib.exe this fix problems with write protected Volumes
  • In the graphics_lib.exe a problem with RecFill was fixed that occure if it was used in the Border area
  • The blacklisting are extended that the program TypeSmith now works with the ToolType entry "bxxxTypeSmith" in the BlackList Icon. "bxxx" indicates that the hight of title bar are not set back to the defaults.
  • The max posibile value of the Icon-Size in the Afa_Prefs program are set to 256
  • Thomas Klein has fix a Hit in morelibspace, reported by Frank Weber
  • Thomas Klein extend AfA_OS_Loader to support the parameter "OPTIMAL" with it the AfA_OS_Libs are started in its optimal order
  • The AfA_Prefs program was revised by Thomas Klein, it is now complete localised and there are two new ToolTypes: "ForceSkin" tries to close and open the Workbench so that the settings are used for all windows at the end of the program. With "Layout=(0-2)" it is possible to switch between three layouts of the Window settings, 1 is the default its the one that are used in older versions. At 0 and 2 the stettings are grouped.
Direkter Download: AfA_OS_V4_8.lha (2,2 MB) (cg)

[Meldung: 15. Jul. 2017, 22:07] [Kommentare: 11 - 20. Jul. 2017, 07:08]
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